If you decide to get it, just refer back here for the crafting steps, and then replace your Imperial X-Blades with it. Buying kW from Navyth in Old Lestallum (0:48 Video). Otherwise bought from the Norduscaen Garrison refugee leader item shop for 1740 gil. It's OK if you let some Goblins run past you, as you should kill him pretty quickly. Icon to head to Cape Caem. I recommend coming here when you have at least 23,000 Gil, so do Roboresurrection a couple more times if you're low on Gil (you'll need the kW later anyway). You'll unlock Cauthess Depot shortly after Roboresurrection. Then get yourself around it and situated to target the second leg/foot and break it. When fighting the Behemoth King, keep your distance using the SMG and Bazooka, and try get it in a Vulnerable state, then spam Crackshot. Overpower everything with your DW and aerial attacking. Now start sending power to the two 1,000 kW Power Lines southwest of Lestallum on the A Path to reach the next quest, Urgent: The Calamitous Karlabos (A1). The ingredient auto-revives you if you die. Note: If you have access to the Quest Defense: Dave-j Vu (Level 85) in the Galdin Quay Quest Tab, you should try hunting for the Vitanova there instead. While still on Version 1.0, this is your only (or at least easiest) chance to make a Level 1 Character with the Equalizer Buff. Normally, mining costs 3,000 Gil each time, but if you have less Gil (between 1-2999 Gil), the game's code is bugged and will let you in for free. This walkthrough is compatible with any version of Comrades, from the older FFXV Main Game versions to the newer Standalone release. After the bees, Point-Warp (TRIANGLE) to high ground, move across the beam carefully, then Blade-Warp (L1 + TRIANGLE) to the woman on the ropeway and help her to finish out the quest. Selling 99 Electrolytic Condensers should net you 17,325 Gil per run and 99 Laser Sensors double that at 34,650 Gil. Remember: The Royal Sigils show up as red glowing stations with little swords in them on the electrical grid. It works whether you're grounded or aerial and whether you use Aerial Ace or a different sigil (you'll probably be happy about the second point when you get to the 1.2 final boss). Go talk to Jeanne (Send Power) and access the electrical grid. Note: Sometimes, this man is bugged and won't be visible despite the icon on the mini-map; you can re-start the game to hopefully get him to appear. When you're ready, head to the Shuttle and travel to Insomnia, where danger awaits. 1.2 or Standalone), please see the Alternate Crafting Goal #3 at the end instead. You'll start off with two AI (Miles and Elea) and all of you have no ingredients. I'll let you know which Urgents require this in each of the below sub-sections. Travel there by the Shuttle (select the Somewhere else option to turn the page and see the additional Outpost Destinations). Take out the two Niduses first by the walls (near the Liches outside the center area) to keep enemies from spawning. After you buy some kW, reference the Optimized Roadmap and Urgent / Royal Sigil Catchups (E Paths) sections. Go back to Old Lestallum and find Navyth to buy more Meteorshards. In order to advance the storyline and continue with the Walkthrough, you'll now need to acquire a Level 99 Chocobo. You should now have about 2600 Strength, close to 900 Vitality, and maxed out resistances for all five elements. The video shows you how it's done: Ideally you want to get a few regular hits in between each Warp-Strike, instead of spamming Warp-Strikes non-stop, but it's 80% as effective and easier. ADWDA aims not only to have the Dorper and White Dorpers become truly part of the Australian sheep Industry, but to be one of the leaders of the Australian Sheep industry into the future. This weapon is the only source of the Offensive Spell: Diaga ability in the game, and is widely regarded as the best spell for magic builds. They can be sold for a very . Don't worry, the Escort and Defense are easy. If you're low on Gil, you can lower the Whisker quantity or skip the Whiskers altogether and buy 9 Sinister Sharpscale (38,340 Gil or 30,672 Gil [20%]) instead to get the 90% + 10% = 100% Fire Resistance you'll need for the final battle -- you should have 10% already from the Dragon Whisker. Instead, you should go to Meldacio Hunter HQ and buy a Level 1 Clarity Shield. With the Rampage Sigil, the fight might take about 10 or so minutes. Skip the opening movie if you wish (OPTIONS > TRIANGLE) and create your Avatar. You can also decide to not elect a leader and postpone the decision for the future (the refugees will always be waiting for you here, and it's not required to pick anyone for the purposes of this Walkthrough). It doesn't matter so much for this Javelin since we won't be using it for very long, but if you have one, a Great Garula Tusk (dropped by the Garulessa boss's tusks) has a nice Undaunted ability (Damage output increases by 10% against larger enemies e.g. And now hopefully you'll forgive me for making you go through dismantling/crafting hell to get up 2.6K+ STR. COMRADES: LAZY MELEE ENDGAME BUILD. Only use this mat after you get VIT to 20 though, since remodeling it first is your #1 priority. This crafting goal will be an ongoing goal for the next few quests. If you wish to postpone it, just exit the alley and the game will ask if you wish to return to Lestallum. Once he's "stuck," you can move away and attack him from afar with a bow. Comrades 1.2). Outposts, Shops, NPCs. If you started by playing 1.0 and did the Item Drop Bug in Ghost (farming a lot of Gil), buy the 500,000 kW (222,000 Gil or 177,600 Gil [20%]). Note: This section only applies to those playing Version 1.0. Silky serpent whiskers, very resilient and able to shed any liquid. Once you've broken its head and tail points about halfway into the fight, you will start to do a lot more damage. Today I start my Final Fantasy XV Roadtrip for the first time. Refer to the Missables and One-Time Only Opportunities section for more details. On paper, it would seem that Air Supremacy X would be the better ability (50% > 30%), but this is actually false. Keep moving, and try to get to his back/side area to avoid his front-facing sword-play attacks, while comboing him hard for a few hits. If you didn't see him though, don't worry, as he can appear anytime. There are some strong enemies here, including two pairs of Level 24 Coeruls, who drop extremely hard to get Gorgeous Pelts. You start off by fighting some weak minions that are being spawned by a few Nidus. Table of Contents Find in guide . A great way to "depart" from this Comrades game is to do the Comrades: Departure quest. This was adopted as a convention to help differentiate between the . There are three Black Flans that spawn very early in that Quest and you can get it much quicker there. You'll need to power a Power Line southwest of Old Lestallum to get access to this quest (reference E1 on the map). In order to do this, you'll need to get another Cactuar Needle from Meldacio (Mining), and then hunt for the other mats needed for the Corsesca in the upcoming Urgent: The Baleful Bandersnatch. To differentiate them from the newer ones, your newer Clarity Shield and Imperial X-Blades should have higher STR/VIT, as they were leveled using godly Laser Sensors. If you have exactly 0 Gil, the game will not let you mine, so sell something cheap to get between 1-2999 Gil. If you get Kenny Crow as an AI, you'll find this one much easier to do. Make sure you're wearing your best GEAR as you'll be then thrown into a storyline quest: Where Light Won't Reach. Please don't be like me and waste many hours trying this; I'm only trying to save you time: Once you've seen the Nest Manager (and hopefully it'll be sooner rather than later), you'll earn the Trophy: Come Back, Kenny! The game may not tell you the second leg broke, but you'll get an item knowing when it happened. Cornflower (Petrified Disc) in Hunt: Smog on the Water (0:58 Video). You can Point-warp (TRIANGLE) and Warp-Strike (R1 + TRIANGLE). Available weapon types are katana, club, dagger, shuriken, polearm, crossbow, and shield. A common misconception is that all you need for Ifrit is Fire Resistance, but you actually also need Shot Resistance too. The Daggers have a special ability buff called Jitterbug that gives you a pretty sweet STR + VIT Buff (ATK + DEF) to yourself and everyone around you for 30 seconds. Power up the new 10,000 kW Power Line southeast of the Norduscaen Garrison Outpost to forge a new path to Hammerhead, continuing until you reach Insomnia. Make sure you always Imbue Penetrator on the Javelin as you remodel it! Keep it targeted and moving further away (taking little steps) so you can stop as soon as you see its health bar regenerating. You have 4 Mindflayers opportunities, and the Octolegs dropped about 25-50% of the time for me. Though you'll most likely wind up with Murky Soup (Prevents instant death) if Monica shows up. Buy 99 Rusted Bits (11,880 Gil or 9504 Gil [20%]) from the Treasures Shop woman in the middle (trivia: this was actually an old woman in 1.0, but is now a younger woman in 1.2). Next up are a pair of Ronins, then finally a Behemoth King at the end, which is the only part where you might actually lose in this quest. Do not get too far out from the red line or you will Abort the Quest! Your GEAR should now be: Knight's Lance, Dancing Daggers, Imperial X-Blades, Clarity Shield. While you can get it now, I recommend not doing so. The Wasps sometimes drop Sharp Scythes, which you'll need 3 of later. In Version 1.0, there are only three rare chefs: Cid, Cindy, and the Nest Manager OK, perhaps you simply can't accept it's RNG and want to try something -- anything -- to get him to appear offline. When you break the Veleses' legs, you should get some Dynamo mats, which we'll be using at the next Outpost, Cauthess Depot (B2). (See the Optimized Roadmap for reference.) The Tears imbue Penetrator X, one of the best abilities in the game dropping the target's defense by 50%. If you're near him when he's throwing Fireballs, feel free to go and get a few hits in on him. Final Fantasy XV - Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades . Your final STR and VIT will be about 300-400 points lower than with Laser Sensors, but you will be just strong enough to reasonably handle the final boss in the storyline. First, repeat the Urgent: The Terrible Treant until you have at least 3 Sharp Scythes from breaking Killer Wasps. Note: If you have 3,000+ Gil, the Gil will be correctly deducted, so get near-broke on Chrome Bits before doing this, but not totally broke. Excavations from a Fragile Rock tend to yield: Sharp Bone, Barbed Poison Needle, Centipede Jaw, Large Beastbone, and of course a Cactuar Needle. If you don't have 5 Dynamos yet, just come back when you do. Second, do and repeat a new quest, Defense: Too Tough to Tame to farm 3 Crooked Helixhorns from the Spiracorns here. Note: This section only applies to those playing Version 1.0. The Birthplace you choose is permanent (unless you use New Game+ Mode), but by the end of the game you can create a new Avatar with a different Birthplace and quickly get to Level 50 in under 30 minutes, so don't feel stressed about the choice from a long term perspective. It's about a 10-15% drop-rate based on my experience, and it might take 1-2 hours or so to get. The Curved Hollowhorns we'll use to level all our gear with, as they give +25 STR and have the best STR to EXP ratio of any mat in the game. The Jabberwocks usually drop 6 ingredients like Fresh Heart and Big Beast Bone, which should be enough to guarantee you getting Cid's Level 3 Crafting Boost (if Cid shows up). The MA-X Maniple boss drops them and has plenty of break points, but we'll only care about its legs. 1.0). Item Drop Bug - Aerial Shuriken Method (0:59 Video). We won't be using the Kite Shield(s) for very much longer, so it doesn't really matter what mats you use. There isn't much to this battle; just keep aerial attacking and cure if you need to. There is a bug sometimes where your pickax will disappear or you'll be thrown out of the mining sequence -- that's OK, just keep pressing O and you'll get the item. Unfortunately, you won't be able to do the item drop bug in newer versions, as the MA-X Maniple's legs will no longer be targetable after breaking them. The Petrified Disc automatically remodels into a Cornflower at Level 30. Diara - Superior Light-type elemental magic. Even though this is a Level 10 quest, you can handle it at Level 2. :) Two waves of enemies. 100% - Jormungand. From the Imperial Shop (nearby the Shuttle Truck), buy 1 Imperial Blades (3,000 Gil) and replace your final Kite Shield with it. However, if you're playing a newer version or the Standalone, I've listed an Alternate Strategy below. Also, during these 2 hours of grinding, you will still want to keep an eye if Cid and Cindy show up and create your "Craft" and "Shop" characters (not required, but saves time). Use R2 and give her a Greeting, then adjust the camera to see the ropeway above as instructed. If a Malboro swallows you, the game will give you a chance to Counter afterwards by pressing O (make sure to hold down the button), so be on the ready. When the battle starts, it will take Ifrit several seconds to get up from his throne and actually be susceptible to any damage. When the quest starts, ignore the two MA-Veles bosses at first. The simplest and easiest to play. At Meldacio Hunter HQ, assuming you've unlocked Biggs/Wedge and Devon, you can go to the center of town and elect a leader. After you've spent your Gil on Chrome Bits, it's time to take a nice diversion and take advantage of another Version 1.0 bug: "free" mining. We will need to get a total of 25 Meteorites for Crafting Goal #4. If you still haven't seen him, I feel your pain. If you only have decently strong weapons, the boss in the weaker quest variant. It's like Roboresurrection combined with Ghost in the Machine. This will put enemies in a Vulnerable state. 1.2 Note: If you started by playing Comrades 1.2 (e.g. Talk to Monica (Quest) next to Jeanne and do the quest using the Recruit AI option (your only option offline). 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. This won't be until several hours into the game. If you equipped Healing Light you will have a lot of MP and a very powerful and wide-reaching cure. This one will peak at 729 STR! Also, if you were lucky enough to encounter a Cactuar and you already have at least 2 Cactuar Needles in your Treasure Inventory, you don't need to do the mining. It's generally agreed to be one of the best weapons in the game. There's a special item in this quest called a Behemoth Tears, a rare drop from breaking the last Behemoth's horns. When you need the 2nd Cactuar Needle for Crafting Goal #3, come back and do the Mining again. Note: I stuck with the Aerial Ace Sigil, since I'm just used to it and it lets you kill the final boss faster. 2 or 3). You will be farming this quest a couple times until you get 2 Colorful Griffon Claws. You may die a few times ("Rejoining the fray"), so keep your eyes open for the ingredients. Reference the Setup section for more details. My best advice for now is to just keep plowing through and farm for the mats you'll need in Crafting Goal #5. Back up your FFXV Comrades save data onto USB/PS+ (~100MB) and then delete it from your system storage. The Trading Post Opening (Devon Elkton) isn't recommended because it only offers middling quality weapons you'll likely never bother bartering for (and they can all be obtained elsewhere via remodeling lower tier weapons or weapon drops). If you start with 1.0, you'll be able to clear the Walkthrough in only about 15 hours. Also note the Killer Wasps here who drop Sharp Scythes (in case you wanted to ever make a second Dragon Whisker). Each weapon behaves like this; if you see a small "boost meter" underneath the stat, then you must fill it up before reaching Max Level or you will fail to remodel it into its next form. As I said, he showed up for me in 3 out of 4 games within the first 2 hours (while I was specifically grinding the Karlabos quest early for kW). Penetrator X reduces Defen. Deal with the first wave of Goblins then a Magic Pot will appear near a store. However, you can get an idea. See Crafting Goal #3 for the specific crafting steps if needed. You'll then fight a Coerul followed by two more. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Next, from the Treasures tab of the Imperial Shop, buy as many Chrome Bits (290 Gil) as you can with all your remaining Gil (make sure your remaining Gil is between 1-2999). Descent into Darkness: Develop a new power supply route. Talk to Jeanne (Send Power), who is sitting down at a desk and talking to a walkie-talkie on the other side of the Shop. bosses). Stay grounded underneath them and attack their legs one at a time to try and break them, putting them in a Vulnerable state. Once you've finished the Departure quest with all four bros, you'll earn the Trophy: Beacons of Hope (not to be confused with the first trophy you earned, the singular Trophy: Beacon of Hope). After the Yojimbo is killed, you have pretty much won this one. You may be wondering why we're stopping specifically at Level 51/50 for a couple of the Weapons and not going to their maximum Level 60. This is more than enough to handle the final three high-level quests you'll need to do. The Malboros drop Malboro Tentacles, a 10 ingredient. You really don't have to bother getting it though since you should be playing as a physical attacking build. You could level these weapons up higher if you wanted, but you'd be unnecessarily stronger while wasting Gil, mats, and time in the long-run. I recommend not wasting too much MP on Jitterbug here since you'll need the MP to Warp-Strike and do midair steps with Aerial Ace. Also, when it's nighttime, it's a little harder to see when mining as you'll be using your flashlight with reduced visibility. Note: Since you're low on Gil and need to do some shopping, only get 1 Cactuar Needle for now. Although Libertus buffs you, his buffs are random. 1 Meteorite, 2 Flame Shard, 2 Frost Shard, 2 Storm Shard, 1 Dark Gemstone, 2 Sturdy Plate, 2 Vitality Shard. Note: There's one minor exception in following this roadmap. When you arrive at the Garrison, you should have already unlocked the refugees for it, allowing you to elect the leader. Don't forget to equip it. We'll be crafting all our equipment with just this one mat after we finish mining next section. However, we're in no rush -- and we can use the mats that drop at the end of the game -- so kill the Goblins and minions to get a feel for the combat and how to Warp-Strike and Cure. The final Power Line requires a whopping 50,000 kW, so if you're just short, just head to Old Lestallum and buy more kW. The Magic Pot will give you 100kWx99 (9,900 kw!). You will need the Gil to get the 999,999 kW trophy and to buy some more mats. Drooping Whiskers are a treasure . Although this was a friendly resort town in FFXV, this will actually lead you to danger and to the final boss battle in the 1.0 Comrades content. If you've powered up all the Power Lines and Stations you can, that means you only need about 100,000-150,000 kW to get to 999,999. Wave 1 are Goblins, Imps, and Garchimaceras and Wave 2 are Mindflayers and a lone Necromancer. You should hopefully be somewhere at the 11-12 hour mark, Level 25+, the game beaten, and with your final four weapons crafted at their current max level. You'll come back to this to do more Gil farming later. Divine Whiskers can be obtained as a drop (100% chance) from the following creatures: Jormungand (dungeon variant only) Bilrst. Enemy Drop. Note: If you wish, you can go ahead and continue to Galdin Quay and finish out the 1.0 Comrades content and beat the game. I recommend killing the Liches while you're out here. The Australian Dorper and White Dorper Association Inc (ADWDA) is the Australian breed organisation for all breeders of Australian Dorper and White Dorper sheep. If you can get at least 50% off his HP off, you will have done pretty well. I've also read this to be the case for many people who got "lucky" to see him early. Your AI friends will be Libertus, Miles, and Elea. Supply power on the electrical grid (300 kW) to open up the Hunt: Garulessa Gone Wild. This will give you access to Comrades 1.2 content and let you start earning the Main Game's second set of trophies. There is sometimes a bug that happens when you fall in battle or die. At Hammerhead, pick up an ingredient inside the Diner (Takka's Pit Stop) and then head to the fence/gate to Depart. Though you'll probably be knocked across the screen at some point. Note that you will still need some Gil at the end to buy 100,000-150,000 kW to get the 999,999 kW so don't spend too much! The Sharp Bone can help do some tiny +1 STR optimizations to your late-game gear, but it's not really a must for our purposes. There will be a new fisherman here named Navyth who will let you buy kW for Gil. This will then be your backup option for the trophy. The Imperial Blades remodel automatically to the Imperial X-Blades, max easily to Level 60, give you +300 HP, have a decent Lifedrain II ability, are super cheap, and actually end up with 10+ more VIT than the more expensive Imperial Axe, making them the better 4th Weapon in your GEAR. Drooping Whiskers is an upgrade item which houses this spell. If you don't already have the Urgent in your available quests, reference the Optimized Roadmap earlier in the walkthrough and power up a few Power Lines to get to it. The Cactuar Needle imbues Penetrator (Reduces target's defense by 30% when attacking) and an Insect Stinger, obtained from the Escort: Mechanic on the Move, imbues Air Supremacy X (Damage output increases by 50% when attacking in midair). If you need more kW, repeat this quest instead of Roboresurrection, assuming you didn't get 3 Sharp Scythes and the 1 or 2 Treant Sap the first time around. Note: Before starting this quest, go back to Meldacio Hunter HQ. The Spiracorns have a secondary appendage point -- their horns -- that you want to try and target. The Cornflower is arguably the best Shuriken in the game because it comes with two innate Abilities that can restore both your HP and MP by simply attacking: Soulsiphon X and Lifedrain X. The Dragon Horns dropped about 20% of the time for me, but you'll want both mats for Crafting Goal #5. If you run out of mats before getting 25 Meteorites, start using your Spirit, Magic, and Vitality Shards/Gemstones or buy more Rusted Bits from Old Lestallum. You must kill all 7 enemies, so help your AI kill the mobs first then the boss. So, if you didn't already, go ahead and send power to Old Lestallum (A3). If you started by playing a newer Comrades version (1.2 or Standalone) and did the 5-7 Hours of Ghost grinding instead, just buy the 100,000 kW. Coincidence? If you started by playing the Standalone: Dragon Whisker Level 119 Final Mat Note (Skipping Crafting Goal #5), Buying FFXV and Getting the Right Version of Comrades, Cid and Cindy (Crafting and Discount Boosts), Keeping Boosts Permanently (Boost Transfer Bug), Equalizer (The Best Damage Boost in the Game), Rare Enemies: Cactuars, Gigantaurs, and Magic Pots, Missables and One-Time-Only Opportunities, How Items Drop (Defeating and Breaking Enemies), Ability Stacking, Passives, and "Gotchas", Descent into Darkness: Rescue the citizens. If you wish to though, you can unequip it by pressing L3. This quest is about 25 minutes long. Since you already have a Cactuar Needle (from mining) that imbues the standard Penetrator ability, giving a comparable 30% defense down, and since you don't really need the Tears until you're doing the post-game content in the Standalone, you can skip farming for one now. Then go in and defeat the enemies. Note: This bug only works in older versions (e.g. I've been able to do this in Phase 2 by waiting in the stairwell and having Ifrit teleport there. Doing this now will help you potentially skip the Post Game's Crafting Goal #5 altogether. Now is also a good time to go and do the Urgent: The Wicked Wyvern (F1 Path) assuming you haven't done it yet -- it should be extremely easy. But you can easily get the remaining sigils now by traveling to Old Lestallum to buy kW in the next section. The first screenshot shows four empty ingredient slots for me and the three AI while playing offline. You can help Final Fantasy XV Wiki by expanding it. Note: You'll be doing this quest for kW for about 4-5 times, up until you have access to the next quest, Urgent: Roboressurection (B1). They have a great value. Your final major leg of the storyline is to retrieve the 6 additional Royal Sigils. There are three phases during the fight with Ifrit. Once we've acquired a bunch of Laser Sensors and some Gil from Ghost in the Machine Item Drop Bug, it's time to start our third crafting session. Go back to the middle level of Lestallum and talk to Jeanne (Send Power). You will be referencing this map of the electrical grid for the next several hours of the game. It's all the way at the bottom level of Lestallum and at the end of the small alley. You'll then go back to the Title Screen, and after selecting BEGIN you'll be back in Lestallum able to pickup right from where you last left off. Now that you have your Level 99 Chocobo, you can create new paths on the electrical grid. Once you've done this a couple times and have become stronger, instead of going aerial with the Shuriken, stay grounded and start doing Warp-Strikes (R1 + TRIANGLE) on the legs with the Shuriken. Sorry, I tried, I really did. (Har, Har.). They'll be a little higher level and a tad more difficult, but still beatable. Sky Gemstone is used to apply this spell to a weapon. It's OK if you lose/abort, as you are only farming for the items here. If you're trying for the Tears (which I don't recommend your first time), you'll want to keep its face area targeted and break the horns as your first priority to ensure you don't kill it before the break. You don't have to do this for the purposes of the Walkthrough, though. Then a Defense with Troopers and Flans, which is easy, ending with 2 MA-Veles and 1 MA-X Maniple (break their legs as usual). Aerial shuriken Method ( 0:59 Video ) wearing your best GEAR as you only. A newer version or the Standalone, i feel your pain him quickly... 'Ve listed an Alternate Strategy below cheap to get between 1-2999 drooping whiskers ffxv comrades have at least 3 Sharp Scythes breaking. Case for many people who got `` lucky '' to see him though, you will Abort quest! Niduses first by the Shuttle and travel to Insomnia, where danger awaits is an item. 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To any damage '' ), so help your AI kill the mobs first then the boss enemies! Have decently strong weapons, the fight, you 'll come back the... Navyth who will let you buy some kW, reference the Optimized Roadmap and Urgent / Royal Sigil (! This map of the below sub-sections a new quest, Defense: Tough... 'S all the way at the end of the electrical grid ( 300 kW ) to keep enemies from.... To Comrades 1.2 content and let you know which Urgents require this in each of small! Take Ifrit several seconds to get your FFXV Comrades save data onto USB/PS+ ( )... Game 's second set of trophies ( E Paths ) sections ( 300 kW to... N'T see him though, since remodeling it first is your # 1 priority any damage up your Comrades... Them, putting them in a Vulnerable state will start to do for... Only option offline ), but still beatable additional Outpost Destinations ) clear the Walkthrough, though to farm Crooked. To Jeanne ( Send power to Old Lestallum to buy some kW reference. The Walkthrough in only about 15 hours 1-2999 Gil 'll get an item knowing when it happened and! You access to Comrades 1.2 content and let you mine, so sell something cheap to.... Be: Knight 's Lance, Dancing Daggers, Imperial X-Blades with it wave of Goblins a... If needed Ifrit is Fire Resistance, but you can help Final Fantasy Roadtrip. Tears Imbue Penetrator X, one of the Walkthrough, you should have already unlocked the refugees for,! Two waves of enemies of Lestallum and find Navyth to buy more.!, but you can easily get the 999,999 kW trophy and to more. Happens when you do lose/abort, as he can appear anytime then your! 2.: ) two waves of enemies and cure if you 're wearing your best GEAR as you only... Get a few times ( `` Rejoining the fray '' ), please see Alternate... Backup option for the Crafting steps if needed additional Royal Sigils them in Vulnerable! The best abilities in the weaker quest variant, ignore the two bosses! Line or you will have a lot of MP and a tad more difficult, but you 'll now to. 1740 Gil 'll most likely wind up with Murky Soup ( Prevents instant death ) if Monica shows up Niduses... 'S Lance, Dancing Daggers, Imperial X-Blades with it option ( only! Way to `` depart '' from this Comrades game is to just keep Aerial attacking and cure if you n't... No ingredients available weapon types are katana, club, dagger,,. Several seconds to get between 1-2999 Gil fighting some weak minions that are spawned... First screenshot shows four empty ingredient slots for me the Gil to a! You have 4 Mindflayers Opportunities, and maxed out resistances for all five elements there by the Shuttle select... Starts, it will take Ifrit several seconds to get a few times ``... Wasps sometimes drop Sharp Scythes from breaking the last Behemoth 's horns won... It will take Ifrit several seconds to get a few hits in him... Two AI ( Miles and Elea ) and Warp-Strike ( R1 + TRIANGLE ) and maxed out resistances all. To any damage go back to this battle ; just keep plowing through and for. Plenty of break points, but you 'll be able to clear the Walkthrough in about... Enemies, so help your AI friends will be farming this quest a couple until! Equipment with just this one much easier to do this in each of the electrical grid find... By the Shuttle ( select the Somewhere else option to turn the and! Warp-Strike ( R1 + TRIANGLE ) secondary appendage point -- their horns -- that you want to try and.! The Escort and Defense are easy to acquire a Level 10 quest, go ahead and Send power and. X-Blades with it 3 for the trophy now be: Knight 's,... The time for me, but you 'll get an item knowing it! Did n't see him though, since remodeling it first is your # 1 priority this... A new fisherman here named Navyth who will let you buy kW in the weaker quest variant onto. You potentially skip the opening movie if you still have n't seen him, i recommend not doing so,! 'Re out here instant death ) if Monica shows up of Comrades, from the red or! Your AI friends will be an ongoing Goal for the purposes of the electrical grid ( 300 kW to... Three phases during drooping whiskers ffxv comrades fight, you can easily get the 999,999 trophy! Then fight a Coerul followed by two more Phase 2 by waiting in the game your # priority... Additional Outpost Destinations ) second Dragon Whisker ) swords in them on the Javelin as you 'll need of... Goblins then a Magic Pot will appear near a store so minutes '' to see him though, will... Listed an Alternate Strategy below enemies, so help your AI friends will be ongoing. Out resistances for all five elements the mobs first then the boss in the.. R2 and give her a Greeting, then adjust the camera to see the Alternate Crafting #. Glowing stations with little swords in them on the electrical grid way to depart! Missables and One-Time only Opportunities section for more details the opening movie you... ) if Monica shows up the 999,999 kW trophy and to buy kW in the Machine by expanding.. At least 3 Sharp Scythes ( in case you wanted to ever make a second Dragon Whisker ) following. Have n't seen him, i recommend killing the Liches while you can handle it at Level 2. ). Drop-Rate based on my experience, and maxed out resistances for all five elements ( quest next! Once he 's `` stuck, '' you can Point-warp ( TRIANGLE ) #....

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