The Cherubim belonged to the tutelage of the Law. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.' Cf. At any rate he found in the matchless wing-power of the eagle a sublime image of an inspiring and God-seeking man. Halsey.We find the same idea also in the New Testament with spiritual applications. (LUKE 1.) THE ENCOURAGEMENT HERE BESTOWED ON THE FULFILMENT OF THE DUTY REQUIRED, renewed strength shall be imparted. If then those who run are not weary, the same when they walk shall not faint. It should put the worshipers of idols to shame. First, the purged ear of the prophet hears the divine command to him and to his brethren--Comfort Jerusalem with the message of the Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy Scripture, The Shepherd and the Fold Thou hast guided them in Thy strength unto Thy holy habitation.' Not only in the immediate exercises of religion, but at all times the Christian will be animated by a spirit of devotion. The older Jewish commentators imagined they discovered here a reference to an ancient belief that at a certain time the eagle plunged into the sea and bathed off his worn-out plumage, and that afterwards new feathers grew. The love of created things is deceiving and unstable, but the love of Jesus is faithful and lasting. They were now coupled up to the source of the power, and the effect of every pulse of the engine was communicated to them, and had it run one hundred miles an hour so would they have done. Then the sacred words of the text will be fulfilled.I. My soul! Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received at the LORD 's hand double for all her sins. Halsey.The spiritual teaching of this verse is, that for all the stages and moods of our life-pilgrimage Heaven's grace is available and sufficient.(J. If you and I have this grace, and if we practise it, what may we expect?1. There are two wings in our spiritual ascent faith and obedience. Any special duty, also, tends, by its very specialty, to brace us for the doing of it; there is, moreover, the goal in view, and the prize to be won. The national life was restored, and that restoration of national life in the Jews is unique in the history of mankind; you cannot point to anything like it since man walked this earth, but it took place. But I believe that the preaching of the high ideal, divorced from the preaching of its attainment by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, is the reason for more than one-half the cynicism that you find amongst men from thirty-five to forty at the present day. HOW ARE WE TO RENEW OUR STRENGTH? By a sudden impetus or effort. But at the last, evil is found to be in its nature only decay. And the first thing that strikes us is the language used by the prophet language so far removed from mere formal expression. He who looks only at the burden of the world, and only sees its sorrow and shame, has not got to the last analysis of its meaning; he has not touched the Rock, is floundering in the mud. Is this really so? But hope feeds upon every act to which it prompts, and it grows thereby.2. A. If we trust and obey, obey and trust, we rise into a purer atmosphere, and have a clearer vision we live in the very presence of God. In point of comfort. And God, in His omnipotence and faithfulness, is willing to work in my heart every moment of the day. Full provision has been made to supply this need of the soul. 3 I'd part with all the joys of sense To gaze upon thy throne; Pleasure springs fresh for ever thence, Unspeakable, unknown. But that stage, too, passes. Nor can you force things in a normal and healthy child. "THEY SHALL RUN AND NOT BE WEARY." True piety has no greater enemy than fanaticism, which some are so undiscriminating as to confound with the fervours of true religion. Let us rejoice in the Lord evermore, and again we say, rejoice. Is this really so? Jones. ALL RENEWAL OF STRENGTH SHOULD BE REGULAR. Some who like to trace the analogy between the works of nature and the works of grace, may perhaps have seen a flower which the storms of night have severely shaken, towards the morning turn wistfully to the dawn, and seem to be waiting for the coming day. In such moods we need to look away from the crowds, and from the glaring lights of the city, to the calm glories of the moon, and the stars above our heads. There is many a young man who thinks, "I find plenty of occupation for my energy in the service of the world, but if I become a religious man, then I am sure to become a poor, lifeless, morose character." Under such circumstances it is that, in the Divine ordering of things, what are called distresses, infirmities, and even great sorrows, are blessed of God to the opening of their nature and to the renewing of their spiritual strength. The flash of inspiration brings eager enthusiasm; you actively pursue your ideal for a time, and then, because of the steepness of the place, you come down to a painful walk. Wait for the power of the Holy Spirit every day. WHEREIN CONSISTS THE STRENGTH SPOKEN OF BY THE PROPHET?1. What do you say, Christian tradesman you upon whom God hath laid the responsibilities of home and family you Christian citizen-you whom the arrows of affliction have wounded you proclaimer of the Lord's message?2. That is His great legacy to the Church. 11 O God, a world of empty show, Dark wilds of restless, fruitless quest Lie round me wheresoe'er I go: Within, with Thee, is rest. In such moods we need to look away from the crowds, and from the glaring lights of the city, to the calm glories of the moon, and the stars above our heads. What a cheering revelation: "Your God!" Too soon a hard and cynical world converts our ingenuous confidence into self-mistrust. If you and I have this grace, and if we practise it, what may we expect?1. But without God, without true hope.(W. Let us not be impatient of them. T he general style of the prophecies is poetical. In religious experience youth is the time of wings. THE HIGHEST STRENGTH IS DEVELOPED IN THE HIGHEST ACTIVITY. Halsey. Wesley fashioned modern England by faith. Even the drudgery of life can be transfigured in the light of the Father's love. God seems to observe in spiritual things a similar order to that which exists in natural things. (3) Here is the swiftness and agility of the motion. This renewing influence must come from God; surely that is a statement in harmony both with reason and with Scripture. (1) The delay of answering our prayers (Luke 18:1). ALL RENEWAL OF STRENGTH SHOULD BE REGULAR. Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain. Voysey, B. A.I. Isaiah 40:31 Chuck Smith: "GOD'S STRENGTH" Intro: Isaiah called miniature Bible, 66 chapters, 66 books. L. Wiseman, B. A.But it is said the prophet gives us the natural order. Our spiritual strength seems to include chiefly three things 1. L. Wiseman, B. A.But is the prophet translated rightly? "Our soul waiteth for the Lord; He is our help and shield." I brought but little there. Then come the social affections, with the elementary forms of the intellect. The truth lies the other way! "Waiting upon the Lord." Endeavour in every possible way to cultivate this holy, humble, dependent spirit.(H. EXODUS XV. L. Wiseman, B. A. At a certain junction the train by which I was travelling was divided into two parts. In quality. Whereas the man who has worn himself out by impatience, or yielded himself up to despair, is too inert or too distracted to take adequate advantage of the fresh opportunities which may come at last. 1. There are divers things which we are liable to faint at, which yet the Scripture takes us off from fainting at. A. Indeed I think we poor walkers sometimes make the most progress, for we lean more entirely on God and draw more constant supplies of His grace.(C. And when He Calls us home, He who sits upon the circle of the heavens, and sees all the sorrow of this world as you and I can never see it, bids us "Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." This was the strength which was in Paul before his conversion. But the ordinary homely duty of the work-day world the monotonous path which must be daily trod, this indeed requires the most abiding patience. They shall mount up with wings like eagles. Hast thou not known? )Waiting upon GodAndrew Murray.One brother in the ministry asked me, "Is there not a danger of too great passivity?" And when a contrary disposition is charged upon Israel, the Psalmist expresses it by saying, "They waited not for His counsel": that is, they wanted it not, nor meant to follow it, and therefore would not wait to receive it. It is precisely because he is not tired that the man of God does not stop. That is your great need. The strength spoken of is a moral, or more properly a spiritual quality. They shall run, or march on, and not be weary. Steady attachment to the ways of God. Rapid progress. The original is 'lead gently.' In short, it is a grace, just as much as the grace of faith, or love, or humility. We come to a state in which there is a direct influence of the soul of God exerted upon us as direct as sight and voice are to the bodily senses. Funny how people think that they can get more accomplished in a lifetime, Funny how everyone wants to go to heaven, provided they don't have to. V. Forgetting the things that are behind, etc.2. Seeking to become wise unto salvation out of His written Word, and in meditation on its soul-inspiring contents.III. These two things seem very far away: man with his faintness, God with His eternity and inexhaustible omnipotence. Comforts the people.Dictionary of Bible ThemesIsaiah 40:314612birds4690wings5763attitudes, positive to God5767attitudes, in prayer8150revival, personal8463priority, of faith, hope and love9612hope, in God9615hope, results ofIsaiah 40:27-316233rejection, experienceIsaiah 40:28-315537sleeplessness8724doubt, dealing withIsaiah 40:29-315057rest, physicalIsaiah 40:30-315178running8145renewal, people of GodLibraryApril 18. "Waiting is often the only means of receiving fresh energy." The man of God, the man who waits on God, is equal to any emergency, is equal to any strength. So it is in the spiritual life: we can make no provision of grace for the future; we are called to depend upon God day by day. A change from one kind of strength to another. And it is this that tries our mettle most of all. It is a grand thing that there is one time in our lives when we have wings. Waiting on God not only gives strength, it gives inspiration. The man who waits upon God has three cardinal qualities which above all others will tend to the conquest of the world buoyancy of spirits, activity, and perseverance; the man who can command these is the man who will win.(F. WE SEE WHAT THE LORD'S WAITING PEOPLE NEED. Entwisle.I. He outflies many of the petty vexations and grovelling desires that drag a worldling down into the mire. But there are other thoughts that come to us in the quietude of the Divine fellowship. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might He increaseth strength.' But as they came round the curve from one line to the other friction and gravitation asserted their power. First, the purged ear of the prophet hears the divine command to him and to his brethren--Comfort Jerusalem with the message of the Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureThe Shepherd and the Fold Thou hast guided them in Thy strength unto Thy holy habitation.' To "renew their strength."1. It expresses a solid endurability such as belongs to a stiff piece of oak that never bends and never breaks under heavy pressure. 2. Even when He hides His face (Isaiah 8:17). Spasmodic efforts are dangerous. The complaint of a heathen. They that wait upon the Lord shall "change," that is, they shall have another strength bestowed upon them, and such as will be more useful to them. Halsey.But, you say, if this progression of ideas is a true climax, flying, running, walking why stay there? We have found that after all we have to live on terra firma. Reflections . God means that every soul which waits on Him shall not creep in the muck and the mire, nor crouch in abject slavery to men or devils. I t would be improper to propose an alteration, though a slight one, in the reading of a text, without bearing my testimony to the great value of our English version, which I believe, in point of simplicity, strength, and fidelity, is not likely to be excelled by a new translation John NewtonMessiah Vol. Their faith at one time is supported only by the promises,,-at other times by their own experience (Psalm 27:14; Lamentations 3:25, 26; Isaiah 30:18; Isaiah 49:23).3. Beyond a doubt, faith, prayer; or, if you will, humility and confidence in a beautiful equipoise, balancing one another on either side, so that the soul sustains itself in mid-air and flies upward. Alexander, D. D.I. SPIRITUAL LIFE DEMANDS RENEWAL. The more willing we are o wait upon God the better it is for us; for He pays for time and gives us the more because we have waited.(T. Trust in the Lord.II. THE IMPORT OF THE DECLARATION, that they who thus wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; or, as the words might be translated, shall be renewed in strength.1. Hence it is for these that the prophet chiefly writes. THE DEMONSTRATION OR CONFIRMATION OF THIS. I said "Oh yes, my brother, as long as we think it is our activity that must do it, then passivity robs us of time and strength. In vain all my lonely musing, in vain all my bustle in the kingdom of Christ, if consistency of daily life does not accompany the whole. )Strength renewed by waiting on the LordA. And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it. This sense of the word gives us another part of the character of those that wait upon the Lord. Becoming weak as water, he shall not excel (Genesis 49:4).2. The complaint of a heathen. I brought but little there. If public worship helps you to this direct personal communion with God, I need not say you are bound to attend it; you are sure to do so of your own free will without any pressure. But He requires, as the condition of our receiving His grace, that we sincerely feel and humbly acknowledge our need of it; and that, ceasing from our own wisdom, and confessing from the heart our own weakness, we throw ourselves unreservedly upon His wisdom and strength. Is this the same as saying that we shall have the power of steady perseverance, of patient endurance under protracted trial? If they hear of a medicinal spring far off in the mountains they hesitate not to undertake the journey, and undergo the hardships of the rugged way, that they may test the efficacy of the mineral waters. (1) The first typifies lofty aspiration and heroic action. It is a running and a walking. Xl. Usually we have, at any rate, just a little strength, and then waiting upon Him means not only prayer and uplooking, but doing His commandments like the angels, who because they do them excel in strength.II. WE SEE HOW A TRUE CHURCH MAY BE DESCRIBED. As near as I can judge, this continued about an hour; and kept me the greater part of the time in a flood of tears and weeping aloud.. For the less strength we feel we have, the more we shall need and ask from Him. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might He increaseth strength.' Zeal to the soul is what animal heat is to the body. They diligently attend to, and take peculiar delight in, all His service and will.II. "They shall mount up. There is also the heroic courage in speeding one's way as on eagle's wings in defiance of earth-born cries and warnings, and in lofty scorn of earthly interests and pursuits. It is precisely because he is not tired that the man of God does not stop. It is not a stationary state. "Because of His strength," says the Psalmist, "I will wait upon Him, for God is my defence." "Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart." "Our soul waiteth for the Lord . So to-day in every Christian Church, in every Christian enterprise, in every modern fight for righteousness and truth, there are some men who never know when they are defeated; there are some men who, because of this, are invulnerable men; and the men who, when cast down always say there is lifting up, the men who can live and die for Divine ideas, the men who to-day are converting savage races into Christian peoples and working out in painful and prosaic details, and with much danger to their lives in some cases, the glowing dreams of ancient seers respecting the transformation of mankind, these are they who wait in secret on their God.(T. Among all the names that reveal God, this, the "God of all comfort," seems to me one of the loveliest and the most absolutely comforting. "Wait on the Lord," says Solomon, "and He shall save thee." If they hear of a medicinal spring far off in the mountains they hesitate not to undertake the journey, and undergo the hardships of the rugged way, that they may test the efficacy of the mineral waters. Yet I venture to question whether such a discourse would strike the central teaching of the prophet. "THEY SHALL MOUNT UP WITH WINGS AS EAGLES." The Philistines were utterly unable to find out in what the amazing strength of Samson consisted, until he revealed it to his espoused wife. who can bring life out of decay? "These wait all upon Thee; that Thou mayest give them their meat in due season." Bible Study & Sermon Videos; isaiah-40:4-31-niv; Isaiah-40:4-31-niv. T he general style of the prophecies is poetical. And when He Calls us home, He who sits upon the circle of the heavens, and sees all the sorrow of this world as you and I can never see it, bids us "Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." L. Wiseman, B. Though it seems tiny, it is real fire, and it can set the world ablaze. He first became known as a preacher of the first rank during his pastorate over the large Presbyterian church in Evanston, Illinois. )Godly optimismF. The period of fresh, wild enthusiasms; the season of zeal without discretion, when all sorts of impossibilities are dreamed, all sorts of vain things attempted. Presently a new appetite for food was awakened, and a new life crept into my ten fingers; walking became a delight, and preaching as easy as for a lark to sing. It means prayer much more than an occasional supplication, however real; it means persistent, persevering, continual prayer; it means an abiding attitude of trustful dependence upon God; it means all that is wrapped up in those beautiful words, "Oh, rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him"; it means trust in the Lord and do good; it means trust in the Lord at all times, for with Him is everlasting strength, and have no confidence in self.2. There is a double kind of change to be observed.1. We use the word "wait" with reference to service: a servant "waits" upon his master or his master's guests. Watch the bird in the air. Steady attachment to the ways of God. He was that, but that is not the last analysis of the character of the Lord Jesus Christ. In such moods we need to look away from the crowds, and from the glaring lights of the city, to the calm glories of the moon, and the stars above our heads. Who, of all men who ever lived upon the earth, was the One who had the sorrow of the world nearest to His heart? We only teach and preach from the King James Version. "The men of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light." Paul had had his eagle "flights," but he did not make much of them. So it is possible for the Christian to be moving on by a power that very soon expends itself, and by a process of exhaustion he falls back again under the gravitating influence of his evil tendencies. Watch the bird in the air. The preaching of John Baptist foretold9. "The men of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light." THE RESULT. But you picture the life of the Lord Jesus Christ from the wrong angle, if you picture Him only as "the Man of sorrows, acquainted with grief." A. --Isaiah 40:1. This is the highest of all exercises of spiritual strength, and effectually prepares for all the rest. This large world, the spiritual, into which Isaiah has ushered us, includes all worlds, for it is as limitless as its Ruler. "Even though this may happen, it is different with those who wait for Jehovah," i.e., those who believe in Him; for the Old Testament applies to faith a number of synonyms denoting trust, hope, and longing, and thus describes it . The will is strengthened by holy exercises in godly purposes. 5. Why not logically carry the idea further, and say that standing still is the sublimest consummation of the Divine life in many Even so. "(1) Thus moved, the believer strives above all things, and in all things, after perfect likeness to his Saviour in personal character. "THEY THAT WAIT UPON THE LORD SHALL RENEW THEIR STRENGTH."1. This phrase is descriptive, not merely of an occasional exercise, but of what is, or ought at least to be, the constant temper and frame of the believer's mind.II. Here is a Christian, bewildered, not quite knowing why he has so perpetually failed. WE SEE HOW A TRUE CHURCH MAY BE DESCRIBED. First comes the "flying" stage. "They that wait upon the Lord."II. The preaching of the apostles foretold12. But they are only painted cloud. Let us not be impatient of them. By that renovation and increase of spiritual strength which is the effect of waiting on the Lord, His people acquire greater alacrity and perseverance in doing His will. I. A DIVINE PROMISE. Then intuitions become truths not fitful, nor irregular, not based upon inchoate and undigested knowledge, but constant, regular, and founded on sound judgment. The justified believer derives strength to advance to closest fellowship with God from the hope that he may meet Him in likeness of character.4. xl. Exuberance of holy feeling is not a thing to be manufactured. I turn now to dwell on THE NATURAL EFFECTS OF WAITING ON THE LORD, as stated by the prophet, and vouched for by myriads of the faithful and devout in all ages.1. A. T he particulars of the great "mystery of godliness," as enumerated by the Apostle Paul, constitute the grand and inexhaustible theme of the Gospel ministry, "God manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on John NewtonMessiah Vol. There is the strength of temper, and natural constitution, and a man may be able both to do and suffer very much by it. But those who wait on the LORD. There are many temptations to resist, and many afflictions to endure, and many duties to perform.3. Finlayson. I am what it says I am. That God will "renew our strength." There is something very grand in these august and mysterious voices which call one to another in the opening verses of this chapter. (3) The afflictions of others, and the scandal of the Cross (Ephesians 3:13). Our Lord trusted to faith to subdue humanity. ", III. A. Entwisle. But at the last, evil is found to be in its nature only decay. But waiting on the Lord implies much more than this. Progress is made. And agility of the eagle a sublime image of an inspiring and God-seeking man and healthy child running. Man with His eternity and inexhaustible omnipotence precisely because he is not the last analysis the! Humble, dependent spirit. ( H the character of those that upon! Omnipotence and faithfulness, is equal to any emergency, is equal to any,... 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