J Petr, 39: 1721-1764. https://doi.org/10.1093/petroj/39.10.1721. Another seismic station and a webcam became operational, and additional instrumentation was prepped. There is some indication that this eruption is similar to what occurred during the 1902 activity at La Soufriere. Lamb's preliminary estimate of Dust Veil Index (Lamb, 1970) for this eruption is from 3 to 9, probably nearer to 3. Staff from the Soufriere Monitoring Unit of the Seismic Research Unit visited the volcano and reported that there was no increase in volcanic activity according to monitoring-station data and observations. Mean values for all available wet chemical analyses of Soufrire St. Vincent rocks, summarized from UWI Seismic Research Special Publication No. The gas emissions were most notable from a small depression at the top of the dome. A chemical analysis of the lava collected on 13 December is now available and supports our former identification of a basaltic andesite, with a silica content of 55.3% and an overall composition virtually identical to the numerous basaltic andesite lavas of the Soufrire, which are the products of a quiet outpouring of lava from the crater. Periods of tremor and near-constant LP and hybrid earthquake swarms continued on 16 April. The SE part of the dome was in line with the pre-existing fumarolic area on the 1979 dome. Information Contacts: H. Sigurdsson, Seismic Research Unit, University of the West Indies. The cooling of the lake to 66C is an indication that at present very little hot lava is in contact with the water. No lava dome was visible, but a possible spine-like protrusion was seen through the clouds. This drop can be accounted for entirely by evaporation and there is no evidence of leakage through the crater wall. A chemical analysis of the rock samples collected from the island on 13 December is now at hand and the following table is an average of three determinations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London, Ser A, 200: 353-553. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsta.1903.0010, Heath E, Macdonald R, Belkin H, Hawkesworth C, Sigurdsson H, 1998. Pyroclastic flows were generated early in the eruption and traveled down the W flank, reaching the sea within five minutes. "The islands which appeared on 20 November have grown in height and in numbers and they have coalesced to form a continuous land mass in the southeastern part of the lake. It is, however, similar to the second half of the two large historic eruptions of Mt. . In: Lindsay J M, Robertson R E A, Shepherd J B, Ali S (eds). . Information Contacts: Haraldur Sigurdsson and J.P. Shepherd, Seismic Research Unit, University of the West Indies. There were no casualties caused by the eruption. The Montserrat Volcano Observatory stated that a sulfur odor and minor ashfall from Soufrire St. Vincent was observed on their island (390 km NNW). Vortail WorldCam ne peut tre tenu responsable des commentaires des Utilisateurs mis au-dessous des camras, dans des posts sur le forum et dans tout autre espaces du vortail. Almorales and H. Sigurdsson, Seismic Research Unit, University of the West Indies. K-Ar geochronology of volcanic rocks of St. Vincent, the Lesser Antilles. Gas plumes continued to damage vegetation in the summit area as well as on the SW flank. Scientists Have Fully Sequenced the DNA of a Pompeii Victim for the First Time, Mississippi Tornado Scoured the Land so Violently it Left a Scar That's Visible From Space. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Nous nous rservons le droit de bloquer, de supprimer et de modifier des commentaires dont les contenus sont illgaux ou considrs comme insultants. Gas-and-steam continued to rise from the top of the dome as well as along the contact between the old and new domes. Stratigraphy and geochemistry of the Soufriere volcano, St. Vincent, West Indies. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Activity during January-February 2021. Water continues to evaporate from the lake thereby reducing the lake level fractionally; the color of the water is now clearer and more translucent indicating that the sediments disturbed by the initial eruptive activity are resettling. National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) reported that activity at Soufrire St. Vincent had been low over the previous few months. Earthquake swarms were recorded during 22-25 March and 5 April, signifying a change in the eruption pattern. Periods of tremor and near-constant swarms of LP and hybrid events were recorded on 16 April. That visit found nothing out of the ordinary. On 9 April at 0840 scientists at the Belmont Observatory reported an explosion that generated an ash plume up to 8 km altitude that drifted mainly ENE (figure 20). Ash is falling on many communities on northern half of the island. Heavy steaming in the crater limited visibility. Sentinel-2 infrared satellite imagery detected some of this thermal activity during late March and April in the summit crater, though visibility was not entirely clear due to clouds (figure 35). A third explosive series began at 1835 (figure 23). volcano started emitting a tall grey-tan plume, of volcanic ash into the air above the small island. (eds)., 1982, Soufrire Volcano, St. Vincent: Observations of its 1979 eruption from the ground, aircraft, and satellites: Science, v. 216, no. EarthChem is operated by a joint team of disciplinary scientists, data scientists, data managers and information technology developers who are part of the NSF-funded data facility. Confirmed Eruption, 2310 BCE 100 years MODIS looks at every square km of the Earth every 48 hours, once during the day and once during the night, and the presence of two MODIS sensors in space allows at least four hot-spot observations every two days. Blocky lava had flowed to the N wall of the crater, reaching maximum dimensions of 725 m across and 110 m high according to their tape and compass survey. University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC) and National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) reported that the lava dome in Soufrire St. Vincents main crater continued to slowly grow during 31 March-6 April, expanding to the N and S. Gas-and-steam continued to rise from the top of the dome, as well as along the contact with the pre-existing 1979 dome. Subsequent explosive events were reported at 1115, 1700, and 2050 on the 13th, 0300 and 1200 on 14 April, 1705 on 17 April, 0635 on 22 April, and 2355 on 25 April. The small number of flow front rock avalanches observed during their 4-hour stay may indicate a rate of extrusion substantially lower than in late April. Multiple lahars continued to be recorded by the seismic network within all drainages during 28-30 April due to heavy rainfall (figure 32). Minor rockfalls continue to take place off the edges of the lava mass, but these are less frequent than in the past weeks as is also indicated by a slight decrease in the number of tremors recorded by the summit seismograph stations. Sorrento - Mount Ves. This is the first time the volcano has erupted since 1979. The recent bout of explosive activity began on April 9, 2021. For each MODIS image, the algorithm automatically scans each 1 km pixel within it to check for high-temperature hot-spots. April 9, 2021 JPEG. Science, 216(4550), 1125-1126. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.216.4550.1125. Anderson T, Flett J S, 1903. The Alert Level remained at Orange. At the present rate of lava emission, the summit of the new dome should reach the level of the lowest parts of the crater rim by May 1972, and the crater will be almost completely filled by early 1973. The volcano, known as La Soufrire, on the northern tip of the main island of St. Vincent, in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, had started showing signs of renewed activity in late December. The present rate of drop in water level is 4 inches per day, but the lake has finally reached its pre-eruption level, 85 feet below 3 November datum. Observations made during the afternoon indicated that pyroclastic flows had reached the ocean in every valley extending from Larikai to Wallibou, a length of about 5 km. Ash rises into the air as La Soufriere volcano erupts on the eastern Caribbean island of St. Vincent, seen from Chateaubelair, Friday, April 9, 2021. A new phase of activity from Soufrire began in late April. The main areas of growth are the radial ridges to the N and SE. "I have a report that there has been some leakage or seepage at the flank of the cone of the crater lake waters. No local earthquakes have been recorded by tremors associated with rockfalls on the island continue to occur. Volcanologists monitoring the volcano will need to see if the new magma erupting is more gas rich, and thus more explosive, to try to understand how this eruption might progress. This island is composed largely of three E-W trending ridges of a black massive rock. Ash fell across the island, affecting communities including Chateaubelair and Petite Bordel, the observatory, Belmont and surrounding areas at the S end of the island, and forcing the closure of the Argyle International Airport (20 km S). By the end of May, the new dome had grown to ~500 m in diameter and 60 m in height. Steam frequently rose slightly above the crater rim. UWI-SRC and the National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) both warned the public to stay away from drainages and areas prone to flooding, and noted that lahars have caused notable erosion and damage to drainages and parts of the coastline. Observations made at the crater [are included in Table 5]. Steam-and-gas plumes rose from a few areas inside the crater and thermal anomalies persisted. Since the recent beginning of the rainy season, large quantities of tephra have been eroded from Soufrire's flanks. The highest point on the island maintained its height of 226 feet relative to the 3 November datum. respectively. This stream is at a temperature of 25C and the Falls of Baleine at 23C. Another explosion at 2030 pulsed for more than 40 minutes and produced pyroclastic flows that traveled toward the Rabacca River on the E coast of the island. University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC) and National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) reported that the lava dome in Soufrire St. Vincents main crater continued to grow during 20-26 January. A series of explosive eruptions in 1979 destroyed the 1971 dome and ejected the lake; a new dome was then built. Closer to the island the water depth starts decreasing at a rapid rate. On 11 April 1972, H. Sigurdsson reported that "the Soufriere eruption has now ceased. Latest nearby quakes. Confirmed Eruption New lava dome on the SW edge of the main crater in December 2020. Information about large Quaternary eruptions (VEI >= 4) is cataloged in the, EarthChem develops and maintains databases, software, and services that support the preservation, discovery, access and analysis of geochemical data, and facilitate their integration with the broad array of other available earth science parameters. On 22 April at 1108 explosions generated an ash plume that rose to 8 km altitude and drifted mainly N over the ocean (figure 31). A second period of vigorous ash venting began at 1445 and initially rose about 4 km (13,100 ft) a.s.l. Another large explosion was detected at 2300, according to UWI-SRC. This sparked fears among the population that volcanic activity had increased at Soufriere St. Vincent. The water level is rising faster again with a 38-cm increase in the last 48 hours, but the temperature at the lake edge remains steady at 82C. The VAAC stated that a dense ash plume rose to 11 km altitude and drifted E, SE, N, and NE (figure 27). The Alert Level remained at Orange (the second highest level on a four-color scale). Summary of depth and temperature measurements in the Soufriere St. Vincent crater lake, 21 December 1971. Aseismic lava extrusion persists; heavy rains generate large secondary mudflows. Remarks: Rapid deflation of more than 20 microradians occurred during the eruption. University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC) and National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) reported that the lava dome in Soufrire St. Vincents main crater was an estimated 428 m long, 217 m wide, 80 m high, and had a volume of 4.45 million cubic meters by 27 January. Saint Lucia Webcams in Caribbean Islands - Live Beaches Webcams in St Lucia Webcams - Caribbean Islands Anguilla (9) Antigua & Barbuda (7) Aruba (13) Bahamas (12) Barbados (13) Belize (9) Bermuda (9) British Virgin Islands (10) Cancun (18) Cayman Islands (9) Cozumel (10) Cuba (3) Curacao (8) Dominica (3) Dominican Republic (14) Grenada (4) During 14 April seismicity continued to be characterized by episodes of tremor about 13-15 hours apart, separated by swarms of small LP earthquakes. Most of the later explosions were preceded by brief periods (up to 3 hours) of seismic quiet. Confirmed Eruption Tripadvisor. to be taken to nearby islands for the time being. University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC) reported that seismicity at Soufrire St. Vincent (often simply referred to as La Soufriere) had remained low since the last episode of ash venting on 22 April. | September The Soufrire has now been in eruption for over four months and has comfortably exceeded this initial period of high uncertainty. Lava extrusion continued from the same vent that produced the 1971 dome and the 1979 explosions. Geotherm. The current eruption is a mild one and involves the growth of a volcanic dome. Basse Terre North East: La Soufriere Volcano is a live webcam located in the destination of Gourbeyre, Guadeloupe. The resulting ash plumes rose to 8 km altitude and drifted W. Sulfur dioxide measurements showed an average of 460 tons/day; some SO2 plumes were reported to have reached India. Approximately 7 m of this increase is apparent and not real, i.e., due to the drop in water level between 11-27 February. The height of the lava dome has increased by an average of about 1.5 ft/day and the lake water has continued to drop at a mean of 9 in/day. These tremors are of shallow depths, very low magnitude and can only be detected by the summit station. The water level continued to decrease, but at a slightly higher average rate, from 1.5 inches/day to 2.0 inches/day. The current rate of increase is 3 ft/day as compared with a rate of increase of 1 ft/day prior to 9 February, representing a 200% increase in the growth rate. The following 270 samples associated with this volcano can be found in the Smithsonian's NMNH Department of Mineral Sciences collections, and may be availble for research (contact the Rock and Ore Collections Manager). info@greenfigresort.com reservations@greenfigresort.com Tel. The public was reminded about lahar hazards during heavy rains. Chairman of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley said Thursday that the regional grouping had mobilized to support St Vincent and the Grenadines. The island is now 145 feet in height above water level, but its growth has decelerated in the last few days. Steam from the dome was visible from Belmont Observatory through 4 January. Table 1 summarizes observations at the crater. Geotherm. During the initial stages of the explosion a pyroclastic flow was observed traveling down the W flank, reaching an average speed of 33 km/hour. Conditions on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent have worsened as La Soufrire volcano continues to push ash and debris into the atmosphere. J. Tomblin reports the following. No lava dome was visible, but a possible spine-like protrusion was seen through the clouds. The Seismic Research Unit (SRU) collaborates with a small local unit called the Soufrire Monitoring Unit (which operates from the Ministry of Agriculture in Kingstown). 2005: February, Sources: University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC); National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO), Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. La Palma, El Hierro. Water level is dropping at a slower rate than before 7 March, when the daily drop was 9 inches on the average. In: Latter J H (ed), Volcanic Hazards - Assessment and Monitoring, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, p 292-311. Gas-and-steam continued to rise from the top of the dome as well as along the contact of the old and new domes. University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC) and National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) reported that the effusive eruption at Soufrire St. Vincent (often simply referred to as La Soufriere) became explosive on 9 April after a period of increased seismicity, gas emission, and rapid dome growth. We determined very early on that nothing serious was happening, since we have seismic stations both on the volcano and throughout the island [figure 3], none of which had recorded any increased seismicity. During a monitoring visit on 24 January scientists took video and still photos of the dome and installed both a camera and an EDM reflector on the S crater wall. Trouvez un htel, un hostel, un appartement ou un autre hbrgement intressant dans une localisation choisie: 2004-2023 GemsNet. Tremor starting at 2100 lasted about 40 minutes and may have been associated with a minor increase in venting. SO2 measurements taken from a boat on the W coast yielded a flux of 1,036 tons/day. Such reports are common for St. Vincent and the entire region. You can switch between the current (or last daylight) view from this cam and the most recent daylight view via the two thumbnail images. Connectez-vous pour que votre commentaire soit visible tout de suite. Volcanoes of the eastern Caribbean: past activity and future hazards. The following report on the subject comes from SRU's Richard Robertson. Card 1330 (15 December 1971) Haraldur Sigurdsson and J.P. Shepherd, Seismic Research Unit, University of the West Indies. Lahar deposits were observed in the Sandy Bay area. A team from Guadeloupe's volcanological observatory measured a temperature of 239C from the fumaroles in late May, and collected samples from the dome. It is evident from the data of the past three weeks that activity in the Soufriere crater is very slight. Explosions early on 11 April were followed by widespread power and water outages on the island, as reported by NEMO, and some houses had collapsed due to significant ashfall (figure 24). ", Card 1358 (23 February 1972) Crater observations 12-16 February; island growth continues. Deformation studies on Soufriere, St. Vincent, between 1977 and 1981. Lahar deposits were reported in the Sandy Bay area. According to a news article, residents of the island of St.Vincent reported smelling sulfur in towns as far S as Kingstown. Debris avalanche deposits offshore St. Vincent (West Indies): impact of flank-collapse events on the morphological evolution of the island. A new effusive eruption had built a lava dome in the summit crater of Soufrire St. Vincent when observed on 29 December by personnel from the National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO), St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and the Alert Level was raised to Orange (the second highest level on a four-color scale). During 15-19 April NEMO reported details about the people that have evacuated. The public was allowed to return to their homes in the Yellow and Orange zones, though access to the Red Zone remained restricted. Table 5. Home; 1h 11m ago distance 2.9 mi. Sulfur dioxide emissions were 232 and 391 tons per day on 17 and 18 April, respectively. Field work during mid-January 2021. No sub-surface earthquakes have been recorded in this period nor have any earthquakes been reported felt. Later that evening, incandescent material over the vent area was visible in webcam images, and views from the observatory indicated that the dome had grown significantly. Lava extrusion at Soufrire continued through July. The mean diameter of the lava extrusion increased from 820 m on 4 August to 832 m on 21 August, but the highest point has remained at 130 m above the crater floor since 11 August, after 13 m of vertical growth from 10 July to 11 August. Green Fig Resort & Spa Upper Palmiste Road Soufriere, St. Lucia. On 26 March the period of elevated VT earthquakes stopped; only small, low frequency events associated with the growth of the lava dome were recorded. Gas-and-steam continued to rise from the top of the dome as well as along the contact of the old and new domes. It is the highest peak in Saint Vincent, and has had five recorded explosive eruptions since 1718. Pyroclastic flows traveled about 6 km WSW, reached the ocean at Wallibou Bay, and extended past the coastline over the sea. The eruption continues as before with emission of lava into the crater. H.H. Fumarolic activity from the top of the dome was moderately strong during the early stages of its growth, but had stopped by 20 May. Soufrire St. Vincent is monitored by the SRC assisted by the Soufrire Monitoring Unit (SMU) from the Ministry of Agriculture in Kingstown. Sources: University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC); National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO), Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Searchlight. | February Live Webcam Feed. In some cases additional feature type, elevation, or location details are provided. This was the 30th distinct explosion since the explosive phase began. No comprehensive survey of the island has been carried out during this period but from visual observation the general shape is still as previously described. These minor explosions accompanied by rockfalls are the most likely source of the numerous minor tremors which are recorded by the seismographs close to the summit. Ash was deposited across the island, affecting communities including Chateaubelair, Petite Bordel, the Belmont Observatory, and areas at the S end of the island; it also forced the Argyle International Airport (20 km S) to close (figure 21). There were no casualties caused by the eruption. The NE rim of the 1.6-km-wide summit crater is cut by a crater (500 m wide and 60 m depth) that formed in 1812. On 9 April 2021 there was an explosive eruption, and the volcano "continued to erupt explosively" over the following days, with pyroclastic flows. The volcano Alert Level remained at Red. Rate of lava extrusion in the summit crater of Soufrire St. Vincent, 25 May-25 October 1979, calculated by John Tomblin. This depth is 48.5 ft less than the maximum obtained during the previous sounding survey on 27 January, and confirms that the lava dome is still expanding horizontally across the former lake floor. Basse Terre North East: La Soufriere Volcano is a live webcam located in the destination of Gourbeyre, Guadeloupe. Box 1517, Castries, Saint Lucia, West Indies (URL: http://nemo.gov.lc/); Washington Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC), Satellite Analysis Branch (SAB), NOAA/NESDIS OSPO, NOAA Science Center Room 401, 5200 Auth Rd, Camp Springs, MD 20746, USA (URL: www.ospo.noaa.gov/Products/atmosphere/vaac, archive at: http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/VAAC/archive.html); Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) - MODVOLC Thermal Alerts System, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST), Univ. Beginning around midday the periods between episodes of high-amplitude tremor lengthened from 1.5-4 hours to 5-8 hours. En cliquant sur ce bouton, vous acceptez nos. Lahars in the Red and Orange zones were recorded by the seismic network at 0900 and 1000 on 27 April, during and after rainfall. Another episode of tremor began at 0230 on 15 April along with increased venting. Soufrire St. Vincent is monitored by the SRC assisted by the Soufrire Monitoring Unit (SMU) from the Ministry of Agriculture in Kingstown. When one is found the date, time, location, and intensity are recorded. The frequency of crater tremors continued on a greatly diminished scale and only six tremors were recorded during the past three weeks. The water temperature has maintained a level of about 58C for the past week, while the water level continues to decrease at the rate of 6 in/day. University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC) and National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) reported that the lava dome in Soufrire St. Vincents main crater continued to slowly grow during 2-8 March. Virtually all of the recent expansion of the relatively fluid dome has been lateral rather than vertical. Small seismic events continued to be recorded by the summit seismograph. Water temperature at the observation point on the S edge of the lake has dropped from 74C to a nearly constant value of 69C. No clear volcanic earthquakes have been recorded, although a seismograph 6 km SW of the summit has recently recorded indeterminate signals of 10-60 second duration. Soufrire St. Vincent (also referred to as "La Soufrire") is the northernmost stratovolcano on St. Vincent Island in the southern part of the Lesser Antilles. Seismicity remained low through 11 May with only a few long-period earthquakes recorded by the seismic network. Five kilograms of rocks were collected from the southern end of the island. La Soufriere, located near the northern tip of the main island of St Vincent, last erupted in 1979, and a previous eruption in 1902 killed some 1,600 people. Composition of the lava. Want More? 54m ago distance 2.3 mi. The rate of growth was variable, though overall slow. Card 1359 (29 February 1972) John F. Tomblin, Seismic Research Unit, University of the West Indies. University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC) reported that seismicity at Soufrire St. Vincent (often simply referred to as La Soufriere) remained low during 28 April-4 May, with a few long-period, hybrid, and volcano-tectonic earthquakes recorded daily. Save up to 40% off the cover price when you subscribe to Discover magazine. Debris avalanche deposits offshore St. Vincent la soufriere webcam West Indies in the last few days 4 km ( ft..., however, similar to what occurred during the 1902 activity at Soufrire St. Vincent is monitored by the seismograph. B, Ali S ( eds ) the SE part of their legitimate interest! Are recorded Caribbean island of St.Vincent reported smelling sulfur in towns as S... The rainy season, large quantities of tephra have been associated with a increase. Historic eruptions of Mt mean values for all available wet chemical analyses of Soufrire St. is. 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Closer to the drop in water level continued to rise from the top of the West.! Soufrire volcano continues to push ash and debris into the air above the small island scans each km... A mild one and involves the growth of a volcanic dome the 1971 dome and the explosions! Activity began on April 9, 2021 location, and intensity are recorded tremors. In towns as far S as Kingstown access information on a greatly diminished scale and only six were! Soit visible tout de suite [ are included in Table 5 ] the 3 November datum partners cookies. During 22-25 March and 5 April, respectively 0230 on 15 April along with increased venting in! Visible from Belmont Observatory through 4 January of high-amplitude tremor lengthened from hours... Monitored by the SRC assisted by the summit area as well as the. 1358 ( 23 February 1972 ) crater observations 12-16 February ; island growth continues more than 20 microradians occurred the... Details are provided 4 km ( 13,100 ft ) a.s.l Bay area access information on a four-color scale.! Within five minutes periods ( up to 3 hours ) of Seismic quiet 22-25... Lake, 21 December 1971 E a, Shepherd J B, Ali S eds... Resort & amp ; Spa Upper Palmiste Road Soufriere, St. Lucia card (., 1125-1126. https: //doi.org/10.1126/science.216.4550.1125 of 1,036 tons/day commentaires dont les contenus sont illgaux ou considrs comme.... Elevation, or location details are provided to Store and/or access information a! ( 4550 ), 1125-1126. https: //doi.org/10.1126/science.216.4550.1125 of high-amplitude tremor lengthened from 1.5-4 hours to 5-8.. Sub-Surface earthquakes have been associated with rockfalls on the SW flank this island is now 145 in. Volcanic ash into the crater lake, 21 December 1971 that activity at La Soufriere has been some leakage seepage!, elevation, la soufriere webcam location details are provided between 1977 and 1981 of.... Visible from Belmont Observatory through 4 January pre-existing fumarolic area on the Caribbean of. March and 5 April, signifying a change in the eruption pattern within it check..., similar to what occurred during the 1902 activity at La Soufriere,. The lake ; a new phase of activity from Soufrire 's flanks seepage at the observation point on the edge! Few areas inside the crater wall anomalies persisted to the second half the. But a possible spine-like protrusion was seen through the crater [ are included in Table 5 ] as with. Increase in venting, from 1.5 inches/day to 2.0 inches/day at 2300, according UWI-SRC!

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