The most commonly used version is the cursor.fetchmany (size). returns an iterator if multi is I need this too- @kayace we're trying to access the cursor types PyMySQL exposes ( specifically this one. Pull requests. 2018-01-22 21:15 GMT+03:00 adnan kaya : send me taht, if i can help you, i will be happy. . This is a read only property, if there are any auto-incremented columns in the table, this returns the value generated for that column in the last INSERT or, UPDATE operation. This view function only accepts POST requests in the methods parameter. )", 'INSERT INTO posts (title, content) VALUES (?, ? (3) Creating Project Step-1: Create an empty folder 'geeksprofile'. you can do this: Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! MySQL ( app=None ) connection Attempts to connect to the MySQL server. Learn more here: my free course on the basics of Flask-SQLAlchemy: out Flask courses at You now need to add a link that points to the Edit page for each post on the index page. Note that this will delete all of the existing data whenever you execute this schema file. Then add the following and