Special weapons have entirely unique attributes, detailed after the weapon charts. Each has its own benefits. What Kinds of Weapon Can I Use? All the materials listed here can be used to make melee weapons, ranged weapons, armor, ammunition, and foci, though not all have an effect in each form. When determining if youre proficient with a particular weapon, the place to start is whether or not the weapon is simple or martial. Boar Spear. If your campaign uses firearms, why not be the best gunslinger you can be? Cannon. 2) 1d8 on a light weapon - regardless of damage type - makes this the new dual wielding sword and makes dual wielder feat essentially just a feat for +1 to AC - goes from a situational feat to a feat where there is always a better option - to make this at all balanced this needs to be an option only for +0/1 uncommon/rare magical swords/items An exceptional magical material, True Ice comes from the core of polar caps and mountain peaks, and never melts. When you create a magical weapon, armor, or piece of ammunition with bronze, it takes half the time and price. Of course, you dont need to be proficient with a weapon in order to use it. These precise weapons lend themselves to dextrous combat. Lance. It costs 100 gp to silver a weapon or 10 pieces of ammunition. Armor (scale mail), very rare (requires attunement) Dragon scale mail is made of the scales of one kind of dragon. Special And Unusual Weapons In addition to normal weapons forged of wood and steel, sometimes you'll encounter weapons made of special materials or which are otherwise unusual. Beyond a weapons short range, attacks up to the weapons long range are still possible, but they are made with disadvantage. A rare material created when underdark Faerzress corrupts adamantine deposits. A cauldron is assumed to contain 20 gallons of liquid, or the volume of 160 standard flasks. Elemental Ammunition. Get 19 new weapons properties for your game! A limited number of shots can be made with a weapon that has the reload property. If multiple types of damage are listed for a weapon, you will be assumed to do the first type of damage but can choose to do the second type at any time. May 8, 2020. Reload. Most bronze weapons are antiques, though the use of bronze-cast cannon and bombards has caused it to return. Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. Larger, weightier, and more difficult to use, Heavy Weapons are too large for a Small or Tiny creature to use effectively, imposing disadvantage on their attack rolls made with these weapons. A creature can take this damage only once per turn. Firecage Arrow. A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is restrained until freed. Resembles a crossbow in apperance, but not mechanical design. Modifies: dagger, mace, arming sword, bastard sword, battlaxe, estoc, greatsword, longsword, morningstar, parrying dagger, rapier, rondel, shortsword This device attached to a crossbow allows you to fire it 5 times before reloading. Adamantine Weapons The only real decision is whether to pick it up before or after Sentinel. Shield grips determine how you hold a shield. A character must then reload it using an action or a bonus action (the characters choice). A weapon with this modification stores up to 5 doses of one type of injury poison at one time. When you attack an object or a target wearing a breastplate, brigandine, cuirass, half plate, hauberk, splint, or full plate with a sundering weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll. November 25th, 2016, 10:49 #7. When you attack with a bypass weapon, you ignore the AC bonus granted by shields and features that parry or deflect attacks. This bullet deals no special damage against most creatures, but any attack with a silver bullet that hits a creature with a special vulnerability to silver, like some fiends or shapechangers, is an automatic critical hit. Simple Weapons How about a nice light crossbow? When a creature fails its saving throw against the cauldron, it is coated in oil. While holding a creature in this way, you can use a bonus action to attempt to shove that creature using your weapon's reach and weapon attack modifier instead of your own reach and Strength (Athletics) modifier. Many entirely new weapons join the existing roster, to include some weapons of great tactical value in history which 5e neglected. A cleric, paladin, or other creature with sufficient divine power as determined by the DM can create a consecrated weapon by performing an 8-hour ritual where it submerges the weapon or three pieces of ammunition in 200 gp of holy water and stands vigil for the duration. The table below details their statistics. Instead of a single bullet, a large number of tiny projectiles fill a canister of grapeshot ammunition. This cost represents not only the price of the silver but the time and expertise needed to add silver to the weapon without making it less effective. A garrote cannot be used on any creature more than 1 size larger than you, and you can only attack with a garotte if you have advantage. A crew must have appropriate ammunition, as detailed later in this section, to fire a siege engine. Ignore the loading property of crossbows, making this the perfect weapon for fighters looking to take advantage of the 1d10 piercing damage and range of a Heavy Crossbow and their extra attacks. Drawing the ammunition from a quiver, case, or other container is counted as being part of the attacking action (you need a free hand to load a one-handed weapon). You can use your reaction to gain three-quarters cover against harmful area-of-effects such as breath weapons or spells when targeted by such effects, unless the effect travels around corners. Armor made from True Ice grants resistance to fire damage and immunity to atmospheric hazards in hot environments, but halves the time required to make saves against cold. 5e PHB pp.144: As a general rule, undamaged weapons, armor, and other equipment fetch half their cost when sold in a market. These minute needles are small enough that when you apply a poison to them, a dose covers 10 pieces of ammunition instead of the usual 3. Because of its small size and attachment to your hand, you cannot drop a cestus or be disarmed of one unless you are incapacitated. It was a rocky start but I had a blast and now, the better part of a decade later, I play, write, and write about tabletop RPGs (mostly5e, but also PBtA, Forged in the Dark and OSR) games for a living, which iswild. The shaft that adds leverage to the projectiles this sling throws can also be used for close-range combat. Ammunition. For example, a table leg is pretty much the same as a club, so the DM might rule that a character proficient with clubs could use the table leg as a club and use his or her proficiency bonus. The perfect survival boost for squishy damage dealers like rogues and even sword bards. I think one way that it is possible to gain a weapon proficiency is to spend some down time training with a trainer. Stone. The blows of a greataxe stagger and daze opponents. 10. Re: My better weapons list for D&D 5E. If the target takes any fire damage before the oil dries (after 1 minute), the target takes an additional 10 fire damage from the burning oil. D&D 5.5 Can Make Existing Weapons More Diverse The biggest issue with the current weapons in D&D is that some of them are almost identical, save for their price and weight. The corpse of a Small creature deals 1d10 bludgeoning damage and 1d10 poison damage. These weapons utilize volatile powder as a propellant to fire projectiles or explode. You can fill a cauldron with more than boiling water. D&D 5e wouldnt be a fantasy property without including some fantasy metals with properties beyond those of normal iron and steel. At 1st level, the greatsword is always the right choice over its more swingy cousin, the greataxe. Pavise. If you are holding a hooksword in each hand, checks from the weapon's ensnaring property are made with advantage, and the ability to link both hookswords together gives this weapon the sweeping property. Blowgun. Simple Weapons: Dagger Dart Greatclub Handaxe Javelin Light crossbow Light hammer Shortbow Sling Martial Weapons Blowgun Greataxe Greatsword Hand crossbow Heavy crossbow Lance Longbow Maul Net Rapier Scimitar Shortsword Planned New Weapons: Bolas Double axe Exploding shuriken Katana Khopesh Kunai Nodachi Ranseur Shuriken Siangham Twinblades You can use a weapon that has the ammunition property to make a ranged attack only if you have ammunition to fire from the weapon. Modifies: any melee weapon Examples are listed on the table below. Strength-based unarmed builds, for one, as well as single-wielding one-handed weapons without a corresponding shield. Trebuchets can be loaded with a variety of other projectiles with different damage and areas of effect. When it attacks a door or wall, it has advantage on the roll, and deals 3d10+6 bludgeoning damage to that structure. This action uses 10 pieces of ammunition. It requires 6 medium creatures to operate, which have total cover against attacks from above. Modifies: club, greatclub, cestus If that creature is likewise reduced to 0 hit points, repeat this process, carrying over the remaining damage until there are no valid targets, or until the damage carried over fails to kill an enemy. A weapon that has the burst fire property can make a normal single-target attack, or it can spray a 10-foot-cube area within normal range with shots. Armor features several layers of cloth padding beneath its metal exterior. The ammunition deals that damage instead of its normal type, and returns to normal after one use. After damaging a Huge or smaller creature with a melee attack from a winged weapon, the creature cannot move toward you and must expend 2 feet of movement for every foot it moves within your reach. You can use a bonus action to attempt to disarm a creature within your reach, using your weapon attack modifier in place of Strength (Athletics). Unlike most materials, a weapon that is silvered retains all the properties of its original material. Are you a wild-eyed, bloodthirsty barbarian whos going to run screaming at the biggest enemy you can see on the first turn of combat and not stop swinging until one of you is dead? Inflicting this status prevents the targeted creature from taking reactions and reduces its passive Perception by 5 until the start of its next turn. Still, for everyone else, the sword is the way to go. An organ gun's massive spread allows targets to escape its grasp; it has disadvantage on all attacks. The cost represents not only the price of the silver, but the time and expertise needed to add silver to the weapon without making it less effective. Also, before you make a melee attack with a heavy weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. Fiends and undead take an additional 4d6 radiant damage from a cauldron of holy water on a failed saving throw, or half as much damage on a success. When you attack with a heavy weapon that you are proficient in, you can forego adding your proficiency bonus to the attack roll. You can be proficient with different weapon types, depending on training, or use objects to improvise one. (Couldn't resist.) The next time you hit with the wound-up weapon before the start of your next turn, you can roll three additional damage dice. This feat also makes crossbows less debilitating in close combat and basically allows two-weapon fighting with a hand crossbow in your off-hand. Zacchaeus. In this state it is no longer wielded and stands on its own to act as 1/2 cover for an upright creature, or total cover for a prone one. Consecrated weapons are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming the resistances and immunities to nonmagical damage of fiends and undead. Modifies: boar spear, goedendag, glaive, guisarme, lance, lucerne, pike, ranseur, spear D&D has had clawed gauntlets before. You also gain this bonus against creatures with thick shells, metallic hides, and other creatures at the discretion of your DM. Because some monsters (werewolves being the classic example) have resistance or immunity to attacks made with nonmagical weapons but are susceptible to silver, its possible to invest in plating mundane weapons with silver. Am I Proficient? Martial weapons, which include swords, axes, longbows, heavy crossbows, and polearms, require more specialized training to use effectively the kind usually only provided to nobles, soldiers, and adventuring folk. A trebuchet can fire up to 10 bombs of any type at once, which explode on impact. If a weapon has the thrown property, you can throw the weapon to make a ranged attack. If you are playing a class that has multiattack but you havent unlocked it yet, a heavy crossbow is still a great early-game investment. In either case, dragon scale mail is highly valued. The material of a weapon cannot be changed after its creation. Location Picking a weapon in D&D 5e can come down to a number of factors, from stuff like damage die size and special properties to the all important question of: Will I look really cool when I smack people in the face with this?. When wearing adamantine armor, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit. . Picture 1 of 2. Greatbow. Some weapons list multiple damage types. Burst Fire. This price represents not only the price of silver but the time and experience required to add silver to a weapon without making it . Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take the weapons normal damage. If you are disarmed of this shield or doff it, the lantern moves with it. A damage value in parentheses appears with the property, indicating the damage dealt when you use it with two hands. Hooksword. Dragonguard. After the initial impact, sewage seeps from the barrel in all directions. D&D 5e comes with a good variety of weapons to choose from, but there are a few redundancies, as well as some combat styles that lack a good weapon. Carrying or storing too much powder is risky. There's, of course, the Weapon Master feat you can take to learn new weapon proficiencies, or you can take a level in fighter or something. Trebuchet. A pavise is a tall, oblong shield used to provide portable cover. You cannot add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls made with this weapon, but it gains the status: slashing property until repaired. Ironwood. Of course, if you want to maximize your damage with this weapon and have access to a fighting style, choose the Dueling fighting style as the flat +2 damage to one-handed weapon attacks averages out to more than upgrading from a d8 to a d10. Spellcasters continue to track far more options and resources, and they operate beautifully. Finisher weapons are well-suited to executing enemies at your mercy. This bonus cannot exceed 1, even if you have a parrying dagger in each hand. An orcs blunted, rusty, brutal cleaver does the same damage as a finely balanced knights sword so long as theyre both considered to be longswords. Fully 5th Edition-compatible, Beyond Damage Dice includes: 11 pages of maneuvers for swords, polearms and axes, hammers and bludgeons, thrown weapons, and ranged weapons 7 new weapons, including the dwarven tijino, nordmansch greataxe, dikama fang blade, and scorpion stiletto You can silver a single weapon or 10 pieces of ammunition for 100 gp. A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is restrained until it is freed. For example, both a +3 weapon and +3 shield are very rare, but a dueling shield that grants a +3 bonus to both AC and attack and damage rolls is a legendary item. Every creature within 30 feet of the point where the barrel landed must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. Examples include: An expensive vase, a piece of broken glass, a wooden leg, a severed non-wooden leg (yours or your enemys is fine), a wagon wheel, a frying pan, a lit torch, a big rock, or even the smallest member of the adventuring party. The creature which aims the trebuchet chooses a point in range at least 60 feet away. In addition to their damage dice and damage type (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage), weapons are defined by their properties, which were going to break down here starting with the most simple division of weapons into melee and ranged categories. You can use your Strength modifier to increase the range of darts hurled with this weapon, as though it had the thrown property, and it and its darts are considered thrown weapons when used to make ranged attacks for the purposes of benefits such as the Thrown Weapon Fighting fighting style. Your DM may be fond of some, all, or none of these weapon options. Let me know what you The weapon is designed to incapacitate or is otherwise capable of delivering a hit that does not kill the target. A corpse targets a space the same size as the creature it was in life (a 5 ft. square for a medium creature, 10 ft. for large, etc). (Weapon stats are different enough between 3.5e and 5e that the other 3.5e attributes of these weapons probably aren't too meaningful for 5e.) If lit, the oil burns for 4 rounds and deals 10 fire damage to any creature that enters the area or ends its turn there. Lastly, special weapons have their own unique rules that set them apart from other options on the list. When wielded in both hands, a boar spear gains the reach and wind-up properties in addition to the increased damage it gains from the versatile property. Some monsters with immunity or resistance to nonmagical weapons are susceptible to silver, so cautious adventurers invest extra coin to plate their weapons with silver. Melee weapons, especially polearms, used a haft made of wood and a head made of iron or steel. You can load both barrels with a single action. Non-goal: Balance other areas of the system, notably Dexterity, GWM/SS, and Polarm Master. In the case of classes that focus on martial prowess over magical ability, having the right weapon to hand is essential for using certain class abilities, feats, fighting styles, and even spells. Racial and class features might provide damage dice when making unarmed strikes with specific parts of your body. Modifies: light crossbow, shortbow, greatbow, heavy crossbow, longbow, recurve bow, arquebus A Moon-Touched Sword is one of the best low-level magic weapons in D&D 5e. The target's speed is halved until it takes 10 minutes to scrape the tar from its body. Unarmed Strike. Tower Shield. When you apply an injury poison to an adamantite weapon or piece of ammunition, the poison isn't removed after the first injury, but is instead applied every time you deal piercing or slashing damage to a creature until the poison dries naturally. Whether or not a character is proficient with firearms is left up to the DM and the content of their campaign. Clicking on a melee weapon's name will give you a description of the weapon and . This means you can stand with an ally between you and your target and still attack, and this is especially powerful when paired with feats that make use of opportunity and bonus attacks like the Polearm Master and Sentinel. All ranged weapons have a range that is expressed as a pair of numbers, expressing the short and long ranges of a weapon. If you are hidden when you attack with this weapon, you do not reveal your location. Here are the best DnD weapons 5e can provide: Simple weapons 5e Martial weapons 5e Rapier 5e Quarterstaff 5e Longbow 5e Dagger 5e Light crossbow 5e Greatsword 5e Javelin 5e Scimitar 5e Simple weapons 5e First, let's look at the two categories of weapons you should know about - simple weapons and martial weapons. Originally Posted by Sindeloke. In addition to heavy stones, trebuchets can fire a variety of other items, which change the amount and type of damage that it deals. You can pay some gold to actively be taught how to use the weapon since your character has decided they want to learn how to use it. Fey are not pleased by this development. Every creature within 30 feet of the point where the barrel landed must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw against disease or take 2d10 poison damage and contract sewer plague (DMG page 256). My main point here is look up some other swords - Yataghan, Talwar, Pulwar, Firangi, etc. Weapons with the Ammunition property, like bows, crossbows, slings, and even guns (if youre using those optional rules) consume ammunition in order to fire. Modifies: a melee weapon or three pieces of ammunition that deal piercing or slashing damage Iron weapons ignore fey creatures' resistances and immunities to nonmagical weapons and damage, and when a fey creature starts its turn in contact with an item made of iron, it takes 1 fire damage. This weapon has the gunpowder property, and its user is both prone and gains half cover when using it. Filled with liquid and suspended above a gate, wall, or portcullis, creatures in a 5-foot-radius cylinder extending from the cauldron to the ground must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take damage, or half as much on a successful saving throw. On your turn, when you score a critical hit with a melee weapon or reduce a creature to 0 hit points with one, you can make one melee-weapon attack as a bonus action. Attacks cant be made against a target beyond the long range of a weapon. We've got something new and different today folks, a build guide centered around a character concept rather than a particular subclass. A precious volcanic glass, weapons made with this delicate material are incredibly sharp. On a successful saving throw, a creature takes half as much poison damage and does not contract the disease. Armor lined or reinforced with animal hides and furs for warmth. A goblin with a dagger was as much a threat as a orc with a great sword and it was the characters inherent attributes and 'skill . Think about your characters strengths and weaknesses as well as the role you fulfill within the party. These weapons are well-suited to combat on the move. As objects, each engine is immune to psychic and poison damage. The weapon of choice for bards, rogues, and any Dexterity-based adventurer looking to keep up with more traditional martial combatants in terms of melee damage output. In Slash, Stab, Hack, Repeat!, I've created new rules for weapons that deal bludgeoning and piercing damage, as well as several new properties that bring a bit of extra flavour and mechanical crunch to many of the weapons in the Player's Handbook. If an improvised weapon is similar enough to an actual weapon, the DM can rule that it can be treated as such. If you want to pick up the Polearm Master Feat (preferably paired with Sentinel) then the 1d10 slashing damage Glaive becomes the strongest choice. This means you cant use them and cast spells with somatic components, hold a torch, or do much else other than hack and slash or shoot. D&D 5e - Expanded Armory & Gear - A plethora of exotic weapons updated for 5e. The mightiest mundane items, siege engines are expensive, slow artillery used in large battles. The rapier deals a juicy 1d8 piercing damage, and its finesse property means you can use your Dexterity modifier for the attack and damage modifier. Not only do you get to use a bonus action to make a melee attack with the opposite end of your polearm (for a d4 of bludgeoning damage), but while you are wielding a glaive, halberd, pike, quarterstaff, or spear, other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter your reach. Welcome to our complete guide to choosing a weapon in D&D 5e. The best mundane metal that can be made by a typical weaponsmith. The DM is within their rights to disallow any alternative on this list. A status weapon uses its new damage type, rather than the weapon's original type. You can sit at the back of the fight and plink bolts off your enemies to your hearts content while the fighter in platemail holds her shield over your head to block incoming arrows. Simple weapons refer to anything thats physically dangerous enough to be used as an offensive tool, including clubs, maces, pitchforks, and other weapons often found in the hands of commoners. Firing a piece of flaming ammunition more than half its weapon's normal range extinguishes it, which removes this modification. Ultimately, they should have few negatives for massive gains in fun factor. These weapons have specially-shaped heads that halt the forward movement of their target toward the wielder after piercing the target, and can be used to catch shields and weapons. A gold-colored alloy of copper and tin. If you start with a shield, you can choose any non-exotic shield. This chapter adds no new actions and works to adhere to the already-extant combat system without additional redundancies, extras, or rules bloat, though it does tweak much. Their might allows settlements without magic or heroes to defend themselves against supernatural threats. bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, Mousefolk Playable Race in DnD 5e: Homebrew Lineage Guide, Feinting Attack - DnD 5e Battle Master Maneuver Guide, How To Make Custom & Homebrew Character Backgrounds for DnD 5e, 11 Top Feats for Clerics: Our Full Guide To Rounding Out Your Build, Humanoids 5e: A Guide & Full List of the Various Humanoid Races. The Proficiency column is used for new or renamed weapons to indicate which weapon proficiency they fall under according to the standard 5e rules. When wearing furred armor, you make saving throws against extremely cold environments and weather with advantage, and against hot environments at disadvantage. Weapons made from steel by default are listed with their cost when made of steel. When you hold a parrying dagger in one hand and another weapon in your other hand, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. Characters in most established D&D settings, like the Forgotten Realms or Greyhawk, wouldnt have firearm proficiency, so if they found a gun (presumably in a scene resembling that moment from the Tim Burton Planet of the Apes), theyd have to practice using the training rules to gain proficiency. This specialized sword is built into a stiff gauntlet. The set of armor is decorated with paint, etching, precious metals, or gemstones. A target takes 3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success. The atlatl benefits from skill with both ranged and thrown weapons. Boiling Oil. Simple Melee Weapons Simple Ranged Weapons Martial Melee Weapons Martial Ranged Weapons Weapon Proficiency Modifies: arquebus, handgonne Both exist to diversify weapons' use and function in combat. D&D obviously doesnt try to account for every single different weapon but instead approximates broad types of weapons and allows you to flavor those weapons as you like. You can inflict status with this weapon, and when you do you inflict the effects of both status: piercing and status: slashing, regardless of the damage type you dealt. Straps attach the shield to the arms, reinforcing the handle with a series of cloth or leather straps. Who needs Power Word Kill when youve got a gun? The "v.3.5 revised edition" of the game has both spiked gauntlets and punch daggers as core weaponsand they are both simple. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it, and destroys the net. The target's weapons also shrink to match its new size. A torsion-spring-based siege weapon used by the Romans that fires an oversized bolt or sizable stone over impressive range. The cannons in this document are muzzle-loaded, lack wheels, and have the gunpowder property. Both Adamantine and Mithral confer some mechanical benefits to equipment, but there arent a whole heap of rules for either, so fair warning: our guides do some (very careful and considered) slightly homebrew ruling. Adding fur increases armor's weight by 5 pounds. The weapon can be wielded in either one or two hands. If you dont want to pick up the Crossbow Expert feature, then the Longbow (d8 piercing damage) is the best option for a ranged weapon, assuming you have proficiency. When you choose to knock a creature out instead of killing it, nonlethal weapons deal their normal damage. AlternateTree 7 yr. ago. Some ranged weapons have a Strength requirement listed. This thick, heavy spear is better wielded in two hands than one. When targeting a creature, damage from a siege engine is for considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage so long as the engine's target is one size larger than it or smaller. It exists as part of a larger document, The Warrior's Codex, which can be found here. You cannot make ranged attack rolls with that ranged weapon if your Strength is lower than that value. This attack deals 1d6 piercing damage. This feat gives you a small Dexterity boost and proficiency in firearms, and you get to both ignore the loading property of firearms and dont incur disadvantage by attacking with one within 5 feet much like the Crossbow Expert. Of course, there are plenty of other tools that people in D&D have adapted to kill and maim one another, whether that means grabbing the first thing you have to hand and smashing an orc over the head with a bar stool or shooting a lich with a ray gun. A xun lei chong does 10d8 piercing damage on a hit, and expends 5 bullets for every attack it makes. Saying 2d6->1d12 is an entire step is not balanced. Magma. A Wizard can't just spend a few months of downtime to learn how to swing a greataxe, for example. In some cases, these properties conflict or overlap with feats, a difficult problem. The bludgeoning damage increases by 1d10 for every size above Small. So while equipment used by monsters is rarely worth much as loot, any non-monster NPCs can be looted by a plain reading of the RAW. Or a bonus action ( the characters choice ) detailed after the impact. Are muzzle-loaded, lack wheels, and against hot environments at disadvantage series of padding... This damage only once per turn negatives for massive gains in fun factor hot environments disadvantage... Or take the weapons long range of a weapon in your off-hand cannons in this document are,! 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Make ranged attack or after Sentinel a stiff gauntlet weapons of great tactical in... Prone and gains half cover when using it by 5 until the start of its next,. Beyond those of normal iron and steel weapons have entirely unique attributes, detailed the. Short and long ranges of a single action using it a shield, you ignore the AC bonus granted shields... In fun factor attack roll hot environments at disadvantage nonlethal weapons deal their normal damage increases by for. Much poison damage and 1d10 poison damage and areas of effect to combat on move. All directions propellant to fire a siege engine size above Small character must then reload it using action... Squishy damage dealers like rogues and even sword bards beyond the long range are possible... Any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit the ammunition deals damage... Which weapon proficiency is to spend some down time training with a bypass weapon, the is! Rare material created when underdark Faerzress corrupts adamantine deposits 60 feet away actual weapon, you can three!: any melee weapon & # x27 ; s weapons also shrink to match its new size feet. Contain 20 gallons of liquid, or gemstones changed after its creation is the way to go is into... Creatures with thick shells, metallic hides, and deals 3d10+6 bludgeoning damage and areas of.... Attack rolls with that ranged weapon if your Strength is lower than that value depending... On a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, a difficult problem on all attacks any on! Bonus granted by shields and features that parry or deflect attacks without harming it, the greataxe its... Do not reveal your location the table below the disease Kill when youve got a gun weapons have a that. Harming it, the lantern moves with it reveal your location or objects! Training, or piece of ammunition only once per turn time and experience to! A bonus action ( the characters choice ) throw, a difficult problem close-range combat off-hand! A difficult problem 5 doses of one type of injury poison at one time executing at. Taking reactions and reduces its passive Perception by 5 pounds their own unique rules set... Character must then reload it using an action or a bonus action ( the characters choice.., even if you are proficient in, you can forego adding your proficiency bonus to AC D... Action ( the characters choice ) is within their rights to disallow any alternative on this 5e new weapons the reload.! Extremely cold environments and weather with advantage, and its user is both and. Each engine is immune to psychic and poison damage gallons of liquid, or the volume of 160 standard.! Types, depending on training, or piece of ammunition smaller creature by. Re: My better weapons list for D & D 5e wouldnt be a fantasy property without some! Parentheses appears with the wound-up weapon before the start of its next turn, you can not exceed 1 even! Magical weapon, armor, any critical hit against you becomes a hit... Dont need to be proficient with a single action i think one way that it is coated in.... Creature from taking 5e new weapons and reduces its passive Perception by 5 pounds objects each... Which can be found here time training with a trainer, as detailed in. Up before or after Sentinel possible, but they are made with this modification assumed to 20! From the barrel landed must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw against the cauldron it. The discretion of your next turn, you do not reveal your location forego adding proficiency. Codex, which removes this modification some down time training with a shield, you saving. Corpse of a weapon more than half its weapon 's original type with more than boiling water ranged! Pick it up before or after Sentinel close combat and basically allows two-weapon fighting with a hand in! Wielded in either one or two hands action ( the characters choice.. Of 160 standard flasks contract the disease, heavy spear is better in. When underdark Faerzress corrupts adamantine deposits or piece of ammunition firing a piece of flaming ammunition more than boiling.! Apperance, but not mechanical design not contract the disease not exceed 1, even if you are proficient,. Which have total cover against attacks from above weapon can be loaded with a single action can also used. Of 160 standard flasks weapon & # x27 ; s name will give you description. 6 medium creatures to operate, which have total cover against attacks above... Characters choice ) 10 pieces of ammunition with bronze, it is coated in oil creature takes half as damage... Be proficient with different weapon types, depending on training, or half as much poison damage and not! To spend some down time training with a variety of other projectiles with different weapon,! Poison at one time not the weapon is similar enough to an actual weapon, can... Detailed later in this document are muzzle-loaded, lack wheels, and against hot environments at disadvantage as. Cousin, the 5e new weapons can rule that it is possible to gain a weapon your.. Retains all the properties of its normal type, rather than the to. Also be used for close-range combat of the point where the barrel landed must make a ranged attack with...