As a result, he tends to get sidelined for Archers who excel better at particular niches. Still, her unsynced cooldown limit her a bit, while her overall survability competes with applying her steroids for offense. Appmedia: Tamamo B; Enkidu and Brynhild A+. This list is very terrible how people like Altera and Mordred are above Tesla? He serves as a great opener for any farming team, and has extreme freedom in terms of what (Event) CEs he can equip himself with. Her problems lie in her poor base Noble Phantasm damage, the low values on each of her individual debuffs and her lackluster skillset. While Jeannes skills are mediocre, if not somewhat weak, her bulk and Noble Phantasm make her an amazing tank that can protect teammates and can fit well in any stall team. Her problem is mainly one of numbers, and Assassin of Paraiso is desperately in need of an NP Upgrade to shore up her performance. This is somewhat offset by her 1-time Evade that lasts until hit, as well the Guts on her third skill. She also has an Evade as her defensive skill, which provides her with a Critical Damage boost. He comes with potent Critical damage performance, having Critical Strength, Star Gather Rate, and instant Star gain skills, with Ignore Invincibility available to his arsenal. In addition, her critical prowess are only unlocked if her allies generate the critical stars she needs. His other skill, Quick Draw, is a plain and simple 50% NP charge which is always a fantastic boon to have. We have posted evaluations based on two different aspects . Upon finishing these personal challenges, the great Irish hero does become noticeably better and occupies the rare niche of being an AoE Arts Lancer that is capable of performing in both farming and Challenge Quests. Chen Gong essentially gives the party an additional method to rapidly "Order Change" backline party members to the front, which greatly opens up possibilities for both farming and buff stacking compositions. In addition, their lack of defensive options is particularly troublesome for a kit with such a high risk / reward playstyle. However, she deals respectable damage and makes for a solid addition to the team against any Cavalry waves, being among the higher-damaging AoE Alter Ego Servants. Even then, due to the coverage of her kit, she fits into teams as a hybrid damage dealer and support very comfortably, being ready to start the party with anyone who's on board. Guess now I get to see if I like my own idea. While her Evasionprotects her against the biggest threat in most battles, her own NP battery and otherwise lack of defensive measures can be a problem in difficult battles. Her Supportive Arts NP debuffs DEF and Critical Rate for all enemies, clears her own debuffs, and applies a rare ability to ignore defensive class disadvantage for all allies, making her helpful to Berserker allies or others who might be otherwise taking Weak damage. Fragment of 2030 is listed twice and Talk on the Heated Sands is using Kaleidoscope's description. The demerit is not significant, but will definitely build up over time. His NP hitcount and refund are high, especially with Arts support. The New Year's Foreigner Servant, Yang Guifei, is a single target Arts damage dealer with a unique ability to capitalize on the Burn status effect. When his passive Independent Action, first and third skills are used together, he can reach a whopping 162% Critical Damage bonus and output seriously impressive damage numbers. His on-demand Taunt skill only lasts for 1 turn, and while his Noble Phantasm provides a Defense buff, critical stars and a Taunt for 3 turns, getting Leonidas to 100% NP gauge in good health is often fairly challenging and requires help from the team. Her kit as a whole gives her excellent utility in certain challenging encounters, particularly those with bosses who remove buffs, while also providing decent offensive and healing support to the party. @Goraishi He's triple Buster but his NP is QUICK, it has a value for NP gain that gets improved by that third skill. The King of Sparta has a party-wide Buster buff with nice uptime and decent value, which is quite valuable for offensive Servants such as Berserkers who often employ his protection. Her Story-locked status doesn't help in acquiring additional copies either. Wether as the center of your team or as support, he plays a well-rounded role. His biggest draw is his particularly rare Buff Block capacity (after Rank Up), which is valuable in some challenging battles. However, Fergus is by no means a pushover. All in all, Sakata Kintoki (Rider) is a powerful Rider for any Master, no matter how diverse and levelled their roster. Note that her third skill will cause her to lose her defensive buffs gradually over turns. Their Arts NP ignores both Invincibility and DEF before dealing damage, while inflicting an Arts and Quick resistance debuff after damage. Her lower HP pool lends to her Berserker class fragility, however, and although this is somewhat mitigated by her Evade skill, which gives her 1 time evade that refreshes each turn for 3 turns, she can still meet an untimely demise if focused or from an errant critical hit. However, her kit struggles to form a coherent identity, at least until she finishes both her Interlude and her Rank-Up Quest. It's about putting the obvious S+ tier craft essences/servants where they're supposed to be, if you're even going to attempt a 'tier list'. Being a 1-Star Servant, Arashs team cost and investment costs are extremely low, and the potential return is very worthwhile. A rare trait is her ability to eliminate her weakness against Caster enemies, making her an Assassin that can stand up decently versus Casters. A lot of arts servant have been bump up in regards to tier placement. Considering her main selling point is to continuously apply Guts on her ally, this is the Achilles heel to her viability. His Noble Phantasm, while highly useful in generating Critical Stars and debuffing enemies, also does not hit particularly hard. Once transformed with his Noble Phantasm, Jekyll becomes a monster Damage Dealer with an outstanding HP pool to boot. The FGO Servant (updated thru CBC 2023) Tier List below is created by community voting and is the cumulative average rankings from 2,313 submitted tier lists. Her Noble Phantasm is notable for having three trait bonuses (Neutral, Human attribute, Shadow Servant), which provide decent coverage and come into use quite often. Lost my transfer code. Privacy Policy. 7 FGO(Fate/Grand Order)() Ratings are strictly taken from GameWith. Alhaitham Main DPS. Outside of their particular blend of survival that they particularly excel in, Deon does not have much presence in battle when their Taunt wears off. For newer Masters, Hektor is useful as a farming Lancer and can carry some tough fights with his stun, but for more experienced Masters, he wont be blowing anything out of the water any time soon. His Calm and Collected skill also enables any Master access to a good 30% NP charge which proves invaluable for farming during raids or even farming in general. Notoriously underwhelming upon release and often decried as an evil spook, most of Fionns strengths are locked behind his Interlude and Rank-Up Quests. Until his Rank Up though, Gawain is a crippled Servant with one of the weakest AoE NPs among the Saber roster if he is not fighting on a sunny stage. Recommended on crit / NP damage servants (such as Kuro, Jeanne Alter herself). She has some notable flaws, however, that hold her back from being a strong general Lancer. The self-important bronze rarity Saber, Jason, is primarily a supportive Servant with an AoE Arts damage NP. Naturally, that also raises the value of Fergus, whose claim to fame is being pretty much the only accessible AoE Saber from the Friend Point gacha. With the presence of Skadi in the roster, her Quick-oriented deck becomes even more proficient at both NP and Star generation, enhancing her raw performance as a damage dealer to impressive levels. On the other hand, Chacha suffers from several flaws that, while not individually deal-breaking, can be quite problematic in practice. A middle-ground for an array of effects which makes it very versatile. Unfortunately for the Great King of Persia, the AoE Berserker specialization is an incredibly crowded niche and there are quite a few low rarity Servants that achieve nearly the same result. With heavy competition from both Scathach (Assassin),Gray(in the future) and Scathach=Skadi's Quick support buffing her Quick peers, there is little offensive performance to be gained from Katou Danzou in the long run. Yet, it is her Buff Removal after NP that grants her a very welcome niche for various Challenge Quests. Add in a strong Card Performance boost of all card types and a 50% NP charge, and Chloe can easily set herself up for back to back NPs. His Avenger class may also be useful during events (for drop bonuses), while the typing itself can have some use in underdeveloped rosters - although Berserkers are typically preferred. Unlike her Rider counterpart though, this Caster class version is a lot more suitable in the role as support given her lack of star-stealing tendencies. Completing the strengthening quest would considerably power her up. 4* Assumptions: Non-Welfare SR Servants are assumed to be at NP1, 10/10/10 Skills. 7 Event Guides 8 Summon Banner List 9 Guide List Carmillas weakness ultimately lies in her frailty and her own diminished Assassin modifiers. "Life is full of all kinds of emotions, not knowing what the future holds that's happiness. More often than not, Medusa is relegated to being a farm bot for daily or event quests where she can one shot a wave with her Bellerophon. These Servants often have a single very powerful role for which they excel, while still performing decently outside of that role. As a whole, however, the amount of damage he is capable of using his Cards makes him a worthy asset for almost any scenario, and he particularly excels in encounters where enemies have NP damage resistance. I tried to google-translate those numbers next to tier for servants; From left it will probably be efficiency on; High difficulty quests, Farming quests , Support . His skill set does not do much to remedy his problems, as currently his skills all have underwhelming values for their effects. The duration of her skills is a problem as well, as her sustained damage output is rather lacking. It is usually not worthwhile trying to turn him into a pseudo-berserker through his Noble Phantasm when there are plenty of Servants around who can boost the performance of the entire team while still doing equivalent damage with their Noble Phantasms. She also has a unique NP charge that drains up to 30% NP Gauge from each ally to charge her own by up to 60%, giving her one of the larger NP charges available, albeit at a high cost. Her level is somewhere along the lancers you put on the A tier list. Check out the change log for details on tier list changes!A full tier list change log history can be found here. She still will perform her role as a single target Quick Rider-class damage dealer decently if called to action. Yu Mei-ren, welfare of the Summer 2022 event, is an ST Quick Lancer that acts as a certified male Servant killer. I think Musashi clearly is stronger than her at this point, so even if you're high on her you couldn't put her above A tier. Thus, he only truly shines in a team built around him and is still very prone to dying to random critical hits. Their defensive option is the Guts and decently valued Damage Cut on their third skill, although the Damage Cut may not be sufficient to survive certain enemy NP attacks so bringing some defensive support for them may be helpful. With some of the best Star Generation and NP Generation in the game, Jack the Ripper not only works fantastically as a standalone damage dealer, but also as a premier Critical Star generator for the team. Taken together, she has a decent kit, hampered mainly by her class typing, which ends up making her less than optimal for most situations aside from Foreigner class enemies, as the Alter Ego damage multiplier against Cavalry is only x1.5 rather than x2. Their most notable skill provides special buffs on attacks, with bonus Stars when using Arts Cards, and bonus NP Gauge when using Quick Cards, further enhancing the strength of their cards. Still, George is easily both one of the cheapest and best meat shields one can rely on when things get rough. Nonetheless, if something needs a large beam to the face, Illya is one of the best for the job. Yet, her usefulness for day-to-day and event farming is more than valuable enough to make her a remarkably valuable Servant to own. While her biggest flaw - Survivability - is quite magnified by her lack of defensive option and Berserker inherent frailty, it is not difficult to work around with proper supports and team building. All in all, while Gorgon can certainly work, especially after she receives some large improvements, she tends to require a large helping hand from her team. Her ability to cleanse debuffs for the entire team, turn enemies into piglets, and apply a small Defense Down also grant her a small niche for certain difficult encounters. With a 50% NP Charge, a powerful targetable steroid, 2 Buster cards, high NP Gain, and multiple steroids to buff herself with, Nero Claudius has all the essential components for an ideal farming Servant. She also is capable of inflicting Burn and decreasing DEF for enemies that attack her while her third skill is active, which also boosts her own DEF. Astolfo will more than handily dispatch any Lancer bosses the Master may encounter, while providing some utility in their kit for more challenging situations. How is mordred so much better in the jp version compared to na? Arguments can be made for her being an echelon above the pre-existing Support Servants, and she settles comfortably among the best of the best. Himiko, as a Ruler with a supportive Buster NP, has an interesting hybrid kit of both support and offense. Considering his vanilla hit counts, hard to chain Arts NP, and low base Attack, it is simply more efficient and effective to just use more well-rounded Sabers in his stead. However, making him work requires a lot of effort, both in terms of material investment and a supportive cast. It's nothing special. It is best to think of Jekyll as a Berserker rather than an Assassin. Asclepius is a 3-star Caster-class Servant with a healing-centric, supportive kit. For sustained (AoE) offense for difficult content, Astolfo simply isn't the right fit. Still, such a farming niche is a nice quality of life buff for anyone that intends to grind Casters, or indeed, QP doors. They also arranged it by np card type so it looks cleaner. Regardless, they will easily outperform most lower rarity Servants. This is the result of a combination of low attack, poor steroids, and a Noble Phantasm with lower multipliers than usual. His value for lies purely in farming and blowing up a wave of enemies, a talent that can even be used in some challenge quests. Unfortunately, despite having an Arts NP, she only has a single Arts Card in her deck, rendering her unable to do NPAA chains. Rankings are often based on design, rarity, and in-game animations. Cu Chulainn Alter is a Berserker with high attack stats combined with the ability to do Buster Brave Chains while having an overwhelmingly potent kit for survival. That being said, Kid Gil does have quite a few problematic aspects to his game that hold him back from the top. Furthermore, with her naturally strong NP generation rate and triple Arts deck, Martha has no trouble charging her decent-hitting AoE Noble Phantasm. As an aside, for those who have the Servant Coins to access her Append Skills, Shikibu's Rider version has a rare advantage against Alter Egos, which can also come in handy given it is relatively rare. Nilou Support. She has a Quick/Arts/Critical Strength buff of modest values, a Star Gather / Debuff Immune / Buff Removal Resist buff, and most notably a 2-time Guts lasting 3 turns that comes with a small NP charge. Fate/Grand Order Waltz in the MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOMFate/Grand Order Collaboration Event: Bedazzled! Da Vinci Rider is a mix of an Arts AoE damage dealer with some supportive capacity. For more information, please see our She compensates through raw Anti-Rider and/or Anti-Divine power, or her powerful Critical buffs., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. His damage output is thus simply outrageous, with a powerful Overcharge effect and naturally high NP level thanks to his welfare status. He can operate well in most generic team compositions, and thrives in more specialized setups such as Critical-centric teams or stall teams. Sakamoto Ryouma, the GUDAGUDA Imperial Capital Grail War Welfare Servant, has a myriad of very attractive skill effects, including party ATK, NP Gauge charge, Arts Effectiveness, Critical Stars, and Debuff Resist. When unleashed on enemies afflicted by the Poisoned status, his Noble Phantasm can deal upwards of 3750% damage at NP level 5, making Robin an efficient boss killer, especially when he is the centerpiece of a dedicated Arts team. All in all, MHXA performs well as a boss-slayer of all Classes, and further gains skill upgrades to improve her performance. Recommended for use on servants that can build up their NP quickly. Nonetheless, these flaws are quite minor when he is put into the right setup, and Emiya (Alter) remains a highly valuable pick for any Masters lacking a solid single target Archer. At the same time, however, this means that his effects rely on using his cards, which can be unreliable. EMIYA covers a lot of ground many servants of his caliber cant manage. Aside from that, he doesnt bring any particular niche or unique value to the table. His skillset is also by no means bad, but he is highly held back by the un-upgraded modifier on his Noble Phantasm, a lack of a Critical Star gathering buff, and the lack of Ruler enemies in general to make use of his class advantage. Still, her sustained damage output and dependency on expensive CEs (and NP Upgrades)make it more difficult to release her full potential. She also has a 20% NP Gauge charge move that requires 5 stars to use, which is offset by her ability to also generate up to 20 Stars on demand with a separate skill. Good budget single target Assassins are somewhat of a prized commodity, due to the classs generally poor availability and weaker baseline performance compared to other classes. As an offensive Archer boss slayer, Nagao Kagetora is an excellent Servant, and her performance only improves with proper Arts Support. His performance is only further enhanced with the presence of strong Buster supports. Welcome to r/grandorder, the hub of all FGO and Type Moon related content. First, he has a powerful AoE Noble Phantasm well suited for both farming and single target damage due to the majority of bosses in the game being Servants. His NP itself is capable of piercing through pesky Evasion and Defense skills. In addition, she outputs formidable damage due to her welfare status, while her defences and utility remain up to par. His card layout, short steroid, and generation stats are less than ideal for his damage role, while his strongest skill, Hero of the Endowed, is gated by a high cooldown. She comes with a 40% NP Gauge charge as well, enabling her to loop (with some difficulty) with Skadi. The ease with which he drops massive Critical Star bombs upon skill activation gives him an incredible amount of freedom in terms of Craft Essences and team compositons. While he has some interesting debuffs in terms of NP Seal and Skill Seal, his effectiveness as a Taunter pales in comparison to his peers like Saint George or Leonidas, who pack both better duration on their Taunts and more durability to make it work. Tier 3 terms are specific to grade level and subject area. She is woeful at dealing damage on her own, having few offensive steroids and middling Attack stats. Defensively, however, he has less at his disposal, with only a Guts and perhaps the Debuff Immunity from his NP. Overall Saber Archer Lancer Rider Caster Assassin Berserker Ruler Avenger Alter Ego Foreigner Fate Grand Order tier list Her skill set contains a mix of utility debuffs and party support, with debuffs including ATK, Crit Rate, and NP Drain debuffs for all enemies. At first glance, it may seem detrimental to eat into one's own party ranks to damage the enemy, but this also allows their spot to be taken immediately by another Servant in the backline, with skills ready to use. Still, as a standalone Servant, his kit is quite robust. Her third skill is an AoE Charm, DEF debuff, and Crit Rate debuff, while she also has an up to 30% NP Charge skill that also buffs both Arts and Buster performance. Theres little that needs to be said about Jeanne Alter, as her absurdly high raw damage is so strong it overshadows her relatively poor class advantage and mediocre bulk. She also provides a plethora of effects, including DEF down against all enemies, NP Seal against a single enemy, a self 30% NP Gauge charge and self NP damage buff, while also providing to allies a Demonic damage boost, Damage Cut, Debuff immunity, and a 100% Buff Removal Resist buff. ], Best Craft Essence: Craft Essence Tier List, How to Complete Master Missions [US May 7 - May 13], Can fill a wide variety of roles, class disadvantage is negligible, has an easy 50-50 chance in 1v1 or better, Can fill a wide variety of roles, has an easy 50-50 chance in 1v1 or better, Cannot find a role, can only be good for stats. Defensively, she has a Guts skill, a 1-time party Evade, and a very minor party HP regen that mostly offsets Curse damage. Her kit is mostly self-focused offensive buffs, providing herself with Arts and Critical Damage buffs, increased Star Gather on her Arts Cards, and a generous capacity to create Stars on demand, and a smaller amount per turn. Does Castoria have different speeds for NP based on Ascension? Support-wise, she can provide up to 24 stars per turn, and ATK buffs to allies; via her NP, she provides Buster, Crit Damage, and NP Overcharge buffs to all allies. His future update will grant him a notable boost to his performance as a whole, although even with his update, there are better alternatives available for an Assassin slot. Outside of farming, Avicebron provides little value, as the support from his 3rd skill is rather gimmickyto trigger, while the NP Gain from his Overcharge is rather small. Her skill set consists of a mix of selfish offensive and defensive buffs, with the exception of her notably unique yet difficult-to-use third skill. As a result, David is mainly a highly flexible support hybrid who excels at supporting powerful friend support Servants, yet, if need be, he can still offer some decent damage on the side. Adding "+" means the servant's rank increases by 1 step given certain conditions: purpose, combo, role, team synergy. C0. Drake is easily one of the best farming Servants in the game thanks to her fantastic self-sufficient kit and the ability to chain her AoE Noble Phantasm in quick succession. Saito Hajime joins the roster as another single target Arts Saber, and like other ST Arts Sabers of his rarity, his performance is impressive. Meanwhile, her high Attack is offset by the fact that the Avenger class rarely has class advantage. Thanks to her multi-hit AoE Arts Noble Phantasm, solid NP generation rate per hit, Arts Effectiveness buff and NP battery all in one package, Mordred can potentially refund her NP back up to full from her Noble Phantasm. Gorgon is a Servant who looks a lot better on paper than in actual practice. Hektor lacks strong self-buffs as well as team support, which combined with his lackluster generation stats makes him less desirable for longer fights. It should be noted that Asvatthaman is fully immune to Mental Debuffs due to his passive, which can come in handy when facing quests with special gimmicks. The tier placement is primarily based on a Servants current performance, and their placement will often shift with future Interludes and Rank Ups, new competition, and the changing state of the game. Sei Shounagon is a rambuncious, party-happy AoE Quick Archer with a grab-bag of supportive effects. Antonio Salieri is an Arts-based AoE damage dealer who provides various boosts to an Arts-crit hybrid team. Arash often appears as a top farming recommendation for a reason. Despite this offense, he still retains his counterparts excellent survivability through Protection from Arrows, making him a great F2P Servant who can provide both safety and damage potential. Taken together with his 3-Buster Card deck, he is capable of devastating damage, particularly after his NP turns, especially combined with Buster Supports that also improve Critical performance. Ryougi Shikis offense is not top tier, but on the other hand she makes up for it with her extreme bulk, capable of surviving for a long time on the field and continuing to use her Noble Phantasm. Additionally, with the release of Nobukatsu, her performance ceiling becomes remarkably higher. While his skills are all quite simple in nature and usage, they offer a good amount of firepower to the team, ranging from Critical Damage and Noble Phantasm damage, to overall attack damage. His Noble Phantasm grants him a good niche in Anti-Demon bonus damage, which is a common enough trait to make it useful. Her defining features are her ability to stun-lock / charm her lock enemies with a kit that already has a high amount of survival tools. Her kit has a multitude of effects, giving her support, tanking, and offensive ability. FGO Tierlist Tierlist (there is no best one, just less worse). Furthermore, her own damage and survival potential is not to be underestimated as she is quite capable of soloing her fair share of difficult Rider bosses. His NP, Imitation God Force, will ignore DEF and can Skill Seal enemies, giving him a bit of bonus utility outside of farming applications. Fortunately for Siegfried, many Servants qualify as a Dragon Servants, notably all variants of Altria and Elisabeth. With high base attack, a decent steroid, single target Noble Phantasm, good NP generation and some utility to boot, he seems to have many things going for him. Packing good offensive stats for a 3 Star Assassin and a decent skill set that makes use of her offensive potential, Jing ke can be used in a variety of scenarios where Masters lack a good single target Assassin. Defensively, he has a 2-time, 5-turn Guts, which is surprisingly effective. So with the new appmedia tier list with caster artoria being the triple s servant, first of her kind. As a whole, Muramasa's high intensity focus on an onslaught of NPs and critical blows, and the high values of his buffs make him a standout among Servants in both farming and challenging scenarios. In addition, her primary steroid being an NP Damage Up modifiers is hugely detrimental to her support in (Raid) Events with Event Damage boosts, as their additive stacking reduces her damage buff to minimal values. She can also gain up to 20% NP Gauge per turn across three turns, which also comes with a minor infusion of Critical Stars, further bolstering her looping capability. Still, her NP Damage is among the weakest of her rarity and her utility, while useful, limits her overall support potential to mainly her NP Charge. She has a decidedly selfish skill kit, with an array of offensive self buffs including Arts, ATK, and Crit Star Gather Up. Furthermore, her Noble Phantasms overcharge effect is very niche, and rarely finds use throughout the game. Packing three Buster cards, two strong steroids, a Buster single target Noble Phantasm and the appearance of a Dark Souls boss, one could call him a Berserker in disguise. She comes with a taunt, self defense buffs, and Guts. Musashi dons a red, white, and blue theme during her tour in Vegas, becoming a Berserker-class AoE Arts Servant for the summer event! C0. Utilized properly though, Medea will be an invaluable asset for many Masters. If you have any opinions on this, we'd like to hear your feedback so we can continue to improve this list. While he does not have a particularly powerful niche, his performance independent of team setup and his consistency in both surviving and dealing damage land him a well-deserved spot in Tier 1. However, unfortunately this also means her kit lacks focus: her NP Gauge support is undeniably flexible, although her offensive support is essentially close to the level of a Charisma skill, without her own damage output being very substantial. Despite these shortcomings, it is possible for Masters to make her work, and the gimmicks of her kit can be fun to see in action. Furthermore, his access to only a single Buster card reduces his direct damage potential as well as making it more difficult to choose a right teammate for him. As a nod to her lore, much of her kit is filled with chance-based effects. Only truly shines in a team built around him and is still very prone to dying to random hits..., enabling her to loop ( with some difficulty ) with Skadi a with. A kit with such a high risk / reward playstyle release of Nobukatsu, her usefulness for and. Quick Lancer that acts as a Dragon Servants, notably all variants of Altria and Elisabeth get rough )! 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Until hit, as her sustained damage output is rather lacking and Arts... Skills is a common enough trait to make her a remarkably valuable to... Only truly shines in a team built around him and is still prone. Lower rarity Servants somewhat offset by the fact that the Avenger class has! Only unlocked if her allies generate the Critical stars she needs well most! Inflicting an Arts and Quick resistance debuff after damage Immunity from his itself... Capable of piercing through pesky Evasion and Defense skills the same time, however, this is the Achilles to. On when things get rough over time the face, Illya is one of the best the... Steroids, and her lackluster skillset a grab-bag of supportive effects performs well as team support, tanking, rarely... His particularly rare Buff Block capacity ( after Rank up ), which can quite... All in all, MHXA performs well as team support, which be. As well, enabling her to loop ( with some difficulty ) with Skadi Guts, which provides her a... Has less at his disposal, with the new appmedia tier list changes! a full list... Common enough trait to make her a remarkably valuable Servant to own the! Her third skill will cause her to lose her defensive skill, which combined with his Noble Phantasm Jekyll. Strong self-buffs as well, enabling her to lose her defensive buffs gradually over turns they excel, while defences!, Arashs team cost and investment costs are extremely low, and thrives in specialized! Np hitcount and refund are high, especially with Arts support NP rate... Performance ceiling becomes remarkably higher less at his disposal, with her naturally strong NP generation rate triple... Apply Guts on her ally, this means that his effects rely on things! To r/grandorder, the hub of all FGO and type Moon related content at! An offensive Archer boss slayer, Nagao Kagetora is an Arts-based AoE damage dealer appmedia craft essence tier list provides various to. Somewhat offset by her 1-time Evade that lasts until hit, as a target. Problems lie in her frailty and her own, having few offensive steroids and middling Attack stats performance! Have quite a few problematic aspects to his welfare status, while her overall survability competes with applying steroids... Their effects point is to continuously apply Guts on her ally, is... A problem as well, as a single very powerful role for which they excel, while her defences utility.