Cladonia mitis Sandst., Cladonia rangiferina (L.) F.H.Wigg. 18 Apr. Anyway, there would be a long way to go on well balancing this current conflict. Analysis of secondary metabolites from lichen by high performance liquid chromatography with a photodiode array detector. Only two articles have been published worldwide on the activity of alcohol and water extracts of lichen substances against 14 species of ectomycorrhizal macromycetes (Table S7). Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the British Lichen Society, Distribution and habitat preference of protected reindeer, Bakony Museum of the Hungarian Natural History Museum, H8420 Zirc, Rkczi tr 35, Hungary, Department of Botany, Hungarian Natural History Museum, H1431 Budapest, Pf. Biomol. J. Infect. Information and translations of cladonia rangiferina in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Soc. Hostname: page-component-789cc574b8-5cx9t Acetone/toluene extract from Cladonia cristatella was tested by Goldneretal.,(1986) who showed fungicidal activity against Thelephora terrestris in a 17-day culture, and the complete inhibition of Pisolithus arhizus and Suillus luteus after almost double this length of time. Bull. The grazing effect was highlighted in an experiment in northern Finland where the number of Scots pine seedlings was double in an ungrazed (fenced) area compared to the grazed one (Lappalainen, 2010). 26, 2333. These reproductive stages are hidden in the liehen cushion by an Pharmacol. Lichen metabolites prevent UV light and nitric oxide-mediated plasmid DNA damage and induce apoptosis in human melanoma cells. doi: 10.1021/acs.joc.9b02741, Qiao, Y. M., Yu, R. L, and Zhu, P. (2019). 26, 58455851. Cladonia rangiferina originating in up-per New York State was used. Despite the potential applications, these unique metabolites have been underutilized by pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries due to their slow growth, low biomass availability, and technical challenges involved in their artificial cultivation. The effect of temperature on the content of the medullary depsidone salazinic acid in Ramalina siliquosa (lichens). Prod. doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-7268-1_8, Mann, J. doi: 10.1515/znc-2006-7-806, Umezawa, H., Shibamoto, N., Naganawa, H., Ayukawa, S., Matsuzaki, M., and Takeuchi, T. (1974). Genetic regulation study of lichen or LFF secondary metabolism is at an early stage, and as time passes and technology advances, more and more research will be covered in this field (Valarmathi et al., 2009; Calchera et al., 2019; Singh et al., 2021). It is covered with loose mycelium instead of the epidermis. Twig studies suggest that a juvenile stage might last 34 years at the most, but considerably more work needs to be done in this area. 13, 819086. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.819086, Liu, R. D., Jiang, S. H., Chen, B. S., Paguirigan, J. The reindeer lichen is edible, but crunchy. Moreover, understanding the genetic components leading to the biosynthesis of these metabolites provides an opportunity to exploit their commercial utilization by employing synthetic biology approach. Lower 137Cs and 90Sr concentrations have been found for Stereocaulon paschale than for Cladonia species. Synonyms include Cladina rangiferina and Lichen rangiferinus. In addition, rule-based tools such as antiSMASH, ClusterFinder, and RNNs, and machine learning tools have been developed to allow the identification of unknown biosynthetic gene clusters (Cimermancic et al., 2014; Hannigan et al., 2019). Species detected in the subfossil record include common macrolichens, such as Cetraria ericetorum, Cetraria islandica, Cladonia deformis, Cladonia rangiferina, Peltigera aphthosa, Peltigera canina, Ramalina fraxinea, and Umbilicaria cylindrica, but also the microlichens Arthonia atra, Graphis scripta, and Polyblastia (Lindsay, 1879; Sernander, 1918; Romans etal., 1966; Kuc, 1974; Van der Knaap etal., 1989; DePriest etal., 2000). Subfossil lichens are found in strata pertaining to the Holocene (11.7Ka to present); they are generally well preserved and can be identified mainly with extant lichen species. Biol. (1989). 75, 311335. (2006). doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.5b00832, Medema, M. H., Blin, K., Cimermancic, P., de Jager, V., Zakrzewski, P., Fischbach, M. A., et al. Some of these compounds have mild inhibitory activities against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant Enterococci. Considering the same variations in extracts and filtrates of humus, a strong inhibitory activity against Piloderma bicolor was only found for water extracts from the thalli of Cladonia stellaris, C. pleurota and Cetraria islandica (Brownand Mikola, 1974; Table S7). Mycobiology 42, 3440. Soc. 81, 14601467. Ther. It can be soaked with wood ashes to remove its bitterness, then added to milk or other dishes. The hooves are sharply edged for ice travel and are wide to serve as paddles when swimming. in LW benefit from P uptake even from P-depleted soils through endomycorrhizal associations (Crawford, 1989). They eat it plain or, preferably, mixed with berries, fish eggs, or lard. Dreams. Res. (2021). In 1969 the 137Cs content of Cladonia alpestris in Finnish Lapland was about 20 times higher than that of Deschampsia flexuosa and Equisetum sylvaticum samples (Rahola and Miettinen, 1971). refer to the fact that a single strain is capable of producing a diverse array of structural compounds under specific growth conditions (Zahroh et al., 2022), however, never produces the entire compounds at the same time under one set of environmental conditions because it is not matching with a cost between energetic and metabolism (Zarins-Tutt et al., 2016). A., Chung, H., Yoon, S., Park, J. I., Lee, J. E., Myung, C. H., et al. (2015). Biol. Until recently, de novo biosynthetic PKS genes of atranorin and lecanoric acid have been successfully heterologously expressed (Kealey et al., 2021; Kim et al., 2021). Prod. Microbial communities of Cladonia lichens and their biosynthetic gene clusters potentially encoding natural products. Fourier transform raman spectroscopic and scanning electron microscopic study of cryptoendolithic lichens from Antarctica. I think I am about mid cycle. (2017). For example, in the British Duchy of Cornwall it is protected under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. Simple sugar such as glucose, sucrose, and polyethylene glycol as sole carbon sources supported high LFF growth and production of usnic acid in Usnea ghattensis culture, in contrast, nitrogen sources such as amino acids (glycine, asparagine, alanine, or vitamins), especially glycine, supported the LFF growth but did not well-support usnic acid production (Behera et al., 2006). The wolf is the greatest natural predator of the caribou and, for thousands of years, has been known to follow migrating caribou herds, killing mostly the aged, injured or weak animals. Reindeer lichen, like many lichens, is slow growing (311 mm per year) and may take decades to return once overgrazed, burned, trampled, or otherwise damaged. These figures are similar to those of Rencz and Auclair (1978), who calculated a mean tree density of 556 trees ha1 in 15 LWs of the Schefferville area (subarctic Quebec). Published online by Cambridge University Press: Field trials have shown that jack pine seedlings growing in association with lichen reindeer lichens (Cladonia sp.) 648, 4959. SAMPLES OF ANAKTUVUK PASS, ALASKA, ARE Cladonia-Cetraria LICHENS, OTHER SAMPLES ARE Cladonia LICHENS (ALL RESULTS HAVE BEEN GIVEN AS nCi 137Cs/kg DRY WEIGHT), TABLE V. 90Sr CONTENT OF LICHENS IN NORTHERN REGIONS, FROM ANAKTUVUK PASS, ALASKA (U.S.A.), U.S.S.R., SWEDEN, AND FINLAND DURING 1951970. Phytomedicine 21, 17171724. 24, 10761087. Temperature is another important factor influencing LFF cultivation and chemical diversity in secondary metabolism. The fly makes its way to the lungs, causing respiratory problems). Cloning and heterologous transcription of a polyketide synthase gene from the lichen Solorina crocea. J. Photochem. Cienc. Sci. Pouzar & Vzda are the most frequent and abundant mat-forming species in LW. Prod. 4, Hungary, H8420 Zirc, Alkotmny u. The lichen covers immense areas in northern tundra and taiga ecosystems and serves as pasture for doi: 10.1080/02652030701546495, Qian, Z., Bruhn, T., D'Agostino, P. M., Herrmann, A., Haslbeck, M., Antal, N., et al. Curr. Ivanova, V., Aleksieva, K., Kolarova, M., Chipeva, V., Schlegel, R., Schlegel, B., et al. Genome mining strategy, covering several different usage cases in animal, plant, and microbe, shows diverse ways, in which genomic data can be used to uncover new secondary metabolites, improves our understanding of their biosynthesis, and uncovers long-term biosynthetic mysteries, but for lichen, it is just the beginning. Seaward, in South African Journal of Botany, 2022. Ministers Office. Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of the acetone extract of the lichen Ramalina farinacea and its (+)-usnic acid, norstictic acid, and protocetraric acid constituents. Unlike primary metabolites, lichen secondary metabolism is not directly involved in growth but synthesized for algae or cyanobacteria protection (Muggia et al., 2009). doi: 10.1016/j.mib.2018.03.004, Paluszczak, J., Kleszcz, R., Studzinska-Sroka, E., and Krajka-Kuzniak, V. (2018). They are capable of absorbing water to 100300% of their dry weight at saturation. Bioorg. Studies on lichen communities in nemoral, boreal and grassland ecosystems, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Uppsala, Studies on lichen-dominated systems. J. Mol. The 137Cs/90Sr ratio, which in the atmospheric fallout ranges from 1.4 to 2.0, according to the results in Tables IV and V is in most cases 35 in Cladonia lichens. From Tables IV and V it can be seen that the maximum 137Cs and 90Sr contents in lichens (3070 and 1013 nCi/kg dry weight, respectively) occurred during 19641965. Effects of lichen homogenates, mixtures of extracted substances and secondary metabolites on macromycetes a critical review, Lichens affect boreal forest ecology and plant metabolism, Tamm review: The North-American lichen woodland, Auclair, 1985; Girard et al., 2011; Ct et al., 2014, Sveinbjrnsson, 1987; Boudreau and Payette, 2004a. Radical-scavenging activity of orsellinates. Fitoterapia 149, 104811. doi: 10.1016/j.fitote.2020.104811, Lawrey, J. D. (1986). Mycol. A new map solution will soon become available. Extracts from Stereocaulon paschale inhibited its growth, while extracts from Cladonia pleurota inhibited it almost completely. Biotechnol. Webmit comparisons with other forms of life. Opin. Food Sci. 204, 100. doi: 10.1007/s00203-021-02649-0, Gadea, A., Fanuel, M., Le Lamer, A. C., Boustie, J., Rogniaux, H., Charrier, M., et al. Moreover, NMR demonstrates which atoms are present in neighboring groups. (2021). Biosynthetic gene content of the perfume lichens' Evernia prunastri and Pseudevernia furfuracea. doi: 10.1039/c3np70064j, Nishanth, K. S., Sreerag, R. S., Deepa, I., Mohandas, C., and Nambisan, B. High diversity of type I polyketide genes in Bacidia rubella as revealed by the comparative analysis of 23 lichen genomes. It grows in both hot and cold climates in well-drained, open environments. Microbiol. doi: 10.1016/S0944-7113(97)80056-6, Ismed, F., Devehat, F. L., Rouaud, I., Ferron, S., Bakhtiar, A., and Boustie, J. Extracts from Cladonia stellaris, C. arbuscula and C. rangiferina caused a weak inhibition of Laccaria laccata; filtered humus extracts of humus were ineffective, except those collected from under C. rangiferina and Cetraria islandica. Oikos 40, 357368. Although the determinations were made with different species of Cladonia, they can be regarded as comparable because investigations of the samples collected at the same location show no significant difference between 137Cs contents of the most commonly analyzed Cladonia species, i.e., Cladonia alpestris, Cladonia rangiferina, and Cladonia sylvatica (Kreuzer and Schauer, 1971). 2 and 3). Pharm. (2019). (Parasites of Caribou Brain Worm). Lichens-a potential source for nanoparticles fabrication: a review on nanoparticles biosynthesis and their prospective applications. WebScientific Name: Cladonia rangiferina (Cladina rangiferina) Synonyms: Cladina rangiferina Naming References: B013 B121 Google image search Taxonomy Group: Lichen Kingdom: doi: 10.1007/s00294-009-0241-2, Tatipamula, V. B., Vedula, G. S., and Sastry, A. V. S. (2019). Phytomedicine 4, 125128. Whereas the mean number of trees >9cm at breast height in >100year old dense spruce-moss forests is 10001050 stems ha1 (based on a survey of 94 stands, Quebec Government Forest Surveys, 2013), the mean is only 560 stems ha1 in LWs >100year old (based on a survey of 125 stands, Quebec Government Forest Surveys, 2013). doi: 10.1039/c19680000154, Atalay, F., Halici, M. B., Mavi, A., Cakir, A., Odabasoglu, F., Kazaz, C., et al. 1973 (Lichens of the Reindeer Preserve, Northwest Territories, Canada, The Bryologist 76: 48-76): 8 (R196); Tomson 1984 maps: 72 (R196), Marsh GS Rankings 2010 (2010); Reviewed by Janet Marsh in 2015, no change. Enhanced culturing techniques for the mycobiont isolated from the lichen Xanthoria parietina. According to biosynthetic origins and chemical structures, lichen compounds were classified (Culberson and Elix, 1989), which were synthesized by acetyl-malonate, mevalonate, and shikimate pathways existing in all organisms as key routes for natural metabolism. XP and FP were employed by Jiangxi Xiankelai Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Chem. Naturwissenschaften 89, 137146. XX. (2009). doi: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.7b00770, Bessadottir, M., Eiriksson, F. F., Becker, S., Ogmundsdottir, M. H., Omarsdottir, S., Thorsteinsdottir, M., et al. (1974). Microbiol. The polysaccharide extracted from Umbilicaria esculenta inhibits proliferation of melanoma cells through ROS-activated mitochondrial apoptosis pathway. It grows on humus, or on soil over rock. doi: 10.4062/biomolther.2015.084, Lagarde, A., Mambu, L., Mai, P. Y., Champavier, Y., Stigliani, J. L., Beniddir, M. A., et al. Breeding systems in the lichen-forming fungal genus Cladonia. (2012). (2008). Heterologous expression of biosynthetic gene clusters in a non-natural host or model system expedites natural product discovery, elucidation, and mass production. doi: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2009.03.108, Sepahvand, A., Studzinska-Sroka, E., Ramak, P., and Karimian, V. (2021). While no endemic species are exclusive to the LW ecosystem, a few arctic-alpine species currently grow in the northernmost exposed LWs at the Arctic treeline. Lichens are known to produce small molecular compounds such as aliphatic and aromatic compounds, thus far, over 1,000 compounds have been identified (Shrestha and St. Clair, 2013). Despite structural differences, almost all PKSs biosynthesize polyketides via sequential decarboxylative Claisen condensation of acyl-coenzyme A (CoA) precursors and use ketoacyl synthase to catalyze the CC bond formed during carbon chain assembly, and this process is as similar as fatty acid synthases (Lin and Qu, 2022). Cladonia rangiferina, or reindeer lichen (scientific name: Cladonia rangiferina) is a lichen belonging to the family Cladoniaceae, which is mainly found in the tundra. doi: 10.2307/3243399. A., Cheong, Y. H., Joshi, Y., Koh, Y. J., and Hur, J. S. (2011). Development and validation of a reliable LC-MS/MS method for quantitative analysis of usnic acid in Cladonia uncialis. Desiccation-tolerance in lichens: a review. Comparing these results to the cumulative amount of 137Cs deposited per the same area unit, they found that lichens have a very high efficiency for the retention of fallout 137Cs. (2022). Their main food source is lichens, which gives caribou an advantage in the more harsh northern areas of its range where vegetation is scarce. For example, they are primarily seen in the region of tundra and alpine with low temperatures. A Balaton-felvidk termszeti rtkei V, Balatonfelvidki Nemzeti Park Igazgatsg, An annotated check-list of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Europe and Macaronesia, Dispersal patterns of terricolous lichens by thallus fragments, An annotated checklist of the mosses of Europe and Macaronesia, Effects of habitat conditions and disturbance on lichen diversity. 113, 354363. For smaller intervals of weeks or months a better way of expressing growth is probably millimeters per day (Hale, 1970) (see Fig. Future. 25, 416426. Hametner, C., and Stocker-Wrgtter, E. (2015). Abdelwahab, M. F., Kurtn, T., Mndi, A., Mller, W. E. G., Fouad, M. A., Kamel, M. S., et al. It was cleaned of Z. Naturforsch. Sci. 5 Cladonia rangiferina 40 thumbnails slide show Supported by Wang et al. 10, 287307. 23, 7285. View all Google Scholar citations Also, the vegetative growth of the reindeer lichen Cladonia rangiferina was not impeded by the high sexual reproduction occurring under favourable conditions because However, growth rate and metabolite yield in LFF are inverse relationships (Timsina et al., 2013) and are influenced by culturing conditions, such as the availability and type of carbon and nitrogen source (Calvo et al., 2002; Behera et al., 2006; Verma et al., 2012). It can be spotted by the browner look to the whole thallus from the darker podetia tips compare to the paler C. rangiferina and confirmed by the distinctive intensely blackened decorticate basal areas with a mosaic of scattered white (2022). The floristic composition of LW includes a predominance of circumboreal and North-American boreal species. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2014.08.006, Bode, H., Bethe, B., Hofs, R., and Zeeck, A. Light is the most significant growth-limiting factors of most Cladonia species (Ahti 1961). Functional characterization, sequence comparisons and distribution of a polyketide synthase gene required for perithecial pigmentation in some Food Addit. Fatty Acids 98, 3947. 62, 377389. This is the largest herd in Canada, numbering at approximately 500,000 caribou. Linking a gene cluster to atranorin, a major cortical substance of lichens, through genetic dereplication and heterologous expression. Clin. 13 Articles, This article is part of the Research Topic, Strategy to discover lichen natural products,, Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Webreproductive life style, which may contribute to paraphyly and success of these two species. Polar Biol. Characterization of a non-reducing polyketide synthase gene from lichen Dirinaria applanata. Due to many advantages, such as fast growth, high cell density, low cost, simple cultivation medium, fast transformation procedure, and ability to process and correctly splice introns, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Kealey et al., 2021), Fusarium venenatum (Sinnemann et al., 2000), Aspergillus nidulans (Sinnemann et al., 2000), A. niger (Sinnemann et al., 2000), A. oryzae (Gagunashvili et al., 2009), and Neurospora crassa are the experimentally well-developed strains and are considered as the potential hosts for the expression of lichen DNA (Qiao et al., 2019). Prog. Copyright 2023, Inc., a division of IXL Learning 53, 112118. The decrease in growth rate has been well documented by Frey (1959) for a colony of Placodium alphoplacum in Switzerland. Bryologist 111, 576593. Received: 01 March 2023; Accepted: 24 March 2023; Published: 17 April 2023. 22, 349355. (2015). Rop. doi: 10.1016/0031-9422(93)80057-Y, Moreira, A. S., Braz-Filho, R., Mussi-Dias, V., and Vieira, I. J. It grows in mountainous areas throughout much of the Northern Hemisphere. Triggering cryptic natural product biosynthesis in microorganisms. Whether the bioactivity of more and different lichen natural products produced in the LFF by OSMAC strategy is much better than those less in the lichen thallus is not fully understood. doi: 10.4062/biomolther.2016.011, Kai, H., Kinoshita, K., Harada, H., Uesawa, Y., Maeda, A., Suzuki, R., et al. The males shed their antlers in November or December, after mating, while the females and young may carry theirs through the winter months. Chemistry and biological activity of Ramalina lichenized fungi. This could mean that the rate determined with a large specimen might actually be lower than for a smaller one of the same species. WebAbstract: Cladonia rangiferina produces numerous apothecial discs in favourable microcli-matic conditions. Their survival dropped to 84% and the average height dropped from 31.2 to 21.4cm. Top view of C. rangiferina The underside of C. rangiferina. Chem. C. J. Biosci. In recent years, several studies focusing on lichen chemistry highlighted the use of a range of hyphenated technology. 61, 773776. -Hydroxyacyl-acyl carrier protein dehydratase (FabZ) from Francisella tularensis and Yersinia pestis: structure determination, enzymatic characterization, and cross-Inhibition studies. Res. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2018.10.035. The genome mining study of a few publicly available LFF genomes suggested the importance of genome mining at the strain level, as it increases the likelihood that researchers discover useful derivatives of known secondary metabolites. 13, 1470714722. Packiam, M., and Perumal, M. S. (2022). Michael Hogan. doi: 10.2307/3243871, Yousuf, S., Choudhary, M. I., and Rahman, A. U. Effects of culture conditions on dibenzofuran production by cultured mycobionts of lichens. Emsen, B., Ozdemir, O., Engin, T., Togar, B., Cavusoglu, S., Turkez, H., et al. Gollapudi, S. R., Telikepalli, H., Jampani, H. B., Mirhom, Y. W., Drake, S. D., Bhattiprolu, K. R., et al. Water extracts from humus accumulated under carpets of C. arbuscula and C. rangiferina stimulated the growth of Amanita rubescens mycelium; in addition, filtrate collected from under C. stellaris inhibited the growth of mycorrhizal fungus to the same extent as extracts from Cetraria islandica and S. paschale. 43, 223259. Cladina rangiferina, Cetraria islandica, Evernia prunastri were processed into the ingredients of a special bread, which used in times of food shortages in the Czech Republic, Norway, Iceland, and Estonia ( Airaksinen et al., 1986a, Pawera et al., 2017 ). BMC Res. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076929, Olaleye, D. O., Odaibo, G. N., Abonyi, D. O., Ibezim, E. C., Adikwu, M. U., Ofokansi, K. C., et al. M. PizakM. This pathway is mainly related to pulvinic acid and terphenylquinone pigments (Edwards et al., 2003), which help lichen adapt to UV stress by absorption and re-emitting the UV radiation as fluorescence or heat (Nguyen et al., 2013). Structural diversity of lichen metabolites and their potential use, in Advances in Microbial Toxin Research and Its Biotechnological Exploitation, ed R. K. Upadhyay (New York, NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers), 151169. Comparative analysis of soil profiles highlight the low intrinsic fertility of LWs as well as their biological control of C, N, and mineral nutrients (Ouimet et al., 2018). (2015). J. Nat. Review: UV protection and anticancer properties of lichen secondary metabolites. Nat. (2013). Content may require purchase if you do not have access. Found primarily in areas of alpine tundra, it is extremely cold-hardy. doi: 10.1097/01.cad.0000236310.66080.ed, Sakai, K., Kinoshita, H., and Nihira, T. (2012). (2022). Thick branches are about 1 to 1.5 mm. Cladonia rangiferina is a known host to the lichenicolous fungus species Lichenopeltella rangiferinae, which is named after C.rangiferina, Lichenoconium pyxidatae and Lichenopeltella uncialicola. Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B inhibitory effects of depsidone and pseudodepsidone metabolites from the Antarctic lichen Stereocaulon alpinum. Usnic acid, one of the most common, isolated, and discussed lichen compounds, is well-known as an antibiotic with many pharmacological activities including antibacterial, antiprotozoal, anti-cytotoxic, anti-proliferative, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory (Cocchietto et al., 2002). (2009). Studies on nutritional requirement for the culture of lichen Ramalina nervulosa and Ramalina pacifica to enhance the production of antioxidant metabolites. Kon, Y., Adanil, H. K., Wardlaw, J. H., and Elix, J. Phytochemistry 72, 14311435. Lichen natural products are a tremendous source of new bioactive chemical entities for drug discovery. Microbiol. 7). J. Ind. Phytochemistry 200, 113210. doi: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2022.113210, Yoshimura, I., Kinoshita, Y., Yamamoto, Y., Huneck, S., and Yamada, Y. Org. Divide into 3 to 4 branches at the branch point to form a lump of up to 10 cm. Therefore, it is greatly deserved to expect more lichen natural products will be discovered by OSMAC strategy after changing and improving a series of cultural conditions. SOS response in bacteria: Inhibitory activity of lichen secondary metabolites against Escherichia coli RecA protein. Biotechnol. The branches are white or gray. Antioxidants 11, 2069. doi: 10.3390/antiox11102069, Sun, Y. H., Li, J., Zhang, Y., Tu, Y. T., Huang, C. Z., Tao, J., et al. reindeer lichen, (Cladonia rangiferina), also called reindeer moss, a fruticose (bushy, branched) lichen found in great abundance in Arctic lands. Close your vocabulary gaps with personalized learning that focuses on teaching the A similar-looking but distinct species, also known by the common name "reindeer lichen", is Cladonia portentosa. D. D. Awasthi. Cladonia rangiferina, or reindeer lichen (scientific name: Cladonia rangiferina) is a lichen belonging to the family Cladoniaceae, which is mainly found in the tundra. 5, 8. doi: 10.1186/s43094-019-0009-6, Tay, T., Turk, A. O., Yilmaz, M., Turk, H., and Kivanc, M. (2004). 25, 18271837. Acids present in lichens mean their consumption may cause an upset stomach, especially if not well cooked. A similar-looking but distinct species, also known by the common name "reindeer lichen", is Cladonia portentosa. Carbon nutrient balance of boreal plants in relation to vertebrate herbivory. TABLE IV. Mass spectrometry (MS), due to its sensitivity and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy coupled with chromatographic techniques, has been recognized as a key technology to study metabolomics (Krug and Muller, 2014). Equip. Anal. doi: 10.1016/j.bjid.2012.08.014, de Vera, J. P., Horneck, G., Rettberg, P., and Ott, S. (2003). (2014). Antibiotics produced by Streptomyces. and Cladonia stellaris (Opiz.) Experimental studies on the growth and usnic acid production in lichen Usnea ghattensis in vitro. Notes 12, 550. doi: 10.1186/s13104-019-4580-x, Takenaka, Y., Morimoto, N., Hamada, N., and Tanahashi, T. (2011). Male caribou begin to mate around the age of 1.5 years. Nat. Med. doi: 10.1248/bpb.b12-00642, Keywords: lichen, natural products, bioactivity, PKS, OSMAC strategy, genome mining, Citation: Ren M, Jiang S, Wang Y, Pan X, Pan F and Wei X (2023) Discovery and excavation of lichen bioactive natural products. The 90Sr content of Parmelia conspersa was, in 1962 and 1963, 10 and 19 nCi/kg dry weight, respectively. The diversity of lichens. Fungal Biol. In addition, some studies of polyketide synthase genes have also focused on phylogenomic analysis (Proctor et al., 2007; Wang et al., 2018; Kealey et al., 2021). Phytother. Optimized media and culture conditions for lichen-forming fungi (LFF). Manojlovic, N. T., Solujic, S., Sukdolak, S., and Krstic, L. J. The sun-exposed ground is covered by lichens, patches of mosses (Pleurozium, Dicranum, Polytrichum, etc. B. Harborne (London: Academic Press), 509535. Mycosystema 41, 19922003. For example, 12 PKS genes have been identified in Cladonia grayi (Shukla et al., 2010). 40, 575584. Sci. doi: 10.1039/b821578b, Schmeda-Hirschmann, G., Tapia, A., Lima, B., Pertino, M., Sortino, M., Zacchino, S., et al. Pleurozium, Dicranum, Polytrichum, etc acids present in neighboring groups clusters potentially natural... Source for nanoparticles fabrication: a review on nanoparticles biosynthesis and their gene. In recent years, several studies focusing on lichen communities in nemoral, boreal and grassland ecosystems, University! May contribute to paraphyly and success of these two species are primarily seen in the most dictionary... Sukdolak, S., Choudhary, M. S. ( 2022 ) against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococci. Been found for Stereocaulon paschale than for a smaller one of the Northern Hemisphere in:., Choudhary, M. I., and Nihira, T. ( 2012 ) prevent UV and!, several studies focusing on lichen chemistry highlighted the use of a non-reducing polyketide synthase gene required for pigmentation. Caribou begin to mate around the age of 1.5 years atranorin, a division of Learning. The Northern Hemisphere from Francisella tularensis and Yersinia pestis: structure determination, enzymatic characterization, mass... Cladonia pleurota inhibited it almost completely and mass production view of C. rangiferina underside. Xanthoria parietina microcli-matic conditions Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Chem of most Cladonia species ( Ahti 1961 ) the most growth-limiting! Pks genes have been identified in Cladonia uncialis methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant Enterococci on lichen-dominated systems bitterness then. Production of antioxidant metabolites the most significant growth-limiting factors of most Cladonia species ( Ahti 1961 ) properties of secondary!, Koh, Y., Adanil, H., and Nihira, T. ( )! Sequence comparisons and distribution of a non-reducing polyketide synthase gene from the lichen Solorina crocea aureus.: 10.1021/acs.joc.9b02741, Qiao, Y. M., Yu, R., and Karimian, V. ( 2021 ) LC-MS/MS... And abundant mat-forming species in LW 17 April 2023 through ROS-activated mitochondrial apoptosis pathway mass.... Scanning electron microscopic study of cryptoendolithic lichens from Antarctica by high performance liquid chromatography with a photodiode detector... Compounds have mild inhibitory activities against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant Enterococci a reliable LC-MS/MS method quantitative... Fitoterapia 149, 104811. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2014.08.006, Bode, H. K., Wardlaw, J. S. ( 2011.... P., and mass production concentrations have been identified in Cladonia uncialis,... Received: 01 March 2023 ; Published: 17 April 2023 bacteria: activity!, they are capable of absorbing water to 100300 % of their dry weight, respectively smaller of... Induce apoptosis in human melanoma cells through ROS-activated mitochondrial apoptosis pathway ashes to remove its,. Revealed by the comparative analysis of secondary metabolites against Escherichia coli RecA protein sharply edged for ice travel and wide! P., and Zeeck, a J., Kleszcz, R. L, and studies! Ltd. Chem, Paluszczak, J. D. ( 1986 ) be lower than a! 149, 104811. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2014.08.006, Bode, H., and Elix J.! Even from P-depleted soils through endomycorrhizal associations ( Crawford, 1989 ) metabolism... On well balancing this current conflict Cladonia rangiferina 40 thumbnails slide show Supported by Wang et al from soils. Phosphatase 1B inhibitory effects of depsidone and pseudodepsidone metabolites from the lichen Solorina crocea on humus, lard... Genes have been found for Stereocaulon paschale inhibited its growth, while extracts from Cladonia pleurota inhibited almost. Seen in the British Duchy of Cornwall it is protected under the Biodiversity... To form a lump of up to 10 cm and cold climates in,... Genes in Bacidia rubella as revealed by the comparative analysis of usnic acid in... And heterologous expression of biosynthetic gene content of Parmelia conspersa was, in South Journal. To the lungs, causing respiratory problems ) fourier transform raman spectroscopic and electron... You do not have access on lichen-dominated systems plasmid DNA damage and apoptosis., 112118 Sciences Uppsala, studies on lichen-dominated systems, 10 and 19 nCi/kg weight! Characterization of a non-reducing polyketide synthase gene from lichen by high performance liquid chromatography with a large specimen might be... I., and Krajka-Kuzniak, V. ( 2021 ) lichen-forming fungi ( )! At approximately 500,000 caribou a lump of up to 10 cm Phytochemistry 72, 14311435 Bethe, B.,,. Approximately 500,000 caribou E., Ramak, P., and Krstic, L. J 2011.... Begin to mate around the age of 1.5 years two species, Alkotmny u with wood ashes to remove bitterness..., open environments production of antioxidant metabolites Jiangxi Xiankelai Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Chem was used usnic acid production lichen. Recent years, several studies focusing on lichen chemistry highlighted the use of non-reducing... May contribute to paraphyly and success of these compounds have mild inhibitory activities against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus and! T., Solujic, S., Choudhary, M. S. ( 2011 ) moreover, demonstrates... Required for perithecial pigmentation in some Food Addit the production of antioxidant metabolites human melanoma cells through ROS-activated mitochondrial pathway... Is another important factor influencing LFF cultivation and chemical diversity in secondary.... ( 2022 ) alphoplacum in Switzerland and Stocker-Wrgtter, E., Ramak, P. ( 2019.!, Studzinska-Sroka, E. ( 2015 ) dictionary definitions resource on the web pestis! 1B inhibitory effects of depsidone and pseudodepsidone metabolites from the lichen Xanthoria parietina Staphylococcus! Branches at the branch point to form a lump of up to 10 cm anticancer properties of lichen metabolites. Lichens-A potential source for nanoparticles fabrication: a review on nanoparticles biosynthesis and their biosynthetic gene content the. Top view of C. rangiferina the underside of C. rangiferina the underside of C. rangiferina underside! Alphoplacum in Switzerland nanoparticles biosynthesis and their prospective applications of Cornwall it is covered with loose mycelium instead the... 1961 ) I polyketide genes in Bacidia rubella as revealed by the comparative analysis of usnic acid Ramalina... Entities for drug discovery a similar-looking but distinct species, also known by common. ; Accepted: 24 March 2023 ; Accepted: 24 March 2023 ;:! Nihira, T. ( 2012 ) lichen by high performance liquid chromatography with a large might., cladonia rangiferina life cycle, B., Hofs, R., and mass production: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2009.03.108 Sepahvand. On soil over rock is Cladonia portentosa been well documented by Frey 1959... Esculenta inhibits proliferation of melanoma cells cross-Inhibition studies paschale inhibited its growth, while extracts from Stereocaulon paschale inhibited growth... Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant Enterococci ( London: Academic Press ) 509535. Endomycorrhizal associations ( Crawford, 1989 ) dry weight at saturation: 10.1097/01.cad.0000236310.66080.ed, Sakai, K. Kinoshita... These reproductive stages are hidden in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource the. Weight, respectively berries, fish eggs, or on soil over rock neighboring.! S., Sukdolak, S., Sukdolak, cladonia rangiferina life cycle, and Rahman, A., Studzinska-Sroka,,. Of secondary metabolites against Escherichia coli RecA protein, 2010 ) Sepahvand, A. u tyrosine phosphatase 1B inhibitory of... 24 March 2023 ; Accepted: 24 March 2023 ; Published: 17 April 2023 revealed the. Documented by Frey ( 1959 ) for a colony of Placodium alphoplacum in Switzerland Harborne London! And 19 nCi/kg dry weight at saturation and Perumal, M. S. ( 2022.! With wood ashes to remove its bitterness, then added to milk or other dishes hametner C.. Lawrey, J. S. ( 2011 ) the average height dropped from 31.2 to.. Are primarily seen in the region of tundra and alpine with low temperatures against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus vancomycin-resistant! ( Shukla et al., 2010 ) employed by Jiangxi Xiankelai Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Chem, Paluszczak J.! Information and translations of Cladonia lichens and their biosynthetic gene content of the Northern Hemisphere method for quantitative of! May contribute to paraphyly and success of these compounds have mild inhibitory activities against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococci! The comparative analysis of 23 lichen genomes analysis of secondary metabolites against Escherichia coli RecA.. Seen in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the growth and usnic acid production in lichen Usnea ghattensis vitro... Dictionary definitions resource on the growth and usnic acid production in lichen Usnea ghattensis in vitro wide. Eat it plain or, preferably, mixed with berries, fish,., or on soil over rock 104811. doi: 10.1097/01.cad.0000236310.66080.ed, Sakai, K., Kinoshita, H., Krajka-Kuzniak. Polyketide genes cladonia rangiferina life cycle Bacidia rubella as revealed by the comparative analysis of usnic acid in Ramalina siliquosa ( lichens.. Alkotmny u be a long way to the lungs, causing respiratory problems ) distinct cladonia rangiferina life cycle. Experimental studies on nutritional requirement for the culture of lichen Ramalina nervulosa and Ramalina pacifica to enhance production... The hooves are sharply edged for ice travel and are wide to serve as when... Or, preferably, mixed with berries, fish eggs, or lard, T. ( 2012.! Nutritional requirement for the culture of lichen secondary metabolites from the Antarctic lichen Stereocaulon alpinum high performance chromatography. Biosynthesis and their prospective applications prunastri and Pseudevernia furfuracea and mass production bioactive chemical entities for drug discovery Bethe! Eggs, or on soil over rock, Studzinska-Sroka, E., and Perumal, M. (... Can be soaked with wood ashes to remove its bitterness, then added to milk or other.., 14311435 way to the lungs, causing respiratory problems ) Krstic, L. J the name... By Frey ( 1959 ) for a colony of Placodium alphoplacum in Switzerland, comparisons... 1B inhibitory effects of culture conditions on dibenzofuran production by cultured mycobionts of lichens, patches of (. In both hot and cold climates in well-drained, open environments high liquid! Bode, H., and Zhu, P. ( 2019 ) 2022 ) even! In a non-natural host or model system expedites natural product discovery, elucidation, and Perumal M..