As you'll notice the frequency is inversely proportional to the length of the pipe. I'm Chelsey, a former teacher and parent living on the central coast of California. This can be done easily with Excel, Derive, Mathematica, even with Windows' Calc. The inner diameter should be not too big nor too small: a 1-1.5 cm of inner diameter is fine. I choose to use light cardboard. As I mentioned before, the speed of sound depends on a lot of factors, like altitude, temperature, composition of air, and so on. All rights reserved. Honestly, I don't understand why you need to know my nameHowever, I suppose you're asking for the sources of information about the data and the formulas used. A short straw produces a high note. Make more drums. The Pan Flute is a hand crafted musical instrument, and one that will test the craftsmanship and carpentry skills of even the finest artisan. The Pan Flute is also a perfect fusion of Nature and Art, in which the artisan works with natural materials, usually bamboo, and precision crafts them into a fine musical instrument. And so, making a Pan Flute is usually a very labor intensive process, and one that can test the patience and perseverance of the flute builder. That is why I have, in tongue-in-cheek fashion, called Pan Flute making a twelve step process. The other reason is that I have broken down the whole process of Pan Flute making into twelve discreet steps, as follows:. The more beeswax or other tuning material that you pack down into the bottoms of the pipes, the higher the pitch gets; conversely, the more you remove or take out, the lower the pitch gets. Tuning the pipes with beeswax actually serves a dual function; in addition to tuning the pipes to the desired pitch, it can also seal the bottoms of the pipes so that no air escapes, if this has not already been done by another method. Since sealing the bottoms of the pipes can also be done in the ninth step of framing the pipes, there can be some overlap here between the ninth and eleventh step of Pan Flute making, especially in achieving the first objective, which is sealing off the bottoms of the pipes. The tuning of a pipe generally proceeds in three stages: 1) sealing off the bottom of the pipe; 2) rough tuning of the pipe; and 3) fine tuning the pipe. I will now proceed to discuss each one of these stages and objectives in turn. 3. Yes, you will have to learn a lot of things such as what vibrato is, staccato, legatos, arpeggios, maneuvering the pan flute, embouchures, tunings, scales, registers, etcetera. From our 10 pipe pentatonic FunPipes to the 22 Pipe Grand Tenor and deluxe special orders. The first formula L=v/(4f) can be used to determine the length of the pipe considering the speed of sound in air and the frequency of the note you with to produce. File slightly the end surface of the tube to create something the glue will adhere to. We need to arrange them in a practical way, so we start by taking all "white" tubes, e.g. It seems to me that there's no error at all. The stuff i use is around 5/8" inside diameter. So we'll drill only one hole. The semitones could be made by bending the panpipes for about 60 degrees - this makes note sound a semitone lower than normal, so you don't need tube for each tone - 22 tubes is enough :). Luckily, some physician (well, actually a lot of physician) already studied this matter creating and developing a branch of physics called acoustic. Teaching students about . Take the 8-tubes and the 2-tubes pan flutes and lye the latter on the first (see first image), lowering the accidentals by 1-2 cm. This is my favourite method, but this time I cannot follow this way because my printer is incapable of such dimensions. Step Twelve: Oiling and Finishing the Pipes panflute. 1. = speed of sound (in m/s? File also the section to make it planar, especially if you use an handsaw. Also on a side-note, I found an online free tuner for flutes and similar woodwinds, also works great for fine-tuning panpipes ;) Link is:, Seems I ran into a snag of some sort when calculating the pipe lengths, I'll work the formula step-by-step for the pipe above the A @ 440, hopefully you can spot my screw-up. Be sure to print out the free music recording sheet so they can record their very own songs! Speaking of the formulas, there are a total of four symbols: the lenght of the pipe L, the speed of sound v, the frequency of the note produced f, and the distance of the note from the central A n, measured in half-tones. Native American Style Flute (Love Flute): The West Wind. Research the history behind pan flutes. I'm going to make a full octave pan flute, so I need 13 tubes: C, C#/Db, D, D#/Eb, E, F, F#/Gb, G, G#/Ab, A, A#/Bb, B and C again. However, "my" frequencies are 261.6, 277.2, 293.7, 311.1, 329.6, 349.2, 370, 392, 415.3, 440, 466.2, 493.9, 523.3 rounded to first decimal digit, measured in hertz. First we find the frequencies of all notes we choose. Do you want some more directions? To make a bamboo flute, you'll need a drill, a rotary tool such as a Dremel, and attachments for it. Pan Flute. Here is the meaning of various symbols: - L is the length of the tube - v is the speed of sound - f is the frequency Fine. I Marked them with a Sharpie. What could you use? 3 years ago, 3 years ago I used a tuner to check the pitch of this test pipe and that gave me an idea of where to start. Allow to dry. So thats it a basic run-down of the twelve step process for making a Pan Flute. May it serve you well! Meaningful Activities for Learning & Creating. Some is a bit larger and some is a bit smaller but 5/8" inside diameter seems to work best. Yet, as with any instrument (or anything else for that matter) it pays to build strong foundations right from the beginning. I love sharing crafts, science, STEM and STEAM activities, free printables and more! I made my pan flute from 1/2" diameter PVC water supply pipe. This way I could tune them by adjusting the amount of plasticine in each tube.I found this way very practical because plasticine does not let the air pass trough and assumes the shape you desire, so it's very easy to use to close and tune the tubes of a pan flute. between the top and bottom edges of the strip(s) is fine for the bottom end of the instrument, whereas a distance of only 2 or 1.5 cm. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. ). amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; By the way: the tin whistle sounds good, is well tuned, and it's a C-whistle. All rights reserved. We cannot start making something if we don't have anything to start with. Also, the note emitted depend also by how the pipe is played, and you can adjust the tone by tilting the flute or changing the way you blow on the open end. Step 1: Materials/Setup Here are the things you'll need to make your pan flute: Approx. keep in mind that high notes are easier to play and the longer the straw the lower the note. Putting together the pipes that will become a Pan Flute is a lot like putting together a jigsaw puzzle the right pipe must be found to fill every slot. The primary dimension to consider when putting together the pipes of a Pan Flute is the bore diameter, with pipe length coming a close second. Please refer to the table of pipe lengths and bore diameters on the Pipe Sizes and Dimensions page. Hopefully, the total length of the rough cut pipe will be longer than the length needed for the final fine cutting of the pipe, with a comfortable margin left over. Its no problem if the rough cut pipe is longer than the final fine cut length, but quite a problem if it is shorter. The pipes selected for a certain instrument need to be as similar to each other as possible, with its size being the main vector that changes throughout the instruments gamut or range and size is defined as a composite of a pipes length and diameter, especially its bore diameter. Pipes dont have to be perfectly straight, but adjacent pipes should be curving in a similar or congruent direction., Step Five: Fine Cutting the Pipes You need bamboo. take about ten straws and cut them all at a different lengths as shown if you have 10 straws than make the cuts about 1 cm difference. Is there any tips you can give us?Thanks,Julian, 4 years ago Actually, an open tube requires a correction factor that depends on frequency and inner diameter, but the difference should be barely noticeable. So, finding a way to open and close the tubes at wish will give us an extended range: for example, if the original range is C4-C5, the final range will be C4-C6. How can I find the length in centimetres and not get this: length = 345 (my local speed of sound)/ 4*440 = .196. Take the thing you want to use to close the end and close the end. Take the 8-tubes and the 2-tubes pan flutes and lye the latter on the first (see first image), lowering the accidentals by 1-2 cm. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The pan flute instrument is based on the closed tube principle which consists of many pipes stacked together to form one singular unit. If you have access to a printer that can use large formats (at least 35 cm on one side), you can print out a schematic with precise measures made with any CAD software. Step-by-Step Instructions Step one Step One Saw off a length of bamboo about 6 to 8 inches long. I'm kinda strange guy. The Pan Flute is a precision instrument, and that means that the wall thicknesses of the individual pipes should be precision calibrated to be even and consistent with one another, going from a maximum wall thickness of about 3.5 mm at the bottom end of the instrument to a wall thickness of about 2.0 to 2.5 mm. After the slats of the adjacent or adjoining pipes have been thoroughly fitted to one another to your complete satisfaction and you have the slatted pipes exactly how you want them, it is time to assemble the pipes by gluing them together. I emphasize here that you must be totally ready and satisfied with all your work on the individual pipes up until this point before undertaking the assembly of the pipes because the step of assembly represents a critical turning point, the river Rubicon of Pan Flute making if you will, after which there is absolutely no turning back. The essential heart or core of a Pan Flute is its particular gamut or lineup of pipes, from top to bottom, and after you glue that lineup together, this essential heart or core of the instrument is set, and there is no turning back at least not easily, at any rate. Before assembly, you are free to substitute one pipe for another and wonder which particular lineup or assortment of pipes is best but not after assembly. After assembly, the essential heart or core of the Pan Flute is finished, and all the steps that follow are merely those of finishing up the instrument., Because pipe assembly is such a critical step in Pan Flute making, I recommend that it not be approached lightly or hastily, but rather with a methodical seriousness, dedication and preparation. It is always a good idea to do a dry rehearsal or run-through of the assembly process, from bottom to top, at least once before the real event. It also goes without saying that you need to have all the pipes, from bottom to top, all lined up in a row on a table top outside the Pan Flute Mold so that, once the assembly process is started, you dont have to waste any time hunting around for pipes, or, even worse, to glue one pipe to another that is out of its proper sequence. You must be in a calm, focused mental state for pipe assembly and not hurried, rushed or distracted in any way if you are intent on doing a good job of it. Also, it is helpful not to assemble the pipes if your stomach is too empty or at a time when your blood sugar is critically low, because this can disturb your focus and concentration. I have found that the best time to assemble the pipes is in the evening, so that the glue can dry overnight. The assembled pipes are a great thing to wake up to in the morning., For assembling the pipes, I recommend a good, high quality furniture or wood glue that is of high strength. Assembly proceeds from the bottom pipe all the way up to the top, with the topmost or uphill slat of the pipe below receiving the glue and the pipe above being placed onto it. As you glue each pipe up the scale to the one directly below it by placing glue on the pipe below, there are three basic parameters or dimensions that must be checked well as you go. First of all, is the tilt or pitch of the pipe from side to side correct? In order to get the right tilt of the pipes, I recommend that, during rehearsal, lines be drawn with a pencil connecting the edges of the bores of adjoining pipes at their closest point, at least for the bottom five pipes, which set the basic orientation for all subsequent pipes. A correct side-to-side tilt of the adjacent pipes will produce a line connecting them that is unbroken and intact. Secondly, are the top rims of the pipes pretty much lined up flush with one another? I say pretty much here because if there are minor discrepancies in the flushness of the top pipe rims, this can be remedied in the first step of beveling the pipes, which is to flatten the top rims of the pipes with a large flat rasp. And thirdly, is each pair of adjoining slats thoroughly glued and affixed, from the tops of the adjoining pipes to their bottoms?. Make a pan flute with even more straws of different lengths. Hi, I seem to be having a problem with calculating the length. But, if you want to create a proper scale, youd want to create your pan pipe with 8 straws using the following measurements: Do = 17.5 cm Understand that the flute is weaker than your other current instruments and it's primary use is to stop the others from burning out from overuse. amzn_assoc_asins = "B0771KXDLH,B00II02KM0,B00000IS02,B073R2FBWY,B00005RF5C,B00DQRV6B6,B00K89KG66,B0002F5CQK,B015EV2NZE"; Filed Under: Crafts for Kids, Elementary, Science, Sound Tagged With: homemade instruments, sound, straws, Welcome to Buggy and Buddy! Place the longest straw on the tape first, near the left edge. Introduction: The Magic of the Flute | Materials | Tools Crafting Recipe History : Number each straw 1-5 with a black Sharpie. OK, then. That way, they can find out which material makes a better sound. Place the remaining two straws onto the tape. Fa = 12.5 cm This straw pan flute is so easy to make that kids can make it all on their own! 4. They must have a medium thickness and constant diameter throughout the wall. Blow air into the pan flute. If you can spot my error, please clue me in :). Now you should have three partial pan flutes: one with 8 tubes, one with 2 tubes and one with 3 tubes. SUBSCRIBE - / @ksuiteach Show more Try. Wait, don't take your driller too soon. Copyright 2023 Buggy and Buddy. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. - How to make a CATAPULT - to make a FLIPPIN FLYER - to make a KAZOO - to make CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTORS - to make a PAN FLUTE - to make an ORIGAMI HEART - to make a LIFESAVER LAMBO - to make a PAPER PUPPET - to make a RAINSTICK - to make a NATURE DISPLAY - to make a LAVA BOTTLE - Shakuhachi: The East Wind | Math:Kids will need to measure and compare lengths in order to create their straw pan flute. Although in some accounts the invention of the instrument was attributed to Cybele or Hermes, the deity . They also have the opportunity to write and record their own music. Now we have the basis to determine the tubes length. Apply glue to the back of the lolly stick and carefully place on top the straws, making sure it touches every straw. Making a Pan Flute a Labor Intensive Process Copyright @ by David Osborn. While making the pan flutes (sometimes called panpipes), theyll have the opportunity to use both math and fine motor skills, while also building and creating. If you have questions Please ask! The result of those operations should be similar to the one depicted in the last two images. Use the tape to hold the straws together. Which countries and cultures use them? The Shop features a special 15-pipe Starting Package that includes our 15-pipe pan flute, a 100 page instruction book with videos, and a CD of some of Brad's music for you to enjoy. Does the width of the straws affect the sound they make? Teach yourself Pan Flute. Reply The general rule is: if the discarded part starts with a digit less than 5 then you left all unchanged; if it starts with a digit greater or equal than 5, then add 1 to the last digit of the remaining part). Treat Injuries Immediately Discard/save the cap as well. First is why not copper for pipes and second is could you re-post the second formula image please ? Now we need to determine which notes we want to produce, and their frequencies. Simply blow air through the straws and discover what melodies can be created! 1. Instructions: Use the scissors to cut the straws so they are all different lengths. amzn_assoc_title = "More Fun Stuff"; ), I keep getting very small results, like .15 for C4, and I think i'm missing something but I can't tell what. Make These Super Easy Pen Pan Flutes for a great lesson about musical instruments. Did you make this project? Kids always love making homemade musical instruments. We had our very own pan flute concert! Try using straws of varying widths. Take five wide straws and cut them into varying lengths. The tuner (or a good trained ear) can be useful to test each tube once cut and cleaned. The Pan Flute would be crafted whit 6 bamboo: three on the top, two on the medium and one on the last box of the crafting table. Dual wield the flute and the rattle to use both at the same time. at the bottom end. If walls are significantly thinner than this, they must be similarly thin throughout the gamut of the instrument and the same goes for thicker walls as well. Also remember that if a pipes walls are too thick, they can be thinned down extensively, but doing so takes off the hard, sonorous, resilient outer layer of the bamboo and leaves mainly the inner softer and pithier layers, which are not so acoustically desirable. A pipes inner bore diameter provides the primary guideline for determining exactly how long you will cut the piece please refer to the table of pipe sizes and dimensions on the page of that name. Definitely, the best pipes are those that are perfect just as Nature made them. Generally, I make my rough pieces of bamboo about one internode in length, cutting about one to 1.5 inches below each node. An exception to this general rule must be made for the longer pipes in the lower octave of a Bass Pan Flute, of course. , Step Three: Baking or Kiln Drying the Pipes Please its very important that I have your name, or at least your sources so i can get their name. Aubrey Smalls 875 subscribers Subscribe 2.2K Share 87K views 2 years ago I show you step by step on how to make a pan flute out of straws. If you want to add two or more holes for each tube, than the things became complex. You can use it "as is", or you can change the speed of sound to a value you think it's more appropriate for you. (Weve previously made our own cardboard tube kazoos and rainsticks such a fun way to explore sound and make music!) When used, it empowers nearby players and the user with the Resource Consumption Chance II empowerment . I used to play pan flutes. My panpipe is wooden and no doubts it is not elastic one :) To play a semitone I change only the angle from which I blow (and maybe also cover the hole a little bit by a bottom lip). Measure Your Pipes Use the same dimensions for the straw pan tubes. Baking bamboo produces a very pleasant aroma, somewhat similar to the sweet smell of baking cookies. I know one Pan Flute maker who deep fries his bamboo in oil, like making French fries, but in my opinion the bamboo is somewhat brittle if you use this process. All in all, baking bamboo in an oven is the way to go, and is directly analogous to the kiln drying of wood. Be forewarned that the bore diameters of the pipes usually shrink by just a little bit by about a quarter of a millimeter or so, as the residual moisture leaves the bamboo. Occasionally, a piece of bamboo will crack during baking, but this is actually quite rare; sometimes, small cracks or fissures may appear in a bamboo pipe after baking, but in my experience, these small cracks or fissures do not widen or go anywhere after baking, the bamboo is pretty much stabilized., Step Four: Pipe Selection Reason is that i have broken down the whole process of how to make a pan flute Flute instrument is based the... Anything else for that matter ) it pays to build strong foundations right from the beginning section to that... Also have the opportunity to write and record their own music side correct for making a step! And objectives in turn, is the tilt or pitch of the from. That way, so we start by taking all `` white '' tubes,.... 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