Exodus 33:12-23 sermons | Matthew 22:15-22 sermons | Preach confidently with these inspiring sermons and outlines matched alongside beautiful church media. sermons | sermon series | sermon illustrations | sermon illustrations | media sermon collections | 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 sermon series | Play to the strengths of your preaching team. media, First Reading media, First Reading sermon collections | "Matthew 13:24-30 sermons | sermons | sermons | sermons | "Psalm 106:1-6 sermon collections | sermon illustrations | Psalm 78:1-7 sermons | sermons | media, Second Reading Sermon Series Calendar to get you organized and inspired for a year of strong preaching. sermon illustrations | media, Second Reading sermon illustrations | sermons | sermon collections | "Romans 4:1-5 sermon collections | Customize worship for your church. sermon illustrations | sermons | sermon collections | Alternate Reading: 15-16", sermon collections | media sermon series | sermon collections | sermon illustrations | sermons | sermons | sermon collections | sermon collections | sermons | media sermon collections | sermons | media, Second Reading sermon illustrations | sermon collections | sermon illustrations | Alternate Reading: 8-13", sermon illustrations | Alternate Reading: 14-25", February 2023 media sermon series | "Ezekiel 34:11-16 media, Psalm sermon illustrations | sermon series | sermon illustrations | media, First Reading sermon illustrations | sermon collections | sermon series | media, First Reading media, Psalm media sermon series | sermon illustrations | sermons | media, Psalm sermons | sermon series | sermon illustrations | sermon illustrations | media, First Reading media sermon collections | sermons | sermon collections | media, Psalm media, First Reading sermon series | media, First Reading media media, First Reading sermon series | media, Psalm sermon series | This sermon calendar is a 52-week topical roadmap for lead Expository Sermon Calendar - Volume 5 Our Expository Calendar is a 52-week book-by-book and/or passage-by-passage expository roadmap sermon collections | YEAR C 2021/2022 Christmas This Church Year Calendar, Propers and Daily Lectionary uses the Revised Common Lectionary as it appears in Evangelical Lutheran Worship (2006). sermon collections | Psalm 71:1-14 sermon series | media, First Reading sermon illustrations | Psalm 84 media, Gospel sermon collections | sermon illustrations | sermon series | sermon collections | sermon collections | sermon illustrations | media sermon collections | media, Psalm sermon series | sermon series | sermon series | Through this connection, even the power of God to work miracles is available to his church while on earth. sermons | sermon series | sermons | sermon illustrations | sermon collections | media, Psalm sermon collections | media, Gospel sermon illustrations | Genesis 1:1-2:4a sermon collections | Romans 9:1-5 media, Second Reading media, First Reading sermon illustrations | sermons | sermon series | media, Second Reading sermons | sermon collections | media, Gospel sermon collections | sermons | Romans 6:3-11 Matthew 26:14-27:66 sermon illustrations | Alternate Reading: Psalm 99 sermon collections | sermon collections | Thank you man of God you shall live long and remain blessed'in Jesus mighty name amen. sermon series | sermon illustrations | sermon illustrations | media, Psalm sermon illustrations | media, Second Reading sermon collections | sermon collections | sermons | media media, Psalm sermon series | Isaiah 12:2-6 sermon collections | sermon collections | sermons | sermon series | sermon series | media, Psalm media, Gospel sermon series | sermon series | sermon collections | sermon collections | sermons | sermons | sermon illustrations | sermon series | TWO HOUR NOTICE: This preaching calendar is kept current every day. sermon collections | sermon illustrations | As a church planter, I love how thoughtful the team at Ministry Pass is on creating resources to help churches fulfill their calling! sermon series | sermon collections | sermons | Psalm 138 Matthew 28:1-10 Isaiah 25:1-9 media, Psalm "Psalm 104:24-34 sermon series | sermon collections | Alternate Reading: 16-17", sermon series | sermon illustrations | sermon series | "Matthew 6:1-6 Video: Vision Day 1 (both campuses) 12-Jan-20 Rom. September 2023 Psalm 15 media, Gospel sermon illustrations | "Ezekiel 18:1-4 sermons | sermons | media, Gospel sermon series | media, First Reading media, Gospel sermon illustrations | Now its Friday (or worse yet, Saturday) and you need a message for the weekend. media, Second Reading sermon collections | sermon series | sermon series | media, Gospel sermon illustrations | sermons | sermons | sermon series | sermon series | media, Gospel Get a copy of our FREE guide to avoiding burnout and discover what causes pastoral burnout, and how to heal so you can lead well into the future! media, First Reading Acts 2:42-47 Genesis 45:1-15 sermon illustrations | sermons | media, Psalm media, Psalm sermons | sermons | Isaiah 42:1-9 sermon series | sermon illustrations | Psalm 67 sermon collections | sermon series | media sermon illustrations | sermon illustrations | sermon collections | sermon series | The appointed psalm refrain for Sundays and festivals is from the verse in parentheses. sermons | media sermons | sermon collections | sermon illustrations | sermon collections | sermon illustrations | sermon series | Alternate Reading: 23-26, 45b", media, First Reading media sermon illustrations | sermon collections | sermons | Psalm 119:33-40 media, Second Reading media sermons | sermon collections | sermons | sermon illustrations | sermon illustrations | sermon series | sermons | media sermon collections | sermon series | sermons | media, First Reading 1 Peter 1:17-23 sermons | sermon collections | sermon illustrations | Isaiah 55:1-5 sermon series | sermon collections | sermons | sermon collections | sermon series | sermon collections | 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 sermon series | media, First Reading sermons | Isaiah 58:1-9a (9b-12) . sermon series | sermon series | sermon series | sermons | sermon illustrations | sermons | sermon series | sermon illustrations | Psalm 22 sermon illustrations | sermons | sermon illustrations | Alternate Reading: 13-17", sermons | sermon series | media, Second Reading Ezekiel 33:7-11 sermon collections | Biblical Sermon Calendar. Alternate Reading: 19-23", 1 John 3:1-3 Alternate Reading: Numbers 11:24-30 sermon illustrations | sermons |