"Be not weary," FOR THE MOTIVES TO CONTINUANCE IN THE RIGHT COURSE ARE AS POWERFUL AS THE MOTIVES TO COMMENCEMENT. "Give an account of thy steward. "In Due Season we Shall Reap if we Faint Not" (Gal. A MOTIVE TO WELL-DOING. What, however, we have to do is to be faithful, to endure patiently our burdens, and to press onward in the strength of faith and hope.2. The mighty name of "Christian" combines many of the strongest arguments to unwearying service.1. Seek to understand the hidden laws of that outward and inward life. Well-doing is not the doing of the superstitious, the formalist, the exclusive, the recluse, nor the training of any peculiar faculty of the soul, but the training of the entire man under the master impulse of love. 'For neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.'--GAL. Watson.It is a strange sight, to see a busy devil, and an idle Christian.2. At last one threw down his tools and said: "I will leave here before we starve," and he did leave. What, however, we have to do is to be faithful, to endure patiently our burdens, and to press onward in the strength of faith and hope.2. "(1)Be graciously abundant. The efficacy of every good work lies in its completion, and all their good works terminate abruptly, and are left off unfinished. One more occasion of inconstancy in well.doing may be adverted to, and that is the most powerful of all the natural disinclination of the mind to doing well at any time.1. vi. Macknight, D. D.)A caution against declension in the ways of practical pietyJohn Rodgers, D. D.I. The want of love to Christ.6. And if the least of us could only anticipate the eternal issues that will probably Rev. Weight, M. Weariness of mind and of body is common to most men. A Due Reaping. The beauty of a thing is when it comes to be finished; the beauty of a picture is, when it is drawn out in its full lineaments, and laid in its orient colours; the beauty of a Christian is, when he hath finished his faith.(T. . It is just the contrary; they are given to the soul in reality. The confession of time will be the ascription of all eternity: "By the grace of God I am what I am!" (5)Because it associates us with the highest orders of beings. (3)Often difficulties in the way of well-doing, and resolution is indispensable. Being invited to tea by Madam de Vassenaar (one of the first quality in the Hague), I waited upon her in the afternoon. "Due season" is God's time, not ours. The third principle of unwearied stedfastness and increase in the work of the Lord, is a conviction of the evil of sin. Let me say to you, "Be not weary in well-doing," because YOU HAVE THE MOST NOBLE EXAMPLES TO CONSTANCY AND DILIGENCE. A second thought which the text suggests is that the Christian vocation comprehends something more than the mere purpose, or project of good. He sees the triumph of all that you struggle for, the defeat of all that you hate. Again: unwearied continuance in "well-doing" has the distinct promise of success.(G. How soon does a spirit of weariness creep over us in our spiritual career. There is much need of untiring effort to do good.2. If the least of us could only anticipate the eternal issues that will probably spring from the humblest services of faith, we should only count our sacrifices and labors unspeakable heritages of honor and opportunity, and would cease to speak of trials and sacrifices for God. (4)Feeling is not doing.1. The second principle of standing fast and growing in righteousness, so as not to weary in well-doing, is that of love. If, then, we say we have fellowship with Him while we walk in darkness, that is sin, "we deceive ourselves," says the apostle. We ought not to grow weary in well-doing, for God is not weary in doing good to us. (2)Others fear that it will prove a failure. Clay Trumbull The pious Quesnel says that "God Edward M. BoundsThe Essentials of PrayerExcursus on the Use of the Word "Canon. Early pastoral experiences.III. All that is Born of the Flesh must be Born of the Spirit. The injunction in the former of these verses appears, at first sight, to be inconsistent with the statement in the latter. There is infinite goodness in this arrangement, inasmuch as it opens to us one of the richest sources of happiness; for what joy is comparable to that of bringing joy to others?II. So, then, two thoughts Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureThe Owner's BrandI bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.'--GAL. For, setting apart that power, which he saith himself had not used, which yet that the faithful must serve unto, he enjoins, saying, "Let him that is catechised in the word, communicate unto him that doth catechise him, in all good things:" [2531] St. And so we sow only that which we can reap now or that which the children in our households can reap here on earth. Varying ideas have been attached to them. Hope breeds patience, and patience breeds perseverance. A mass of useless lumber, in the shape of old instruments, may infest the Church of God, and we perhaps often feel that nothing can be done without removing such incumbrances.3. At first the excitement of teaching that Sunday School class was strong, but now you have grown weary of well-doing. See Westcott's account of it, On the New Testament Canon, p. 498 ff. Sympathy. And the boy looks from the beginning of his arithmetic through to the last page, and says: "I shall never get through that."2. Then, thirdly, this weariness springs from the trials, to which "well-doing" frequently exposes individuals.4. He who loves the world, is never weary of following the world; he who loves God will never be weary of serving Him" that is the reason why the saints and angels in heaven are never weary of praising and worshipping God; because their love to God is perfect, and love turns service into delight. (Admonition 28.) D. )Reaping in due seasonT. We grow languid sometimes in prosperity. In the former chapter we have shown, from Scripture and from reason, that our Church teaches only the plain truth, when she confesses that: "After Adam's fall, all men, begotten after the common course of nature, are born with sin." Observe the spirit by which those. )Unweariedness in well-doingH. Nor is this all there is the spirit of self-complacency. W. 5. Everything worth having requires a struggle.III. "We shall reap if we faint not." When a Christian first enters upon this work, he thinks that all is easy; that to convert souls is no great difficulty: to draw other minds into the state in which he is, is but simply a pleasant exercise. 9). Jesus Christ, to whom we are abandoned, and whom "we follow as the way, whom we hear as the truth, and who animates us as the life" (John xiv. ITS SPHERES.1. (3)The training of real home missionaries. In that day, the least thing done will secure you a revenue of unspeakable glory; whilst the greatest thing talked of and planned only will bring you nought but disappointment and shame.3. So the girl looks at that great pile of music, as she begins her first lessons, and says: "Oh, I can never learn all that music." Does any one ask, "Why is this what are its causes?" "He who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life." L. Galton, M. A.I. THE CHRISTIAN'S DUTY. In all the well-doing of the Christian, in all the toil of the earnest worker for God, there is alliance with the power of the Holy Spirit, and with the purposes of God; and it would seem that the sovereignty of God has included the labours of man in its own far-reaching penetration. "We shall reap," and reap in the best time, God's time, "in due season." Because this evil, as described, is a fatal symtom of an unregenerate state. Will not the love of Christ constrain him?3. (3) This endurance is life's grand lesson. R. Reynolds, B. Watson. 9). What encouragement does the service of God yield, to make us valiant for the truth and patient in well-doing? (Admonition 28.) (1)The seed you sow is the truth. 6) in imprinting Himself on the soul, impresses the characters of His different states; and to bear all the states of Jesus Christ is far more sublime, than merely Madame GuyonA Short and Easy Method of PrayerGrowth in Grace. There is infinite goodness in this arrangement, inasmuch as it opens to us one of the richest sources of happiness; for what joy is comparable to that of bringing joy to others?II. No doubt the work is hard; yet you should not despair. It is, indeed, beautiful beyond expression. 9). He who loves the world, is never weary of following the world; he who loves God will never be weary of serving Him" that is the reason why the saints and angels in heaven are never weary of praising and worshipping God; because their love to God is perfect, and love turns service into delight. NUMB. They started off arm in arm, and were saved. The absence of variety is painful, and transforms the period over which it extends into a desert a sandy plain; while, were there to be the entire negation of variety, life would be insupportable, and, like solitary confinement would soon become the harbinger of death. vi. Believers are not of it, or conformed to it; but they are in it, and they must live to promote its welfare.II. Conditions of growth in grace. For every man shall bear his own burden.'--GAL. You must observe that it does not enjoin upon us well-scheming, but well-doing not the design, but the deed. Brethren, it is true with regard to the world, "so long as thou doest well to thyself, men will speak good of thee;" it is true with regard to God, so long as you do well in His sight, shall you have His sanction and His smile.1. Let us inquire, what is THE NATURE OF THE EVIL AGAINST WHICH WE ARE GUARDED IN THE TEXT. What the injunction "to grow in grace" does not mean. But don't be "disheartened" (see Greek). We all desire change, Monotony is irksome. Recollect that you are working together with a God who is unweariable.6. We often feel our unfitness and our unworthiness to be employed in doing good. Then he picked up his shovel, and marked off a square, and began to see how long it would take him to cast that aside; then another and another, until the whole was cleared away. III. All the conditions of his existence are training for his activity. It invites failure. The rivalry of other workers.II. BUT IN-SPITE OF ALL WE GO THROUGH FOR THE KINGDOMS CAUSE, WE MUST NEVER GIVE UP. As they skirt a perilous precipice he cannot pray, Lord, hold up my goings in a safe path, that my footsteps slip not, but as to my guide and companions, they must look out for themselves.' M. Punshon, D. D.I. Our duty. His well-doings were not to make himself a name or a praise in the earth; he was no mountebank, who for a season sought to attract the gaze and admiration of men, in order that upon the pinnacle they should raise for him he might stand and enjoy his transient life of honour and worldly reputation. Another of the hindrances to which "well-doing" of this kind is exposed, is the tendency of our machinery to wear out, and our own disposition not unfrequently to hurry it off the field. Weariness of spirit may arise from 1. It was when Peter followed from afar that he denied Him. L. Galton, M. Do the men of the world even respect a backslider? No; weariness in some form or other is the result of our infirmities, and as long as human nature remains what it is, the mind and the body will sink under its pressure. Another of the hindrances to which "well-doing" of this kind is exposed, is the tendency of our machinery to wear out, and our own disposition not unfrequently to hurry it off the field. What, however, we have to do is to be faithful, to endure patiently our burdens, and to press onward in the strength of faith and hope.2. Diverse dispositions in those with and for whom we work.5. It is a pronominal adjective, which signifies possession; which signifies a peculiar appropriateness when it is joined with any particular substantive. 2 and 3.) THE CERTAINTY OF SUCCESS IN WELL-DOING. B. SimpsonDays of Heaven Upon Earth October 20. The expression "due," is a word which is elsewhere translated "own." The Apostle has been exhorting to unwearied well-doing, on the ground of the certain coming of the harvest season. )Christian enduranceW. Ye grow weary and give up sometimes on the eve of reaping, and lose the harvest. It is like pumping a sinking ship. Learn from the devotee of many a false god; from the worshipper of Siva, who, drunk with opium, swings on the flesh-hook at some horrid festival, or prostrates himself before the advancing car of Juggernaut, making this revolting self-sacrifice to pacify the raging of a guilty conscience, or to gain the ephemeral applause of an ignorant mob; even he is not weary with his work.(H. A mass of useless lumber, in the shape of old instruments, may infest the Church of God, and we perhaps often feel that nothing can be done without removing such incumbrances.3. "I bear in my body," Jeanne Marie BouviresA Short Method Of Prayer And Spiritual TorrentsTranslator's Introductory Notice. 25. Well-doing from right motives is the most difficult of all works. What, however, we have to do is to be faithful, to endure patiently our burdens, and to press onward in the strength of faith and hope.2. iii. )Unwearied in errorH. The rivalry of other workers.II. 1 The love of sin. Disgust.II. The smallest grain of faith is a deathless and incorruptible germ, which will yet plant the heavens and cover the earth with harvests of imperishable glory. The first reason is, that the Cross is commonly recognised as the weak point in our Christianity. By bearing the Cross.IV. Would God that those of us who now preach the gospel of Jesus Christ might utter some word that will resound in helpfulness and in redemption long after we are dead!(Dr. THE CHARGE OF THE APOSTLE,.1. HOW TO PREVENT WEARINESS IN WELL-DOING.1. Ye grow weary and give up sometimes on the eve of reaping, and lose the harvest. We know from experience, that perseverance, either with respect to earthly or heavenly things, is scarcely ever without success. )Christian enduranceW. (1)Some think their work less important than at first. Disgust.II. And then Satan rushes in, while the mind is thus exercised; and he says "What can such a wretch as you effect? 6) in imprinting Himself on the soul, impresses the characters of His different states; and to bear all the states of Jesus Christ is far more sublime, than merely Madame GuyonA Short and Easy Method of PrayerGrowth in Grace. We now propose to consider more fully why this James Hudson TaylorSeparation and ServiceConcerted Prayer"A tourist, in climbing an Alpine summit, finds himself tied by a strong rope to his trusty guide, and to three of his fellow-tourists. Ah! If Paul could only know the consolation and hope that he has ministered to the countless generations who have marched along the pathway from the cross to the Kingdom above, he would be willing to go through a thousand lives and a thousand deaths such as he endured for the blessing that has followed since his noble head rolled in the dust by the Ostian gate of Rome. "We shall reap, if we faint not."2. "Be not weary in well-doing," BECAUSE AN UNFINISHED ENTERPRISE, OR A WORK INCOMPLETE THROUGH INCONSTANCY IS BOTH A DISTRESS AND A DISGRACE. Oh I to hear my Master "say in that day, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" vi. Let me say to you, "Be not weary in well-doing," because YOU HAVE THE MOST NOBLE EXAMPLES TO CONSTANCY AND DILIGENCE. On account of not seeing adequate results to our efforts. The mighty name by which we are called.III. As introductory to the following dissertation, I shall explain and define certain terms that frequently occur in it, especially canon, apocryphal, ecclesiastical, and the like. There are two things in connection with duty which it will be well for us to remember well-doing, and constancy in well-doing. There is no prophet whose office and commission is only for judgment, nay, to speak the truth, it is mercy that premises threatenings. Smyth. Do the men of the world even respect a backslider? Jeanne Marie BouviresA Short Method of Prayer and spiritual TorrentsTranslator 's Introductory Notice the statement in the of. Point in our Christianity the way of well-doing to be inconsistent with the statement in ways... God yield, to see a busy devil, and constancy in well-doing, is scarcely ever without success (. 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