Bigger Leaner Stronger. Fig. The swimmer should bend their legs, which would allow their body to turn around after releasing their grip on the side of the pool. 4. Running in turns with high jumps (fig. 3. 119-121). The soldier learns to adapt to the difficulties of the terrain in his running style. by EnjoyGermanHistory 29 Nov 2012, 05:39, Return to German Strategy & General German Military Discussion. Swinging throw backward over the head (Fig. 101). The unit commander may also decide to designate specific exercises as mandatory even though they are optional to the standard infantry, this depends on the nature of his unit (e.g. Fig. Fig. In a playing field of approximately 20m in length and 10m width, divided into two equally sized fields by a center line, two equally strong teams, each up to 20 players, face each other. 129 Practice: The left or right hook is executed like the straight punch, first without sidestep, then practiced with sidestep, then with footwork. 4. The senior officers issue safety regulations according to legal conditions. The pupil must recognize that his body remains afloat without movement of the arms and legs on the surface as soon as the lungs are filled with air. 53): When throwing, the back is slightly bent back and the ball is swung into a high overhead position and thrown forward in a high arc towards to copractitioner. Pushups headfirst, elbow stretching and curling (fig. Fig. Practicing of partial movements is to be avoided. Fig. #91 in Gymnastics (Books) Free fighting: Connecting the left-handed fight and double punches leads to fighting with high reach. In a demarcated rectangle of 16m length and 12m width, which is divided by an 80cm high leash into two equally sized fields, 2 teams of 6 players each play. #1,472 in German History (Books) d) The sprint. 3. You know the feeling, you are looking at the complete guide of How to Be a Successful Wehrmacht Fitness Manual . The ball must be thrown from wherever it was caught. The Editorial Team at is dedicated to providing the best information on learning. The same exercise can be performed with only one arm holding the kettle bell, alternating left and right each swing. Square position, hip circles (Fig. The push is done by strongly extending the right leg by advancing the whole right throwing side over the stretched, stiff left leg (fig.104) and by straight pushing of the throwing arm at an angle of 45 over the edge of the circled floor (Fig. The exercises are to be done: 1. while standing still on a resting ball, 2. while moving on a rolling and bouncing ball (direct kicks). 1. 2. I found just one that seems to answer my question. Sport tournaments are held as single and team competitions. 2. by EnjoyGermanHistory 27 May 2007, 18:52, Post The game is played with 3 Medicine balls, which are rolled under the leash. At the start of the game, one player from the two parties is behind the opposing playing field. The feet have to stay on the ground with the whole sole, the arms hanging down casually. 6. Find the personal fitness user manual you need at ManualsOnline. Throw from slow run-up, practicing the cross step. Hurdles over 100m, 200m, 400m Steeplechase (obstacle course run) over 3000m. e) Ball Over the Line: 2 teams of 5-6 men take up positions in a cordoned-off rectangle 10-20m long and 6-12m wide divided by a 2m high line into two equal parts. 2 Fig. Officers, non-commissioned officers, and men not dispensable on the day of the trail run must do the run shortly before or after the garrison competition and are to be counted. Then the player runs back to his row, where the next one starts after a slap on the hand from the drawn line. In accordance with the general safety regulations, the inspector must arrange the division of troops, the distribution to the freeswimming and non-swimmer pool, the change of departments, the classification of the teaching staff and the emergency services (the latter, if necessary, in consultation with the lifeguard). The duration of the game can be set as desired.It is recommended to play about 2 by 10 minutes. Special Series, No. II. The arm is bent. Fig. The student will then be required, in the presence of an officer, to swim for 15 minutes using the breaststroke, and the more popular backstroke techniques, the student should enter the pool by jumping from 1 meter high, using their jumping-style of choice. 48) 3. Krperschule, team sports, and swimming may be practiced separately. Diving: Diving raises the safety of the swimmer, and builds off of the prior swimming exercises. Turn away. c) Once each summer, the overall performances in athletics and swimming must be checked. Try the same exercise with closed legs while lifting to the toe stand position. Year of Service Part I: The main focus of the winter training is boxing and should be continued until free fighting with 3 rounds which last 2 minutes. Tricking by lunging 3. One-Legged squats as partner exercise (fig. 72. When thrown, the left leg raises and lowers a little to the left of the throwing direction on the front edge of the circled floor. 1. Of unknown origin. Jerk with one arm and both arms. At the proper signal the men at station 7 move to station 1; those at station 1 move to station 2; those at station 2 to station 3, and so on. 30 13. c) High jump from the standing position as tuck jump. Participation is mandatory for: All senior lieutenants and lieutenants if not sick or commandeered to another garrison, 80% of all non-commissioned officers from the unit's effective strength, 80% of the effective strength of all units. After completion of the recruit training, it is therefore necessary to take a closer look at the abilities of the individual man. Equipment-free training has the advantage of being natural and many can be trained concurrently. During swimming lessons, an officer or a non-commissioned officer trained as a swimming instructor is to be designated as the inspector. Are you tired of fumbling over piles and piles of unhelpful stuff and organizations that just trick you? The rope skipping should be continuous. Difficult ground exercises, such as forward somersaults and flips (saltos), may only be carried out by people who have the necessary physical preparation and suitability. Swimming underwater should be performed with the breast-stroke. 74) b) Parallel bars: 1. Food Preparation. 5 Fig. The diver's body should be outstretched with the arms thrown forward and the head positioned between the arms. Off-duty sport, top athletes, army sports association. That is interesting. 5. ), usually paint a better picture of the capabilities of the recruits than a test of gymnastic training. 3. 9. c) Pike roll over 1 to 3 adjacent people (laying flat). Tournaments should bring the physical and mental capabilities of the man to its full potential. d) Organization and execution of sports competitions. for resuscitation after drowning. Part II: The abilities gained in the first service year regarding athletics and swimming must be improved. Sideway jump over both parallel bars from a run-up (Fig. 120 The arms should be stretched forward, and the head should be positioned in the water between the arms. Sort by. In a sprint, the foot springs up, with medium-fast and slow running the foot is placed with the whole sole forward and rolled off. Fig. The Army Sports Association will mainly support the hand and football players of a battalion and combine them to one team. He then does situps as in the Physical Fitness Tests. Sexual abstinence is not bad for your health. 88): Exercise possibilities: Fig. Suitable here are company relay races, competitions, tug of war, etc. They should play a big role in sports festivals. The heels are lifted when the arms swing back and lowered when the arms swing low. 2. The goals are represented by two medicine balls 4m apart. a) Standing jump with and without a walking or running start. web pages They are skipped, overtaken, undertaken and exceeded. the footwear of the players must be uniform in order to prevent injuries. Correspondence between The Wehrmacht and the German LifeRescue Association The correspondence between the Wehrmacht and the D.L.R.G. 4. d) Jump alternately left and right without a hop in between. 5. The second level of training includes combat training. All jumps are performed flat with a slight bending of the knee joint. Standing straight, jump (Fig. Sportsvorschrift Fr Das Heer | English & German versions, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [ENG] - COMPLETE BOOK_abbyy.gz, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [ENG] - RAW TRANSLATION_abbyy.gz, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [GER] - SCAN_abbyy.gz, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [GER] - TRANSCRIPTION_abbyy.gz, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [ENG] - COMPLETE, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [ENG] - RAW, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [GER] -, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [GER] -, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [ENG] - COMPLETE BOOK.epub, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [ENG] - RAW TRANSLATION.epub, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [GER] - SCAN.epub, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [GER] - TRANSCRIPTION.epub, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [ENG] - COMPLETE BOOK_djvu.txt, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [ENG] - RAW TRANSLATION_djvu.txt, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [GER] - SCAN_djvu.txt, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [GER] - TRANSCRIPTION_djvu.txt, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [ENG] - COMPLETE, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [ENG] - RAW, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [GER] -, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [GER] -, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [ENG] - COMPLETE BOOK_page_numbers.json, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [ENG] - RAW TRANSLATION_page_numbers.json, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [GER] - SCAN_page_numbers.json, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [GER] - TRANSCRIPTION_page_numbers.json, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [ENG] - COMPLETE BOOK.pdf, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [ENG] - RAW TRANSLATION.pdf, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [GER] - SCAN.pdf, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [GER] - TRANSCRIPTION.pdf, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [ENG] - COMPLETE, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [ENG] - RAW, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [GER] -, Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer [GER] -, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). When setting up, beware of hits. 62): After previous swinging sideways, the kettle bell is circled alternately left and right around to the front of the body. 3. 39) and continue circling them around without them touching the ground. Fig. Manuals listed below were developed for interviewer and examiner training. i) People's Ball. 50 Fig. The legs should be tucked while in the air, the diver should fall feet-first while balled-up into the water. Swimming Proficiency Test: When the student has swam more than 15 minutes without stopping, then they have passed the swimming Fig. Left straight to the body, left straight to the head. The swimmers jump when they hear the word "Go", the arms should press forwards. 1 arbitrator is required for each game. Athletics 28. The winner is the relay team whom arrives first with the ball at the goal line. Write a review. 21 By slightly sliding the knees forward and pushing up the hips, the torso is bent backwards. The owner of the ball may be held below the arms by the opponent as long as he holds the ball. All sports carried out in competitions by the German League of the Reich for Physical Exercise, especially handball and soccer, but also hockey, rugby, basketball, etc., are well suited for enhancing the bodily fitness of the soldier. The lifeguards must learn how to swim with clothes on, how to handle someone thrashing in the water, how to rescue someone in the water, resuscitation, and how to behave in stressful situations. The sports officer supports the commander. by EnjoyGermanHistory 29 Aug 2007, 22:06, Post Its wrong to condense sports training into one or two days a week. Best Trapping Practices . Repeat as many times as possible up to 20. e) Do not use outdoor baths when the water temperature is low for too long. Left hook to the head, right hook to the head. Any ball that touches the rear of the playing field boundary of the opposite team is considered a point and can be achieved by all sorts of techniques. INTENSITY - The amount of effort put into each workout, usually measured by 61): The kettle bell is swung in front of the body with one arm alternately switched to the right and left in the swing from below the torso to the side. 79b Fig. A successful physical education is not possible without good teaching staff. For continuous swimming, the skin must be greased to reduce the heat loss. j) A handball, rugby, or medicine ball can be used to play on a field of any size with any number of players. Reclining up and down with your hands on the handle of the third rung, mutually bend and stretch your arm. 9. 2. 5. And of course, to all of those who did absolutely nothing and waited for someone else to finish the job, this first edition is especially dedicated. a. The hook: The hook hits the head or body from the side. Why not get the most detailed guide on Wehrmacht Fitness Manual instead of opening your hard earned cash on guide that is inferior and not detailed at all. The squad whose balls return to their original position, win. If he is unable to get that high, he raises his legs as high as possible. 3. With the inner side left and right, with the outer side left and right. 51): Every third step the left or right leg is swung up towards the head, alternating. [PDF] DOWNLOAD FREE Wehrmacht Fitness Manual by German General Staff & Anonymo by Xela Cuirras published on 2022-10-11T06:01:52Z. Using boxing devices, hits and punches are first to be practiced as instructed, followed by fighting the device in the way of shadow boxing. 25. The players of each team divide themselves appropriately into front and back players. The fist hits with full knuckle and is turned at the last moment with the back of the hand facing up (Fig. 20): Fig. To conclude winter training, in all garrisons trail running competitions are to be held by the end of April. In this training level, boxing is an important addition to physical exercise and is to be performed alongside it. The voluntary sport counts as military service if it was permitted in the interest of the training by the responsible discipline advisor. NEW Barracks- Room- and Closet-Order - WWII Era . 1: The two partners sit opposite to each other, one has his legs closed and the other has his opened. Himmler would make physical training one of the most important parts of the Waffen SS' training and ensured the various sports such as boxing, running track and field, rowing, and others were integrated throughout the day, creating not only fit and healthy troops but also building the camaraderie within the Waffen SS. 75) Fig. Flex elbows, and lift weight until bar touches the upper chest. Handball is the main sport of the army. Paypal. ! The garrison commander determines the track by February 1st each year, announces it to the units and opens it up for trials. 92). Then he winds the cord up again, this time twisting forward. Whats great about it is that it encourages the use of improvised,jerry-rigged equipment like a barbell and warrior mace made from concrete-filled tin cans. The ground exercises make the body supple and flexible. pt. by EnjoyGermanHistory 27 Jun 2009, 01:12, Post Jumping onto the lower bar with feet first, or sideways jump over the higher bar (Fig. The procedure is for the men to double time to the proper area and spend three minutes warming up. The lines must not be passed through from behind. 67 Fig.69 Out of the starting position the weight will be swung backwards through the opened legs, then forward again, swung from the right side and circled left over the head. The air must be dust free. 127) 5. At the moment of the hit (body, chin) the back of the hand points to the opponent. The Wehrmacht machine has a plugboard with QWERTZ layout, identical to its keyboard. 30. 61 Fig. 7. 54. Guiding Principles 1. Therefore, a trainer may not oversee more than 3 to 4 fights at a time, so that he can observe all fighters and immediately stop faulty or unsportsmanlike fighting. 52 7. If the ball exits the squad before reaching the last player the game continues from where the ball left the squad. 32. Push off the stall right and left. Side straddle, Abdominal crunches sideways (fig. The year is split into two training parts: Part I: Until the individual inspection of the trainee by an officer. The winner is the squad, who first returns every player to his starting position. Gymnastics without equipment. Where the men are getting adequate leg exercise elsewhere, rope skipping may be substituted for squat jumps. 95 Teaching: 1. Speed walking can be performed in turns with walking and running, and can even be carried out as a competition. b) Teaching: The correct running style is acquired through the following running exercises: 1. Defense against the uppercut (Partner Posing): These can be defended against with a backward step. The Wehrmacht (German pronunciation: [ ve maxt] (), lit. Sport should be practiced outdoors as much as possible. Teaching soccer: I. 35 18. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); is dedicated to providing trusted educational content for students and anyone who wish to study or learn something new. During this part each player moves one space back. 78). This is a board about 18 inches wide. Dribbling. Approved in 1938 and published by E. S. Mittler & Sohn, Sportvorschrift fr das Heer ("Sports Regulations for The Army") was a physical education manual for the Heer (Army), the land warfare component of the Wehrmacht (Military of National Socialist Germany) Falling, either forwards or backwards off of the platform, into a dive is forbidden due to how common injuries are. Teaching handball. Unsere Partner sammeln Daten und verwenden Cookies zur Personalisierung und Messung von Anzeigen. Explanation of the wing attack, holding and changing position. In addition, the sports officer should be familiar with the equipment and space management as well as the facilities of the German League of the Reich for Physical Exercise at his location. 4. Stand close to the wall bars, bend your hip forward and detect the second rung. The throwing field is to be kept free at the front and on the sides by exercisers. A. Krperschule 19. A soldier trained in boxing is equipped with a lot of mental and physical power to perform well in close combat with a weapon. Or it can be fashioned entirely from wood. - a a a a a a- a. Practice: In shallow water, the hands support the body on the ground or hold it to the edge of the pool. Therefore sport is the foundation of combat training and an indispensable aspect of military service. Throw from fast run-up, defining a mark at the beginning of the cross step. The student's confidence with the breaststroke and backstroke will be improved through constant practice (long distance swimming of 100-300 meters), at the same time, speed will be improved. 3. 3. by Christoph Awender 29 May 2007, 17:34, Post Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions | Fulfillment & Refund Policy, Copyright 2023 Antelope Hill Publishing. Running position, leg spread backwards (Fig. Championships of the army or Wehrmacht will be ordered by the high command of the army or Wehrmacht. The run-up to the long jump is an uphill run in which the maximum speed must be reached several steps before jumping off. (Fig. In addition to the 80% of draftable soldiers, all soldiers are allowed to compete. The games of 8-10 men are played in a series of relay races. Practice: In shallow water, the student lies stretched out on the arms of the helper. Wehrmacht Fitness Manual - General Staff, German: 9781953730244 - AbeBooks Users who like [PDF] DOWNLOAD FREE Wehrmacht Fitness Manual by German General Staff & Anonymo 23 total ratings, 2 with reviews There was a problem filtering reviews right now. This heavily illustrated 1940 Nazi Army Infantry Rifleman manual is for sale for $145.00 delivered by Media Mail in the USA. He must be trained as an arbitrator and judge proficient in safety regulations and the basic principles of health care. Then the last player of the relay team, once he has received the ball, runs to the place of player no 1. who takes the lead in his turn. They should weigh about 40 to 60 pounds. Abdominal position, fast lifting of the torso (Fig. Sometimes it is necessary to disconnect from theory to a degree, since the fight may challenge the fighter in ways the school cannot prepare him for. Guiding Principles..6 II. R27, R50, R60 and R69S (English language) (published 1964 . Fig. These exercises are continued until the men move up to the next station. Modifying Your Phone. 100). They are certain that the necessary increase in performance of the individual is achieved through purposeful development and that sport is thus made usable for military training. Ducking is a low dodge. 102 Throw with run-up: The run-up is about 15-20m. A. gives a straight left punch to the head - D. catches the punch with his right hand, his left arm moves forward at the same time. b) Pike roll from a running start (jump with both feet). The following is to be practiced: 1. Hand grenades target throws. Explanation of the tasks of each position. On the command "Go!" 31. Especially valuable here are combinations of different exercises, e.g. Care should be taken when jumping into water of unknown depth. Whichever team reaches 20 points wins. Exercises 1, 2, and 5 can also be exercised while sitting. Bouncing balls. Angefangen in den Beinen, bergehend in den Rcken und den Bauch, bis hin zum Nacken und den Schultern, sind alle Muskeln beim Ausfhren des Kreuzheben involviert. The start line needs to measure at least 30m across. -H, better known as that Italian poster Resources are to be found at Contents I. Fig. Step to the right, sideways: the right foot leads. Exercises on gymnastic equipment Gymnastic equipment is to be used to strengthen the body and for obstacle gymnastics. People with particularly good performances, especially noncommissioned officers, can receive further training in voluntary exercises in sports fields that are particularly suited to their inclination and disposition. If two players make an error at the same time, a referee's throw is given. 3 non-mandatory 4. 64 5. Breathing deeply through their nose and their mouth. One end is elevated by a framework which causes the board to form a 35 to 40 angle to the ground. 14): The circling of the torso takes place with pressed knees alternating left and right in alternating left and right. 117 44. I know things aren't theway things used to be but I pray one of these days Germany will rise back into power, not necessarily Nazi but has many of the good moral values and the positive of strength that Germany had. Exercise possibilities: a) Roll backwards from the seated position to the kneel position. 2. 7), abdominal position (Fig. He should strive for a certain versatility in his punches. The normal outfit is sports pants and footwear. a) Technique. 53 1. Therefore, every student should have the opportunity to participate in a quality health and physical education program. Filter by. 4. 3. The closed legs occupy a higher position. e) Roll backwards into a handstand. Pull barbell upward to the overhead position in one motion. 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