[14], Fisher became an apprentice draughtsman at Swan Hunter, Wallsend, and attended evening classes at Rutherford College before being accepted into London University in 1920. Four days later, instead of continuing his journey to the Soviet Union he entered the American embassy in Paris, announcing that he was a KGB officer and asking for asylum. Emil Goldfus was Rudolf Ivanovich Abel, a brilliant Soviet spy who was fluent in at least five languages and an expert at the technical requirements of espionage. The myth of the master spy Rudolf Abel replaced the reality of Fisher's illegal residency, even as the party hierarchy was well aware that Fisher had achieved nothing of real significance. Hayhanen became a respected expert in Finnish intelligence matters and in May 1943 was accepted into membership in the Soviet Communist Party. Goldfus disappeared about April 26, 1957. Encouraging their son's love of music, Fisher's parents gave him piano lessons; he also learned to play the guitar. Among the tenants was one Emil R. Goldfus, a photographer who had operated a studio on the fifth floor since January, 1954and who also had formerly rented a fifth-floor storage room there. Yet, the relentless search to identify the person who had brought the hollow nickel to New York, as well as the person for whom the coded message was intended, continued. [2][4] On 15 November 1957, Judge Mortimer W. Byers imposed on Fisher a total sentence of thirty years and fines of $3,000. [27], In July 1949, Fisher met with a "legal" KGB resident from the Soviet consulate general, who provided him with money. [2] In Fisher's New York hotel room the FBI found $4,000,[54][55] a hollow ebony block containing a 250-page Russian codebook, a hollow pencil containing encrypted messages on microfilm and a key to a safe-deposit box containing another $15,000 in cash. FOR ORGANIZATION OF COVER, WE GAVE INSTRUCTIONS TO TRANSMIT TO YOU THREE THOUSAND IN LOCAL (CURRENCY). [28] Members of the network had stopped cooperating after postwar security was tightened at Los Alamos. His mother also was American born, but his father had immigrated to the United States from Finland in 1905. He died in 1971. In Warsaw, he discarded his Soviet passport and using a U.S. passport travelled via Czechoslovakia and Switzerland to Paris. This was the first time, however, that the FBI had ever encountered a nickel quite like this one. [27] Fisher, as Kayotis, then travelled aboard the RMSScythia from Le Havre, France, to North America, disembarking at Quebec. Was Rudolf Abel actually a spy? On May 28, 1957, agents observed a man resembling Mark on a bench in a park directly opposite the entrance to 252 Fulton Street. He also must be identified. Fisher could not leave the country as Martin Collins, Emil Goldfus, or even the long-forgotten Andrew Kayotis. [68] For the sake of its own reputation it suited the KGB to portray "Abel's" nine years of being an undetected agent in the United States as a triumph by a dedicated NKVD member. The Soviet spy, Rudolf Abel, has written a note to James B. Donovan, his courtappointed defender in a 1957 espionage trial . [4] He served just over four years of his sentence before he was exchanged for captured American U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers. FBI mugshot of William August Fisher, a.k.a. After leaving the United States, the Maki family settled in Estonia. At the time he related this information to FBI agents in May 1957, Hayhanen could not remember the Army sergeants name. It fell apart! After their introduction at this theater, Hayhanen and Mark held frequent meetings in Prospect Park, on crowded streets, and in other inconspicuous places in the area of Greater New York. Why? In the intelligence and counterintelligence field, patience is more than a virtue. [27] Grigulevich gave Fisher a genuine birth certificate, a forged draft card and a forged tax certificate, all under the name of Emil Robert Goldfus, along with $1,000. Inside was a tiny photograph, showing a series of numbers too small to read. They were not convinced he might actually be a Russian spy until he produced a hollow Finnish 5-mark coin. It had been placed in the dead drop about two years previously, but, by a trick of fate, a repair crew had filled the hole in the stairs with cement, entombing the bolt and the message it contained. On February 10, 1962 at around 8:50 a . What sentence does Francis Gary Powers receive from the Soviet Court? On June 21, 1957, he was arrested in Manhattans Latham Hotel. [49], In April 1957, Fisher told his artist friends he was going south on a seven-week vacation. Bridge of Spies is the best. He was, however, able to tell the FBI about Fisher's studio and its location. [45] Fisher, unsuspecting, advised Hyhnen to leave the U.S. immediately to avoid FBI surveillance and handed him $200 for travel expenses. [2][39][40] Over time his artistic technique improved and he became a competent painter, though he disliked abstract painting, preferring more conventional styles. In 1948, a well-trained Soviet intelligence agent arrived in the United States. The information which Hayhanen furnished to U.S. officials in Paris, France, in May 1957, was immediately checked. During the FBIs extensive interviews with him, in May 1957 Hayhanen was carefully questioned regarding the codes and cryptosystems which he had used in the various Soviet intelligence agencies he had served since 1939. The case, which had made international headlines and turned James Donovan into a public pariah, faded into obscurity. ALL THE DATA ABOUT YOURSELF, PLACE OF WORK, ADDRESS, ETC., MUST NOT BE TRANSMITTED IN ONE CIPHER MESSAGE. They were to resurface in the United Kingdom using the identities of Peter and Helen Kroger. [27][29] The Volunteer network grew to include "Aden" and "Serb", nuclear physicists contacted by Hall, and "Silver". [60] Donovan subsequently brought in attorney Thomas M. Debevoise to assist him;[61] Fisher was tried in Federal Court at New York City during October 1957, on three counts:[59]. Rudolf Abel was arrested while undercover in the U.S. [10] However, in 1938 he was dismissed from the NKVD, which the OGPU had been renamed to in 1934. Thanks to information offered by Hyhnen, Fisher was tracked down and arrested at the Latham Hotel in Manhattan. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. His parents Heinrich and Lyubov were Bolshevik supporters from Russia, and young Fisher helped his father by distributing "Hands Off Russia" literature during World War I. He later served in an instructional role before taking part in intelligence operations against the Germans during World War II. TRANSMIT INSERTIONS SEPARATELY.5. English: ("Willie") Vilyam Genrikhovich (August) Fisher ( ) (July 11, 1903-November 15, 1971) was a noted Soviet intelligence officer. AP Follow Russia Beyond on Rumble The story of a Soviet. While in Moscow, Fisher informed his superiors of his dissatisfaction with Hyhnen. He had come to the United States in 1948 or 1949, entering by illegally crossing the Canadian border. This also was the case with the hollow nickel. [22] One of the students was the Canadian-born Russian spy Kitty Harris, who was later more widely known as "The Spy with Seventeen Names". Conspiracy to transmit defense information to the Soviet Union 30 years imprisonment; Conspiracy to obtain defense information 10 years imprisonment; Conspiracy to act in the United States as an agent of a foreign government without notification to the Secretary of State 5 years imprisonment. Abel returned to Moscow, where he was forced into retirement by the KGB, who feared that during his five years of captivity U.S. authorities had convinced him to become a double agent. The two men were brought to separate sides of the Glienicker Bridge, which connects East and West Berlin across Lake Wannsee. Shortly afterward, when U.S. jet pilot Francis Gary Powers was captured in Soviet territory, the idea of swapping Powers for Fisher gained steam. They met only when necessarythe meeting place being the Prospect Park subway station. As identification symbols, Hayhanen wore a blue and red striped tie and smoked a pipe. To exchange messages and intelligence data, they used dead dropsinconspicuous hiding placesin the New York area. During World War II, he again trained radio operators for clandestine work behind German lines. Abel returned to Moscow, where the KGB pushed him into retirement, fearing that he had been persuaded to become a double agent during his five years in captivity by American authorities. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The bolt was found on May 15, 1957. After handing back Kayotis's passport and documents, Fisher assumed the name Goldfus. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Mark also sent Hayhanen on trips alone. Is time wrong? All Rights Reserved. At the end of his 1957 trial, Rudolf Abel escaped the death penalty when his lawyer, James Donovan, convinced the federal judge that Abel might one day be used either as a source of intelligence information or as a hostage to be traded with the Soviets for a captured U.S. agent. They also made several short trips together to Atlantic City, Philadelphia, Albany, Greenwich, and other communities in the eastern part of the United States. Svirin was beyond reach of American justice. From the outset, it was obvious that they had found no Utopia on the border of the Soviet Union. Two months later, however, he was conscripted by the Communists secret police, the NKVD. It contained the following typewritten message: Nobody came to meeting either 8 or 9thas I was advised he should. El a purtat mai multe nume printre care se numea Rudolf Ivanovici Abel, Willie"), William Genrihovici (August) Fisher, Emil Robert Goldfus sau Frank, Marc, Andrew Kayotis, Martin Collins. In Abel v. United States, the United States Supreme Court upheld his conviction by a vote of 5-4. The key to this mystery proved to be a 36-year-old Lieutenant Colonel of the Soviet State Security Service (KGB). Ill ask the people across the hall, he said. 26. Operating as a Soviet spy in New York City, he was imprisoned for espionage following a high-profile trial in 1957. The FBI first became aware of Abel's activities in 1953, when Abel's incompetent junior colleague Reino Hayhanen carelessly spent a hollow nickel that ended up in the hands of a paperboy. On November 14, 1948, he disembarked from the ship at Quebecand quickly dropped out of sight. The message apparently was intended for Hayhanen and had been sent from the Soviet Union shortly after his arrival in the United States. In 1948, Fisher slipped into the United States illegally by way of Canada. He was sent to the federal penitentiary in Atlanta, Georgia. [48] The Canadian Communist Party succeeded in obtaining a new passport for Fisher in the name of Robert Callan. This man occasionally walked about the park; he appeared to be nervous; and he created the impression that he was looking for someonepossibly attempting to determine any unusual activity in the neighborhood. After the war, he began working for the KGB, which sent him to the United States where he worked as part of a spy ring based in New York City. Mark made another admissionthat he was a Russian citizen, Rudolf Ivanovich Abel, born July 2, 1902 in the Soviet Union. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. Site contains certain content that is owned A&E Television Networks, LLC. I dont have any change. It read: 1. Prior to his departure, Hyhnen returned to Bear Mountain Park and retrieved the buried $5,000 for his own use. [45] Escape was complicated because, if "MARK" had been compromised by Hyhnen, Fisher's other identities could have been compromised as well. Sign up now to learn about This Day in History straight from your inbox. He moved to Russia in the 1920s, and served in the Soviet military before undertaking foreign service as a radio operator in Soviet intelligence in the late 1920s and early 30s. Fisher, or "Rudolf Ivanovich Abel", was to serve his sentence (as prisoner 80016A)[64] at Atlanta Federal Penitentiary, Georgia. Afterward, Fisher sent Donovan two rare manuscripts as a show of his appreciation. FBI scientists determined that it had been coated with nickel. [56][57] Also discovered were photographs of the Cohens and recognition phrases to establish contact between agents who had never met before. [45], During Fisher's detainment the FBI had been searching his hotel room and photo studio, where they discovered espionage equipment including shortwave radios, cipher pads, cameras and film for producing microdots, a hollow shaving brush, and numerous "trick" containers including hollowed-out bolts. [9] As Heinrich Fisher had served a sentence for offenses against the Russian Imperial Crown, he was forced to flee to the United Kingdom in 1901,[10] the alternative being deportation to Germany or imprisonment in Russia for avoidance of military service. Two separate coins obviously had been used in making this trick 50 Markka piece. [4] The other prisoner was Kurt Ponger, an Austrian who had been sentenced for conspiracy to commit espionage. The lights went out at 11:52 p.m., and a man who appeared to generally fit the description of Mark stepped into the darkness outside the building. Goldfusregistered at the Hotel Latham under the name of Martin Collinswas kept under surveillance from the night of June 13 until the morning of June 21, 1957. For example, during the fall of 1948, while en route to the United States from the Soviet Union, he had adopted the identity of Andrew Kayotis. He had then spent three years in Finland taking over Maki's identity. The hollow nickel found by the Brooklyn newspaper boy, The coded message contained in the hollow nickel. [45], When Hyhnen announced himself at the embassy on 4 May, he appeared drunk. Fisher decided that he would not turn traitor as Hyhnen had done because he still trusted the KGB and he knew that if he cooperated with the FBI, he would not see his wife and daughter again. [7] While living in the United Kingdom, Fisher's father, a keen Bolshevik, took part in gunrunning, shipping arms from northeast England to Russia's Baltic coast. Charged with espionage, he confessed to being a Soviet spy named "Rudolf Ivanovich Abel" -- believed to be a signal to his superiors that he had been captured. When Kayotis friends in Michigan heard no more from him, they assumed that he had passed away. I do recall, however, that we used the code name `Quebec in referring to him and that he was recruited for Soviet intelligence work while in Moscow., (An intensive investigation was launched to identify and locate Quebec. It quickly produced results when, in examining a hollow piece of steel from Hayhanens home, the FBI Laboratory discovered a piece of microfilm less than one-inch square. Rudolf Ivanovich Abel. As a member of a Soviet spy ring operating on American soil, Hyhnen came under the FBI's jurisdiction and they began verifying his story. On May 16, 1957, FBI agents showed a group of photographs to Hayhanen. Its not suitable for a magic trick, one novelty salesman commented. Thats Mark.. We strive for accuracy and fairness. [37] Fisher was disturbed by Hyhnen's lack of work ethics and his obsession with alcohol. [46] On 11 May, the CIA returned him to the United States and handed him over to the FBI. At Donovan's initial meeting with Fisher, the latter accepted Donovan as his defense counsel. He eventually became fluent in several languages and developed a love for radio communications. The proprietors of novelty stores and related business establishments in the New York vicinity were contacted. When he picked it up, almost like magic, the coinsplit in half. Following World War II, he rose to the rank of senior operative authorized representative of the Segozerski district section of the NKGB and, with headquarters in the Village of Padani, set about the task of identifying dissident elements among the local citizens. After serving four years of a 30-year sentence in an Atlanta, Georgia, prison, Rudolf Abel was traded to the Soviet Union for American pilot Francis Gary Powers, who had been shot down in a U-2 spy plane over Russia. The money Hyhnen received from the KGB to support the network was instead spent on alcohol and prostitutes. In 1948, the KGB had called Hyhnen to Moscow where they issued him a new assignment. It had been hollowed out, and there was a small hole in the first a of the word Tasavalta which appeared on the tail side of this coin. Fisher was subsequently indicted to stand trial as a Russian spy. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officials at the Paris embassy did not find Hyhnen's story credible. From 1953 to 1957, though every effort was made to decipher the microphotograph, the FBI was unable to solve the mystery. Then, in the summer of 1949, he entered Finland as Eugene Nicolai Maki, an American-born laborer. [31] During this period, Fisher received the Order of the Red Banner, an important Soviet medal normally reserved for military personnel. In the R of the word TRUST, there was a tiny holeobviously drilled there so that a fine needle or other small instrument could be inserted to force the nickel open. Nearly 10 years later, Mark was to admit that he had used Kayotis passport during the fall of 1948 in booking passage aboard an ocean liner from LeHavre, France, to Canada. Fisher was publicly feted a hero upon his return to the Soviet Union. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. In 1949, Hyhnen freely obtained Maki's birth certificate. Additionally, the kind of typewriter which had been used in preparing the coded message could not be identified. On November 15, 1957, Brooklyn judge Mortimer W. Byers sentenced Soviet spy Rudolf Abel to consecutive terms of 30, 10, and 5 years in prison and fined him $3,000. Want to read all 2 pages? [] R. I. Abel resolutely expressed his firm reluctance to associate his name with such a hero "(V. G. Pavlov, Operation Snow, Moscow: BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role, FBI: Rudolph Ivanovich Abel (Hollow Nickel Case), "Mark Rylance wins Best Supporting Actor in the most high profile British win of Oscars 2016", "BAFTA Film Award Nominations and Winners 2016", A memorial plaque to the legendary Soviet intelligence officer William Fisher was put up in Samara, A True Story of the Cold War: Bridge of Spies, Universal News reporting Capture Of Soviet Spy Col. Rudolph Abel (1957), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rudolf_Abel&oldid=1150189193. The latter must have "felt it" - . There were not enough. [2] Once the FBI had a positive identification, they stepped up surveillance, following Fisher from his studio to the Hotel Latham. The Soviet intelligence officer Alexander Belov appeared before readers as some sort of James Bond modification, with adventurous antics and immoral acts. He did, however, remember being taken to a storage room in Brooklyn by his superior, whom he knew as Mark. The FBI tracked down the storage room and found it was rented by one Emil R. Goldfus, an artist and photographer who had a studio in Brooklyn Heights. Forced into retirement in 1971, he died of lung cancer on November 15 of that year. He occasionally met with Reino Hyhnen, another Soviet agent residing in New York. Inside was a tiny photographapparently a picture of a series of numbers. Updates? One of the nations most fascinatingand ultimately significantspy cases began in the summer of 1953, when a Brooklyn newspaper boy dropped a nickel he had just earned. Who Is Suspected Pentagon Leaker Jack Teixeira? Sudoplatov later described this operation as "the most successful radio deception game of the war". GREETINGS FROM THE COMRADES. This man was followed down Fulton Street to a nearby subway station. In April 1957 (the same month Hayhanen boarded a ship for Europe under instructions to return to Moscow), Goldfus had told a few persons in the Fulton Street building that he was going South on a seven-week vacation. The lawyer even appealed Fishers 45-year prison sentence on the grounds that the search of his studio had been unconstitutional, though the Supreme Court upheld the original ruling in 1960. spies," is based on the story of rudolf abel, arrested in new york city, convicted, and exchanged for u.s. biplane pilot. Letters that they wrote to their former neighbors showed that Mr. and Mrs. Maki were very unhappy and sorely missed America. [65], Fisher served just over four years of his sentence. If thats `Mark, hell return, they correctly surmised. In Moscow, however, plans were being made for a new Eugene Maki, one thoroughly grounded in Soviet intelligence techniques, to enter the scene. 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