Built on scalable, flexible, and adaptable concepts identified in the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Decisive action is often required to save lives and protect property and the environment. Successful achievement of the National Preparedness Goal will result in a secure and resilient nation with the capabilities required across the whole community to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk. Always in effect, and elements can be implemented as needed on a flexible, scalable basis to improve response. The SIOC: In the event of a crisis, the SIOC establishes the Headquarters Command Post and develops connectivity to Field Command Posts and Joint Operations Centers. As part of these responsibilities, the Secretary of Homeland Security provides the Executive Branch with an overall architecture for domestic incident management. The SIOC acts as the FBIs worldwide Emergency Operations Center. Unified Coordination is typically directed from a Joint Field Office, or JFO. Operational coordination occurs across various governmentlevels and consists of actions and activities that enable decision makers to determine appropriate courses of action and provide oversight for all types of incidents, including complex homeland security operations, to achieve unity of effort and effective outcomes. them. The last principle is Readiness To Act. The State Coordinating Officer is:Ans: Assigned by the FEMA Regional Administrator to expedite the delivery of needed services to a State. (https://www.fema.gov/national-preparedness-resource-library). Public Information and Warning provides for messaging, translators, and interpreters, as well as Operational Communications for reporting and communication that allows shelters to stay in touch with operations centers. Later in the course, we will take a closer look at the mechanisms through which a tiered response such as this is implemented. When DoD resources are authorized to support civil authorities, command of those forces remains with the Secretary of Defense. The FDNY IMTs demonstrated scalable, flexible, and adaptable capabilities by responding to incidents of different size, location, and complexity. Most Federal departments and agencies have regional or field offices that may participate with state and local governments in planning for incidents and provide response assets when an incident occurs in their jurisdiction. Is the Presidents principal means for coordinating Executive Branch departments and agencies in the development and implementation of national security policy. Ways: Response Core Capabilities describe the grouping of response actionsthe waysthat can be taken to stabilize and re-establish the lifelines. FEMAs Incident Management Assistance Teams (IMATs) are rapidly deployable emergency response teamsfull time, rapid response teams that can arrive at an incident within 12 hours from deployment notification to support the State and Federal Coordinating Officers in establishing the Incident Action Planning (IAP) process and Initial Operating Facility (IOF). Activating their emergency plans, businesses begin contacting employees to ensure their well-being. Among the major impacts to community lifelines is the community's inability to access money. Federal Response and Assistance Available Without a Stafford Act Declaration. The earthquake comes without warning as residents go about their business on a typical weekday; measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale, the quake occurs along a fault in a heavily populated area. If a state anticipates that its resources may be exceeded, the governor may request assistance from the Federal Government through a Stafford Act declaration. Situational assessment, operational communications, and cybersecurity are core capa . Throughout this course, we will focus specifically on theResponsecore capabilities. The term response as used in the National Response Framework include: Actions to save lives, protect property and the environment, stabilize communities, and meet basic.FOLLOWING.incident. Territorial and insular area governments are responsible for coordinating resources to address actual or potential incidents and have many of the same functions states have, as previously listed in this section. Objective: Provide fatality management services, including decedent remains recovery and victim identification, working with local, state, tribal, territorial, insular area, and Federal authorities to provide mortuary processes, temporary storage or permanent internment solutions, sharing information with mass care services for the purpose of reunifying family members and caregivers with missing persons/remains, and providing counseling to the bereaved. If the incident requires additional support and coordination, the EOC director may activate additional staff to involve more disciplines, mobilize additional resources, inform the public, address media inquiries, involve senior elected and appointed officials, and request outside . Exercises should:Include multidisciplinary, multijurisdictional incidents.Include participation of private-sector and nongovernmental organizations.Cover aspects of preparedness plans, including activating mutual aid and assistance agreement.____.Ans: Be repeated until performance is at an acceptable level. In some communities and jurisdictions, MAC Groups are located at or near EOCs in order to authorize additional resources, approve emergency authorities, and provide guidance on emerging issues. Refer to page 26 of the National Response Framework for additional information. Information collection, analysis, visualization and dissemination. (http://www.fema.gov/national-preparedness-resource-library), ESF Member Roles and Responsibilities: Within each ESF, an ESF coordinator, primary agency, and support agencies are designated. Emergency Support Function Annexes: Each ESF is described in an annex to the NRF which outlines the ESFs: Select this link to access the latest copies of the ESF Annexes. Multiple modes of transportation that often serve complementary functions and create redundancy, adding to the inherent resilience in overall transportation networks. FALSE. Along with the National Planning Frameworks for other mission areas, this document now describes the all-important integration and inter-relationships among the mission areas of Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery. Neighbors helped neighbors salvage their belongings, and a temporary shelter was opened in a local school to house displaced residents until they could return home or find accommodations with friends and family. Select this link to view the National Planning Frameworks, Use this link to find out more about the Response FIOP, http://www.fema.gov/national-preparedness-resource-library, https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-293. The responsibility for responding to natural and human-caused incidents that have recognizable geographic boundaries generally begins at the local level. Within this broad audience, the National Response Framework focuses especially on those who are involved in delivering and applying the response core capabilities, including: Government resources alone cannot meet the needs of those affected by major disasters. Q. Protection of critical infrastructure systems and implementation of plans for the rapid restoration of commercial activities and critical infrastructure operations are crucial aspects of the protection mission area. Q. The State Coordinating Officer is: Ans: Assigned by the FEMA Regional Administrator to expedite the delivery of needed services to a State. Provide and enable contingency communications required at health and medical facilities. A development firm worked with the Joplin City Council to attract private investors for reconstruction projects. How the Federal Government aligns resources and delivers core capabilities to reach our shared National Preparedness Goal is described in:Ans: the response federal interagency operational plan. Individuals and communities, the private and nonprofit sectors, faith-based organizations, and all levels of government should understand their respective roles and responsibilities and how to complement each other in achieving shared goals. FEMA IS-906: Workplace Security Awareness Answers. ESF support agencies have specific capabilities or resources that support primary agencies in executing the mission of the ESF. Is based on the premise that governments have sole responsibility for responding to major emergencies. ESFs are not solely attributed to any one organization, nor are they mechanisms for executing an agency's statutory authorities. Which NIMS Management Characteristic includes developing and issuing assignments, plans, procedures, and protocols to accomplish tasks? The Administrator is the principal advisor to the President, the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Homeland Security Council regarding emergency management. If an incident grows beyond the capability of a local jurisdiction, then:Ans: The State activates its emergency plan, provides needed resources, and requests assistance from other States using existing mutual aid agreements. Is an integrated set of guidance, concepts, processes, and tools that enable the whole community to meet the National PreparednessGoalB. This role entails coordinating and integrating all elements of the community. Services include elements such as alerts, warnings, and messages, as well as 911 and dispatch. As incidents change in size, scope, and complexity, response efforts must adapt to meet evolving requirements. Critical transportation; situation assessment; and mass care servicesC. All agencies have an understanding of joint priorities and restrictions. Orchestrating support and strategy development within their functional area for the appropriate response core capabilities and other ESF missions; Notifying and requesting assistance from support agencies; Managing mission assignments (in Stafford Act incidents), and coordinating with support agencies, as well as appropriate state officials, operation centers, and other stakeholders; Coordinating resources resulting from mission assignments; Working with all types of organizations to maximize the use of all available resources; Monitoring progress in delivering core capability and other ESF missions, and providing that information as part of situational and periodic readiness or preparedness assessments; Planning for incident management, short-term recovery operations, and transition to long-term recovery support operations; Identifying new equipment or capabilities required to prevent or respond to new or emerging threats and hazards or to validate and improve capabilities to address changing risks; and. , ESF Coordinator: DHS/Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Coordinates government and industry efforts for the reestablishment and provision of critical The JFO provides a central location for the coordination of Federal, state, tribal, and local governments and private-sector and nongovernmental organizations with primary responsibility for Response and Recovery. Functions include but are not limited to the following: Public Health, Healthcare and Emergency Medical ServicesB. disaster or incident. Administered by the National Emergency Management Association, A way to streamline the interstate mutual aid and assistance process. Although the JFO uses an ICS structure, it does not manage on-scene operations. The coordinating structures are designed to build on the capabilities and resources of partners from across the whole communitysome of whom may also participate in local or regional coordinating structures. Ensuring appropriate information is provided to the public. Federal assistance. Q. These help to unify the mission areas and in many ways are necessary for the success of the remaining core capabilities. More than 100,000 people are injured and thousands more are missing. Coordination of operations must occur both among those delivering the Response core capabilities and with those working in other mission areas. During Hurricane Sandy in 2012, with the crisis closer to home, an IMT oversaw the response during and after the storm. The CIOCC operates around the clock to integrate, coordinate, and share risk and threat information with the critical infrastructure community, perform consequences analyses of incidents affecting critical infrastructure, inform decision making, provide technical expertise to address cyber threats and communications outages, and coordinate infrastructure-related support for broader federal response efforts. If it helped make sure you share it with your friends who might be looking for the same. The intent of the FIOP is to support local, state, tribal, territorial, insular-area, and Federal government plans to ensure a common operational focus. In the wake of continuing severe weather, a levee upstream gave way, and the flooding quickly expanded, affecting a huge area. Representation within the JOC includes officials from local, state, and Federal agencies with specific roles in counterterrorism and consequence management. The private sector, comprised of small, medium, and large businesses, spans nationally significant infrastructure to locally owned and operated businesses that, while small, are staples of the community. Functions include but Which of the following is a benefit of implementing NRF structures and procedures?Ans: scaled response, level of appropriate coordination, delivering specific resources, Q. Characteristics of the core capabilitiesAns: are distinct critical elements necessary to meet the National Preparedness goal, are essential for the execution of each mission area: Prevention, Mitigation, response, and Recovery, provide a common language for preparedness across the whole community, Q. In those circumstances, a Governor, or Tribal Chief Executive, may ask the President to declare an emergency or major disaster. NIMS compliances I.S. Responding to this expanding incident required a tiered response. The SIOC acts as the FBIs worldwide Emergency Operations Center. One premise of the National Response Framework is Tiered Response. The five Mission Areas outlined in the National Response Framework are Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and _.Ans: Recovery. Scalable Operational Capabilities, 22. Functions include but are not limited In some circumstances, other Federal agencies may have a lead or support role in coordinating operations, or elements of operations, consistent with applicable legal authorities or the Presidential designation as lead Federal agency. How Do I Answer The CISSP Exam Questions? The state Adjutant General may assign members of the Guard to assist with state, regional, and Federal civil support plans. Using a concentric-circles approach, resources were identified on islands in successively broadening circles in the general direction of the U.S. mainland. Stabilization of the seven Community Lifelines reduces threats to public health and safety, or economic security. Which of the following are part of the community lifelines that represent the most basic services a community relies on?Ans: Food, Water, Shelter, Q. Objective: Provide transportation (including infrastructure access and accessible transportation services) for response priority objectives, including the evacuation of people and animals, and the delivery of vital response personnel, equipment, and services into the affected areas. The National Response Framework:Ans: Mandates that the private-sector entities responsible for critical infrastructure and key resources develop and exercise contingency plans. Match each NIMS characteristic with the correct . What is the relationship between the National Response Framework and the National Incident Management System (NIMS)? The National Response Framework strives to improve coordination among all response partners, and through these partnerships, we can work together to help save lives and protect Americas communities. True or False: A basic premise of the National Response Framework is that response structures and resources must be able to expand rapidly to meet the needs associated with a given incident.Ans: TRUE, Q. Tiered Response can best be described as: Incidents are generally handled at the lowest jurisdictional level. A telecommunications company provided wireless equipment to local emergency officials. Some types of international assistance are pre-identified and bilateral agreements are already established. Which of the following is part of the community lifelines that represent the most basic services a community relies on? How the Federal Government aligns resources and delivers core capabilities to reach our shared National Preparedness Goal is described in: Which organization is a multiagency coordination center generally staffed by ESFs in anticipation of or immediately following an incident? Which of the following are core capabilities for response?A. DHS Director of Operations CoordinationC. Joint Operations Center (JOC). Which of the following statements about Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) is correct?Ans: ESFs are not exclusively federal coordinating mechanism, Q. Before a declaration request is made, the State or Tribal emergency plan must be activated and all appropriate State, Tribal, and local actions must have been taken or initiated. Federal Coordinating Structures include:Ans: Emergency Support Functions, Q. The National Operations Center (NOC)B. In extraordinary circumstances, the President may unilaterally make such a declaration to expedite the delivery of lifesaving assistance. Incidents should be managed at the highest jurisdictional level possible. Given its flexibility and scalability, the Framework can be implemented to deliver the resources at the needed level of coordination across a wide range of authorities. Select this link to access additional information about IMATs (http://www.fema.gov/pdf/hazard/hurricane/2009/imat_factsheet.pdf). From individuals, households, and communities to local, tribal, state, territorial, insular-area, and Federal governments, national response depends on our readiness to act. It is our collective duty to provide the best response possible. Stafford Act. Unity of effort results when responding agencies are willing to relinquish their authorities.B. Core Capabilities & Mission Areas. Which of the following are part of the community lifelines that represent the most basic services a community relies on?Ans: energy, communications, transportation, Q. The National Planning Frameworks, one framework for each mission area, discuss how whole community efforts build, sustain, and deliver these core capabilities. Response partners use nonstandard structures to allow for flexible and scalable responses. Which of the following is a mission area? TRUEB. The next lesson presents coordinating structures used in nationwide response. Select this link for more information about the NOC. This lesson describes community lifelines andthe core capabilities for response. Q. When catastrophic incidents put a premium on the restoration of complex supply chains (especially for essential products and services needed for response efforts and stabilization ofthe economy), private sector coordination and assets are vital for public health and safety, the economy, and national security. Effective response requires a readiness to act that is balanced with an understanding of the risks and hazards responders face. Example actions that an ESF may take in support of stabilizing the Health and Medical Lifeline during incident response operations: Coordinate the opening of roads and manage aviation airspace for access to health and medical facilities or services. Who is the principal Federal official for domestic incident management. The NRFs structures and procedures address incidents involving Federal support to local, state, tribal, territorial, and insular-area governments. Found a mistake? The Secretary of State is responsible for all communication and coordination between the U.S. Government and other nations regarding the response to a domestic crisis. All agencies with jurisdictional authority and/or functional responsibility for the incident provide joint support through mutually developed incident objectives and strategies. You got {{SCORE_CORRECT}} out of {{SCORE_TOTAL}}. Overall leadership is provided by the Emergency Support Function Leaders Group. Like other Executive Branch departments and agencies, the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will endeavor to coordinate their activities with other members of the law enforcement community, and with members of the Intelligence Community, to achieve maximum cooperation consistent with the law and operational necessity. Q. The police, fire, and emergency medical services are usually categorized inside which government?Ans: local government, Q. The National Response Framework is intended to strengthen, organize, and coordinate response actions across the entire response community as a means of delivering the core response capabilities in order to stabilize the community lifelines. Now that you have a general understanding of National Preparedness doctrine and the context it provides for the Response mission area, lets take a closer look at the principles on which Response doctrine is based. Q. Which of these is established by the FBI in response to significant threats or incidents involving Federal crimes under the criminal jurisdiction of the United States?A. The effects of the two shocks are profound10 times more powerful than the 1989 Loma Prieta quake. Coordinating resources resulting from response mission assignments. The Department of State also coordinates international offers of assistance and formally accepts or declines these offers on behalf of the U.S. Government, based on needs conveyed by Federal departments and agencies, as stated in the International Coordination Support Annex. Both the National Preparedness System and the National Preparedness Goal discuss the development of capabilities needed to ensure a secure and resilient nation. Select each role to access a description. Select the false statement from the following: Make sure your emergency plans:Ans: Leave leadership roles and responsibilities undefined so the plan is more flexible. Select this link for an example of tiered response. In order to help form a common operating picture of the incident and secure additional resources the Incident Commander relays requirements to:A. Deliver information sufficient to inform decision making regarding immediate lifesaving and life-sustaining activities and engage governmental, private, and civic sector resources within and outside of the affected area to meet basic human needs and stabilize the incident. The statewide plan allows for resource deployment to a stricken area while leaving at least 80 percent of local resources in place to respond to ongoing, routine local emergencies. FEMA Midterm Exam. On-scene Security, Protection, and Law Enforcement. Many states create independent committees or councils focused on specific functions. However, Federal assistance under the Stafford Act is only available when the incident exceeds State, Tribal, and local resources. Once you have the answers for FEMA ICS 800 Test (check sample Q&A from above list) then its equally important to follow the tips we are providing below in order to pass with more confidence: We hope you find all the required FEMA ICS 800 Test Answers Key from above. The National Response Framework describes structures for implementing nationwide response policy and operational coordination for all types of domestic incidents. The private sector plays many important roles during the response. Secretary of Homeland SecurityB. In addition to Intelligence Community elements with specific homeland security missions, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence maintains a number of mission and support centers that provide unique capabilities for homeland security partners. In the wake of the tornado that hit Joplin, Missouri in May 2011, every available agency and resource was deployed to assist in response and recovery from the devastating event. Each mission area has their own FIOP that describes how the federal government aligns resources and delivers that mission's core capabilities. Also includes accessibility of financial services. Detect, assess, stabilize, and clean up releases of oil and hazardous materials into the environment, including buildings/structures, and properly manage waste. This is an example of: All elements of the community must be activated, engaged, and integrated . Federal departments and agencies may execute interagency or intra-agency reimbursable agreements in accordance with the Economy Act or other applicable authorities. Establish, staff, and equip emergency shelters and other temporary housing options (including accessible housing) for the affected population. Privacy policy States request assistance from other states through interstate mutual aid and assistance agreements such as:A. Select this link to learn more about Unified Command. 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