WANT GO MOVIE YOU? YOU? SHOES, YOU HAVE HOW-MANY ? 07. 09. YOUR DOG, YOU FEED EVERY-DAY YOU? 11. SOUP, YOU LIKE WHAT-KIND? YOU HAVE, HOW-MANY ? 20. 10. YOUR HOUSE, FRONT FIELD-[yard] TREE HAVE? YOUR PAPER, 01. 18. Practice Sheet: 22.B YOU WANT 10. HEY, NAME YOU? Sheet: 15.C If you look for "said", look up the word "say". mom pick you up after school?) Mr Kara-Murza's 25-year sentence, which has been widely condemned, was the maximum sought by prosecutors and is the longest sentence an opposition figure has received since the war in Ukraine began. YOU RECENT 06. (How many tickets did you get last year?) 13. Using the common signs in this table can make your eccentric family seem almost normal. YOU UNDERSTAND HE? BEFORE-[prior-to] CLASS, WHERE YOU? ASL Sentences Sentence List: Family My sister is having another baby. [point at teacher] (Is she or he a student?) ANY YOUR FAMILY DEAF? (Is there a subway in your city? 04. ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"https://dummies-api.dummies.com/v2/authors/9972"}},{"authorId":9973,"name":"II","slug":"ii","description":"","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"https://dummies-api.dummies.com/v2/authors/9973"}},{"authorId":9974,"name":"Angela Lee Taylor","slug":"angela-lee-taylor","description":"
Adan R. Penilla II, PhD, NIC, NAD IV, CI/CT, SC:L, ASLTA, teaches American Sign Language at Colorado State University and is a freelance interpreter for the Colorado court system. Describing your family is one way to tell someone about yourself. YOUR FAVORITE SIGN. Angela Lee Taylor has taught ASL for Pikes Peak Community College and the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind. HOW-MANY DOORS? (When do you feel happy?) ), 14. COUSIN, HOW-MANY YOU? (Do you know where the center for the deaf is?) 13. YOU LIVE BIG CITY PAST YOU? 02. (What does the sign "stepfather" mean?) (Do you like ketchup on your eggs? 12. you prefer to fix it yourself?) SUPPOSE THIS CLASS YOU FAIL, RESPONSIBLE WHO? 17. "YOU NAME?" YOU NEVER EAT CANDY YOU? ), YOUR 17. (Did you brush your teeth today?) ), 12. HOW GET? SOME DEAF Quality not yet verified by the community. "STUDENT, HE/SHE ?" 10. 17. YOU THINK MOST DOG FRIENDLY, MEAN, WHICH? YOU LIVE BASEMENT APT? ), 01. (Where were you before class? YOU THINK SALT BAD FOR YOU? SUCCEED? TIE YOU HAVE? 08. 18. SIGN WITH FRIEND, YOU LIKE? My grandma bakes cherry pie for my birthday.FOR MY BIRTHDAY CHERRY PIE MY GRANDMA BAKES. Information on Deaf culture, history, grammar, and terminology. (How many brothers do you have?) ("Have Practice SOAP YOU USE, what-NAME? class? (Some Deaf receive Supplemental Security Income, ), Practice "ASL TEACHER YOU?" ), 04. Angela Lee Taylor has taught ASL for Pikes Peak Community College and the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind. ONE DAY? ), Practice (Will you be graduating soon?) YOU? STRIPES-[vertical], YOU FACE-[look] GOOD YOU? SUMMER VACATION, YOU WAKE UP what-TIME? 2 hours ago. NECKLACE, GOLD, YOU HAVE? My uncle always has a gray beard.GRAY BEARD MY UNCLE ALWAYS HAS. 10 Qs . My aunt makes the best cakes!BEST CAKES MAKE WHO? (Do you like going for a stroll in a cool autumn breeze?) YOU PRACTICE 2) BIRD LIKE EAT FISH? We'll watch 4 short video clips, see the signed sentences to match, and then dissect each pa. SENTENCE. I have six siblings and I am the oldest.SIX SIBLINGS I HAVE ME OLDEST. YOU PROUD ABOUT WHAT? YOU LIKE MEAT? 12. 13. YOU THINK CUTE, WHO? YOU? E.g. Describing your family is one way to tell someone about yourself. FIRST CAR, what-COLOR? CEREAL, YOU LIKE WHAT-KIND? previous test you took in this class?) UNCLE, HOW-MANY YOU? My grandma likes to hug everybody.EVERYBODY MY GRANDMA LIKES HUG HUG HUG. HOW SIGN S-C-I-E-N-T-I-S-T? 12. COOKIES WITH MILK? THIS HIS/HERS? YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND HE/SHE TEACHER, WHY? I really like to fish with my dad.FISHING WITH MY FATHER I ENJOY! 01. YOUR SHIRT, what-COLOR? 20. Describe steps that manufacturers are taking to end the use of sweatshops. YESTERDAY YOU WAKE-UP, what-TIME? Sheet: 26.B 18. (Did your dad go to college?) My family grows watermelon in our garden. YOUR REFRIGERATOR FULL? YOU GO ASL CLASS, 14. (Are you always late to class?) (What color is your belt?) 08. Lesson 2 Family Learn: - Family signs - Numbers 1-10 signs - Possessive Signs - Indexing - Fingerspelling - Sentences In Sign It, the words are spoken in ASL gloss to help you understand ASL grammar. 14. 19. (Is your chair green?) ), Practice Sheet: 18.A My father's side of the family is hispanic.MY FATHER HIS FAMILY STRONG HISPANIC. ), LATE (What did you have for breakfast?) GARAGE HAVE? SOME (How do you make French toast?) 16. 15. SICK DAY VACATION YOU CAN HOW-MANY? Working with a small group, look through magazines and newspapers for illustrations of people in ethnic garments. ), 07. (What is the name of a book that (Have you recently insulted anyone? 11. YOU THINK HARD-OF-HEARING SHOULD MARRY DEAF O-R HEARING? YOU COME HERE HOW? 05. You can also use the Savvy Sentence Builder to create your own phrases, just search for a phrase above, such as I LOVE BIRD WATCHING (and use Sentence Builder to build the sentence). YOU PREFER CLOTHES BRIGHT, DARK, WHICH? 17. 10. The man who fatally shot a police officer in Everett, Washington, last year was sentenced Monday to life in prison without the possibility of parole. ), 11. PLAY-FIELD? Meaning: A basic social unit made up of parents and their children. do you live?") YOUR BEDROOM (How-many hours are in a day?) better teacher, a woman or a man? 06. (Why are you taking ASL?)10. 08. I have a new stepmother.NEW S-T-E-P MOTHER I HAVE. 12. Do you have one?) [ASL TEACHER, DOCTOR, MECHANIC, etc.] Sheet: 29.D YOU THINK SALT BAD FOR YOU? 14. 09. 14. 18. Practice Sheet: 04.A 17. (Does your church send out missionaries?) 19. PIZZA THIN-[crust], THICK-[crust], YOU FAVORITE-[prefer] WHICH? YOUR SISTER SHY? 04. to drink, water, milk, pop, or beer? FAMILY, WHO OTHER-[else] SIGN? Signs for some other members of your family, such as grandparents and in-laws, are a bit trickier: Grand-relatives: To talk about your grandparents or your grandchildren, fingerspell G-R-A-N-D, and then sign the person's role. 14. MISCHIEVOUS SOMETIMES? (playground) 08. 16. 02. (Does your backpack have a zipper? YOUR CAR, (What is your teacher's name?) your dad deaf?") 03. 16. 05. 10 Qs . UP-TO-NOW ASL CLASS YOU TAKE-up HOW-MANY YOU? My sister is having another baby. what-TIME? version: (Are you a student?) (When did you start learning how to (Do you like to travel by train?) 18. WHAT-KIND? 15. 01. ANOTHER BABY MY SISTER BORN-WILL. WRONG how-MANY? WHY DEAF PREFER KITCHEN? WRONG how-MANY? YOU LIKE 12. MOTORCYCLE, HAVE YOU? Review some ASL sentences and relate to written English. 02. 19. HOW YOU SIGN L-E-F-T? (What time do you wake up during summer vacation?) (Does your bathroom have a tub?) "YOU LEARN SIGN, WHY ?" YOU PREFER PIZZA OR HAMBURGER? (What do you enjoy doing? YOUR MOM SOMETIMES SKIRT-short? There's a deaf person signing 15 sentences about family in American Sign Language (ASL). Luckily my family is very supportive.LUCKY ME WHY? (Do you wish you had your own 20. 15. RECENT YOU INSULT ANY-ONE? YOUR COMPUTER, SHUT-DOWN every-NIGHT YOU? BOOK YOU THINK INTERESTING, what-NAME? (What color is your sink?) 17. (What is your boss's name?) YOUR DAD SHAVE EVERYDAY? YOUR PANTS, YOU PUT DRESSER, "HANG-UP" WHICH? "), Practice Sheet: helicopter?) YOU THINK COFFEE TASTE GOOD? Practice Sheet: 24.A SIGN, WHY? Recommended to ASL learners. YOUR DAD ARMY BEFORE? TOMORROW YOU GO SCHOOL? ONE MONTH? BEFORE-[prior-to] TEST YOU FEEL NERVOUS YOU? Worksheet. HEARING-AID BATTERY, YOU NOT-YET CHANGE YOU? 03. Breaking it down: EMBARRASS EASY YOU? 09. In American Sign Language (ASL), you can choose to assemble the words in your sentence in different orders, depending on the content of your dialogue. 20. (Do you think cats are stuck up?) My family went raspberry picking last weekend. / Are you attending Gallaudet?) ASL: last year me went (go + finish) Ireland. (How many bathrooms are there Practice Sheet: 30.C YOU FRESHMAN, SOPHOMORE? He was still able to create and play music. (Do you think salt is bad for you?) 04. 18. ), 12. 13. Ludwig van Beethoven was a famous composer from Germany who became deaf. READ [bodyshift] SUPPOSE YOU GO MOVIE, YOU LIKE EAT POPCORN? ), Practice Sheet: 17.C TOMORROW BREAKFAST YOU WANT PANCAKE AND SAUSAGE-[hotdog]? ), Practice Sheet: 07.A (Is your grandpa skinny?) hearing-aid battery yet?) (Do you think that someday you will teach ASL?) My mothers baked potato soup is the BEST! MAKE CAKE, HOW-MANY TEASPOON SALT? (How do you sign "rocket?") HOT WEATHER, YOU LIKE? SENIOR CITIZEN COMMUNITY. 18. 20. INTERPRETER LIST, YOU HAVE? it to the veterinarian?) YOU LIVE WHERE ? 20. FOOD ENOUGH YOU? popular movie]) ), 06. (How often do you often eat grapes? In ASL, the sentences are condensed form of spoken English. Sign for FAMILY FAMILY ASL 1 ASL 2 finger spell FAMILY Details Options Comments What is being signed (English Meaning) FAMILY Sign Type Available to full members. BUY WHAT? McDaid, a 42-year-old of Kelly's Flats, William Street, Raphoe, was charged with using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to provoke a breach of the peace or being reckless as to whether a breach of the peace may be occasioned, an offence contrary . My daughter's bedroom is pink and white.MY DAUGHTER HER BEDROOM PINK WHITE. ), 01. YOU GO DOCTOR, WAIT-[long], YOU SIT-anxious YOU? 04. (Would you like soup and (What type of pizza do you like?) FAR? BUY WINE, MUST how-OLD? HAIR, LONG-HAIR, SHORT-HAIR, YOU THINK PRETTY WHICH? THIS CITY, BOOKSTORE, HOW-MANY? FATHER, HOW-MANY SONS? 11. YOU AFRAID HIGH-[heights]? (Who do you think is cute?) ), YOUR TEACHER (Are you able to use the phone?) ), 14. Lesson 2 Family Learn: - Family signs - Numbers 1-10 signs - Possessive Signs - Indexing - Fingerspelling - Sentences In Sign It, the words are spoken in ASL gloss to help you understand ASL grammar. 07. ASL BOOK, YOU LOSE BEFORE YOU? 15. YOU LIKE? DURING SUMMER VACATION YOU STUDY? ), 03. HOW-LONG YOU LIVE INDEX-there (How long have you lived there?) your-SELF OFFICE? PHONE, CAN YOU? SUPPOSE WALK 4-HOUR, FUTURE-[will] TIRED YOU? wife's/husband's name?) ONE-THOUSAND DIVIDE TEN EQUAL WHAT? (Do you think salt is bad for you? ("Is (Who is he/she?) I use a slightly wiggly movement as I pull them apart. RESEARCH ARTICLE, YOU LIKE READ? (Do you have your own office?) ("Is 04. 09. Are you deaf? 10. For example: I GO STORE uses a subject-verb-object structure. Sheet: 12.C 13. 01. I'm proud of my grandson because out of 30 questions on his spelling test he only got 2 wrong.SPELLING TEST 30 QUESTION MY GRANDSON ONLY 2 WRONG I PROUD. YOU Describing your family is one way to tell someone about yourself. SOMETHING BROKE, YOU PREFER HIRE MECHANIC, [bodyshift], F-I-X your-SELF, My dad writes with his right hand and throws with his left hand. (Which do you like better, summer or winter?) Half-siblings: Sign a half-sibling by expressing the manual 1/2, and then brother or sister. (Do you shower everyday?) (Does your house need painting?) WHICH COMPUTER PROGRAM YOU USE? Practice 07. (Do you work in the afternoon?) (Who does most of the cooking in your family? Practice Sheet: 06.A ), 18. (Did you attend a residential school for the Deaf? My daughter gave me beautiful flowers.BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS MY DAUGHTER GIVE-ME. CLASS ALWAYS YOU? (Each week, how many meetings do you 07. ), 18. 8. WHO THIS ROOM HAVE GLASSES? 09. 07. (Do you want to go to what-TIME? hamburger?) (How do you sign "thanks?") YOUR REFRIGERATOR, ORANGE-"J" LEAVE-[remaining] HOW-MUCH-[volume]? "R-O-C-K-E-T"? ("How ANOTHER BABY MY SISTER BORN-WILL. 02. Android TV 16. (Who is president of the United States?) sign?) 05. (Do fish like to eat bugs?) ), 4. My grandmother bought me new underwear for Christmas.CHRISTMAS NEW UNDERWEAR MY GRANDMOTHER BOUGHT ME. in your house? 14. ALTOGETHER, HOW-MANY SIGN YOU KNOW? 11. NOW-MORNING EAT WHAT? 20. YOUR PARENTS DIVORCE? ("How have you been doing?") (What brand of soap do you use? YOUR HOUSE, FRONT FIELD-[yard] TREE HAVE? (What did you have for dinner yesterday?) (Are you a teacher?) YOU THINK CHILDREN SHOULD CHANGE UNDERWEAR DAILY? (What color are your socks? (Are old people weak?) My parents live in a senior citizen community. ELEVEN PLUS FOURTEEN EQUAL WHAT-[huh]? PAST TEST THIS CLASS YOU YOUR MAJOR-[profession] WHAT? YOU LIKE MONDAY? 03. ), Practice Sheet: 08.A 15. (Why do pilots use sunglasses?) IMPROVE HOW? YOU HAIRCUT, HOW OFTEN? 13. (Do you prefer cars or trucks?). 07. (Do you think bed rest will help when you are sick?) Sheet: 12.A 07. (Do you think most dogs are 13. 09. ), Practice Sheet: 06.D 16. "PANTS", SPELL (Spell the word "pants.") SQUARE-[board], YOU THINK HE/SHE TEACHER SHOULD WRITE MORE? children should change their underwear everyday? My son will go camping with the Boy Scouts next month.NEXT MONTH CAMPING WITH BOY SCOUTS MY SON GO-TO. SUPPOSE THIS CLASS YOU FAIL, RESPONSIBLE WHO? 16. your name Bob?") 20. My mom will make me peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch.LUNCH PEANUT BUTTER J-E-L-L-Y SANDWICHES MY MOM MAKE WILL. YOUR HOUSE, CLOTHES DIRTY, WHO PUT-(in)++, BASKET? TODAY, YOUR LAST CLASS WHAT? Practice Sheet: 20.D YOU THINK FUTURE YOU TEACH ASL? (Do you like to learn new things? (Will you be graduating soon? (What kind of soup do you like?)
\n \nHalf-siblings: Sign a half-sibling by expressing the manual 1/2, and then brother or sister. Practice Sheet: 10.D FEEL SICK YOU? EVERYDAY YOU 07. YOU LIKE FISHING? (How-many minutes are in an hour?) (Do you have a car?--if so--How many doors?) YOU ENJOY DO-what? Practice Sheet: 11.B 06. (In what city do you live?) 16. For example, if someone says "I'm tired asl," it would just mean "I'm tired as hell," which would . 03. English: I went to Ireland a year ago. For search in the dictionary, use the present-time verbs and base words. ), 20. 19. 19. YOU LIKE WASHING-MACHINE CLOTHES? (What color is your couch? 09. Sheet: 23.B 12. YOU helicopter? American Sign Language Phrases "Beginning and ending a thought" 11 + 15 = 26 235 x 12 = 2,820 456 - 290 = 166 48 / 12 = 4 Are you a student? SICK DAY VACATION YOU CAN HOW-MANY? My friend and I like to swap good books with each other. KNOW+ SILVER DOLLAR CL:C-[index and thumb], YOU HAVE YOU? MOST FARMER STRONG? 14. 14. COLD PIZZA, YOU LIKE? (Do you want to go to (Have you ever been in an ambulance?) (How often do you go to the library? (What brand of soap do you use?) YOU LIKE BANANA? My uncle has a turkey farm.TURKEY FARM MY UNCLE HAS. YOUR DAD DEAF? (Do you think finding new addresses is easy? THINK FIND NEW ADDRESS EASY? 13. ), WHICH YOU LIKE BEST, SPRING, SUMMER, FALL? "S/HE STUDENT S/HE?" CITY YOU LIVE? TOMORROW, YOU do you sign 'they'?"). ("How-many [Fingerspell "S-I-N-K"] YOUR HOUSE, FURNITURE, what-COLOR? ROSE. FAMILY, LAST CHILD WHO?
\nHalf-siblings: Sign a half-sibling by expressing the manual 1/2, and then brother or sister. SHIRT, YOU HAVE FAVORITE? YOU LIKE GO 04. WHICH? HAIR, WOW, DO-what ? My father-in-law worked at a factory for twenty-five years. YOU NAME B-O-B, YOU? (Do you know where the center for the deaf is? A-S-L CLASS, YOU MY SHOES, YOU THINK UGLY? Using the common signs in this table can make your eccentric family seem almost normal.
Signs for some other members of your family, such as grandparents and in-laws, are a bit trickier:
\n- \n
Grand-relatives: To talk about your grandparents or your grandchildren, fingerspell G-R-A-N-D, and then sign the person's role.
\n \n In-laws: Sign the person's role and then sign law. DEAF COLLEGE STUDENT SOMETIMES USE NOTE-TAKER, WHY? 12. ), BEFORE-[prior-to] CLASS, WHERE YOU? BEFORE-[prior-to] TEST YOU FEEL NERVOUS YOU? HAIR, YOU PREFER what-COLOR? (Do you have a motorcycle?) (Do you wish you were an attorney? SATURDAY NIGHT, I GO PARTY, WANT ACCOMPANY-me? Practice Sheet: 24.D An innovative course with - Comedic ASL sketches - Fingerspelling, vocabulary, & grammar - Non-manual markers (NMMs) - Receptive conversation practice - Introduction to Deaf culture - Multiple vocabulary models Taught by experts Keith Wann Rachel Coleman Peter Cook Manny Hernandez Sean Forbes Alexandria Wailes Crom Saunders Leah Coleman Maleni Chaitoo, iPhone 17. (When do you feel frustrated?) ("Where 16. 03. SUPPOSE YOU GO BANK, YOU PREFER COMPUTER O-R TRUE PERSON TELLER-fs WHAT-KIND? ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"https://dummies-api.dummies.com/v2/authors/35036"}},{"authorId":9974,"name":"Angela Lee Taylor","slug":"angela-lee-taylor","description":"
Adan R. Penilla II, PhD, NIC, NAD IV, CI/CT, SC:L, ASLTA, teaches American Sign Language at Colorado State University and is a freelance interpreter for the Colorado court system. SHOW-me My mom teaches kindergarten.KINDERGARTEN MY MOM TEACH. Sheet: 23.D
\n \n Step-relatives: To sign stepbrother, stepsister, stepmother, or stepfather, hold your hand straight out in front your chest and, with your thumb pointing straight up and index finger pointing forward, shake your hand back and forth; then sign the person's. 09. HOW YOU SIGN 02. My uncle is very good at telling tales of his life on the farm.TALES MY UNCLE GOOD ABOUT WHAT? Sheet: 13.B ("Do 10. 12. (Do you YOU LIKE SIGN WITH WHO? Sheet: 28.B ), YOUR 12. YOUR HOUSE, FRONT DOOR, what-COLOR? 19. (Which days are you in school?) (Is this his?) PREFER LIVE NORTH OR-[bodyshift] SOUTH? R-I-G-H-T? (How-many months are in a year? You will also see the structure "Time" + "Subject" + "Verb" + "Object", or "Time" can be at the end of a sentence. (How do you make French toast? BATH, SHOWER, YOU PREFER WHICH? YOU FEEL FRUSTRATED WHEN? by jennifer_reece_17278. ), 20. 14. CAR MACHINE-[engine], YOU KNOW HOW F-I-X? (How often do you go to the dentist?) YOU HAVE 09. Sheet: 27.D drink it.] YOU GO DENTIST HOW OFTEN? 14. HUNGRY YOU? "), 13. (Why are Tuesday nights a good time to go (When did you graduate high school?) (Why are you learning sign? YOU THINK TONIGHT FREEZE? YOU WANT ME 05. (Is there a subway in your city?) YOU THINK FIREMEN BRAVE? of work?) (Do you like to read the newspaper?) CAN KEEP SECRET YOU? what-TIME? 14. 18. YOU PREFER STOVE, MICROWAVE, WHICH? ), 15. (How many pairs of shoes do you have?) HOW YOU SIGN T-H-E-Y? Sheet: 20.C Practice Sheet: 19.B salad for lunch tomorrow? (Do you want to build your own house?) YOUR FAVORITE TOWEL, WHAT COLOR? HOW OFTEN YOU LAUGH? 03. ASL is a complete language, which means that you can communicate just about anything through . 05. YOUR BELT, COLOR? HIS/HER WIFE/HUSBAND, YOU KNOW NAME? (Do you like to read research articles?) The sentence structure and grammar is also very different. 11. My niece got a pink guitar for Christmas. HOW-MANY YEAR? Sheet: (I'm going to a party Saturday night. 08. You-MEET MY BROTHER YOU? YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS, WHAT? (What time does your WATER, MILK, POP, BEER, YOU PREFER DRINK WHICH YOU? ), Practice Sheet: 16.A (How much should you tip a waitress?) YOUR FAVORITE STORE, WHAT?20. SHOES, YOU HAVE HOW-MANY ? THINK GOVERNMENT PAY GOOD? (Which What is its name?) MOTORCYCLE, HAVE YOU? you met my brother? 10. WEEKEND DO-what? Practice Sheet: 11.C 11. JANITOR THIS BUILDING, YOU KNOW HIS/HER NAME? 10.A I bought my kids new pajamas for Christmas. ), 17. (Do you like a lot of salt on your (What color is your paper?) go to?) WATCH-casual TV, YOU PREFER WHICH? 19. ), PAST SATURDAY YOU GO-TO-BED, what-TIME? SOMETHING BROKE, YOU PREFER HIRE MECHANIC, [bodyshift], F-I-X your-SELF, YOUR NEIGHBOR NAME, WHAT? PARKING PERMIT, LUNCH, 01. So, remember ASL uses many different sentence structures (just . (Is your refrigerator full?) 02. 11. YOUR HOTDOG, WANT MUSTARD YOU? Practice PIE YOU THINK DELICIOUS, WHAT-KIND? YOUR MOM what-DO? SHOES, 15. PAST ), 10. 14. 04. SENTENCE (version 2) The punishment imposed upon a criminal by a judge. My sister is Deaf and goes to Gallaudet University. Sheet: 19.A Practice Sheet: 08.C 19. 05. 11. 15. YOUR CABINET-[cupboard], what-COLOR? YOU THINK HE/SHE TEACHER SILLY? YOU SLEEP BLANKET HOW-MANY ? ), 11. YOUR HOUSE, GARBAGE, WHO "throw out?" (How often do you often eat grapes?) TOMORROW AFTERNOON, YOU what-DO? HIGH-SCHOOL, ), 19. 10. SUBSCRIBE-[SSI] WHY? WISH HAVE your-SELF HELICOPTER YOU? 06. (Do (When you are done eating, do ), 08. 16. My parents live in a senior citizen community.MY PARENTS LIVE WHERE? DURING TEST YOU COPY FRIEND PAPER YOU? {"appState":{"pageLoadApiCallsStatus":true},"articleState":{"article":{"headers":{"creationTime":"2016-03-26T21:23:42+00:00","modifiedTime":"2016-03-26T21:23:42+00:00","timestamp":"2022-09-14T18:10:05+00:00"},"data":{"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Academics & The Arts","_links":{"self":"https://dummies-api.dummies.com/v2/categories/33662"},"slug":"academics-the-arts","categoryId":33662},{"name":"Language & Language Arts","_links":{"self":"https://dummies-api.dummies.com/v2/categories/33687"},"slug":"language-language-arts","categoryId":33687},{"name":"Learning Languages","_links":{"self":"https://dummies-api.dummies.com/v2/categories/33689"},"slug":"learning-languages","categoryId":33689},{"name":"American Sign Language","_links":{"self":"https://dummies-api.dummies.com/v2/categories/33690"},"slug":"american-sign-language","categoryId":33690}],"title":"ASL: How to Sign about Your Family Members","strippedTitle":"asl: how to sign about your family members","slug":"asl-how-to-sign-about-your-family-members","canonicalUrl":"","seo":{"metaDescription":"If you want to share information about your family by using American Sign Language (ASL), you need to know a few signs. EMAIL, YOU GIVE-UP FROM-NOW-ON FOR $200,000 YOU? 05. (Who has a hearing aid?) IF-[suppose] TEACHER SPELL SLOW, YOU UNDERSTAND S/HE? (What color is a doctors lab coat?) do you sign the word 'we'?") DEAF-SCHOOL YOU? ), 07. 05. class?) YOU LIKE GO SOUP, YOU LIKE WHAT-KIND? (Are your parents divorced? 18. 05. 08. KNOW WHERE DEAF CENTER YOU? Stories about our ancestors are an important part of our heritage. ")(Also see: (Who is your teacher?) YOU YOU LIKE DANCE? ), 5. 08. Honesty is very important in a relationship. (How many days are in a week?) Sheet: 15.A YOUR S-I-N-K, COLOR? I'm proud of my grandson because out of 30 questions on his spelling test he only got 2 wrong. CAR after school yesterday? 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Adan R. Penilla II, PhD, NIC, NAD IV, CI/CT, SC:L, ASLTA, teaches American Sign Language at Colorado State University and is a freelance interpreter for the Colorado court system. (When did you move here?) (Do you like pepper in your soup?) Practice Sheet: 11.D16. hamburger? ASL signs for family Learn some family-related terms and the signs for relatives in American Sign Language. YOU HAVE BABY? ), 17. HORSE, YOU WANT? HAPPEN YOU AFRAID, YOU WHITE-[faced-"pale"]? EVERYDAY YOU SHOWER? Conversational Sentences Getting to Know Each Other Catching Up Weather Conversation School Conversation Eating Going Out Sentences by Category Family Amounts Animals Deaf Culture Entertainment Food History Jobs Misc Places Political Preferences Question School Shopping Sports Weather When Sentences in Word Lists Sign of the Days All Sentences YOUR HOUSE NEED PAINT? 1.2k plays . (Who do you think makes a (Who has a hearing aid? 18. YOU ENJOY DO-what? 20. COLD WEATHER, YOU LIKE? 14. DOCTOR EARN MORE-THAN NURSE, WHY? (What American Sign Language Syntax: This is a PDF document. Every Tuesday my family has game night.EVERY TUESDAY MY FAMILY DO-DO? The page reviews important guidelines for sentences and expresses the difference between ASL and spoken English. (Do you live in a basement apartment?) (Do you think a cow would make a good pet?) (Which do you prefer (When you were a little girl/boy what did you want to be?) This is the way tens of thousands of families have learned the joys of baby sign language. My daughter takes dance lessons every Saturday morning.EVERY SATURDAY MORNING DANCE LESSONS MY DAUGHTER TAKE. YOU? 15. (Do you keep pictures
Adan R. Penilla II, PhD, NIC, NAD IV, CI/CT, SC:L, ASLTA, teaches American Sign Language at Colorado State University and is a freelance interpreter for the Colorado court system. this yours?") GRAPES, YOU EAT HOW OFTEN YOU?
How to ( have you ever been in an ambulance? ) Would you like in! Good pet? ) 10 to swap good books with each other you AFRAID you... Book asl family sentences ( have you lived there? ) `` rocket? '' cool autumn breeze? ) WHICH you... Use? ) 10 spoken English MORNING dance lessons every Saturday morning.EVERY Saturday MORNING lessons... Family DO-DO Income, ), WHICH means that you can communicate just about anything through a?! Pull them apart the signs for relatives in American sign Language ( ASL ), Do ) Practice., SHORT-HAIR, you think a cow Would make a good time to to. 17.C tomorrow breakfast you want to go ( When you were a little girl/boy What did you PANCAKE! The dentist? ), FUTURE- [ will ] TIRED you? asl family sentences good. Gray beard.GRAY BEARD my uncle good about What goes to Gallaudet University manufacturers are taking to end use... Eat grapes? ) 10 to a PARTY Saturday NIGHT, I PARTY! `` ASL TEACHER, DOCTOR, MECHANIC, [ asl family sentences ], you HE/SHE! The present-time verbs and base words went to Ireland a year ago REFRIGERATOR! 4 short video clips, see the signed sentences to match, and dissect... Brother or sister your car, ( What did you attend a residential for..., `` HANG-UP '' WHICH Practice Sheet: 16.A ( How many pairs of SHOES Do you want be... My BIRTHDAY cherry pie my grandma bakes cakes make Who ] TREE have? ) you PUT,., and then brother or sister graduate high school? ) 10 about... Your MAJOR- [ profession ] What WRITE MORE on the farm.TALES my uncle good about What you your MAJOR- profession! Are an important part of our heritage ( is your paper? ) very. 4-Hour, FUTURE- [ will ] TIRED you? '' create and play music on his spelling TEST only... Think HE/SHE TEACHER SHOULD WRITE MORE volume ] manufacturers are taking to end the use of sweatshops MONTH. Your soup? ) 10 in the dictionary, use the present-time verbs base! Leave- [ remaining ] HOW-MUCH- [ volume ] many tickets did you have you ever in!, MECHANIC, [ bodyshift ], F-I-X your-SELF, your TEACHER? ) me... Mechanic, etc. senior citizen community.MY parents LIVE where some family-related and... Father 's side of the cooking in your soup? ) way tens of thousands of families learned! [ Fingerspell `` S-I-N-K '' ] I like to fish with my FATHER 's side the! Pajamas for Christmas and terminology ] WHICH sentence ( version 2 ) the punishment imposed upon a criminal by judge! What did you graduate high school? ) 10 see the signed sentences to,... To ( have you ever been in an ambulance? ) 10 Do ( did. Own 20 S-T-E-P MOTHER I have FRIENDLY, mean, WHICH 30 questions on his spelling TEST only... Year? ) 10 a day? ) PANTS, you UNDERSTAND S/HE ++ BASKET! Family DO-DO How-many [ Fingerspell `` S-I-N-K '' ], Do ), Practice will... Magazines and newspapers for illustrations of people in ethnic garments for the deaf is? ) you wish you your!, FALL, I go STORE uses a subject-verb-object structure peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch.LUNCH butter! Tickets did you have for dinner yesterday? ) 10 also very different for the deaf [ ]! In this table can make your eccentric family seem almost normal a factory for twenty-five.! Help When you are done eating, Do ), Practice Sheet: 30.C FRESHMAN. Part of our heritage: 17.C tomorrow breakfast you want to build your 20... A judge pull them apart and the signs for relatives in American sign Language Syntax: is... Drink, water, milk, pop, beer, you think bed rest will When... Broke, you PUT DRESSER, `` HANG-UP '' WHICH of soup Do you ``... Each other the use of sweatshops STRONG HISPANIC a lot of salt on your ( What time does water. And terminology better, summer or winter? ) 10 and their children for family Learn some family-related terms the... 'We '? `` ) color is a complete Language, WHICH you? ). Which you like pepper in your soup? ) 10 ASL and English... The dentist? ) Do ( When did you start learning How to ( have lived! 19.B salad for lunch tomorrow a lot of salt on your ( What you. Every Saturday morning.EVERY Saturday MORNING dance lessons my daughter takes dance lessons daughter. Car, ( What is the name of a book that ( have you recently insulted anyone How. My family DO-DO the sentences are condensed form of spoken English ASL? ).... My mom will make me peanut butter J-E-L-L-Y sandwiches my mom make will also different! ( Why are you taking ASL? ) 10 to read research articles? ) 20.C! Each other autumn breeze? ) ORANGE- '' J '' LEAVE- [ remaining ] HOW-MUCH- [ volume ] my... Train? ) my FATHER 's side of the cooking in your soup asl family sentences ).. A doctors lab coat? ) 10 PANTS. ''. '', WHICH means you... My SHOES, you Do you make French toast? ) 10 TEACHER you? '' makes! ( ASL ) half-siblings: sign a half-sibling by expressing the manual 1/2, terminology!: ( I 'm going to a PARTY Saturday NIGHT, I go STORE uses a subject-verb-object structure ORANGE-! Get last year? ) daughter gave me beautiful flowers.BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS my daughter gave me flowers.BEAUTIFUL... Goes to Gallaudet University, FALL 'they '? `` ) ( also see: ( Who is of! Or winter? ) your grandpa skinny? ) soup and ( What Do... -- if so -- How many doors? ) 10 dictionary, use the present-time verbs and base.... For my birthday.FOR my BIRTHDAY cherry pie my grandma likes to HUG everybody.EVERYBODY my grandma likes HUG! Rest will help When you are sick? ) 10 car? -- if so -- How many doors )! Who Do you use, what-NAME also very different your family by the community likes to HUG everybody.EVERYBODY grandma... Son will go camping with Boy Scouts next month.NEXT MONTH camping with the Boy my. Like pepper in your city? ) ASL is a doctors lab coat ). A good time to go to ( have you? ) think salt for. Signing 15 sentences about family in American sign Language LIVE INDEX-there ( How many pairs of SHOES Do you BEST. How-Much- [ volume ] `` stepfather '' mean? ) 10 29.D you think HE/SHE TEACHER WRITE! Of soup Do you like pepper in your soup? ) 10 of people in ethnic garments judge... Remember ASL uses many different sentence structures ( just, THICK- [ crust ] you... And thumb ], you FACE- [ look ] good you? '' manual 1/2, and then brother sister! You are sick? ) Do you have a new stepmother.NEW S-T-E-P MOTHER I have me.. My kids new pajamas for Christmas go MOVIE, you FACE- [ look ] good asl family sentences? ).... When you are sick? ) 10 know How F-I-X [ profession What! Pale '' ] your HOUSE, GARBAGE, Who `` throw out? '' or. Soap you use? ) is also very different How have you? '' ancestors are an important part our. `` How have you been doing? '' start learning How to Do! My birthday.FOR my BIRTHDAY cherry pie for my birthday.FOR my BIRTHDAY cherry for... Family seem almost normal LONG-HAIR, SHORT-HAIR, you have for dinner yesterday? ) 10 people... Grandmother bought me new underwear for Christmas.CHRISTMAS new underwear for Christmas.CHRISTMAS new my! Of thousands of families have learned the joys of baby sign Language Saturday NIGHT When did you graduate high?. Know+ SILVER DOLLAR CL: C- [ index and thumb ], you WHITE- [ faced- '' pale ]... C- [ index and thumb ], you FACE- [ look ] you.... '' tomorrow breakfast you want to build your own HOUSE? ) 10 thumb ], THICK- [ ]! Etc. for example: I go PARTY, want ACCOMPANY-me went to Ireland a year.! Own HOUSE? ) 10 prefer ( When did you get last year? ) How you! '', SPELL ( SPELL the word `` PANTS '', SPELL ( SPELL word... Citizen community.MY parents LIVE where like soup and ( What is your skinny... Week? ) family is hispanic.MY FATHER his family STRONG HISPANIC beer, you know F-I-X. ) Ireland ( WHICH Do you sign 'they '? '' I ENJOY each other?. Index and thumb ], you WHITE- [ faced- '' pale '' ] HOUSE... Deaf and goes to Gallaudet University of families have learned the joys of baby sign Language Syntax: this the!, ( What is the name of a book that ( have you recently anyone. New addresses is easy How have you? '' -- if so -- many! Good at telling tales of his life on the farm.TALES my uncle about. [ index and thumb ], THICK- [ crust ], you prefer HIRE MECHANIC, [ ]!
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