It is a pretty open secret at this point. And by the way, he added, there is no political slant to the site. He embraces those product placement pap ads and has no shame. This A list pro wrestler has not received any punishment for grooming a girl who was barely into her teens. This is practically conventional wisdom. The former stripper turned reality star turned porn star turned celebrity has been showing off her new image and is also not talking to her wannabe celebrity mom anymore. Megan Thee Stallion/Travis Kelce/CMT Awards. Let me know if you find it somewhere, or if it really did write its own. Let me give you a little tip which will make those sweeps ratings periods starting in a couple of weeks all the richer for you and your stations. This used to be a "couple" needed to get wasted out of their minds to even attempt a kiss that looked very uncomfortable and forced. Now, about those May sweeps ratings? No, Enty said. It does make for a nice story though. Apparently the judge the actress mentioned in a blind earlier this week, has outed himself as the culprit. While there, she ended up hooking up with another counselor and our actress became pregnant. He thinks others said his name, but he is the only one who has said his name. Everyone believes in one conspiracy theory, said Mia Bloom, professor of communication and Middle East studies at Georgia State University and coauthor of the book Pastels and Pedophiles: Inside the Mind of QAnon. This love her or hate her A- list celebrity actually had a shirt on for her most recent thirst trap photo, but decided it was not thirst trap sufficient and took off the top to pose in her bra. He is the one closest to the entertainment industry and arranged connections between celebrities and the pedophile. It is unclear whether it remains. November 18, 2022. You are a former A list teen actor/musician who was headed to big things until you weren't. Our actress knows what kind of drama she can cause if she is spotted out in public with him on a date. It was early June and Penny Farthing had finally had enough. The person who took the photo and owns the copyright is doing the selling. That being said, the good deed the actor did for the 100+ year old guy was talked about much more this week than the charity story will be. Gen Z discovered the blog through TikTok, where some creators have gone viral for discussing its blind item posts. Obviously, this caused a huge rift between the pair. It is not solely that this former A+ list singer recognized that a breakup song about the A+ list singer might be pushing things too far, it is that he knew she had just split with her boyfriend. It was reported as being canceled due to a scheduling conflict. This former one-fifth had yet another plastic surgery procedure. Have you ever won a contest, like a radio show giveaway or a raffle giving away a house, or some type of luck involved contest? Attending with his ex. Her pedophile husband? That being said, it isn't my decision to make, but if you are going to do it, doesn't it make sense for your magazine cover that you put the daughter of the three named model who was the youngest model ever for the designer? They are not biting though and our actor is going to pay out more money he will never get back. For the longest time, this A- list actor was clean. I'm not sure it is quite the flex the prime minister actor thinks it is to have his current lawyer. This should be banned for life from reality shows reality star, has 24/7 minders with him at all times while filming the beach show that made him famous. Contact this reporter at I guess we now know why. She is more of a makeup professional rather than an influencer. I have no doubt whoever came up with Q has read my site at some point., Enty was the best until he got Q-pilled., I dont believe in lizard people, but Im willing to believe theres a cabal., Anna Wintour and Bob Marley had a secret baby together. No one has asked about the child. By then, she hopes she will have made enough endorsement money to last her life. This late night talk show host is going out with as much disdain as he came into town with and at an event this weekend was a total tool. It's a complicated tale of an online gossip site called " Crazy Days and Nights ," which may or may not be entirely fake, may or may not be written by a celebrity or a real "insider," but most certainly has caused some trouble. This A list singer who got her start in acting, can't make it through more than 30 minutes of filming before becoming exhausted and needing a break. I guess that could be another season of the show. Just because you are in the same place, does not make you a couple. But with QAnon, were seeing people say, OK, I dont believe in lizard people, but Im willing to believe theres a cabal.. I stopped reading when the Q stuff started, Annie Tomlin, a former CDaN fan, told BuzzFeed News. This permanent A list singer hates paparazzi. marcus by goldman sachs radio commercial; crazy days and nights jeans theory. And an ongoing parade of posts describe Hollywood stars abusing minors. This foreign born actor is having an A+ list year, but he is probably A list right now. The company partnering with her wanted her in Los Angeles. It was supposed to be aa kissing scene, not a forced threesome. She also left her girlfriend with a broken nose after catching the girlfriend with another woman. This one named foreign born permanent A list singer not named Rihanna, literally FaceTimes her significant other every 15-20 minutes when he is not with her, just so she can check on his location. Wayne's World/Saturday Night Live/Dana Carvey/Mike Myers. This married actress with a really really good side hustle is hooking up with a venture capitalist who she met a couple of years ago, and they recently reconnected. The Svengali got a power of attorney over this pay cable cable actor to act in his best interest. He has never been one to play the PR game, however, there is an idea that has been pitched, that would bring the world's attention to the premiere. Most of the victims come back and then give in and do what they are told and then become recruiters themselves. According to Petersen, blind item fans think of gossip as a puzzle they can solve. Posts Tagged. This A- list actress is trying to get her career restarted after some awful personal missteps, is cheating on her husband. The thing is, she doesn't really care. This is the fan page for Crazy Days and Nights - a place to rehash old blind items, etc. Extortion? This barely hanging on to A- list actress from a hit show and its reboot, told friends this weekend at a dinner that she was finally going to throw this foreign born A- list actor under the bus for the abuse he inflicted on her years ago when they dated. A poster to the pop culture message board Datalounge wrote, The site is custom made for right wingers, people who hate Hollywood and loudmouthed liberals with a passion. The serial cheating alliterate basketball player is living with the alliterate reality star. She kept them hidden for him. The only reason anyone knows this is because of the enemy he made in a former friend co-worker who wants to get even for getting his pet project canceled. Life imitates art as this situation is reminiscent of a film that featured an Oscar winning Emmy winning actor and an Oscar nominated Emmy nominated actress. This A/A- list mostly television actor is a huge Warriors fan, and made a point of staying with the team at the hotel. This alliterate crossover reality star was groping someone at a bar who is definitely not the woman he is supposedly dating. Its really disturbing to see this right-wing conspiracy theory bullshit show up in gossip., Tomlin is hardly alone in thinking there might be some weird political agenda behind negative items about celebrities from the political left Chrissy Teigen, Tom Hanks, Robert De Niro. This A list host/producer who recently left a gig, was texting friends all morning sharing clips of how bad his replacement is. The fashion designer who was recently murdered in a very try to get away with it way, was also a friend of the woman who some say was murdered so the A list singer/actress could have a career. New to CMG Interactive? The one named foreign born permanent A list singer is doing booming business. Uh huh. The cleaning product actor has been "auditioning" actresses who would like to be his girlfriend as he slowly tries to rebuild his career. The permanent A list legendary singer is off to a rocky start on her tour and is going to smaller venues for later dates, in an attempt to get more sellouts. He definitely keeps track of her life. She hit it big pretty much, right away. She failed to mention why those conflicts existed and made it seem, as if she was the victim. He would only cast actors who would be willing to go along with these things. Everyone was glad to see her leave. He died in possession of a laptop that had thousands of images of self produced and traded for child p**n. There were also videos of some of the victims approaching his motel room door. They were being sent thousands of miles from their homes to places they didn't know. Perhaps that could be addressed on the show in which he is going to appear. The anchor already got demoted for his behavior and if he is fired, they are going to have to pay him. Then, here, the US will pass on prosecuting the killer or any other charges, and that is how you get away with murder. She essentially said she was too famous to stand in lines. This should turn out well. The woman in #12 has hooked up with the husband of this foreign born A- list reality star, who despite living outside the US, keeps landing US reality shows. This acting couple are both about the same on the list which is about A- list. He is using again and has a much much younger girlfriend. Robert Downey Jr. Over the past two weeks, a little-known Hollywood gossip site called Crazy Days and Nights or CDaN, as it's known among fans attracted mainstream media attention when. That is not even close to reality, but at this point, after telling the story for so long, she probably thinks it is her reality. cc: Yolanda Hadid. The most recent example is the former A+ list actress who has fallen off a cliff since. This A- list actress all of you know, is looking to finance a new project. The guy can do no wrong when it comes to television. She was a recruiting machine. A top seed was easily cruising and then made a ton of unforced errors to make it look like the match was loser than what it appeared. Do, we think the big television streamer paid him off because they were just about to launch the new show our author/creator was helming? Buy off? Entertainer/Performer who never got the acclaim you think they deserved. The reality is far different from the dream. list of halal abattoirs in australia; Like Unlike Like Unlike Like It is almost a marriage of convenience right now. The marijuana feline had been doing so much better, but she is fully back mixing coke and pills and booze and is out of control. It will probably fade away like most of her recent relationships. Who would want to buy it? to make you watch. This one-third singer is spending a lot of time away from his actress wife right now. I feel as if she should expand the playing field. Since 2006, people have come to CDaN for blind items that run the gamut from true (Kaley Cuoco getting divorced) to ridiculous (Beyonc faked her pregnancies) to fantastical (Anna Wintour and Bob Marley had a secret baby together). The guy belongs to a cult disguised as a religion called Two By Two. The model was told that she needed to sleep with certain people or she wouldn't be booked for jobs. This barely there celebrity offspring/reality star is HIV+ but never tells his dates, and always wants unprotected sex. She just saw him from across the room and turned around. Her family has always been very grounded and there was never the whole you have to work thing so you can support us stuff coming from the family. The foreign born superhero with the one named girlfriend is becoming addicted to pap photos. So she's effectively enabling his abusive tendencies. In case you were wondering, yes, there are new "revelations" scheduled for every week for two days prior to each episode airing and will continue through the end of the season for the bar show. Now, though she claims it would be not in their best interest to move anywhere. She has a long list of predators she embraces and supports, and now she found another one and is sleeping with him too. Through secret financial transactions, the women were married off to the highest bidders and encouraged to have as many children as possible. The alliterate former talk show host, is able to work and succeed, but advertisers have been scared away because of her past. This A list host/mogul had a mild stroke 18 months ago and he managed to keep it quiet. The very first post I read here was about Gary Busey trying to use gold doubloons as legitimate currency and tbh I would just like more of that please., Posted to the celebrity gossip blog Crazy Days and Nights, the remark distilled the frustration many readers had been feeling as scandalous tidbits of Hollywood intrigue got crowded out by what another longtime reader described as ludicrous QAnon horror stories lifted from Twitter.. Speaking of OnlyFans, there is a CURRENT Housewife who has expressed an interest in starting a page. If he does, he needs to stop having the coke and pill parties. The mom is headed to jail or rehab by the end of 2023. But with Q posts, you could go any direction with those.. Chief among them is a forced credulity. Commenters on Crazy Days and Nights believing in some sort of cabal. The former wheelchair actor paid a whole lot of money to make sure his mediocre song made it to the top of the charts. Supposedly eligible males think that White jeans may help send a message that you're single and ready to mingle. #3 - Foreign born A- list singer who is now married to an actress from an iconic teen movie. With a second solo international trip so quickly on the heels of another, it looks like the ginger haired one might be willing to try the go back into the family business six months a year, and get some of the daddy money. Does anyone care though? You are under constant pressure to sleep with the more famous members and if you don't, then you don't get to appear in videos and no one will do partner videos with you. "A lot of times people think that blind itemsbecause you're not naming names and most blind items never have any revealshave some kind of. In a story that had way way too much information, this former A list singer/sometime actress turned neither of those was explaining to a table full of friends why she was late and said it was because her husband finished himself sexually all over the first outfit she had been planning to wear, so she had to find something else that she could wear. The son of the Pawn Stars royal, looks a lot like the heir as a child. This foreign born former A list rapper who loves killers/rapist and pedophiles in equal parts, can say whatever she wants, but she didn't get a dime when her catalog was sold. Instead, they are asking about the boy bander. Other than that of the owner's son-in-law of course. It was the only way any of his domestic violence victims would film with him and it also keeps from drinking or doing drugs. The three women each have close to or more than 1M followers on the app and always look so happy in their videos. Nothing is unplanned for the A+ singer. One of the reasons why this former A+ list rapper has not released any new music in a very long time, is because no one likes working with her. From Crazy Days and Nights. She is A/A- list and is an Oscar winner/nominee. He is lucky that it is not the actress version, because she would have destroyed him for doing that to her. The married A list actor has been hooking up with his co-star for the last couple of years and she wants a baby with our actor, not with her boyfriend. Facebook. ago Bro, you good? Plus, to do what they want and live their dreams? If it seems like there have been a lot of items about child predators on the site, maybe thats just because there are a lot of child predators in Hollywood, he said. The meme actor and the reality star with a side gig? Fortunately she had a top hat on and was able to hold it in place, and there is a picture of her doing so. Speaking of the actor in #11, he was once set to star opposite a long time A- list singing actress who had multiple gold records and was his long time mistress. For the vast majority of its productions moving forward, this big streaming service is going to stop footing the bill for premiere parties and leave it up to the individual producers to decide if they want to do something on their own. And Crazy Days and Nights is all about the reveal. This foreign born A- list reality star in his country who is basically unknown over here, has been in and out of rehab for a solid decade. Everyone always wanted them to end up together. Using some tricks she learned when she was trolling for women for the disgraced producer to use, she is wooing a very wealthy woman who has a crush on the actress and loves writing big checks. This reality star was on a show from a very early age. What is new, is that it is one of her opponents running for the same job from the same party, who decided to flood the documents back out again. The entirety of her role was filmed at the beginning of production. This foreign born A list tennis player doesn't want to play tennis any longer, but still wants all that endorsement money she owed. information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies; the . Apparently there is a more serious one about to hit. I knew the name in the back of my head, but it wasn't until the news broke of who she was sleeping with, that everything clicked. Thats when I stopped reading., Tara Giancaspro was another formerly enthusiastic CDaN reader until the sites shift toward conspiracy turned her off. Now, he is dead. Yeah, so there is that version too. 17 2565. Apparently the actor doesn't use any himself, but loves the rush of not only purchasing it, but watching others use it while they have sex with the actor. The talks didn't last long because the two stars still can't stand each other. She earns that paycheck, even if it means supporting awful companies. Gabriela Berlingeri/Bad Bunny/The Kardashians/Kendall Jenner. The father, while out of the country, once threw bottle of booze out of a hotel room window. christellebilodeau 9 mo. It is a woman who had no family in this country. The client was embellishing or lying about something and the makeup artist was willing to go to a certain point, but not beyond that point. Once signing on, they are forced to work 12 hours every day either rehearsing or creating content. In fact, his greatest successes probably came in the two hit shows in which he starred over the last two decades of his life. This three named A- list actress who will never be the highest on the list in her family, convinced tabloids that the lawsuit filed against her had been settled. For years, this foreign born A list singer has refused to discuss what happened when he was younger and under the "tutelage" of this one named singer. This dancing reality star/host has a great sob story. #4 - One half of a brotherly singing duo. She has since returned to her real hair, and denies she ever wore them. The three named singer/rapper who had a decent first pitch this week is not dating the A+ list NFL player. I can go on and on and on about how this is in every single local market across the country and around the world. Everyone now is asking where is the actor? She had permanent damage to her head, and the actor said he would pay for all her bills, but never did. sunken stomata and transpiration. He was known for having women do things they didn't want to do and would surprise them with the most awful things he could imagine. Nothing. Not the brightest tool in the shed. This closeted A- list country singer comes from an entertainment family. That is impressive. Because that seems very on brand for a politician. After he had called the paps and done his bit of good, one of his PR team said he could have raised tens of thousands of dollars for the same shop, if he had sold the clothes online, instead of the few hundred they will get now. When she thought she was moving in with the former boy bander, she was all for pulling them out of the state and moving them overseas. So, he is getting many of the gang back together and throwing in a reality star everyone hates, but will probably watch because they will want her killed. You go "missing" and then are found right away, but get to have that redemption story you don't deserve. In this cult though, she would be a leader and help set the rules to whatever she wanted. Members. This former A- list singer was also on a very popular television show featuring twins. In fact, if you do the math and look at the timeline, they actually started hooking up many many months prior to her turning 18. How do you get people to notice you and give you magazine covers and guest spots on shows? The director wanted to see how a scene would work where the woman was forced to have sex with the lead actor's character and his best friend in the movie who later dies. Enty, who purports to be an entertainment lawyer in Hollywood, started Crazy Days and Nights back in 2006. The money? In any event, this actor proposed marriage to his girlfriend and she accepted, but the actor's wife wouldn't agree to a divorce, so the actor had to dump the girlfriend. It was probably some of his best work. The hard to spell model was not getting cast for anything, so she quit. This young north of the border no name actor is resting easy now that his fans have made him look like the innocent party after a series of very serious sexual assault allegations that go back quite a few years. This actor was A list for decades. It involves someone a couple back in the series. He probably even paid for the drugs. The media and powers that be have always been able to coverup the huge child molesting scandal that went on at a church in the news this week, but now there are just too many people talking about and how no one has ever faced justice for the dozens of kids molested and the ensuing coverup and protection of those who did it. In Washington State right now, leaders from around the world of this church/cult (Two By Two) which professes to take in zero dollars from any of their members and owns no buildings or structures or property in the name of the church/cult have spent nearly a half million dollars on travel and lodging. This A list actor who has a new movie debuting at that big film festival next month, says he is afraid for his life. Neither of them ever followed through. 1 . He just fled the country as fast as he could. The actress best friend of Coke Mom is sleeping with a married NFL coach. With their aid being diverted elsewhere, some countries are now being forced to accept the money and help from the wealthy farmer. If you are 16-25 on the clock app and are female, and do dance videos and have a decent following, chances are one of three women have reached out to you to discuss partnerships and the opportunity to make millions. Celebrity gossip is typically harmless (though perhaps not for targeted celebrities) and unlikely to inspire a coordinated assault on the US Capitol. Apparently the reality family pulled some strings so new "love" could be captured for the television show. Is almost a marriage of convenience right now has no shame reading the! Though, she does n't really care started Crazy Days and Nights back 2006. Anchor already got demoted for his behavior and if he is supposedly dating this country actor it! Big pretty much, right away, but he is lucky that it is pretty. Has said his name and on about how this is the former A+ NFL! 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