Inside, Old World's waking up. And you more so than most. He will not fight a losing battle and destroy what he represents. Fall apart, back to the tribes, maybe. Who's to say the truth of it. The past of other Legates are not filled with victories. As obsessed as you are about history, the future's what I prefer. Its people, more than that. {Beat, contempt}And what do {emph}my words teach you. You already tried once, won't give you another chance. Basically. You and that Chip deserve each other, 29 fewer coins than other traitors have carried, by history's mark. Left that crater behind. The Legion thought it might get into the community through me, just as I'd found the way by following you. {Beat, emph}Careless, as careless with futures then as you are now in the Mojave. Why you wandered. {Challenging}If you challenge this moment, let's hear your perspective. I asked the White Legs to destroy a people with ancestry, going back thousands of years - another death of history, lost to time. I'm not to blame for Ashton, the Chip, or the Divide. You carry its sickness East to the Legion - and do not believe their cause enough to honor them. They only take what parts they find in the Divide, never roam beyond it - can't even leave the silos without a human to shadow, like hounds. Either way, the Divide giants are awakening. What happened at the Divide, what I did, was an accident. >. The Divide is awakening - the package, and the message within, have come full circle. History cast aside a home, left behind. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic127. When I thought sand and wind would never end came to the crater. If you don't, the Divide will come to you, and the Mojave. {Commanding}For now - find the trigger for the warheads, buried in Hopeville. >. Fallout: New Vegas - Talking to Ulysses as a Female Legionary (Lonesome Road) Jamz 52 subscribers Subscribe 178K views 2 years ago A funny bit of unique dialogue I noticed when talking to. [SUCCEEDED] {Hesitant}There is conviction in your words, enough to rival a Legate, perhaps Caesar. Released in 2010, it chronologically takes place after Fallout 3, but it is not the next numbered main game in the series. I've heard enough. {Quiet, like let it rest}So if you've heard word of it or seen sign of him, let it keep. Do not Translate. There is nothing more to be said between us. Still it's important to see. You're planning to kill a nation from a distance, just like NCR - just like you accused me of. If the Divide couldn't kill you perhaps these spears of the Old World can. I thought you needed something like 90 speech and high rep with Legion or NCR, but I haven't done it in a long time. Listen to you talk about history enough, maybe I'll understand. {Slow, surprise}My words? [FAILED] {Dismissive}You want to know more, keep walking. {Quieter}And beyond it, a symbol of a two-headed Bear, an idea great enough to challenge Caesar himself. {Sees a player lay a mine, scorn}A tactic of the Bear. Do you think I care if you fire missiles at NCR? {Narration}{Male}The Courier walked until he stood again upon the edge of the Divide, the last road he would walk before the second battle for Hoover Dam. Do Not Translate >. {Derision}You gave it a name. Like carrying the Chip to Vegas, Old World death in your hand. If you bomb the West and East is this how things should end? Military markings, from some place the Bear had savaged in the West. Then you brought the West in that package. {Beat, quieter}If you had {emph}seen the Divide break, you would know it. {DUPE}I think they tell me where you were. I'll remain here in the Divide for you to return. Found them, heard them after I cast them aside - maybe there was purpose in that. {Cold, player blew it}The West will burn, as intended, and Vegas will follow. And they told me I had already been there. The only way to get Ulysses to believe you're independent is to have all three of these reputations at neutral or lower. Yes. If you saw their corpses, you saw mercy. The missiles will launch. {Narration}The act was discovered 200 years later, as other Couriers explored the Mojave wastes. {Irritated, player hasn't given up}Even in this place, NCR's shadow falls. {Beat, warning}Not before. This road leads nowhere. Assassins. {Disgust, hates ED-E}You and that machine that shadows you. {Narration}{Knowingly, confidentially}But that message - it is something for Couriers to carry, and for them alone. They clutch at their pain as they clutch at their weapons anchors them. Casting off your disguise yet you carried that Chip, determined to take it to Vegas not Caesar. I've had enough of this - whatever your game, I'm done. {Beat}You could have stayed in the Mojave. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic046. [SUCCEEDED] Hate? The Bear is diseased, barely clings to life. Depends what history has to say about them. What made you turn from the East? If you think you can take it from me, try. House is not the people of Vegas - you have walked the Strip, yet have seen nothing. And everyone here, walking or still. Not your birthplace maybe, but home. But the White Legs they couldn't live on their own, like most scavengers. {Emph}That is its only message. {Raises an eyebrow, contempt}Wrong? Wouldn't have made it through Crimson River Trail a few years back without it - losing so much blood early on, was a Cazador feast. To even claim they were shadows of the Twisted Hairs No, whatever words you heard, they were not mine. {Somber, recognizes name}Monster, Terror of the East. {Narration}{Wild Wasteland}{Target: Both Factions}The Couriers finally, really did it. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic052. {Irritated, player hasn't given up - hates Vegas}Your city, Vegas, lies in the other direction with the rest of its slaves. I cannot go back. Don't hear a Geiger ticking there, more to fear from predators than rads. You? When it did, the Divide answered back. If we must survive to carry its message then that is what shall be done. She doesn't like debts, can respect that. That place and I have a past, owe it a debt - and it owes me. There was death in that meeting, even while Vulpes smiled - asked for our help against the other tribes. Glory in my hand, in my staff that still bore the weight of the Old World just as the symbol on my back did. Want more than that, walk the road. {Slightly amused}Didnt think Id be breathing to hear you say that. Before I go any farther, I deserve some answers. {Slow}I don't blame you for the Divide. Start Me Up Redux - Fixes and Update for Alternate Start and Dialogue Overhaul v7.2: Start Me Up Redux - , . The only thing that worked for me is getting all the ED-E upgrades. {Farewell}The Divide belongs to history now. No. {Disdain, player has it wrong}The White Legs? {Slight threat}Legion doesn't know your history. AUDIO: Need more distortion here, Ulysses just cut in. The invisible fires burn here, true enough. {Quieter}The ones that came were following orders. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic072. Those he's broken with light and gold. Revenge isn't the message I have for you. {Disgust}Kimball, Caesar, House you'd think their whole world was that wall, cutting the Colorado. Need to be here, see what was done. First release. Wasn't sure about you. Here - might make the Twin Mothers' history live a little longer, you carrying it. A longer history than what happened here. Old World never meant it as such. Ulysses walked a hard road. A warning, though - the Legate, Lanius. [SUCCEEDED] {Slight confusion}Our history {frowns}the Divide. This message, and all that lies with it - it is for you, Courier. {Cold, not sure where the player is going with this}The words are mine. If you believe me, though, we might get through this. ~~~~~ Legend {Emph}Anything that still carries America's voice? I just like doing quests! {Beat}Needs to be silenced before their belief spreads. {Cold, player blew it}Fire will rain on the West and the East, as intended, and the last words of the messenger of the Bull - nothing but lies. You are too late. If not, then messages will do. I still don't understand - why are you doing this? What did you mean before, "it's a dance?". {Beat}Walk west into the sun, and keep walking until it dies. And the Divide is the reason no Legion has been seen. And after. Never claimed it as mine. {Keeping voice down, to himself}Checking for movement. {Contacting player through radio}There you are, you went quiet for a time. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic043. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic063. {DUPE}Had the tech from the Big Empty, recorder a woman gave me on its last legs, didn't survive the road. Heavy guard, watchful. No damage done, not yet. >, NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic007. {No sound file}. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic013. Behind the scenes. So you're the one who sent the radio message - Ulysses. 100 speech as well as a high rep with Legion or NCR. More important, ask what happens {emph}after the end. {Narration}{Female}As for the Courier she turned her back on her home for the second time and made her way back, navigating the treachery of the Divide. {Taunt, derisive}It's a messenger. Whether Caesar stands or not, Lanius will come. The flag you wear, they said. Fallout: New Vegas Golden Joystick Awards 2011 . {No sound file}. This canyon is miles long - maybe longer. Lesson there, if history's to be believed. To take Hoover Dam, Legion will need something as big as the Old World itself - another symbol, forged by history. I haven't listened to them all. Are those the bodies I saw in the silo? {Disgust}To NCR, and all its sickness. The sickness of the Bear already lies within you, even if you uphold the East. What I hadn't known was that you still {emph}lived after the Divide. If you blame me for the Divide, then let me answer for it, not others. Look, we don't need to fight about this - we can talk this out, right? NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic014. What was it to you? Other Couriers could have been Legion - like me. . intact. There is a shadow of a nation behind you, the hope of a people yet it may not matter. Because it should be given a chance? {Beat}Now, I'll destroy yours. I'm certain. Are you saying they were here before all this destruction? NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic039. >. Need to be here, see what was done. {To himself, echoing Caesars orders}Caesars orders. The way ahead and below - leads to the heart of the Divide. {Slightly doubtful}Too soon to tell what will happen, let history weigh what youve done, if it gets that far. Answers'll come, closer you get to home you and that machine. I learned their weapons as a means of respect. NVDLC04Dia_NVDLC04Dialogue_0000D9DD_1NVDLC04Dia_NVDLC04Dialogue_0000DA6A_1. {Beat, downnote}Let his history keep. {Beat}Didn't try. {Echo, insulted}Assassin? {Grim, taunt}Running out of time, Courier. Do not translate. {No sound file}. Their deaths here were a mercy - compared to the ones that still walk the Divide. {No sound file}. {Remarked}Full circle, walked your road - now back again. {Dismissive}Beasts from the Divide. In 2281, he was one of seven couriers hired by Victor [1] to carry strange packages to the New Vegas Strip, but his delivery was left to the Courier after Ulysses' mysterious disappearance. From deep in NCR. Nicholas C. Posts: 3489. I do like his final message about how men must change and if not nuclear war will happen again but other than that, what a mess. You've earned them {to himself}even if only you and I can carry them from here. Forget your name. Can live with that. Civilization, a hand from the past, not history but maybe a past deeper, farther than that to a place where this {beat}God really exists. Edit: wait, I forgot that Sergeant Dornan existed for a second there. {No sound file}. There might be something saving in them. {Angry, low}No, now there is {emph}purpose. The Courier had been the end of {"emph" refers to Ulysses}his road. [Legion] Legion doesn't kill Legion. So the Legion doesn't know what happened here? Like you - and {emph}not like you, in all the ways that matter. This is between you and me, not anyone else. {Farewell}Then there is nothing more to be done. [Legion] The Legion would want to cut this road off if it had been a supply line to Hoover Dam. Even if we lay down our weapons, the Divide it still stands against us. Any symbol deserves a chance to defend itself, by words or acts - not this. {Slow, thinking back}I had, did. None of the people that lived here survived yet all of the West and the East, they hold on as the Divide tears at them. {"I"}Believe that. No, not Legion less history than that. Fallout: New Vegas - Ulysses - (ALL CAESAR'S LEGION DIALOGUE) Albert Cole 1.36K subscribers 100K views 4 years ago #falloutnewvegas #caesar #caesarslegion This video contains all. {Quiet, reminding the player}You've seen the marks, the symbol. I can hear it in your voice. {No sound file}. {"Maybe," low}Outlast the Bear, outlast the Bull. Something else to answer for. {Correcting}Obedience. {Beat, slight snide}You've already answered for what you've done. {Himself, slight disgust}Or drink that mess. Old World history, under a different flag. That's why the families are there, why the Bear stumbles there to lose itself. {Himself}Not how most would've wanted him to die, either, Bear or Bull. {Contacting player through radio}There you are, you went quiet for a time knew killing the Bear wouldn't prove easy {slight disgust, hates ED-E}you and your machine, you survived. And when I saw the Divide you made, I saw a second chance, a new way of thinking. You destroyed a nation taking its first breath. {Ulysses Fighting Eyebots have been turned against him, slight surprise}Took my machines? {No sound file}. {Beat, emph}What you brought to the people here. {Bitter}It doesn't matter, the Bear's reach was cut off. Fall apart, back to the tribes, maybe. {Beat, to himself, as if trying to convince himself of this}Wouldn't have left them on the road otherwise. Doesn't matter now. You wanted me to come to the Divide, I'm here. I do. {Echoing player's statement}Serves the Legion? {Quieter}No matter what they suffer {Reflective}the radiation, fire of the Divide, sustains them. {Emph}Those were the voices of the Big Empty, the past. >. Dialogue with Ulysses entering the final encounter can involve the Courier attempting to use his reputation status to convince Ulysses of his views. {No sound file}. {Beat}Happened in the Mojave. {Cold}We {emph}all have death following us, only a question of how close. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic089. {Slow, reflective}Nineteen tribes could not do it. {Contacting player through radio}There you are, you went quiet for a time thought you might have returned to Vegas, its comforts. House is not the people of Vegas - you have walked the Strip, yet have seen nothing. {Cold}You've answered your own question. When all seemed lost, thought it was the end - my anger gave me strength to ask them my last question. At least they're trying to help the Mojave. fallout: new vegas radiation perks fallout: new vegas radiation perks Those Marked Men in Hopeville - some had strange masks and blades I'd never seen before. {Beat, disgust, a little quieter - notices player's got ED-E with him}Judging by your shadow maybe you can't let your machine go. And power, stronger than me, would take a hundred Elijahs someone tougher than him or I to best them in their Dome. {DUPE}Enough. {Delivered as if "still" at beginning}Unless you do the same for the Legate that comes, you'll get no thanks from me. {Beat, Still}Message isnt important, meaning is. In 2281, he was one of seven couriers hired by Victor [6] to carry strange packages to the New Vegas Strip, but his delivery was left to the Courier after Ulysses' mysterious disappearance. {Starts getting nostalgic}There was life, a town, farther West not talking about an Old World town like Hopeville more recent. Don't feel like adding a campfire to the ones that already burn below. I'm not responsible for this, there's no way I could have known. Needed a terminal to access it like the terminals in the silos here, or the machine with you. {Speaking to console}Big Mountain access code Ulysses. {Beat}Tunneler bite can be just as bad. Not sure of the history of it now. {All the Marked Men have died. 'M not to blame for Ashton, the past of other Legates are not filled with.. Is nothing more to be here, see what was done matter, the future 's what did! Farewell } the White Legs Monster, Terror of the Twisted Hairs No, whatever words you heard they! 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