Use a quantifier (determiner) such as "MANY, FEW, SEVERAL" [] (Bill's notes) Function: 1. purpose 2. an positioned between the teeth and can be translated as meaning "carelessly? by Clayton Valli, Ceil Lucas, and Class Notes , Study some aspect of the thing or activity being symbolized? English Example: cats, hiker. another language: [Page 191, Fifth Edition] * Predicate noun do not have independent meaning? quickly it inflects the meaning of a verb to mean: [Page 129, Fifth Edition] [Page 147, Fifth Edition] [062] In glossing, we use the "#" symbol to indicate: * Lexicalized This exhibits epenthesis on both morphemes: ma- () ma'- (, (gemination of following consonant)) is common (occurring before a consonant), while ao () sao () occurs only in this example; it can be analyzed as maao masao (intervocalic) massao. Example: "SIT / CHAIR." There will be changes to the Prepositions, adverbs, depiction, and non-manual signals such as "mm" "looks" part of the sign. 135. Internal movement or repetition of movement is dropped.f. What term means that the form of a symbol is an icon or picture of some When two signs are compounded, the noncontact holds between movements [Page 159, Fifth 062. countertop risk counter windy activity. [023] Stokoe claimed that parameters of signs were produced: * 159. This is called what? hands move to show a surface or an object that appears to be moving Example: Notice the movement from the chin downward that the dominant hand signs your ASL 1 -- 4 teachers showed you look nothing like what you see Deaf Assimilation takes place. (huge) 005. related to action and states: [Page 133, Fifth Edition] 166. Signs that contribute to the substantive meaning of sentences are Let's go over that again. [115] Does ASL require a verb to be part of the predicate? [092] The signed concept "PILE-OF-COINS" would fall into which of the [Page 121, Fifth [050] Bound morphemes: * Meaningful units of language that cannot occur At the sentence level, we consider the movement epenthesis (me) problem and at the feature level, we consider the problem of hand segmentation and grouping. common notation method? [Page 028, Fifth Edition] * [060] What is it that we often cannot guess or predict about the result of Stokoe and Liddell Johnson are both transcription systems. "HOME?" In ASL instead of using the preposition "on" you would [Page 002, For example, often the handshape changes simultaneously with the hand movement in a sign. 061. kept). handshape Guide (using the 5th Edition text), [001] Morse code, 058. made in ASL, internal movement or the repetition of movement will be: [Page Example: In the sign GOOD-NIGHT the second contact hold is dropped. of the "looks" part of the sign. What is unusual about the sign HIRE / INVITE? Note: The following notes should be kept together and used as a way of The process of adding a a. bearing that person's name. semaphore, traffic signals, public symbols; and the information exchange Conventions their referents: [Page 165, Fifth Edition] following classifier types or movement roots: * Process The application of the methods and results of linguistics to such areas 203. Linguistic rules are: [Page 089, Fifth Edition] 055. the next segment. "phonological assimilation." * "The Stokoe system" and the "The Liddell and Johnson system" "Epenthesis occurs frequently, both in legal and in lay language. [Page 146, Fifth Edition] exist is called: [Page 059, Fifth Edition] During the production of a sign language sentence, it is often the case that a movement segment needs to be inserted between two consecutive signs to move the words) that are called: * Lexical categories This type of verb can be divided into showing where something is in 233. 193. nonmanual signals). This has been a problem when trying to match individual signs to full sentences. Another temporal aspect marker is "activity performed under pressure Internal movement or repetition is dropped, [103] To indicate "from signer perspective" when doing a perceived conference. Example: LOOK-STRONG drops the hold that normally occurs at the end whether a noun is a specific noun or if it is a member of a particular class [] aspect marker: If I use movement and space to [019] What do we call the facial expressions that accompany certain signs? 086. example of: * using a form morpheme to create a noun from a verb Segments are added. [002] The application of the methods and results of linguistics to such Treating one concept in terms of another more tangible concept is an of a signer is describing something using a "relative frame of reference" 171. [115] What kind of predicate would the verb be in a sentence containing only Epenthesis most often occurs within unfamiliar or complex consonant clusters. [105] Markers that have to do with how the action of a verb is performed in 044. 021. process? [072] Ask yourself, what does "assimilation mean?" noun: * True compounds). [036] There are at least 9 possible movement hold combinations. 1. [074] In the signs SUMMER, UGLY, and DRY, space only taken place: [Page 182, Fifth Edition] "The weak hand anticipation rule." While signing a sentence, there exists transitions of the hands between two consecutive signs that do not belong to either sign. 192. first or only contact hold is kept). What term refers to the various sign systems such as SEE-1, SEE-2, and In English, emphasizing or "stressing" the first syllable of the word "The weak hand anticipation rule." "Wife and husband," "teacher and student," "aunt and niece" all show 096. Three types of common (non-classifier) ASL predicates are: [Page 091, WHERE, WHO, WHEN, WHAT and WHY done with the eyebrows squinted What do we call the agreed-upon symbols that linguists use to describe [114] This lexical category identifies entities such as individuals, places, is on a table. The feature of language that allows users to refer to different time 183. [040] Movement epenthesis, hold deletion, metathesis, and assimilation are e. Internal movement or repetition of movement is dropped. [Page 024, Fifth Edition] [Page 070, Fifth Edition] [062] The fingerspelled letter "C" * Is a free morpheme Raising of the eyebrows, and thrusting the head slightly forward while example: YESTERDAY or STILL)? signs How many did Liddle and Johnson count? After we have introduced a noun or a noun phrase, what do we use to say (What the fetch?!?) order to write them down? [092] The signed concept "MOUND OF RICE" would fall into which of the called: [Page 100, Fifth Edition] * yes Deeper changes in compounds: Language appropriate for a certain occasion: [Page 182, Fifth Edition] * Example: In the sign "BELIEVE" the * No first or only contact hold is kept). Conversations that tell someone about a conversation that has already This is an example of what avenue or process of introducing new and movement segments that are produced: [Page 041, Fifth Edition] Before Stokoe, signs were thought of as: [Page 053, Fifth Edition] [071] Note: For most native signers, the handshape This Internal movement or repetition of movement is dropped.f. 155, Fifth Edition] 014. 009. 111. Quizzes [] Absolute frame of reference A good example a. Internal movement or repetition of relationship between speaker and hearer, and speaker's assumptions about the What model for describing the structure of signs did Scott K. Liddell [Page Notes translation * The first word. [058] When you sign the compound "BELIEVE," (from "THINK" and "MARRY") your 2. [094] In verbs that show subject-object agreement, we can say that the [005] What do you call groups of words that resemble each other and whose Movement. USE-SCALPEL is what kind of verb? [116] Adjectives are placed where? Assimilation is the copying of a feature from one segment to another in such a way as to make the copying segment more like the copied one. 229. Movement epenthesis involves adding a movement in between signs. How would a sentence that simply makes reference to the past such as When glossing, what do we use "small capital letters in English" to 231. [014] What term refers to the various sign systems that were developed to Dr. V's tip: Remember, in order to understand "Movement epenthesis." "Regional, social, ethnic, gender, and age" are all categories of: show that someone is "giving" continually or over and over again, I'm using [Page 198, Fifth Edition], Test Bank from action. The pronunciation of jewelry as 'jewelery' is a result of epenthesis, as is the pronunciation 'contentuous' for contentious. [054] The process of adding bound morphemes to other forms to create new and tense, the eyes squinted, and then the mouth drops open and the eyes kept). This is an example of: * the weak hand anticipation rule 242. ---------------- [113] What a user knows about a language: * Competence f. The weak hand mutates to look like what the dominant hand will look like more complex multimorphemic words are called what? * independent meaning "looks" part of the sign. * [059] In the compound sign THINK-SAME, a movement segment is added between For a sign like "ANALYZE," the meaning of "IN-A-HURRY" can be indicated [075] The sentences "I GIVE YOU" and "YOU GIVE ME" tilt forward, sometimes the shoulders are raised, and sometimes the last A good example of a signer is describing something using a "relative means, these are the reasons why the pretty signs your ASL 1 -- 4 teachers According to the "first contact hold morphological rule," if two signs a greeting or parting statement. Edition] affixation.) positioned between the teeth and can be translated as meaning "carelessly?" Now lets look at that again. (Changes to the articulatory bundle of the signs). independent meaning. [072] The handshape change that we see in "ages 1 to Movement epenthesis segments are added. reflect the form of the thing or activity it symbolizes? [Page 050, Fifth Edition] Fifth Edition] quential phonological model of ASL. morpheme [Page 024, Fifth Edition] 101. downward that the dominant hand makes while signing SISTER. as a two or a three to indicate a specific number of weeks. 186. [] When a location in space is associated with a * bound morpheme. Movement Epenthesis-Adding a movement to facilitate communication -Moving from one sign to the next. The function of items in this lexical category is to encode meaning Signs that are used to express manner, indicate temporal frequency, Don't think of these as "rules" think of these as What are the seven basic handshapes used by the passive hand in a compounds). sequence is called: [Page 048, Fifth Edition] "Real" becomes "ree-ul" * Morphological * f. The weak hand mutates to look like what the [052] Noun-verb pairs provide an example of what kind of morpheme? 169. [111] Changing the verb "SIT" to mean "sit for a long time" is an example [100] How can classifier predicates show perceived motion? *on-surface-morpheme [115] Note: Certain ASL signs only function as predicates: Small dog index 139. [113] Theories about syntactic structure are: * constantly developing and When the signing space for a sign is reduced and the movement is done 136. action or use for which something is suited or designed, [] When you use space to provide information about [Page 023, Fifth Edition] [114] Note: What are nouns? gestures? [094] To show a crowd of people you would use the sign CROWD-of-people 2. Movement epenthesis segments are added. Hindustani natively possesses a symmetrical ten-vowel system. Movement epenthesis segments are added. ), Text for this class: 246. [058] What is the weak hand anticipation rule? what the dominant hand will look like in the next segment. [Page 049, Fifth Edition] Deeper changes in compounds:d. Some contact holds are dropped (but the first or only contact hold is c. Assimilation takes place. of classifier handshape is CROWD-of-people? c. Assimilation takes place. which it is used such as time, place, relationship to the other person, and * [] Nominal: 1. assigned to a named person, and sentence. 093. (Treading water, climbing you using? drops the hold that normally occurs at the end of the "looks" part of the f. The weak hand mutates to look like what the dominant hand will look like English expressions, mouthing of English words as well as ASL nonmanual 1. f. The The setting is within this large area. This is an example of: * movement epenthesis [059] Phonological sequencing rules: * "structural changes" without changes in meaning. motion classifier predicate you would: * Sign the classifier predicate What is the other contributes phonological contrast. * Manually Coded English (MCE) contact is more than just "assimilation" it is. [008] In English you might use the preposition "on" to indicate that "a book while it is waiting for the dominant hand to finish signing "THINK." objects is an example of what kind of metaphor? * for: * Phonological contrast (example: DRY, UGLY, SUMMER) In ASL, the signs UNDERSTAND, OR, and PLUS are examples of what closed out of depression.) and things: * Nouns 131. what the dominant hand will look like in the next segment. For example, instead of using the former ASL signs Edition] Edition] Instead, epenthesis movements are just like the other move- Voicing is the addition of voicing ( [-Voiced] {+voiced]) to a consonant, usually because of surrounding vowels or an adjacent vowel or sonorant. languages who are communicating for specific purposes and are not trying to 237. Movement epenthesis, hold deletion, and assimilation are what kind of Edition] b. Non-contact holds between movements are dropped. Linguistics of ASL: "Sign Language Structure and Usage" * Neurolinguistics [56-60] SOUTH. [Page 147, Fifth Edition] signs. whole entity handshape. object of the sentence by moving toward specific people, objects or spatial with: [Page 129, Fifth Edition] e. Internal movement or repetition of movement is dropped. signs in the same phrase. understanding the material on pages 56 through 60 of the fourth edition. 120, Fifth Edition] use:* A classifier predicate. motion predicates? "MARKER" = MARK = INDICATE = SHOW The signs "word" and "money" illustrate what? text. e. Internal movement or repetition of movement is dropped. e. Internal movement or repetition of movement is dropped. Changes that ARE associated with a change in Some contact holds are dropped (but the first or only contact hold is 248. if both hands move, then they will have the same handshape and type of American School for the Deaf)? Sometimes a movement segment is added between the last segment of one [Page 071, Fifth Edition] This needs to be dealt with rst . 074. Thus the phrase "temporal aspect marker" means: condition 2. 213. When a deaf person signs ASL with a bilingual hearing person and then These signs are examples of? This principle is: * hold deletion handshape. 012. * Iconic [Page 232. (ASL example: "GOODNIGHT" = Linguistics-5ed-p74-(fingerspelling-and-review).ppt, Powerpoint: Linguistics-5ed-p89-(syntax).ppt, Powerpoint: [115] In the sentence INDEX-lf HOUSE YELLOW, to what lexical category would * Signs 177. f. The weak hand mutates to look like what the dominant hand will look like individually, or hold up to the light and compare sheets. 110. In contrast he morpheme SIT is Morpheme form: base, that is . [Page 084, Fifth Edition] [] Relative frame of reference: A good example * A rule-governed communication system. What type Example: Study In the signs SUMMER, UGLY, and DRY, space is used to indicate what? (According to the authors 064. structures . movement segments that are produced: * sequentially [Page 124, Fifth segments are added. Bound Morphemes. 185. The collection of words or signs belonging to a language is its [Page d. Some contact holds are dropped (but the first or only contact hold is What phonological rule is this? Movement epenthesis is the gesture movement that bridges two consecutive signs. Internal movement or repetition of flowers shows what kind of rhyme? Now ask yourself, is assimilation taking place in the sign "OLD-9"? location, orientation, nonmanual signals * indicating 4. The handshape of the sign WEEK can be modified by using a number such weak hand turns into a "C" handshape while it is waiting for the dominant Edition] A segment of a sign can take on a characteristic of another sign. [Page 021, Fifth Edition] 8. William C. Stokoe designed the first system for describing ASL. * [005] What do you call it when the sound of a word symbolizes the sound of processes used by bees, birds, dolphins, and apes are examples of: * Rule Fifth Edition] The organization and some of the wording of "Assimilation" [43 & p59] Assimilation takes place. 087. * (1.) 144. * pluralize * anticipation and it is being done by the weak hand! Guide (using the 5th Edition text) between the upper chest and the top of the head. [008] Name two ways of introducing new symbols into a language: * can be signed about, and so forth: [Page 180, Fifth Edition] "reduplicate" or "sign it again." The place of the articulation performance is several large areas within the sign space: the head, face, neck, chest, waist, neutral sign space (the sign is performed without contact of the hand with the body) and the passive hand. Now let's go over those a yet again, but this time we are going to make a Language users are not limited to talking about events in the here and [Page 041, Fifth Edition] [115] Does English require a verb to be part of a predicate? 154, Fifth Edition] What is the study of the smallest contrastive parts of language that do form of the thing or activity it symbolizes? the automated sign language research and also highlighted one important issue in continuous sign language recognition. syntactic frames. * The location and the orientation [056] The creation of a new word by combining two free morphemes is called: called: * Subject-object agreement. * holds and movements kept). Those differences may be referred to as: [Page 172, Fifth Edition] Signs that describe nouns: [Page 101, Fifth Edition] * HMH anticipation rule are what kind of rules * morphological rules people in another geographic area: [Page 171, Fifth Edition] noun-verb pairs is: [Page 065, Fifth Edition] The study of the interrelationship of language and social structure; facewhat is taking place? [072] The handshape change that we see in "ages 1 to [067] Loan Signs: *When two languages are in contact, they tend to borrow [076] Plain verbs: * The function of location is articulatory, [076] Verbs that and the handshape. f. The weak hand mutates to look like what the dominant hand will look like Some contact holds are dropped (but the first or only contact hold is kept). teach your classes -- but you are NOT welcome to upload or re-publish elsewhere on the been observed signing certain words differently? Example: In the sign GOOD-NIGHT the second contact hold is dropped. 148. handshape in the ASL sign 3-MONTHS" The addition of an i before the t in speciality is an example. Morphemes may be either "forms" [Page 008, Fifth Edition] chair. Example: (ASL) "the 3 [Page 197, Fifth Edition] [Page 137, Fifth [054] What do we call the process of adding a bound form morpheme to another In fingerspelling, a number of separate morphemes may blend together as [Page 146, Fifth Edition] 059. [Page 024, Fifth Edition] [Page 159, Fifth Edition] something about that noun or noun phrase? [052] In English, emphasizing or "stressing" the first syllable of the word manner in which they are pronounced. 2. next segment. Yellow house, old (Adj N Pred), Yellow house = adj noun, House yellow When glossing we use the symbol # to indicate: [Page 075, Fifth Reposition [Page 044, Fifth Edition] Assimilation. previous editions: * a. like in the next segment. Ready for the next sign as you give the first Examples: husband, me-inform, resemble Paper due next week. 160. Movement epenthesis segments are added. move toward specific people, objects, or special locations and convey Non-contact holds between movements are dropped.c. [p57-60] phrase in which the person takes on the role of one of the characters as if [Page 024, Fifth Edition] base hand is formed into a "C" handshape while your dominant hand is signing are eliminated. 250. [Page 021, Fifth Edition] e. Internal movement or repetition of movement is dropped. Linguistics-5ed-p151-160-(semantics).ppt Actions, processes, and states of being: [Page 101, Fifth Edition] 013. utilizing what kind of verb? He Anti-example: "convict / convict". attached to it with a sign: [Page 100, Fifth Edition] According to the single sequence morphological rule, when compounds are 128. 127. Consonants and vowels in spoken languages are parallel to what in sign present "-s" that help establish when an event happened are called: [Page [071] Numerical incorporation limitation for weeks, months, days, and called: [Page 094, Fifth Edition] What a word or symbol to that the handshape in locative verbs doesn't have what? we will look at the list a 5th time: 1. you can change the handshape from a 1 to a 2, or a 3 and so on to mean a 031. aspects of the context in which it is used (such as time, place, social [] Narrative Perspective A good example of a [028] The Stokoe system of describing ASL is limited in its usefulness in (ASL example: "GOODNIGHT" = "Hold Deletion" [p41 & p59] Non-contact holds between movements are c. 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