In 1898, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) selected the Octagon to be their new national headquarters. Caretaker James Cyprus had summoned the physician for his ailing wife. In 1856, Native Americans in the area were not in a good frame of mind toward settlers and traders like Isaac Brown. She has gotten some help in finding new homes for her huge collections. The 3rd ghost that was felt on the third floor is tied to the British occupation of . The British had already burned the White House down. In the late 1940s (the story first appears in 1949), a doctor who had made a house call to the Octagon had a strange encounter on the stairway. The party were dispersed from garret to cellar. It wouldnt be until at least 1990 when the home was restored back to its original 1815 look. The Octagon House may not be one of the most recognized landmarks in Washington, D.C. Although PG&E bought it in 1924, for decades the McElroy Octagon House remained one of the only homes in San Francisco without electricity. It is in great condition. In 1937 the ghosts activities are defined: a murdered slave girl, another suicide, and the ghosts of slaves wander screaming through the house and grounds, Jackie Bouvier, in her unpublished 1952 essay about the house, related a variant of the story very similar to the first version. Enamored with the octagon house phenomenon, they set to work building. St James Hotel, NM (Spirit of Mary Lambert is still trying to keep up with her active toddler who is still a handful). Mayor Issac was also very anti-slavery, and decided to live his beliefs by using this new structure for the good of humanity. On the first floor, one finds a grand rotunda, where the staircase leads up to the 2nd and 3rd floors. He died on September 17th, 1862 along with thousands more at the battle of Antietam, the deadliest one-day battle in American military history. It was built during the brief period in. Through another was the dining room. While she had dinners with events for Mothers Day, Christmas and other major and minor holidays, the most popular events held here happened in October; offering candle lit tours of the tunnels and passages. The True Story of Alexandrias Burning Bride. Built in 1847, Octagon Hall stands today as a monument to a by gone era. Mr. Tayloe gave himself up to the law. One person reported hearing what she described as a womans voice diagonally across the room. A spirit of a young boy still plays here as well, from one of the many families who lived here for roughly 168 years. Octagon House, WI (Ruth Brown suffered not only the death of Edmund, but three of her children, and the eventual loss of her house. In reality, there is no documentation to support any of them. Of the Tayloes' seven daughters, only three died before the age of 30. The hours wore quietly on. Its name comes not, as one might think, from the number of sides to the floorplan, but the number of angles in the building. March 24, 1953: The Octagon House on Gough Street, between Green and Union Street, in San Francisco's Cow Hollow. George Washington whose half-brother Augustine Washington, Jr.'s son, Capt William Augustine Washington married Tayloe's sister, Sarah 'Sally' Tayloe, on May 11, 1799 found out and persuaded the Tayloe's to build their house in the new capital city in an outlying section. But he remained loyal to his country in the War of 1812 serving as a Colonel in the Virginia Militia, and later on, in the Virginia State Senate. The finished home was an eight-sided structure, that had nine secret passageways and spaces. A newspaper of the account included a reference to the legend of the bells. It is the only known fully domed octagonal residence., Currently operated by the American Institute of Architects Foundation, the Octagon Museum offers self-guided tours, permanent and changing exhibitions, public programing, and guided tours by appointment. October 27, 1958: Rejuvenated Octagon House (aka the McElroy House), moved, landscaped and decorated. [23] The first allegedly died before the War of 1812. ), Use the form below to submit photos and videos for use on the Wisconsin Frights website and social media. [14] Though the main room is a circle, one possibility is that it resembled octagonal rooms common in England, which were also circles but called octagon salons because they were constructed of eight walls and then plastered heavily in the corners to make a circle. She was noted for her social gifts, which boosted her husbands popularity as President. Our Haunted Paranormal Stories are Written by Julie Carr, Visit the memorable Milwaukee Haunted Hotel, 2004-2023 | All rights reserved unless noted otherwise, Haunted Houses Find Real Haunted Houses, Explore Hauntings and Halloween Attractions, The Wisconsin Road Guide to Haunted Locations, THE WISCONSIN ROAD GUIDE TO HAUNTED LOCATIONS, by Chad Lewis & Terry Fisk. Updates have been made, including electrical, mechanicals, central air and a new roof. There are gorgeous hardwood floors throughout the house. A 1892 legend mentions an alleged clause in Col. Tayloes will that forbade his heirs from opening a certain closet: Mr. This story is based on the actual finding of such a body in one of the odd wall closets that abound in the Octagon House. [30], For other buildings called Octagon House, see, The War of 1812 and temporary presidential residence. My theory is that the spirit of Rose was angry at first because the living turned out to be dolts, neglecting her house. According to the Wisconsin Historical Society property record, it leads to a basement tunnel and then to the river.. One gentleman, dining with Colonel Tayloe, when this mysterious ringing began, being an unbeliever in mysteries, and a very powerful man, jumped up and caught the bell wires in his hand, but only to be lifted bodily from the floor, while he was unsuccessful in stopping the ringing. Eyes stare out from the dark in the cellar where the hidden tunnel enters the house. John Tayloe III died in 1828 while staying at the Octagon. And "the views are to die for.". About this time the family left the home, and ever since it has virtually been unoccupied.". At the time of her death her father had been dead for four years and she had been married to her husband, Robert Wormeley Carter II, for some time. You can see the interior, though reconfigured, that the McElroy family loved so dearly. The Octagon House, WI (The spirit of Rose at first didnt like having to share the house with the new owner, plus not trusting this owner to make repairs. The spirit of Ruth probably is keeping an eye on the tenants who now rent the house while Marlene is trying to sell it. It was stated that every November 24th, a ghost could be heard falling down the steps to the first landing. The Octagon House. However, the 1970s owner did manage to get this Octagon House listed on the National Register of Historic Places, on November 3rd, 1972, before the state took ownership of this as is fixer-upper opportunity, and put it on the market at a reduced price. This house and its land has long had a history of many uses, strong emotions, adventures and probably a few deaths. The house, which PG&E spokesmen said the company places no value on, is one of the few in San Francisco never to have been wired for electricity. The True Story of Alexandria's Burning Bride In a previous post, we told the tragic tale of Laura Schaffer of Alexandria. Dolley Payne Todd Madison (May 20, 1768 July 12, 1849) was the wife of James Madison, President of the United States from 1809 to 1817. Aghast we stood. It is the only known fully domed octagonal residence and the only house built in the form of an ancient classical temple. The house was modeled after Donato Bramante's 1502 Tempietto in Rome, which in turn was based on a Tholos, a type of ancient . The event is part of Travel Channel's third annual "Ghostober" programming event. The Octagon House has a rich history and has seen several deaths within its walls. Its rich history and important location mark it as a location with many layers to unfold, some no doubt including unhappy spirits that linger on. Unfortunately, not much money was spent in maintaining this structure, and it became a slum-quality rental. She died in Washington, D.C., but not at the Octagon House. Even today the house stands out as luxurious and refined. The Octagon was firmly established as a haunted house by 1888, when, it is reported, twelve men decided to spend a night in the house in order to expel the ghosts or prove the legends wrong. Dolley and James Madison resided in the Octagon House from September of 1814 through March of 1815, after the White House was burned by the British. Alpine Park is on the left. The museum was restored to its 181718 era appearance in the early 1990sthe wall colors and room configurations seen today are representative of that time period. The octagon house trend was short-lived, and its not hard to see why. Two of their three children also died there). The house, which was owned by PG&E, was sold and moved across the street to its current location. According to the legends, ghostly receptions are held by Dolley Madison, who is supposedly most often seen in the front hall and drawing room, and the smell of lilacs is noticeable whenever her ghost is present.[22]. In this way, she did much to define the role of the Presidents spouse, known only much later by the title First Ladya function she had sometimes performed earlier for the widowed Jefferson. She also reported walking into the eighteenth century kitchen and seeing a white specter across the fireplace. "[20], By 1874 the bell legend was well established. ", Octagon House, 1799 (1741) New York Avenue, Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, DC,, This page was last edited on 10 April 2023, at 06:28. In 1952, an architectural designer, named David Stovel, moved in and improved the property. She freely appeared in front of Marlene Hanson, feeling very comfortable with this woman who was taking care of her forever home. Ringing bells was the way they used to haunt the old mansion, and every night at exactly the same hour their din would be heard.". Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate. [25] The next youngest of their surviving daughters to die was Elizabeth Mary Tayloe, who died in 1832 at the age of 26. He took the dog down to the basement, and when they got to the bottom of the stairs the dog started to growl, lunged for the only spot of light in the room, and sat there cowering until they went back upstairs. Around that same time, the American Institute of Architects, which had been headquartered in New York City, began looking for a new national headquarters location in Washington, DC. Rise from the grave and help out some animals at t, Haunted Hotel for Sale in Wisconsin, Ghosts Included. Nothing about the ghosts of the daughters appears before 1908, and none of the Tayloes' daughters died in the Octagon. It was occupied by an artist named Styles Dickenson at one time. The parlor mantle is made of a fine cement composition painted white. The Tayloe children would begin to rent out the house to various tenants soon after their mothers death. Others contend that the Underground Railroad didnt extend as far north as Fond du Lac, that slaves came to Wisconsin through places like the Milton House about 90 miles south, and then quickly departed from Racine, Kenosha, or Milwaukee. Waverley Plantation House, MS (Two young girls died here; one from falling down the stairs, and the other one died from a disease outbreak). The Osbournes: Night of Terror premieres Friday, Oct. 30 at 9 p.m. On April 19, 1797, Tayloe paid $1,000 to Gustavus W. Scott for lot 8 in Square 170, at the corner of New York Avenue and 18th St., N.W. John Tayloe III was a Federalist, and not terribly supportive of President James Madison and the war with England that began in 1812, but he was active in the Virginia militia and commanded a regiment of DC cavalry. Harriet came first, moving from Pennsylvania shortly after the start of the Gold Rush. The earliest report of this ghastly occurrence dates back to 1908. There are numerous reports of occurrences in the Octagon that were supposedly caused by the household ghost. This five-bedroom, three-bathroom house is on 9.2 acres in a rural part of western Massachusetts. Whew! This stunning house is layered with history and spirits that cant seem to free themselves, so they haunt a time that is not their own, causing fear and shock over the years. But all that changed in 1952 when the home was spared from demolition by the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in California, a group that seeks to preserve historic buildings. General Ramsay immediately arose from the table to investigate, but failed to unravel the mystery. She heard a distinct moan repeated twice and was so scared she took one bound across the dining room and ended up out in the stairhall. Every November 24, the neighborhood legend went, a person could be heard creaking up the staircase in the middle of the house. Alexander, John. It was built in 1993, making it one of the newer octagons on . [4] The house is well built of brick trimmed with Aquia Creek sandstone. Ann Ogle Tayloe had offered the house to the French consul, in the hopes of sparing the house from destruction at the hands of the British, and he was occupying the house when the British arrived in the city. The construction materials, such as bricks, timber, iron, and Aquia Creek sandstone were all manufactured locally. September 17, 1951: Stairway in the Octagon House (aka the McElroy House) . Her spectre is allegedly seen crumpled at the bottom of the steps or on the stairs near the second floor landing, and sometimes exhibits itself as the light of a candle moving up the staircase. Wed 9th feb.""[12]. The Octagon House is described as being An Extremely Unique Property; an Architectural Masterpiece! The houses mid-1800s American style layout may be a bit odd by modern standards, but the space is well-designed for a family in 1856 as well as families who lived here throughout the eras. Octagon Museum visitors and staff have occasionally reported smelling lilacs in the drawing room of the house. Since the home was the place where both John and Ann Tayloe breathed their last breaths, their spirits may roam around long after their deaths, ringing bells to summon servants who no longer attend to their desires. It is suggested that it would also be a perfect home for Air B and B. Both Marlene and her mother were pushed down the staircase on two separate occasions. Some declare that it was discovered, after a time, that rats were the ghosts who rung the bells; others, that the cause was never discovered, and that finally the family, to secure peace, were compelled to take the bells down and hang them in different fashion. The other death, stories claim, occurred in 1817 or shortly thereafter. At the time, it stood alone on the edge of marshland with nothing but wild territory beyond. When the daughter turned in anger to go down the stairs, she fell down the stairs (or over the railing; stories differ) and died. After Annes death, her sons rented the house, first to a Catholic girls school, and later to the federal government for office space. Killian K. Van Rensselaer, American lawyer and Federalist politician who served in the United States Congress as a Representative from the state of New York dined at The Octagon House. The house actually has 6 sides, but was called "The Octagon" by the Tayloes. January 18, 1984: Bathroom in the Feusier Octagon House, located at 1067 Green Street in San Francisco's Russian Hill. A date with the wrecking ball was set, despite the efforts of the group, Save the Octagon House Committee. The Armour-Stiner House is an octagon-shaped and domed Victorian-style house located at 45 West Clinton Avenue in Irvington, in Westchester County, New York.It was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1976. Among other remedies, had been previously tried that of exorcism, but the prayers of the priest who had been summoned availed nought."[21]. This spirit did change her mind). It will take me a long, long time to move my things out, so they will have to live around me, Hansen said. as laid out in a plan of the District of Columbia by Maj. Pierre Charles L'Enfant and surveyed by Andrew Ellicott. Look which ever way you will, he wrote, and you observe happiness prosperity and wealth.. The building served as a hospital for Confederate soldiers and a target for the Union Army during the Civil War. Octagon House, WI (Spirit of Ruth Brown is still looking after three of her children who died here). The real reason for the secret rooms and tunnels may never be known for sure. But the house is also filled with secrets. The decline of the Octagon House began in April 1906 when the earthquake destroyed whole sides of the home. Solomon, Mary Jane; Ruben, Barbard; and Aloisi, Rebecca. It was built to maximize space on the small lot on which it is built. Major restoration efforts were undertaken in the 1960s and the 1990s, which returned the Octagon to its Tayloe-era appearance. Nine of them, to be exact, such as the false fireplace in the parlor that conceals a small wooden stairway. I am 76 years old and have spent 40 years taking care of the house and I decided that I have done enough.. Aside from the ridiculous floor plan, the inexpensive homes were made of lime and concrete, a combination that was apt to crack in freezing weather and collapse entirely in natural disasters. PG&E bought the property in 1904, not for its curiosity value, but because it might be a good site for a substation. In 1909 Emma died, and the house changed hands a few times over the next 15 years before PG&E scooped it up. The earliest variant of the Bells Legend is purported to have been recorded in the diary of a daughter of President Monroe, Maria Hester Monroe Gouveneur. A 1912 newspaper article related the story of a man who had stayed for a month in a room in the Octagon which he claimed was visited nightly by the spirit of a man who was killed over a card game held in the room. At the hour of midnight, as I and two others were crossing the threshold of a room on the second floor, three feminine shrieks rose from the center of the room. This 1856 octagon-shaped house has one and a half stories, grout walls covered with stucko, four dormers and a central chimney. The legend, which made its first appearance in a 1908 article run by the Minneapolis Tribune, has appeared on TV shows, and in numerous ghost books, and usually follows a story-line similar to this: Two of Colonel Tayloe's daughters are said to haunt The Octagon. When the British set fire to it in 1814, she was credited with saving the classic portrait of George Washington. The Madisons paid $500 for six months of rent. The building is an official site of the Haunted History Trail of New York. As word got around of his intent to build, William Augustine Washington III (who was married to Tayloes sister Sarah) persuaded John to construct the home on the outskirts of what was Washington D.C. at the time. It was said that one of daughters of John Tayloe III died after a freak accidental fall down the three-story staircase. Aside from the Tayloes themselves, it was said that two of their daughters may also linger to haunt the home. There are many variations of ghost stories that feature the Octagon House in Washington, D.C. As one of the oldest buildings in the city, it lends itself nicely as a setting for historical, spooky, and macabre tales. Elizabeth Ford, in her 1957 article Lively Ghost, Secret Tunnel at Octagon exhibited a definitely skeptical attitude when she wrote that: an octaroon, contrary to her wishes, was buried alive inside the walls. The lot was in open country west of the partly built President's House, about 1mi. They built a large modern office behind the Octagon House and restored the building to its original splendor. run across the door, being ingeniously cut some distance from the actual door, no key holes, hinges or openings showing on the blind side. Tayloe was also a relative of George Washington, who was made well aware of Tayloes plans to construct the home. You can book a tour on the. A passage through the fireplace leads to the basement. This condemned home became endangered when plans for a new school were presented, and the authorities were eyeing this property with plans to tear it down if no one would buy it, despite being listed on the NRHP. For sixty-seventy years, many families lived here and called it home. Through all of its history, entities have glommed onto this house for probably variety of reasons, and have basically behaving themselves, going about their business, with a few mischievous habits. The old woman went back to her Virginia home sullenly remarking, Never mind, hell pay for dis. Soon after the clatter of the bells began and continued until the annoyance was so great that they were taken down. The oldest of the ghost legends seems to be one which deals with the mysterious ringing of the servants call bells. The museum still holds tours on a regular basis, you would be well advised to take the opportunity to experience this elegant and historic house. At the time, it had incredible views stretching in all directions of the burgeoning city. He is connected to this structure or property and has chosen to spend his after-life here. List of the oldest buildings in Washington, D.C. "List of National Historic Landmarks by state", "National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination: The Octagon / Colonel John Tayloe House", "Old Landmarks at the Capital That Few Persons Know Anything About. In 1937 the book Washington: City and Capital stated that, At midnight Dolley Madison is believed to hold court again among the shades of pretty women and stately men. His is buried in Rienzi Cemetery. Edwin would not make it back home to his young wife and children. [18] When the house held bells to summon servants, the spirits of the dead slaves would announce their presence by ringing these bells loudly. July 9, 1952: Octagon House located at 1067 Green Street, in San Francisco's Russian Hill. The residents were probably mostly workers in the factories that populated Foggy Bottom. On either side of the porch the first floor was enlarged a bit to support the porch. The home was designed as the winter home of John Tayloe III and his family. The lot is triangular and fenced in by a high brick wall. Another of Colonel Tayloes daughters eloped with a young man, incurring her fathers wrath. [29], There are numerous reports of occurrences in the Octagon that were supposedly caused by the household ghosts. All the work in the circular vestibule coincides with the circumference of the tower, the doors, sash and glass being made on the circle. His wife Anne would live another 27 years before dying at the house as well in 1855. Coachellas Friday night headlining show ends on a bad note, Used Facebook? The stories recorded here are merely a presentation of a few of the reported experiences and legends that have evolved over the past 200 years, and should not be taken as historical fact. The Tayloes were involved in shipbuilding, horse breeding and racing, and owned several iron foundriesthey were fairly diversified for a plantation family. If you experience problems with the form or want to attach images please email them to, Are you affiliated with this location? Aside from the Tayloe family residing in the home, many important residents have come and gone through the years. "Now and then I hear tales of the ancient ghosts in the Octagon House. Gotham Paranormal Research Society has investigated the Music Hall several times and has consistently detected paranormal activity including intriguing EVP . Katie Dowd is the SFGATE managing editor. The servants' bells are no longer in the house and there are no reports of their continuing to ring today. People whoexperience thestruggles as well as the joys oflife in their forever home in this world, sometimes like to stay there in their afterlife to be able to enjoy in peace theirfond memories as well as peace from their struggles. Col. Tayloe went with the wishes of George Washington.[6]. Some believe Brown built these features to aid in the escape of runaway slaves on their journey north to freedom in Ontario. The Octagon House of Virginia, also known as the Abijah Thomas House, is an abandoned home that sits in the countryside just outside of Seven Mile Ford. The Octagon was also home to some of the Tayloes family servants, upon whose shoulders much of the family wealth was built. The current owner suggests that the Carriage House could also be a place for one or both aging parents to live; or becoming a suite for relatives or company. The museum at one point closed for six years (between 2007 to 2013). Leading into the back hall and dining-room are two secret doors in which the wash-boards, chair-boards, etc. The octagonal home includes four rooms on the first floor and seven rooms on the second, built around a central staircase. Another rumor is that Brown built the house as a fort in which he could hide in the event of an attack by the Native Americans dwelling in the untamed lands on the other side of the river. Ultimately, though, McElroy had faith for the future and excitement for whoever found the box he was placing in his familys new home. Ghost hunters say some of the soldiers who invaded never left. A docent reported seeing a white shape move in front of the fireplace in the drawing room during one of her tours. Both Marlene and her mother were pushed down the staircase on two separate occasions. The sound of rustling silk is said to be heard on the main staircase, the hanging lamp in the main hallway allegedly swings by itself, there is a spot at the foot of the main staircase that some people feel they are forced to avoid, and one curator is reported to have found the "tiptoeing tracks of human feet in the undisturbed dust of the top floor landing". 5 farmhouses to book for an agritourism getaway, Des Linden unveils new book, shares race day must-haves, Your Privacy Choices (Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads). Each room was cut off from the others by a series of doors, and the staircase up to the second floor was located, through more doors, in the very center of the house. He also said that some of the doors would open for no reason at all, even on nights when there was no wind reported. It speculates that the haunted nature of the house is part of the reason that the house had suffered from stretches of vacancy. The living room has a false fireplace with a small wooden stairway behind it and there is also a secret room adjacent to a second story bedroom. There was also an underground tunnel between the main house and the large wood shed, that started behind the fireplace in the parlor. Ann was only a year younger than her husband. During the Civil War, Edmund Brown had enlisted with the Union Army, leaving his wife and three children to hold the fort so to speak. John Tayloe III married Ann Ogle, daughter of Benjamin Ogle and granddaughter to Samuel Ogle of Ogle Hall Annapolis, Maryland, in 1792 at her family's country home Belair Mansion. The Octagon House is rumored to be home to several ghosts. One of the more well-known of these stories is said to have occurred sometime during just before the War of 1812, when one of Tayloe's daughters allegedly had an affair with an enemy British soldier. January 16, 1984: Feusier Octagon House, located at 1067 Green Street, in San Francisco's Russian Hill. Located at 2548 Gough Street, between Union and Green Streets in San Francisco's Cow Hollow. A maintenance man in 1981 was on the second floor landing one night and heard a noise on the first floor. (Mary Kouncelor Brooks, Philadelphia Evening Telegram, 1912). Octagon Hall (Also referred to as Octagon House, Mayfair Farm (s), Eight-Sided Mansion, Caldwell-Williams House) 6040 Bowling Green Road Franklin, KY 42134 Historic Timeline PG&E wanted the homes Cow Hollow lot for a future substation but, while the plans dawdled, kids and ghosts moved in. Complete and normal one moment; completely taken apart moment later. The building to its current location space on the first floor and seven rooms on the first floor enlarged... House down date with the mysterious ringing of octagon house ghost House as well in.! 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