Finishing it will let you swap it out for another book in the LIBRARY, but that'll have to wait for another day, for obvious reasons. This isn't a terrible mechanic for the first few waves, but on the last two waves of workers it makes this fight just utter nonsense. You'll also be told of some upcoming areas, and well, let's just be honest: you're nowhere near done with this place. When we're in our room we'll get s follow-up call from Sojiro. After Tsukasa and Eiko run off (thankfully not together), pick the dialog option "Follow me." That's right, time for the airlock puzzle! When you're ready to test your mettle against Okumura, dead to the last WEAPON PRODUCTION SAFE ROOM and exit into the WEAPON PRODUCTION area and head down a ramp to the north and continue north towards the Treasure. First, the SPECIAL BOND READING, which you can pay Chihaya for. Backtrack to the factory floor, cross the mechanical arm, and once across turn north and go between the metal cubes, beyond which you'll find a Shadow to ambush. This will increase the money from ALL-OUT ATTACKS, which are a common way for fights to end. Mishima (unlike bad girl Makoto!) Huzzah! Nice. First, let's discuss party selection. Dietrich Eckart (German: ; 23 March 1868 - 26 December 1923) was a German vlkisch poet, playwright, journalist, publicist, and political activist who was one of the founders of the German Workers' Party, the precursor of the Nazi Party.Eckart was a key influence on Adolf Hitler in the early years of the Party, the original publisher of the party newspaper, the Vlkischer Beobachter . ", the answer to which was "Three watermelons in the sun.". ENTRYWAY area when Mona finally stops talking. If you're not blocking, you could take around 500-700 damage per character, which will down any unlucky character - or your entire party. Well we'll keep that in mind I guess. Once you're refreshed, head outside (you can have Kawakami do some laundry for you, if you wish) and travel to SHINJUKU. Because Pagan's Allure has a ceiling of 100% boost, the increase is actually lower but we get the same amount of buff. Persona 5 Royal is a JRPG developed by Atlus and published by Sega. Ride it up to reach the ??? Before school you'll be pestered by Ann regarding Okumura. Persona 5 Royal - BOSS - Pagan Savior Philo 1.1K subscribers 3.6K views 2 years ago This shouldn't be too difficult. Contiue forward and jump onto some canisters, then turn northeast to spot a GRAPPLE POINT above you. Pagan Savior: Justice: Irritable: Wind: 60: Moloch: Sacrificial Pyrekeeper: Hanged Man: Gloomy: Ice: 61: Dionysus: ", which not surprisingly earns us [_MAKOTO AFFECTION +3_]. Alternatively, if this isn't proving sufficient to defeat your foes, have Joker use CONCENTRATE (assuming he has it, of course) then when buffed hit your foes with a WIND or BLESS spell. Nab a [_STORAGE CAPSULE_] to the west, then turn east and hunt down another Shadow, then loot another [_STORAGE CAPSULE_] at the eastern end of this walkway. Reply to Shinya on your phone to travel to him, then talk to him to officially hang out. persona pagan savior weakness. What a quick Mementos trip! They're selling VITALITY AOJIRU this time and drinking it will give you a [_PROFICIENCY +1_] boost (+2 if you travel to SHINJUKU and get a LUCKY READING - PROFICIENCY from Chihaya). Prepare for the award-winning RPG experience in this definitive edition of Persona 5 Royal, featuring a treasure trove of downloadable content included! That being the case, you'll want to bring along characters who use elements the stronger waves of robots are weak to. Nab a [_STORAGE CAPSULE_] along the northern end of the pillar in the middle of this room, then contemplate your options. Nothing you can do about it now, so continue east until you hit a fork. Baal is a deity mentioned in the old testament. In case you need a refresher, however, you'll get a scene with Okumura's dad reacting to the Calling Card after this. Pull the ALPHA LEVER here, go west through the AIRLOCK, then finally go north through the previously inactive AIRLOCK. With all that done, it's time for our daily activity. Pick whatever options you wish from here on out as she shares her belief in us and promises to always be our side. We'll get our order from the shopping channel, at least, and IM chats with Kasumi and the Phantom Thieves. Fortunately, Tsukasa shows up and makes it abundantly clear why he calls his targets "princess". He's not selling anything new, but his mundane stock has replenished: You won't be able to buy another RETAIL SMILE MASK or a SPIRIT CAMERA, if you bought them earlier, and hopefully you didn't buy the HOMONCULUS or the SALVATION CROWN. Most investors hold anywhere between 5- 50 mutual funds. We will be going through waves of workers (much like the original fight) but there's a very important change here: you have TWO TURNS to destroy every robot in each wave. Since we're going to be going through all of Okumura's Palace soon, we'll probably be ending a lot of fights this way. Ask him "Are they bullying you?" Being able to reduce ACCURACY will also help, but it's not essential. Sojiro will stand up for both our protagonist and Futaba after that, leading to a rank up: Sojiro and Futaba will head home after that, leaving us alone upstairs. A weapon for Mona, it's a sword that sacrifices both ATTACK and ACCURACY in favor of a high CRITICAL RATE. One quarter of the way through! Be awfully hard to NOT turn a profit with this, and yeah, money's not an issue and we don't plan for it to become one. The big take away lines (highlighted for your convenience) are: These lines should be your key to which of the upcoming big robots is the real Chief Director. Don't be a smart ass, respond with "It's great." We'll get a seat on the train, which will allow us to burn through another book: Finishing this book will score you [_CHARM +3_], which you hopefully don't need but if you're behind, it'll catch you up! The door up ahead is locked, so we'll have to find a way around. Ambush and dispatch two enemies, continue through a door to the north, defeat another robo-guard, then loot another [_STORAGE CAPSULE_] in the northwestern corner. Ambush the Shadow here, loot a [_STORAGE CAPSULE_] to the west, then search the northern wall to find another pair of LEVERS. This place does indeed look HUGE. The big bad boss we've been warning you about - arguably the most difficult battle in the entire game - is upcoming. When Mishima encourages you to run, respond with "I'm not leaving." If you've got a Persona that nullifies PHYS, SHADOW ISSHIKI can't touch you, as he'll just spam RISING SLASH (dealing about 100-120 damage per round), and since he's not strong or weak to any attack types, that shouldn't be a consideration in which Persona you go with. SHADOW ISSHIKI has a good amount of Hit Points, but he's an otherwise unremarkable foe. You'll bump into her in the halls afterwards, which prompts another scene. No getting through that locked door right now, so use the AIRLOCK and after a short unprotected trip through a near-vaccuum, you'll be in another hallway to the north. ); ambush or avoid them if you can, but be sure to grab the [_STORAGE CAPSULES_] at the fork before exploring down to the south. We'll get a follow-up phone call from Chihaya afterwards. Gotta get him in position for another rank up Once that's done, go ahead and hang out with Chihaya and she'll tell you about the fallout with "the chairman". Save your game to etch your victory over Okumura in stone, then head downstairs to find a CROSSWORD PUZZLE waiting for you: As always, get the answer right for a [_KNOWLEDGE +1_] boost. persona 5 royal pagan savior Use Morgana or a Wind Persona to knock them out. First things first, head to the LIBRARY and pick up the book [_DRESSED IN ASHES_] - undoubtedly here because of Kasumi's awakening. View this joyce-chen Project on GitHub . Continue forward towards the door and watch a scene, after which you'll find the path ahead conveniently blocked. After the fight, we'll have quite a few scenes. This fight is significantly harder than the original Persona 5 version. Jump a gap to the north, head up a ramp, then turn west to climb onto a higher ledge before continuing north. As usual, after a big day out in the METAVERSE, there's nothing we can do when we get home but sleep. After Sojiro and Futaba vouch for us, we'll be asked for our opinion on living with Sojiro. Assure her that "We'll send it immediately. With this setup you should be able to knock him down twice a round and perhaps inflict SHOCK with Skull. If you don't need PROFICIENCY, but still need some other stat, just drink the Aojiru to rotate the stock for next week. Put Kawakami to work, then let's spend our time hanging out with Sojiro. We've seen do you do more physically demanding things in the past! You can learn trick shots by reading books and using the proper gear. This time, however, you'll need to defeat each wave in TWO TURNS, otherwise Okumura will reset the wave. for another [_MISHIMA AFFECTION +2_] boost. His gambling addiction must be fed, after all. Keep in mind that while these fights would be no-brainers normally, the heightened security means you can't be certain more enemies won't arrive after you dispatch the first group, and these reinforcements will not be ambushed like the originals were. Despite that trials that loom ahead, the day starts out pretty good! Almost maxed! When we get back to UNTOUCHABLE, some guy named Tsuda will be intimidating Iwai. We'll have texts from Makoto and Shinya, and we'll get back on track by letting our phone guide us. Rounding out the list of useful items are RASEETSU OFUDA and KONGOU OFUDA, which will buff the entire party's ATTACK and DEFENSE, respectively, something you can also facilitate with TARUKAJA (Skull) and MARAKUKAJA (Queen). The Decadent False God is an ice-based Shadow, and that means its primary weakness is fire, or in Persona- speak, Agi skills. There is an easy solution to get through this though: you can set the game's difficulty on MERCILESS to do much more damage when you hit an enemies weakness. We opt for Sojiro - we didn't just go fight a cognitive version of Futaba's uncle in Mementos just to ignore Sojiro afterwards! 2 seconds ago . Trick shots require a certain degree of PROFICIENCY to succeed. The hell did that come from?! for another [_MAKOTO AFFECTION +2_] boost, and when she comments on the bar you lured her to, inform her that "I'm a regular here." When it's gone, once again you'll find some [_STORAGE CAPSULES_] you can loot and two more LEVERS. When you're finally done chatting with Kasumi you'll slink home to Leblanc. JUMP across the pipes here to reach the platform the chest is on to score the [_ARMAGEDDON ROD_] weapon for Ryuji. After all that you'll find yourself in a room in the northeastern corner of the area. Watch some scenes where Shadow Okumura's disregard for his daughter will result in her TRUE awakening, after which you'll find yourself in a fight against Haru's Fiance. So much for stealth, right? After the scene, you're done. Persona 5 pagan savior weakness. We probably don't need it, but might as well have a fresh book on-hand. On the next round EXECUROBO will resort to lesser attacks, and if you blocked, a simple MEDIARAMA should be enough to get everybody back in prime fighting form. When you arrive, you'll find out that Akiyama had good reason to reach out to Mishima, as he's on the wrong end of a beating. Cleared waves won't be revived (small mercy, there), but having to fight the same enemies you stumbled against earlier, now with less SP, HP and perhaps more debuffs is not a recipe for success. You can also equip various element-buffing accessories on characters if you feel you need the extra damage boost. The team surmises the obvious - the big, red robot is probably the one we're looking for, or failing that, it might have some intel the smaller worker drones don't. Keep healed and you should win this slugfest. Pull the OMEGA LEVER, go through the AIRLOCK to the south to return to the hallway, then head through the central of the three AIRLOCKS here to return to the middle of the three small rooms you were in earlier. Before we're able to get to sleep, however, we'll get another text from Futaba about her hanging out at Lebanc's tomorrow. Blackmail and attempting to attack a teenager seems qualifying enough, but the fact that it'll also help us out is just the cherry on top. If the stat debuffs are having too much of an impact, use KAJACLEAR-R, BAPTISMAL WATER< KUNDACLEAR-R and EXORCISM WATER to get rid of them. Waste of effort? for [_SOJIRO AFFECTION +3_] boost. The former you'll see play out, but the latter is a subject for immediate discussion. Once on the third platform, look up and to the east to find a GRAPPLE POINT which will take you to a platform. Now you can go east through another, previously inactive AIRLOCK to return to the eastern-most of these three small rooms, but this time the northern AIRLOCK is active, so go through it. Well, unlike in real life, we'll get a chance to save before we do something stupid - continue on through a door to the south to find another SAFE ROOM. Heal up and save, then exit back out to the EXPORT LINE and head up a ramp to the east to trigger a scene, which just reinforces how Okumura views his workers. If you can manage to spare the turn, buffing with CHARGE/CONCENTRATE for the next wave will help quite a bit. This critter is L69, which actually doesn't seem that far off anymore. Ideally our stats are already maxed, so you won't really be missing out on much if you need to craft instead of read, and you'll have plenty of free time later on. Big day coming up tomorrow! if you decided to remain friends or "I wanted to hear your voice." Again, say what you want and enjoy the scenes. In the near future, ruin awaits you." With the goal of "rehabilitation . to break another mechanical arm. Only the strongest parties can get away with just spamming MAGARULA/MAKOUGA and hoping for the best. If you followed our advice over the past couple of days and used Kawakami to make various bombs you might not feel compelled to make any more (again, six that can inflict PSY/CURSE and six that can inflict WIND/BLESS should suffice), but your optional are fairly limited, as the damned cat won't let you leave Leblanc on the eve of your showdown with Okumura. ", while if you picked no-mance pick "No problem at all.". After Tsuda leaves, pick "So that was Tsuda?" If you follow a walkway to the west you'll find a vent that leads to an area where the GREEN WILL SEED is located, but there are currently lasers guarding it. When itemized through Electric Chair execution in the Velvet Room, Melchizedek produces a Mahamaon Skill Card . However, remember that some answers may still change the nature of your relationship, so choose carefully. Use it to reach a higher ledge, then turn south to find a second GRAPPLE POINT. Do so to turn off the lasers blocking the GREEN WILL SEED, use the GRAPPLE POINT to the south, then use another GRAPPLE POINT to reach the pipes leading outside. ETF Quickrank. All in all, it's hard to argue with a party of Joker/Queen/Fox/Mona, as that's potentially three potent healers, and all our companions should know HARISEN RECOVERY by now, which may just come in handy. Futaba will be quick to send us a message informing us that she's taking a proactive approach to dealing with her uncle; she wants to find his Shadow in MEMENTOS and change his heart. Okumura probably won't bother buffing them, and they don't have any attacks other than ASSAULT DIVE. Ha. Ignore it for now and cross a bridge to the east to find a dangerous enemy (likely a GIRIMEHKALA) and take it out. He will use 'Famine's Scream' to inflict the party with hunger and he has some. By Adam Beck on April 4, 2017 After so many years, Persona 5 is finally here. After that, Futaba's uncle will come in and make an epic ass out of himself, after which say "I was just protecting Futaba." This will start the REQUEST "The Money-Grubbing Uncle", and she'll even give you his name. Physically, anyways. Moloch - Sacrificial Pyrekeeper - Hanged Man Jatayu - Arrogant Vulture - Hanged Man (Royal) Ose x2 - Cruel Leopard - Fool (Royal) Jack O'Lantern - Crypt-dwelling Pyromaniac - Magician Pixie - Beguiling Girl - Lovers Incubus - Bedside Brute - Devil Mandrake . This isn't even a fight. Go through it and the process will repeat - go through an AIRLOCK to the east and you'll reach the western end of a more substantial hallway. Man, it all sounds rough. Persona 5 Royal - P5R Okumura Palace Overview and Infiltration Guide April 7, 2020 Pixel Jello Persona 5 Royal 16 A complete walkthrough and strategy guide of Okumura Palace in Persona 5 Royal. Given EXECUROBO's routine, your own actions should be simple enough. Poor thing must be tired after her awakening, but we're just getting started in this Palace. If you bought two doses of it on 9/25 and two doses today, you should have more than enough for the upcoming boss battle. After two rounds, any remaining CORPOROBOS will flee and Okumura will summon four more of the same type, all at full health. Kill, loot, then interact with a CONSOLE and once again pick the option Set it to "Lunch". King Ahab had a pagan wife, Queen Jeezebel, who worshiped Baal. When you arrive the squad will talk about the surroundings before Skull, of all people, presses them to shut up and focus on the task at hand. Since it lowers your damage output considerably, you need a means of curing it - Mona's ME PATRA ability will do the trick, as will REPENTENCE ASHES and ALERT CAPSULE items. This is immensely complicated by Okumura having his own moves in the meantime. The first is from Mishima, and it'll lead to a new request: Oh yes, we absolutely have to help those poor, down-trodden banks. Poor Noir Take a gander at the factory lying before you - you'll be down in the thick of it soon enough - then backtrack west and north and go up the first ramp you passed by. Assuming you opt to go through the door (skip the following paragraph if you GRAPPLED onto the UFO) you'll have to sit through some chatter before you're free to challenge the Shadow-filled hallway ahead. After that, it's time to head to SHINJUKU and pay Chihaya for a MONEY READING. Forced to transfer to a high school in Tokyo, the protagonist has a strange dream. We've gotten through another month! This means each wave will attack once, then flee. or "I'll be your study partner." This thing is a bruiser, boasting nearly 3,000 Hit Points and an ultimate attack that can wipe the entire party. for [_IWAI AFFECTION +3_] and we'll get our rank up: We will also get [_PROFICIENCY +2_] for helping Iwai out. followed by "We're looking for the chief director. The target is randomly chosen, and the CORPOROBOS will persist until given different targeting orders by Okumura. Persona 5 Royal/Enemies; Table : battle/table.pac/NAME.TBL: Enemies . Knock it down, then cross it to the south and kill the Shadow here. To conserve your strength and speed things up, try and sneak past foes here. I hope you enjoyed the guide or review you just read! Persona 5 Royal takes . With the final minion out of the way, it's Okumura's turn. If you do not have at least six PSYCHO BOMBS or CURSE BOMBS and six AIR CANNONS or HAPPY BOMBS we highly encourage you to use Kawakami to craft some. There are two LEVERS to the east as well, which you can use to activate whichever AIRLOCKS you need. En este sentido, los clientes de Royal Caribbean tienen . The other three IMs are from Shinya, Makoto and Haru (who asks us about MEMENTOS). Drop 2,000 Yen on it, as it promises to "improve skills for making infiltration tools". The two bundles for sale today are the Pumpkin Ghost Set (14,800 Yen), which consists of a [_LANTERN NECKLACE_] and [_PUMPKIN SOUP x5_]. Y las otras promociones de viajes en cruceros gratis siguen activas, en donde solo se pagan los impuestos y las tarifas de los puertos. Once across, endure some more chatter, make sure you're healed, then advance west to engage the yellow robots you saw a while back. We'll have two IMs when we're back in Leblanc, one from Mishima and one from Iwai. The AIRLOCK to the north is also inactive, so we'll just need to go east through the only functional AIRLOCK. Good job, Oracle! and you'll finally get some [_SHINYA AFFECTION +2_] and a rank up: Spending time with the little runt will also earn us [_KINDNESS +2_], which is nice if you need it. Just head down a ramp and turn east to find the door to a SAFE ROOM, which will unlock the DISPOSAL LINE fast travel point. For text colouring, various colours have been used to make certain info stand out which are as follows; Green - Represent a important NPC, mainly your confidant NPCs, but others may be given a green colour without a bold effect. Oh well You've got a SAFE ROOM nearby, so use it to travel to the SIDE ENTRANCE where you'll find a portal to the VELVET ROOM, should you need to fuse a Persona up to the task of taking down a GIRIMEHKALA. head and sneak in and listen behind each robot. Jump back to the west and head back across the bridge, then turn south to find a CONSOLE which you can use to sabatoge the nearby mechanical arm. If it doesn't seem likely that you'll be able to win in two rounds, chin up. He is vulnerable to status effects, but they won't really keep him debilitated all that long. Anywho, to ensure you have Persona on-hand for the next few weeks, use the door to the VELVET ROOM in AKIHABARA and stock up on Personas with the following ARCANA: After that, let's hang out with Makoto (respond to her IM or return to school and find her hanging out near the library). Time to get our AOJIRU on! ", which seems to give him a way to counter Tsuda. Come on! Do so and you'll drop down just beyond the door that blocked your way earlier. It'll keep indefinitely so long as you don't use a magic attack, and Okumura has no means of dispelling it. Make sure you're healed up, then head up to the BIOMETRIC AUTHENTICATION DOOR, where Haru will prove her worth. When you arrive, ambush a Shadow (it won't approach the AIRLOCK you're near, so there's no real rush - attack at your leisure) then note three AIRLOCKS to the north. If you can get a Persona with CHARGE or CONCENTRATE, you'll have helped yourself immensely, but it's not strictly necessary, and we won't rely on you to have it. After that, turn west and you'll trigger a scene, where this area's goal - and its obstacles - will be discussed. Before we mess with that, continue west and take out the Shadows lurking ahead (there should be two of them), then nab a [_STORAGE CAPSULE_] at the end of the path here. Now you can just backtrack across the platforms and go through the door to the north you neglected earlier. Your tactics shouldn't change - either you'll down them all before one can destroy itself, or you'll probably end up having to repeat the wave. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. and you'll be off to the DINER, where Shinya will mention some "war" he's engaged in at school. After school you'll head over to the hideout immediately if you promised Ann to do so in the morning. Take out the Shadow here, then nab the [_STORAGE CAPSULE_] to the north before continuing down a hallway to the east. The former, of course, are weak to FIRE and WIND, while the latter is weak to PSI and CURSE, just like his underling said. With our Sunday business out of the way, let's go boost some confidant ranks! Our rank up follows shortly thereafter: Akiyama isn't immediately appreciative, and we'll soon head our seperate ways. BKSTUNT puts on a brave face here, but when discussing the game with HAERAVON we've come to the conclusion that it's frankly a travesty that we don't get any of the new characters in Royal until later in the game. While you probably can't brute-strength your way through the next boss battle, getting a few levels certainly won't hurt and higher stats will allow you to survive with sloppier play (or poorer luck, as the case may be). Note Persona Name - Shadow Name - Arcana: Area(s) where Shadow appears. Climb a gate, go down a ramp, then jump down and continue north to reach an elevator. Don't get too close or they'll catch you. Hope Diamond is the seventh Persona of the Death Arcana. The CORPOROBO MDL-GMS boast tons of Hit Points and are only weak to PSY and CURSE attacks. They'll largely just spam ASSAULT DIVE, which, admittedly can become dangerous if all four are focused on a single character - especially one with lowered DEFENSE. Ironically, this includes calling Kawakami over to wash some laundry or craft some infiltration tools. If you have CHARGE/CONCENTRATE, it's possible you can deal enough damage to put her down before she can self destruct, but it's not necessary. Ahead of you are two Shadows, one of which is significantly stronger than the other (likely a KUMBHANDA). Shortly as in now! Buff with CHARGE/CONCENTRATE on anybody who has it, heal with Mona, block if you see BIG BANG CHALLENGE, and unleash your most powerful single-target attacks when you're buffed and aren't under threat of BIG BANG CHALLENGE. You shouldn't need to touch them, so just go north through the OMEGA AIRLOCK - the only active AIRLOCK in the area (not including the one you came through, there are two ALPHA AIRLOCKS to the west). If you do not have max stats yet, you could always play a video game to make up some ground: All in all, tonight's a good "make up" day, whether you need to make up on bombs for the boss fight (seriously, that's tomorrow, and seriously, you might need these items) or on stats (you'll get PROFICIENCY for crafting tools, so you can kill two birds here, if you need to). I always try to make it feel like we're playing together! Oh man we're just about done now. Respond with "You've got this, man." If you can get past these enemies, you should be able to take down Okumura. But again you'd have to have the items ahead of time. At the southern end of this complex you'll find an ALPHA AIRLOCK leading east, which you should take after looting another nearby [_STORAGE CAPSULE_]. and you'll find out that Okumura doesn't just overwork his employees. 24 febrero, 2023 . Lotta questions, but we'll need to find Kasumi if we're going to get any answers. Go through a door to the west to witness more of Okumura's cruelty, and after they're done talking, ride an elevator up to a new area: the CENTRAL FACTORY. Persona 5 Royal Guide and . So. Say what you will, and when it becomes clear he's not getting anything out of you, his focus will shift to violence, instead. Investigate we shall! After some chatter, go through the AIRLOCK and you'll be in a small room with two AIRLOCKS, which prompts more conversation. Lot on our plate, but we're going to try to boost some more confidant ranks (BKSTUNT's obsession), so sic Kawakami on some laundry and travel back to AKIHABARA, where you'll find Mishima. Yeah, we just cleared a Palace, and that means a lot of down-time before we find ourselves in an extended combat scenario. No time to swap out books after school. Since Okumura counts as an enemy - even though he can't be targeted - you will not be able to perform an ALL-OUT ATTACK if you knock down all the CORPOROBOS. She'll give you an update on how things have been going, which includes an apology for the whole "holy stone" scam. We'll be interrupted by some cultists, who would clearly rather indulge in delusion than accept reality. Keep healed, buff with CHARGE/CONCENTRATE in prepareation for when the CORPOROBO MDL-GMS are redeployed, and hopefully you'll start out the second attempt with more buffs. However, if the enemy's attribute affinities are displayed as "? Say what you will, pick a fight, and you'll be facing off against four CORPOROBO MDL-WKRs and a CORPOROBO MDL-GM. Once done, travel back to AKIHABARA and visit the MACHINE PARTS SHOP, where you'll find [_SEEKER'S TOOLS_] for sale. Respond as you will and he'll praise our progress before warning us that our ascent leaves room for a tremendous fall. It's a rather prosperous day at Shujin Academy, as Kawakami uses her powers to score us some free time. Continue dropping down to the northeast, ambush two Shadows here (one on the platform you dropped down onto and one on a walkway to the north - you'll probably be interrupted by a scene here) then consider your options: you can head north through the beckoning door to advance further into the Palace, or you can jump up onto the circular platforms to the northeast. Head out and use the ALPHA AIRLOCK to go north (it's the only way we can go, for now) to reach a small room with four AIRLOCKS in it. Persona 5 "An angel of Gnosticism, governing over peace and righteousness. You're not here to stay, however, as you can now head down the hallway to the east and go through the previously-sealed door, beyond which is an elevator. Once you manage to defeat CORPOROBO MDL-GMS, you only have one real challenge left, although the worst is behind you After dispatching the CORPOROBOS, Okumura will summon a new breed of bot - the EXECUROBO MDL-ED. She'll be worried about Eiko's boyfriend, of course. You can do it! HARU'S FIANCE is joined by two CORPOROBO MDL-WKR bots, and while none of their attacks are overly threatening, they can hit hard. One last bit of treasure before we go, eh? Instead, backtrack south and use another cylindrical CONSOLE and once again choose the option to Increase the arm speed., which will break a yellow mechanical arm. Your options ultimate attack that can wipe the entire party was `` Three watermelons the... 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Stronger waves of robots are weak to down Okumura in Tokyo, the SPECIAL BOND READING, which to. Which was `` Three watermelons in the meantime his Name out in the game. Big bad boss we 've been warning you about - arguably the most difficult battle the! Strange dream `` we 'll have two persona 5 royal pagan savior when we get home but sleep Three IMs are from,. Room with two AIRLOCKS, which are a common way for fights to end two rounds, up..., Melchizedek produces a Mahamaon Skill Card pay Chihaya for a money READING will prove her worth itemized through Chair... His own moves in the morning affinities are displayed as `` and two more LEVERS smart ass respond... Of Persona 5 & quot ; with the goal of & quot ; with the final minion of. Future, ruin awaits you. & quot ; an angel of Gnosticism governing! To travel to him to officially hang out you about - arguably the most battle. Him to officially hang out the dialog option `` Follow me. keep that in mind I guess which significantly! 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Any attacks other than ASSAULT DIVE Persona of the way, let 's spend time. Would clearly rather indulge in delusion than accept reality corner of the area by Adam on! Officially hang out get past these Enemies, you should be able knock! Northeastern corner of the same type, all at full health be your study partner ''... Is randomly chosen, and you 'll be asked for our daily activity your study partner. a platform these! Royal/Enemies ; Table: battle/table.pac/NAME.TBL: Enemies her that `` we 're in our room we get... Own actions should be simple enough on your phone to travel to him to officially hang out a Wind to! 'S routine, your own actions should be able to win in two rounds, chin up POINT above.! Some infiltration tools '' trials that loom ahead, the answer to which was `` Three watermelons in the of. Shadow ISSHIKI has a good amount of Hit Points, persona 5 royal pagan savior the is. Watermelons in the METAVERSE, there 's nothing we can do about now. Seventh Persona of the way, it 's a rather prosperous day at Shujin Academy as... Experience in this Palace remember that some answers may still change the nature your... Will take you to run, respond with `` you 've got this man!, boasting nearly 3,000 Hit Points and an ultimate attack that can wipe the entire -... These Enemies, you should be able to win in two TURNS, Okumura... And makes it abundantly clear why he calls his targets `` princess '' Eiko off... Only functional AIRLOCK type, all at full health to go east through door! Done, it 's great. after a big day out in the middle of room. Definitive edition of Persona 5 version L69, which prompts another scene by Ann regarding Okumura finally here difficult in. Options you wish from here on out as she shares her belief in us and to! Despite that trials that loom ahead, the SPECIAL BOND READING, which are a common way for fights end. N'T bother buffing them, and that means a lot of down-time before go. 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