The biggest difference between biotin and silica is that one is a vitamin while the other is a mineral. "Biotin deficiency is rare and low levels may result in brittle nails and hair loss," explains Dr. Stuart. Boosting your dietary silica intake can help to promote good bone health, strengthen hair and nails, and boost overall bodily health [1]. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Silicon deficiency can be detected when skin, hair, and nail deterioration occurs. Silicon is required in collagen synthesis for the bones and connective tissues such as cartilage, tendons and joints. I take Biotin for my hair. But not just any supplement. An inadequate amount of iron stores . It has the ability to strengthen nails and to provide the nail bed with nutrients. It contributes together with magnesium, calcium and phosphorus to harden the bones. This flexibility is important to prevent breakage when the bones are exposed to a shock (as in a fall). Your hands reveal a lot about your health, especially your nails. Someone told me that Boron is very good for building strong bones. Dear Vivian, I wld be interested to know what u think of the newfangled theory I read abt that Strontium is better than Calcium for bones, esp in older people? 1990. Vitamin A and silica deficiency are also contributing factors for ridges on nails. And, because silica is taken internally, unlike topical creams, skin improvement occurs over the entire body. Choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid is silica. Interrelations between Essential Metal Ions and Human Diseases, National Center for Biotechnology Information, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. National Library of Information, National Center for Biotechnology Information: "Silicon Dioxide", Occupational Safety and Health Administration: "Silica, Crystalline", Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia: "Use of Silicon for Skin and Hair Care: an Approach of Chemical Forms Available and Efficacy", International Journal of Endocrinology: "Silicon: A Review of Its Potential Role in the Prevention and Treatment of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis", International Journal of Endocrinology: "Silicon: a review of its potential role in the prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis", U.S. Food and Drug Administration: FDA 101: Dietary Supplements, U.S. Food and Drug Administration: "CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21", Interrelations between Essential Metal Ions and Human Diseases: "Silicon: The Health Benefits of a Metalloid", Biology: "Update on the possible nutritional importance of silicon", Whole grains like oats, barely and cereals, Vegetables like leafy greens and green beans. Vitamin B12 specifically supports nail growth, so when it becomes deficient, lines on nails may occur. In addition, the mainstream fails to realize that a calcium deficiency in the bones (and elsewhere) can result from other mineral deficiencies and imbalances. Of course, the Establishments approach fails on many levels, and today were going to delve into this as we explore silica, a mineral that is vital for strong and healthy bonesyet chances are your doctor will never mention it. In one study, subjects were given beer, naturally high in silica, and it was observed that as the silica from the beer left the body, it took aluminum with it. Bad carbonate calcium causes spurs . Collagen is crucial for healthy skin, bones, hair, and nails. Signs of silica deficiency include: brittle nails; wrinkles on the . Animal studies have shown that diets low in silica will result in low bone density, and as we get older, our silica levels decline, and our bones weaken. The best source of silica on this planet is Wild and Free and abundant. But, if one should fall and break a bone, then silica will speed up the healing of the fracture, more effectively than calcium, and will also reduce scarring at the location of the fracture. Added to the fact that it is not well absorbed in the intestine and the fact that with ageing our internal levels decrease. The daily requirement for silicon for an adult is 20-50 mg. Before we embark on a discussion of this mineral, Id like to clarify these two terms. Consider what I explained above: this trace element is poorly absorbed. What are the symptoms of silica deficiency? However, there . Titanium toxicity & genetics. Silica is for that reason frequently called silicon dioxide, which then gets reduced to silicon hence the confusion. One thing that silica is well known for is its incredible effect on the health of hair and nails, helping to increase the strength and shine of both. . Magnesium could similarly reduce the bioavailability of silica by forming insoluble silicates, since magnesium orthosilicate is considered the predominant form of silica in urine and possibly in plasma (71). Aside from its role in hair, skin and nails, silica's much wider role throughout the body means that . A silica deficiency can result in soft or brittle nails, premature wrinkles, thinning or loss of hair, poor bone development and osteoporosis. Signs associated with brain damage can include blindness, incoordination, seizures, death, and others. I mix mine in a little organic apple juice. Nettle leaf tea or tincture and lemon balm tea or tincture can help restore hair. However, he believes taking the vitamin does improve the keratin infrastructure (a basic protein that makes up hair, skin and nails). also contain a good amount of this micronutrient. It likewise enhances the bone and provides the versatility of the bone. And it is the seventh most prevalent element in human tissue, just after calcium. It reminded me that many years ago mountain women used to eat clay and actually one can still buy packaged clay for eating. Typically, Biotin costs about $20 for 5,000mcg. In developed countries, the most common causes are alcohol abuse and severe cases of anorexia nervosa. How you treat your hair could undo all the health it started with. This helps the body to ward off any undesirable compound from entering the body. Silica makes up over a quarter of the planet's crust and can be found in most rocks, clays and sands. Hair often thins naturally as you age, according to the Mayo Clinic. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Here are some of those silica health benefits and whether or not silica is good for you. Hi Vivian, Please check your email inbox for our answer. They require many other minerals to take up calcium, and one of those other minerals is silicon. Just wondering. It's also used as a supplement, food additive and anti-clumping agent, all of which contain forms of silica that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved. The hair becomes brittle, it loses its shine and falls out; The nails are brittle; The skin becomes thinner; The wrinkles occur; The person experiences from slower wound healing; Ive done extensive research on the supplements that are necessary for bone health, and based on your list, youre missing quite a few. The various B vitamins are mainly responsible for cellular growth in the body. While some hair loss is due to hair falling out, and is very difficult to reverse, another cause of hair loss is hair breaking off, due to a lack of silica, and this is easy to reverse, simply by supplementing with silica. My hair started thinning out and Im in my early 30s. My skin has cleared up and . A good diet is necessary. Medical Establishment ignores the issue of synergy. That's because it may help regulate your body's inflammatory response, per an October 2014 review in Biology. Silica is found in numerous vegetables and fruits and very little research has been carried out as to the possible deficiencies that exist in the general population though it is accepted that with silica's wide role of activity, deficiencies are more than likely. It is all-natural, vegan, gluten-free, and highly bioavailable. I just want to walk again without limping, and no surgery. Its forms include emerald, quartz, clay and glass. Too little silica can bring about calcification of connective and soft tissue, causing stiffness and loss of elasticity. Do you want to stay young and healthy despite the passing of time? These include alcoholic beverages, tobacco (nicotine), cola drinks, soft drinks (excluding natural drinks), coffee and tea (containing caffeine and decaffeine), chocolate (cork), rare mineral water (tap, well, spring), polluted air, refined sugar, and refined sugar substitutes, highly processed foods, dairy products, refined and processed foods, polyunsaturated fats, radiation exposure, microwave diets, a synthetic estrogen, birth control pills, most of all drugs. Bonolive is a supplement composed of oleuropein, a polyphenol extracted from olive leaves. Its presence in capillary allows the vessels to restrict or dilate, therefore managing blood circulations and pressure. And, our skin also protects us against irritants and allergens. The capsules are WORKING! What are the symptoms of a lack of silicon in the body. Get a free copy of Stop The Bone Thieves, exclusive content that you cant find anywhere else, plus vital osteoporosis news and updates. The skin becomes thinner. I love taking living silica. I eat all those foods, and took a silica supplement (horsetail) for three month, hoping it would strengthen my hair. Please try again. I have a three year history of the denosumab treatment coing to a close this JanuaryI just wrote out an email detailing the experience in case you are interested or in case other women may learn from my experience. However, a silica deficiency is uncommon because it is found in foods such as bananas, whole-grain bread, bran cereal, raisins, carrots, green beans and brown rice, according to Vital Health Zone. The hair becomes brittle, loses its shine, and falls out. Vitamins and minerals are both micronutrients. The various properties of organic silica in the body explain the consequences of a deficiency. Silica has the unique ability to make the most of available calcium, almost amplifying its effects in building bone. Likewise, the quantity of silica found in food is extremely low given that it is typically found in the skin or outer layers of food, and is removed during processing. Spoon nails (koilonychia) are soft nails that look scooped out. According to research, diatomaceous earth has 85% silica and is a natural de-wormer. As Julie W says, I will probably have no way of knowing still, it would at least be free to use. The wrinkles occur. If you are a beer drinker, your eyes may be glazing over, but remember that alcohol is not good for you. 2023 Elissa Goodman | All Rights Reserved. One such substance is silica, or silicon dioxide, which is the most common type of sand. Accordingly, it's best to talk to your doctor before trying a supplement to make sure it's right for you and to avoid any silica side effects. Splinter hemorrhages may herald endocarditis, although other causes should be considered. Health is not a short sprint. Bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, blood vessels, brain, etc. The average adult human has between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs on their head and each day an average of 100 hairs fall out. All rights reserved. A red, scaly rash, usually around the eyes, nose, and mouth. Increased levels of silicon together with aluminium have been discovered in the brains of individuals with Alzheimer disease. Several studies have indicated that people with broken bones heal a lot quicker when silica levels are high irrespective of their calcium levels in the bloodstream. More elasticity generally means fewer wrinkles and healthier skin, nails, hair, and overall vitality. Silica also plays a role in keeping skin elastic and collagen healthy. If you are suffering from a silica deficiency, your skin slackens, nails weaken, and hair becomes brittle. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Silicon Deficiency Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment, Foods with Silicon And Why Your Need Silicon, 8 Incredible Silicon Benefits for Your Health. We are talking about a trace element that is essential for health. Manage Settings Its nearly always in the form of silica, and thats the form of this mineral were going to discuss today. Collagen imitates gum that holds whatever together. JUST WAS WONDERING ABOUT THE USE OF ELECTRIC BLANKETS. Imbalance or deficiency can result in poor memory, thinning hair and ribbed or ingrowing nails. As you can see, this key mineral is not to be regarded as some inconsequential optional addition to the diet. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. I noticed my hair grows really fast when I take silica. Why? On this page you can find a number of user-submitted home remedies to strengthen weak nails. A calcium deficiency is invariably associated with a deficiency in silica. And getting silica in food or supplement form may support various aspects of your wellbeing. Ten days now its hardly shedding, feels thicker, and its starting to fill in slowly where you could see the scalp. Silicon deficiency can be detected when skin, hair, and nail deterioration occurs. 5 de descuento en tu primera compra !Apntate ahora! feeling cold even on a warm summer day. Instead, it combines with oxygen and other materials to form silk, the largest component of Earths mineral resources and comprises 90% of the Earths crust. Although, If you have an aloe vera plant sitting on your windowsill, or if youve, Breast biopsy is a medical procedure used to diagnose breast cancer. You can read more about boron here: As we age, our silica levels drop, which can adversely affect the bodys ability to maintain adequate levels of collagen, leading to weak joints, increased risk for bone fractures, dry skin, hair loss, and more. How has it been for you so far? Deficiency of Chloride: Symptoms And Treatment, High Potassium Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment, Symptoms of Low and High Potassium in the Elderly, Low Potassium Symptoms And Ten Visible Causes, Vitamin B9 Deficiency: Symptoms And Treatment, Vitamin B6 Deficiency: Signs And Symptoms, Vitamin D Deficiency: Everything You Need to Know. This is why the Osteoporosis Reversal Program recommends complete supplementation with Foundation Supplements, as well as eating a variety of nutrient-rich foods, such as Foundation Foods, because they contain many different components that all work in synergy with each other for maximum benefits. Im going to stick to this forever. Holding onto a more youthful appearance may well be enough to persuade you to incorporate it into your diet, but combating signs of aging is only the beginning of this minerals benefits. Hair, skin, and fingernail health is enhanced by silica as well. Whole grains (oats, wheat, barley, rye, etc.) I would be very grateful for any help Customer Support can give me. Silica works behind the scenes, too, as it is reported to increase bone mineral density and strength, support our organs, joints, bone formation and maintenance, and regulate calcium utilization and storage. It fills in all the little hairs at the forehead. Young people have a good amount of silica in their bodies, and they have strong bones and teeth, flexible joints, and healthy, glowing hair and skin. In contrast, silicon is a single atom, not a molecule, and rarely exists in nature in its pure form. But before we explore this minerals best sources, it is important to know why we must include it in our diets. What are your thought on this? Were happy to help you! The 2023 Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 : Your Guide to Safely Navigating the Produce Aisle, 3 Studies That Will Convince You To Follow A Ph-Balanced Diet To Heal Your Bones, Save Our Bones Bulletin: Protein (And Coffee Or Tea) Linked To Fracture Risk; A New (Possibly Better) Way To Assess Bone Health; Study Finds Doctors Don't Listen To Patients. I had 13 years of hell from Ulcerative Colitis, when I started drinking a Silicon Rich Mineral Water it started my GI system functioning, then I added a silica supplement made from Bamboo Gel, of course, started my colon working properly, normal health has resumed. "It helps red blood cells to carry 20 percent more oxygen, and because of that, the skin stays more hydrated as well. This usually signifies a problem with oxygen, and it can be indicative of a serious illness like anemia, heart failure, or liver disease. Do not pick more than you can use. Please share to your friends: Fish is a delicious seafood that is widely loved around the world. Last year after my yearly physical her nurse called me and said that the doctor didnt want me to take any more calcium which I had been told to take 1800 MG a day for years. But that's not the only perk the mineral may provide there are other silica benefits to be aware of, too. In fact, even the medical profession has discovered that certain collagen disorders can be partially diagnosed in patients by observing negative changes in their finger nails., Hair Supplements That Actually Work - Hair Loss Reversed. People with a silica deficiency often have soft, brittle nails. Just like your skin, they can start to lose moisture, causing . I called her office and asked if that is okay to take. It has been shown to be highly anti-inflammatory in studies like this one: Apart from, As parents, we all want our babies to have a healthy and happy start, Avocados are known for their delicious taste and versatile uses in the kitchen, whether, Cooking healthy meals can be a daunting task, especially if you're not familiar with, A typical fungus illness that affects both men and women is candidiasis, sometimes referred, Noncancerous growths known as intraductal papillomas frequently develop inside the breasts milk ducts. It is found mainly in connective tissue, where it functions as a cross-linking agent, that helps with the strengthening of arteries and veins. Citrus fruits, apples, strawberries, bananas, cherries, grapes, avocado, etc. Silica inhibits aluminum absorption in the brain and counteracts its effects in the body overall, making silica of particular importance for the elderly.3. It contains no starch, sugars, artificial flavors or colors, preservatives, or animal-derived ingredients. That takes the calcium to your bones & teeth instead of the arteries. Milk thistle can support the liver and revitalize hair. Silicon is a naturally occurring mineral. However, pregnant and breastfeeding moms ought to not take silicon supplement as it may damage the mothers and their babies condition. Explain the consequences of a deficiency in silica Please share to your bones & teeth instead of the and! Check your email inbox for our answer in capillary allows the vessels to restrict dilate. In poor memory, thinning hair and ribbed or ingrowing nails it is seventh! Is important to know why we must include it in our diets to fill in slowly where could. To harden the bones restrict or dilate, therefore managing blood circulations pressure! Healthier skin, and nail deterioration occurs herald endocarditis, although other causes should considered! 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