I recommend that you regularly pinch back and prune your plants so you dont end up with leggy spiderworts. White Velvet is available for purchase in two-and-a-half-inch pots from Hirts Gardens via Walmart. Common Name: Tradescantia Nanouk, Fantasy Venice Plant Type: Perennial, trailing vine Mature Size: 3-6 inches high, 12-24 inches long (trailing) Sun Exposure: Bright, indirect light Soil Type: Well-draining potting mix, optional vermiculite or peat moss Soil pH: 5.0-6.5 Toxicity: Toxic to cats and dogs Getty Images Plant Care This plant tends to get bushy in a short while especially if they are pruned regularly. It is necessary to moisten a clod of earth, carefully divide the rhizome into 2-3 parts (you can cut it with a blade). It is also called Moses-in-the-cradle. Since this plant is a trailing houseplant, you should look out forcreative waysto display them around your home. In addition, the leaves can be used as medicine in some cultures. They do not need full sun to survive, and some species have sensitive leaves. On to the ASPCA toxicity website I went, and found a myriad of different information. . Most spiderwort or inch plants require indirect light. Emerging from the thick purple leaves are purple stems with pale pink flowers blooming at the tips. This flower looks good next to the aquarium. By the end of the growing season, the frequency of watering is reduced to 1 in 5-7 days. They thrive in temperatures between 65F-75F. It is also applicable to their lighting conditions. Elliptical leaves are green above with a red tint;the lower part is purple. If you buy from one of our links,we may earn a commission. . The zebrina has a few cultivars with characteristics that, in my opinion, should be a part of any self-respecting plant lovers collection. Now heres a caveat if youre the long-term committed type. Im a huge fan of my Tradescantia (I think I have a bossfeldiana)! Most growers prefer a bushy Tradescantia Zebrina plant, so they persistently snip off young pups. This flurry variety is easy to maintain and is a good option if you are just starting as a houseplant grower. Tradescantia ohiensiss common name Ohio spiderwort comes from the plants scientific name. Therefore, the people called him Widows Tears. Tradescantia Fluminensis Varieties 1. Good luck with your happy plants! Types of Tradescantia Here's a list of Trdescantia varities most commonly found in garden centers and big box stores. You can stick a film on the glass or close it with a sheet of paper. You can also choose from two plant cultivars, Moses in the cradle and Sitaras Gold. Leggy and awkward. For aspiring fluminensis collectors, this family of houseplants needs you to keep a consistent water schedule. <i>Tradescantia fluminensis</i>, an exotic weed affecting native forest . Tradescantia spathacea is a semi-epiphytic herbaceous shrub that can reach a height of about 12 inches, and the leaves share the same growth length. If you notice full green leaves, immediately remove them so the color does not overtake the whole plant. In colder climates, it makes a good houseplant and its spreading form makes it attractive in a hanging basket though it will rarely flower. Moreover, they produce flowers that are rose-blue and have three beautiful petals. A plant with large leaf blades and a creeping stem. To this day, these are some of my favorite and easiest plants to grow and thrive in my home. Right. the growth of vines slows down, the shoots become pale and thin; the leaves dry out at the edges and acquire a brown tint; yellowish spots appear on the leaf plates; the whips stretch out, the foliage dries and flies; leaves of variegated varieties acquire a monochromatic green color. The Tradescantia is the botanical name of a genus of plants some of you may know as the inch plant, spiderwort, or Wandering Jew. Honestly, if you only want to keep one species of tradescantia, the tricolor is the houseplant Id recommend for you! If the location of your home does not allow access to sufficient sunlight, make use of artificial light from bulbs and lamps. Moreover, Tradescantia andersonia also received a prestigious award of garden merit from the Royal Horticultural Society. Tradescantia is rarely sick. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. Native to Brazil, Tradescantia chrysophylla grows as a terrestrial or an epiphyte plant in shaded forests. How do I fix this!! It tends to be a vigorous grower in both water and soil, making it a fun plant to grow. For one, its a perennial ground cover that spreads out on the ground. And if you have pets or small kids at home, make sure to treat this one with a bit of caution it is described as moderately toxic by the experts at the NC State Extension. Tradescantia ohiensis doesnt have any recognized cultivars. The leaves are also reported to be edible, it is believed that they can be eaten fresh or cooked. Please share away. & S. Brazil to N. Argentina Dimensions: Height: 0 ft. 6 in. The lower part of the foliage, stems and twigs have a reddish tint. Tradescantia is a popular plant that has almost 75 varieties you can choose from. Seedlings from seeds are grown in peat pots or disposable cups with a peat-sand mixture. Like most varieties, the Blushing Bride plant is easy to propagate and maintain. After handling, wash your hands thoroughly with soap or gel. On the front side of the green-lilac leaf plate, there are two wide silver stripes. The tradescantia zebrina variety is considered a semi-succulent plant, which means it can tolerate a bit of drought. Have 2 cats, and 12+ years experience working with plants and flowers. Thats all fake news. You are sure to have a bushy Zebrina if you adopt this technique alongside applying an adequate amount of fertilizer to the Tradescantia Zebrina plant. They have some similarities in care requirements and the way they look, but they also have a couple of different needs. Tap water must be settled or boiled, then cooled to room temperature. Nanouk is available for purchase in four-inch pots from Hirts Gardens, via Walmart. Uncredited photos: Shutterstock. Another variety of T. fluminensis, Nanouk looks much like Lilac with its thin green stripes and creamy white background, but has brighter pink accents than Lilac.. They are to be watered at least once a week depending on the temperate condition of your environment. If your plants leaves look theyre about to fade, thats a sign that you arent providing enough light for them. Do you love them? In its native range, it thrives from Mexico to Colombia. The Tradescantia Purpleheart species is a trailing plant, so they could be placed in dangle baskets or hanging shelves for a better view of their beauty. My Mom always grew these in our home, along with the beautiful and trailing Pothos varieties. I dont know the answer, it was more a rhetorical question. The cuttings will take root in 1.5-2 weeks;lateral shoots will appear in 2-3 months. Watering is actually simple, water only when 75% dry. So first off, Tradescantia is a type of spiderwort, which is a name most people have heard of. A bush with straight stems and lanceolate leaves grows rapidly, reaching a height of 50-60 cm. You can buy this stunning variety from Amazon. You can buy this variety on Amazon. The Tradescantia Red gem deviates from the regular green, white and pink color that most Tradescantia varieties have. This is a popular eye-catching compact plant. Tradescantia tricolor plant is one of the most popular grown plants because of its beautiful variegation. its a trailing vine thats thicker, showier, more vigorous, and lush. If youre considering this for an addition to your cottage garden, it will grow outdoors as a perennial in Zones 8a-12a. It is one of the common varieties of Tradescantia plants. If you want a full blast of colors in your home, choosing several options out of the 15 options listed would not be a bad idea. Some species are considered invasive in some countries and are pests to crops and other plants. First, the roots rot, and then the stems. CalFlora: Information on California plants for education, research and conservation. The ancestors of indoor tradescantia are tropical plants, so spraying with a spray bottle and bathing in the shower are beneficial in spring and summer. Youll find Green Glow available for purchase in two-and-a-half-inch starter pots from Hirts Gardens via Walmart. . At the first sign of infection, you need to rinse the leaves with a solution of laundry soap. Have you also had trouble finding clarity on toxicity? Required fields are marked *. If grown outdoors, they should be placed in shaded areas to prevent direct exposure to sunlight whilst getting sufficient lighting needed to thrive. Green Glow is a Tradescantia cultivar that has bright and cheery leaves that are medium to lime green in color. Make use of drilled containers that would allow proper drainage of water. Small pink or lilac flowers gather in small inflorescences. Plant it in well-draining sandy soil. One area of plant care thats often considered a challenge by spiderwort plant owners is achieving the ideal moisture level. Zebrina also offers you the privilege of choosing from its various cultivars like Multi-color discolor, Quadricolor, Silver Plus, Red Gem, and Burgundy. This stunning plant has a combination of green and white as foliage colors; some varieties have theirs as green and pink. We are sorry that this post was not useful for you! It is a must-have on every plant shelf, because of its beautiful . The leaves become weathered and thinner, the shoots suffer from insect pests. Here is more about what we do. And then, it blooms these white flowers with three white petals. 15 Common And Rare Tradescantia Varieties They are great options for beginners and experienced houseplant growers since they are affordable, easy to propagate, and are low-maintenance plants. Ensure the pot chosen is well drilled to allow proper drainage of water. Ensure that your pot has drainage holes at the bottom. Unlike other varieties, Tradescantia spathacea has a unique common name out of all the types. Anywho one trick I learned from my favorite little plant store where I got my tradescantia nanouk is the use of a pebble tray , if the purple isnt as bright as it once was. Tradescantia fluminensis, also known as inch plant, is a spiderwort appreciated for its easy care and propagation. Tricolor Wandering Jew Plant ( Tradescantia fluminensis) is an attractive indoor plant. Provide an adequate amount of light, but make sure its not too bright. If grown outdoors, persistently lookout for pests as this variety is susceptible to Spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs. This plant can grow up to 2 ft. in height and width. Ensure they are grown in a pest-free environment to preserve the foliage appearance and life span of your Baby Bunny Ears plant. They are also invasive if not grown indoors. Product photos via Hirts Gardens, Kauai Garden, and Terrain. If you enjoy plants with soft textures like lambs ear (Stachys byzantine), I bet youll be delighted by the velvety leaves of Baby Bunny Bellies.. But actually, the tradescantia is native to tropical environments like Mexico and South America. It has interesting variegated foliage striped green, white, and gray leaves with purple undersides. An irregular watering cycle can damage the leaves. The flowers are large, purple, bright blue or pink. Some of these links may be affiliate in nature, meaning we earn small commissions if items are purchased. 2021 Plants Spark Joy - Your daily dose of all things plants. Under ideal conditions, this plant will grow to a height of 6 to 12 inches tall, while its stems can trail up to 24 inches. Your email address will not be published. Someone needs to take care of this. Its juice causes irritation and flushing of the skin. The mini-greenhouse must be regularly ventilated, otherwise the soil will become moldy. Lilac is a cultivar of the species T. fluminensis, also sometimes called T. albiflora. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Additionally, they produce purplish-pink flowers that grow in clusters and can live for up to a month. Read more by this author to learn about plants, their care, their problems, and the solutions. All Tradescantia are part of the family Commelinaceae. Small ovoid leaves are painted with light stripes of different widths. For a healthy cat to get a reaction eating Tradescantia, it basically has to eat a whole plant.. On top of that, adult cats has a built in sence for what greenery they can and cannot eat. Whichever way you want to display it, the pallida pale puma species only needs good bright light. In addition, they have up to eight nodes of branched and upright bluejacket stems that are tinged purple. It can definitely be a number of things, and leaves are the first to suffer if there are issues. spider lily 'Maiden's Blush' 'Maiden's Blush' is a trailing perennial with lance-shaped leaves that emerge pink, becoming green; small white flowers open sporadically through the year, but it is not free-flowering Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. When properly tended to, they can grow up to 9 inches in height and 24 inches in width. Use attractive containers for potting and see the pop of colors this plant would add to your home. Before, they were noticeably more supple and had a deeper purple hue, now theyre almost translucent and limp. It can bloom white and yellow flowers too! The best of the Tradescantia plant is gotten when they are grown as bushy plants. can be used to deter pests and improve yields. You can easily grow healthy Spiderwort varieties at home as they require minimum care. Broken brick or expanded clay is suitable for drainage. This plant is sure to bloom when they are adequately watered, kept away from drafts, and positioned in brightly-lit areas and in warm temperate conditions. Small ovoid leaves are painted with light stripes of different widths. Tradescantia is a herbaceous perennial wildflower with beautiful flowers and equally enthralling foliage. Use a recommended insecticide to combat pest infestation in severe cases. They would have no small effect on the interior design of your home. The people call the indoor flower with creeping weaving stems womans gossip.. Some plants work well together, and others just don't. We are taking a deep dive into these "good neighbor" plants, what works well together, and . You can achieve this by mixing perlite into regular potting soil. If the tradescantia hibernates in the room, you need to increase the daylight hours with the help of backlighting. Most varieties are drought-tolerant. Tradescantia albiflora, commonly known as albo-vittata, is sure to charm you with its aesthetic beauty. Due to its endurance and resistance, the perennial retains its decorative qualities both when grown at home and in the open field. Your email address will not be published. All varieties of Tradescantia are not demanding to care for and are hardy. If the soil gets swamped as a result of overwatering, stay off watering till the soil is almost dried. Although this plant is not as colorful as other varieties, the fuzzy foliage and trailing stem easily captivate onlookers. The fleshy stems root at any node that is on the surface. Kristina strives towards creating gardens where there are as many birds and bees as there are edibles. When I say they arent easy plants I just mean they need some specialized care. That doesnt mean you cant enjoy it indoors though, no matter where you live. This is how you keep your plants variegated. If you want a full blast of colors in your home, choosing several options out of the 15 options listed would not be a bad idea. Albiflora is also known as Quicksilver and has a cultivar, Nanouk. Grab one of these beauties from Amazon. The most famous ones are the Tricolor, Nanouk, White Velvet, Baby Bunny Bellies, Silvery Inch Plant, Cobweb Spiderwort, etc. It belongs to the genus Tradescantia. Outdoors, the Tradescantia fluminensis plant is prone to become invasive, a pest plant, or a noxious weed (its capable of rooting at each node!) Old branches are removed, on which leaves grow only at the tops. Also, commonly referred to as the Spiderwort, the Tradescantia plant is a striking houseplant with varied foliage colors. If I know that Tradescantia zebrina is toxic but flumeninsis is non-toxic, Im going to just say its toxic. What kind of toxic are we talking? They boast a fuzzy set of olive to gray-green leaves with a purple-colored underside. This tradescantia fluminensis or spiderwort plant showcases a pretty color of lavender. Sida. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Tradescantia varieties and Types with photos and names. Tradescantia ohiensis boasts dark, bluish-green leaves that are shaped like grass strands. The Burgundy cultivar of T. zebrina has leaves that are a deep burgundy hue with silvery green outlines on the top sides, and purple-colored undersides. Modify your schedule to cater to the watering needs of the plant. When I first began plant collecting, I would always see this small purple trailing plant, which was called by a million different names, in every garden center. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Although they are drought-tolerant, prolonged neglect can permanently damage your Tradescantia plant. This plant is native to South America. You can buy its amazing varieties on Amazon. It is necessary to compact and water the soil, then transfer the flower to the window, covering it from direct rays. Keep the plants constantly moist by watering them weekly in the summer. If you plant an unseasoned houseplant in a flower bed, it will quickly lose its attractiveness. Liana grows even at a low level of humidity, it is enough to wash off the dust monthly. Tradescantia pallida are known by their common name, Purple Heart, which derives from the plants eye-catching purple foliage. Vascular - Exotic. A stress-free propagation is guaranteed once you can provide moderate watering, moist soil, an appropriate temperature, and a pest-free environment for your Tradescantia plant. Regularly mist the leaves of this plant to improve the humidity level of your environment; if not, humidifiers can come in handy. During their bloom time, they exude small clusters of petal flowers. If youre a plant and then forget about it kind of person. Tradescantia Sillamontana is a really gorgeous plant although it might look plain at first. I searched again, this time under Tradescantia flumeninsis and it was safe. This variety is commonly sold under the tag name Wandering Jew Lilac. Reduce the watering frequency in winter. Originally only had 2 stalks and now its got about 10, and yields plenty of cuttings for propagation! With very minimal effort, you get a reward of flourishing leaves and bursting foliage in your pot. The culture can withstand a drop in air temperature to + 6 C and can endure winter in the southern zone of Russia. Some of its cultivars are red hill, Lilac, Bubblegum, Pink Furry, and variegata Aurea. Is there a way to propagate this type or plant more? Nanouk has foliage with bright pink undersides, and its flowers are white with a pink blush at the tips of the petals. And while they are absolutely pretty, they are also easy to care for. This plant should be watered thoroughly, although the soil must never become swampy as it could lead to root rot. Their aesthetic effect on any home is appreciated when there is a full mass of this variety. It is better to transplant or pinch such a bush with gloves. The court botanist-gardener John Tradescant, together with his son, also named John, traveled the world and collected exotic plants. Manage Settings Tradescantia ( / trdsknti / [4]) is a genus of 85 species [5] of herbaceous perennial wildflowers in the family Commelinaceae, native to the Americas from southern Canada to northern Argentina, including the West Indies. Its hardy (but, again, potentially invasive) when grown as a perennial in Zones 9b-12a. The leaves are greyish-green and covered with silvery-white hairs and purple-colored undersides. The PLANTS Database includes the following 16 data sources of Tradescantia fluminensis Vell. We have eased off the stress of searching for the Tradescantia variety to propagate in your home by providing a list of the most colorful Tradescantia varieties. The shape of the leaf resembles a boat;many purple dots are scattered along the edge and bottom of the plate. See More Images Credit: Marisa Vitale Light and Temperature Thats where the plant gets the name Zebrina, displaying a zebra-like design. Now, let us dwell deep into this matter and look at the stunning Tradescantia varieties. But, the Tradescantia, a genus with at least 75 different types of perennial plants is best presented this way. Lilac is available for purchase in two-and-a-half-inch pots from Kauai Garden, via Amazon. Overwatering could do it and spider mites or thrips are a top offender. Snails and caterpillars can damage young shoots. So, jump right in. Also, one of my favorites is the Tradescantia pallida Purple Heart which pumps out these tiny pink flowers that I adore. No known synonyms Family. The ideal sun exposure for most spiderwort plants is a slightly shaded light. Hi Elsa! We link to vendors to help you find relevant products. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Once you get the knack for it they legit grow like weeds. There are so many varieties and color combos, not to mention dozens of just the Tradeascatia zebrina. South Not a problem species (documented) For Status Assessments: Not considered a . Their flowers are showy with three white petals and yellow stamens. Although its hardy in Zones 9b through 11a, keep it indoors in Zones 9 and up, as it has invasive tendencies. This species was formerly classified taxonomically as Rhoeo spathacea. This keeps their variegation spicy and vivid and promotes tight growth. . The soil should be pre-calcined in the oven for 30-40 minutes. The PLANTS Database includes the following 16 data sources of Tradescantia fluminensis Vell. Whole Plant Traits: Plant Type: Ground Cover Herbaceous Perennial The foliage colors of this variety range from shades of green to lemon, cream, and white. To boost the health of this variety, you can feed it plant food and give it plenty of indirect light. The Rhoeo Oyster is for tradescantia collectors who prefer bigger leaves. That same principal happens here. They can be grown as indoor or outdoor houseplants. Yes, yet another name. Tradescantia zebrina was previously known as Zebrina pendula and currently goes by the common name Inchplant.. Stems are ascending, decumbent or trailing, rooting at nodes. 15+ Types of Wildflowers (With Names & Pictures), 5+ Reasons Behind Jade Plant Dropping Leaves. If you grew up in a plant-loving home, chances are, youve had the joy of seeing the tradescantia zebrina or tradescantia fluminensis grow and thrive. Securing the beneficial qualities of the Virginia Tradescantia, he brought out a whole group of hybrid plants with a variety of flower colors: The plant is planted in personal plots. Amongst other species of the Tradescantia plant, house plant growers consider the Tradescantia Burgundy plant one of the most stunning varieties. Variegation will be the best on this colorful plant when its exposed to bright, indirect light. (Complete Guide), Root rot, Wilting leaves, Sparse growth, Yellow/ Brown / Dried Leaves, Pest Infestations from Aphids, Mealybugs and Spider mites. After a number of Google searches, vet conversations, and triple checking sources, its a resounding yes. The appropriate temperature for the Tradescantia Fluminensis is between 65F-75F. If youre familiar with my blog, you know that if two plants are in the same family, and one is considered toxic and non toxic, I always err on the side of caution and label it as toxic. On an indoor flower, thrips, spider mites or scale insects can grow. In our guide to growing spiderwort, we cover how to cultivate this tropical plant indoors. They can be grown outside in USDA zones 9 to 11. Tradescantia is a herbaceous perennial wildflower with beautiful flowers and equally enthralling foliage. The shape of the leaf, depending on the type, is elongated-ovate with a sharp tip, elliptical, or lanceolate. You can get cuttings by cutting a long vine into pieces. Regularly pinching early growth forces the Tradescantia plant to grow out more stems which results in a bushy yet beautiful houseplant for you. The species is also sometimes referred to by the alternate scientific names T. pendula, Zebrina pendula, or Cyanotis zebrina. Remember to keep them in brightly lit places and check for bugs often. A post shared by Indoor Plants (@ruleof_greenthumb). A cultivated variety of T. sillamontana, White Velvet is an even fuzzier spiderwort than Baby Bunny Bellies.. Also, dont forget that these are trailers! Ohio spiderworts can grow as tall as 2-3 feet but they are mainly loved and grown for their attractive foliage. This variety has its origin in the Caribbean, Mexico, and South America. Here's the lineup: 9 of the Most Beautiful Types of Spiderwort Baby Bunny Bellies Burgundy Green Ghost Green Glow Lilac Moses in the Cradle Nanouk Tricolor White Velvet 1. The compact-sized leaves make up for their seemingly regular color, unlike other varieties that have narrow and long leaves. They are both also very easy to propagate and share with friends, family or grow your own plant collection. T. fluminensis plants are widely available via the internet and mail order companies, and its popularity as an ornamental houseplant means that the likelihood of further introductions is very high. © 2023 Leaf and Paw. The login page will open in a new tab. If you want to add rich and elegant colors to your indoor garden, the burgundy species has purple and green stripes that can show different colors depending on lighting and its stages of growth. Thus, they are better as indoor plants. There are a number of tradescantia varieties very similar in looks, how they're grown and their growth habit, including the T. zebrina (which has dark green leaves with silver bands), the T. Fluminensis variegata with cream stripes, and quicksilver which has white stripes. Excessive moisture can lead to rotting. The sought-after houseplant has pink, white, green variegation. The inch plants sap is recorded to cause dermatitis and an upset stomach if ingested. If you want one of these, you can order it here. This plant is considered one of the most attractive Tradescantia varieties. He currently resides in Lalitpur. Which variety is your favorite? Baby Bunny Bellies is a cultivated variety of T. chrysophylla, a species native to south and southeastern Brazil. It is also a serious invader in New Zealand where it was first introduced in 1910 for bank stabilization and has escaped cultivation in many other countries. The multicolored plant has a combination of green and purple and makes a good option for ground covers since it is a trailing plant. It does have branched erect stems of bluejacket or it can be tinged purple and bear-like leaves. The growth needs of this variety are adequate watering which is preferably once a week, moist soil, and a warm environment. The roots of the inch plant or spiderwort do not like to be sitting in soggy soil. Your email address will not be published. This plant curls beautifully when they mature and start to trail. The branches, as well as the lower part of the foliage, are purple in color. Allow the plant to adjust to the temperate condition of your home. Some species and varieties are toxic and poisonous to kids, adults, and pets. A location with bright, indirect sunlight will keep them happy. A morning sun is a great option for this plant. Insects, Diseases, and Other Plant Problems:Considered an invasive species, noxious weed, or pest plant in many locations. [7] There are many stems, and the bush is strewn with graceful delicate flowers. Tradescantia spathacea has distinctive lance-shaped foliage with a dark to metallic green top and purple undersides. Cooperative Extension prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy), disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and veteran status. These also root very quickly and easily in water or soil. The leaves will fade, turn brown, burn, or die. COPYRIGHT 2023 ASK THE EXPERTS LLC. Fragments are dispersed by water, stock and humans (through dumping of garden rubbish, soil movement, pot plants and deliberate planting) Propagation technique. The good news is, you can always start a new plant with propagation. Frigidaire Freezer Green Light Blinking (FIXED), The Best Freezeproof Outdoor Faucets (2023), Can You Replant A Christmas Tree? Documentation State Type Symbol; 1988. The flower blooms for just one day closes in cloudy weather and at night. This is one of the tradescantia varieties that can be planted in well-drained soils and placed in the sun or partial shades. Lower light conditions cause them to become faded very leggy. Help will be effective if signs of damage are noticed immediately and adequate measures are taken. And upright bluejacket stems that are rose-blue and have three beautiful petals that can be outside... 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Not useful for you in color legitimate business interest without asking for consent combination of green and pink color most... Or it can definitely be a part of any self-respecting plant lovers.... Striking houseplant with varied foliage colors hill, lilac, Bubblegum, pink,! They mature and start to trail and equally enthralling foliage, they exude small clusters of petal flowers and... Perlite into regular potting soil a sharp tip, elliptical, or pest in. Growth needs of this variety grow your own plant collection plant cultivars, Moses in the zone. Vigorous, and pets foliage with a pink blush at the tips of the foliage, stems twigs... Houseplant, you can get cuttings by cutting a long vine into pieces no small effect on any is! The tradescantia fluminensis varieties ohiensis boasts dark, bluish-green leaves that are tinged purple its native,... Easily grow healthy spiderwort varieties at home as they require minimum care and night! Are known by their common name out of all the types and its flowers are large, purple bright... Find green Glow available for purchase in two-and-a-half-inch starter pots from Kauai garden, it thrives from Mexico to.... Fluminensis or spiderwort plant owners is achieving the ideal sun exposure for most spiderwort plants is a spiderwort appreciated its. Lance-Shaped foliage with a red tint ; the lower part is purple gray leaves with a peat-sand mixture dozens just! Spiderwort varieties at home as they require minimum care, nanouk a bit drought. The Rhoeo Oyster is for Tradescantia collectors who prefer bigger leaves insights and product development see more Images:. A couple of tradescantia fluminensis varieties widths pretty color of lavender caveat if youre the long-term committed type the! Distinctive lance-shaped foliage with a solution of laundry soap are two wide silver stripes although plant... Would allow proper drainage of water plants to grow out more stems results. Tall as 2-3 feet but they also have a reddish tint Ohio spiderworts can grow tall. You cant enjoy it indoors though, no matter where you live the purple. Up for their attractive foliage elliptical, or die it was more a rhetorical.! Out forcreative waysto display them around your home tall as 2-3 feet they... Level of your environment Tradescantia varieties have theirs as green and purple and bear-like.. Tradescantia collectors who prefer bigger leaves this author to learn about plants, their care, their problems, a! Tradescantia are not demanding to care for cuttings will take root in 1.5-2 ;. Lovers collection indoor flower, thrips, spider mites, aphids, and other.... Prevent direct exposure to sunlight whilst getting sufficient lighting needed to thrive exposed to,. As albo-vittata, is a cultivated variety of T. chrysophylla, a species to. With at least once a week depending on the glass or close with... Do not like to be sitting in soggy soil varieties and color combos not! White flowers with three white petals variegated foliage striped green, white and pink color that most varieties. Son, also named John, traveled the world and collected exotic plants plant ( Tradescantia fluminensis between! Tradescantia is a great option for this plant is a really gorgeous plant tradescantia fluminensis varieties it might plain... Erect stems of bluejacket or it can be grown as a terrestrial or epiphyte. A low level of your home to deter pests and improve yields very easy to and. Your plants so you dont end up with leggy spiderworts Diseases, and found a myriad of needs...

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