Are you self employed prior ? And it doesnt show your email on here. A girl was just told she would get back pay for 600$ a week since March, when SHE JUST GOT ACCEPTED LAST WEEK AND HER START DATE WAS LAST WEEK!! Several states have already announced they will be ending their participation in the federally funded unemployment programs early (see full list) in a bid to encourage jobless workers to return to the workforce. Yeah, thats right kind of what happens when the state of KY doesnt pay valid claims and the UI Department is basically shuttered for over a year, responding to no one. I got my back pay from February of 2020 until now. Can you tell me if I will received the $600 FPUA as well as the $300 LWA as retroactive if I filed for unemployment at the end of September. Well, I doubt I will see any additional federal payments. My claim was messed up it finally got reopened I certified month of November an December an my claim was in review I certified every week did was I was supposed to will I get retroactive payments for my weeks I certified for on my dash all it say is in progress an under pay type it say exhausted benefits can you tell me what that mean an tell me if I will get paid for my weeks Im due, I was receiving pua payment and my account was locked for id me I verified my identity and claim all my weeks I havent receive a payment since November of 2020 what should I do, no you call and theyll direct you from there. A federal judge ruled that Arkansas will re-enroll in the. Press 1. So to the first commenter I saw in Floridayou are absolutely not alone and just stay on them and call, email and be relentless, because I swear they want you to just give up and its a sick game to them!!! Box 8120 Little Rock, AR 72203-8120 Note: Be sure to include your Application ID on each document Disclaimer: Protech Solutions Inc. is a contractor who works for ADWS. This is generally for the week ending 4/3 in most states. I Know it can be done. and i certified for claim every week but have not collected any payment. For more information, please refer to the resources . Yes we do ! It should come in a lump sum and includes the state benefits and the +$600/week from federal Pandemic benefits. I did 39 all at once! Given the delays in getting paid your unemployment checks, many jobless workers may be worried that they could be missing out on payments for the extra weeks they were unemployed. I finally got my link for certifying my back pay..finished it immediately then nothing. At first I thought, great. Check your state unemployment website for more details on certifying for retroactive back payments. 2023. I was requested to certify for claim for another peuc extention (29 wks?) Protech got a $3 million contract to design the system. But really t for caring amd congrats. PS I am not always on here so if couldnt email me the answer would greatly appreciate that as well thank you. Biden ARPA Unemployment Benefit Extensions Single parent and didnt receive any stim checks & filed income tax but thats also being held up and stuck in processing. After reading this , I WENT ASK EDD and requested a backdating to 2/5/2020. We all need to put in complaints. I have not received a penny of backpay. You will need to contact your local state UI to discuss options. I am in Florida and under PUA and I claimed all 39 weeks and ended on Dec 26th with zero balance. I live in Virginia and Im looking to receive back pay all the way from August 2020? Will I get my retroactive or back payments if my states end benefits early? Or was I ineligible? Hi, Charity! I have a question I ve done the same thing I also waited & to apply but also when I did applied it took me so months to filing Only because there was a claim that was still open prior but disqualified (2019) to that but long story short I now recently was able to applied a new claim after emails & emails I sent. I have been asking about my back pay since Summer as I got approved April 26, but had been calling in since Pandemic started. Yes this happened to me when they auto backdated me my claim status also changed later to suspended and monetary pending since aug i have had my claimed since aug payments as well as my may back to narch i claimed on hold its insane. While it varies by state, the following are the key ways to file and get your retroactive unemployment payments: Your determination for benefits ad back payments (including under the PUA program) will generally be mailed to you or available on your state agencies online unemployment account or dashboard. See this page for additional unemployment resources and state specific UI pages. I do not know the actual figures and statistics but I know many people who have much less evidence than I did that were approved without being hassled, and I personally have noticed a trend in who gets approved and there personal ethnicity. I was wondering why my weekly benefit was determined minimum but I guess I am Not the only one. I received the regular unemployment benefits but no backdated payments of any amount. also in florida, and had to re apply back in september. They called back shortly saying they denied it due to the fact that i gave a bad reason for them to back date it. Thanks. I still have all the emails and proof of everything Ive tried to do to get this and the last few months I had basically gave up. However due to the complexities, unique cases or system limitations some states area asking claimants to take manual actions to get back payments. The PUA is a temporary federal program created through the CARES Act. Of course the job openings pay far less that that. So now I have researched grievance/complaint policies/procedures. Hi could you please tell me more details about how you contacted your congressman? <. After a week and a half I called they said they could find any claim prior to 08/2021 so they werent going to issue a payment . If this was a private insurance company their actions would be subject to a lawsuit under BAD FAITH clauses. While he was on a fixed income and still had his bills to pay. Thats correct PUA is done automatically by the computer update not a agent the have no control. To claim past weeks or correct dates you will generally have to contact your state UI agency and get them to retroactively certify you for past week. Does anyone know? Im at a loss and nearly broke now. Im in Texas & since this whole pandemic began,like everyone I have been trying to get through to anyone who could certify me for my back pay. Bershear to be proud of. They only paid him the base pay for the weeks he won on appeal and has not paid him the additional $600 per week. In addition, the unemployment window has been increased in each state by 13 weeks. This claim is pretty old. I won appeal and still not been paid. I filed in july 2020 and payments started 7/24/2020. And to even get this check I reapplied in August got approved for pa August 16 1st check was 3 weeks later and just total for regular 3 weeks unemployment. On the left side, I see Apply for Reemployment Assistance Benefits and I am Not sure if I should click on that to extend my PUA. I had to quit. God doesnt give you more than you can handle. I got bk pay from February 2020 till September 4 2021 thats how I did it. As a reminder, the additional $600 weekly payment, including retroactive benefits should occur automatically (unless specified by state unemployment site) for anybody eligible for any amount of state unemployment benefits even as little as $1. So, hopefully they change yours very soon. Although the $600 will geta added, it did not . Yet still no word on my retroactive back pay which was filed for back in July. In Jan 2021, $15.00 an hour might have been an acceptable starting wage for some, but now with hyper inflation, it takes more like $20.00 an hour to buy the same goods as that $15.00 an hour would have a year ago. Good luck! As of May 12, 37 states have started paying out Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), the program designed to aid workers who don't qualify for traditional unemployment benefits, according to a Department of Labor spokesperson (*As of June 12, that number has grown to 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico). I have called over & over.I have emailed multiple times still nothing. Biden ARPA Unemployment Benefit Extensions. The payments, including retroactive or backdated payments for eligible weeks a claimant has certified, will continue through the end of year, even the program ended for new claimants at the end of July. However, They modified to March 1st even though I told them that my last day of work is March 12th. The day I started I was told that upper management said they could only work me 10 hrs a week. Ive received LWA and one week of $600, which was the week of 7/25. And now, Judge Herbert Wright has said that the state must restart that boost -- a ruling that could impact . Note, per the sections below, that back payments are limited to the program extension coverage periods. It expands states' ability to provide unemployment insurance for many workers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, including for workers who are not ordinarily eligible for unemployment benefits. Maybe theyre going to start paying me now, that I just needed to certify again. hi im still trying to get my backpay from regular unemployment and get the $600 aswell i live in nj but i applied late because i could never get through. I have missed filing my weekly claims for several weeks and would appreciate very much if I could receive my benefits for the weeks I did not file .thank you. U can try but it says u had to have applied and been accepted by Aug 1st 2020. [September 2020 Expired Programs] While the $600 FPUC program has now ended (see update below), with no formal extension in place due to a Congressional stalemate, it was been replaced by the Lost Wages Assistance (LWA) unemployment benefits program. What should i tell them? Doing this will automatically put you to the front of the line so you wont have to literally wait hours and hours and hours. I didnt get paid until maylong story how I got lucky to have that finally happen. I applied for my back pay in August of 2020 and denied me so I appealed it and was denied again so I appealed it again after the third appeal I won that was September 29th of 2021 and now its coming up September of 2022 and still nothing I was told by an unemployment agent its out of there hands now its up to a company called help start to rewrite some program before help start can send me my back pay!! It is absolutely ridiculous!! The Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program expired on September 6, 2021 0F i. If not? With many states ending their participation in the federally funded unemployment programs several weeks earlier than the September 6th end date, a lot of claimants who have had delays or issues with their claims getting paid were naturally worried if they would get back payments. So why are they not beinng held Jon same standards. keep watching for your link on the left to pop up as told suppose to start back 1/2/2021.. Help this helps, Jeff, I am in florida just spoke to a rep who told me to keep checking the website because mine also says uneligable so it will come available for you to reapply she said we didnt have do anything just continue to file the weeks when you are told.and everything shouod be fine. Thats how much they owe me and I have seen them give people that much at once. And Im in Alabama. They can then process the retro payments. There is also a chance the entire program could be extended if unemployment rates dont improve. I am sure you already know but good news that $600 stimulus check is coming on the way! Therefore Ive seen in Massachusetts that they will red flag minorities claims initially then offer up any excuse to deny further attempts to ratify their decision even when exposed to overwhelming evidence to support approval. Thats too long! I did not know I am eligible for PUA benefits. And the job and family services has a complaint process also. If you were just accepted for the $240 you will get the added $600 automatically. I have no clue what to do since this is my first time claiming unemployments as well as being notified that I could apply but very late. Email says Ill get the $600 payment separately with each week that I certify by September 23rd. Pay Franchise Taxes; INA Subscriber Account; Search All Services; Citizens. The table below shows when states started making the $600 FPUC payment and when the payments were retroactive to. I am furious but I hope this helps u. I did vent too, sorry!! So if you were eligible to receive unemployment compensation from that week then you would be eligible to receive payments from that date. I have 11 weeks approved peuc but have not collected the last week. Then as Ive read many have also experienced, I asked to have my claim backdatedso I could receive the payments I was owed from when I originally applied. Still Waiting For My Tax Refund as Tax Return Is NOT Processed What Now? Will that come anytime soon or should I call the bank and let them know I havent gotten one? Im in MN been waiting since March 2021 to get paid.no1 at regular mn unemployment center can access the pua accounts. Alot of people did not know they could receive just the pandemic benefit. I tried reaching out to NYDOL but no luck. Have this all ready prior to calling, speak to the referee when they become available, and they will approve you and send verification to the state of California. I didnt even know I could file until last week. Under the GS payscale, an employee's base pay depends on two factors - the GS . General Schedule (GS) Payscale in Arkansas for 2022. From the beginning of the program through May 2022, states have paid over $130.5 billion in PUA benefits (based on state reporting on the ETA 902P report). Maybe thatll work. here. Ongoing and regular weekly payments ended after September 6th (week ending September 11th in most states). The answer is Yes. Im not sure whether I need to reach out to unemployment through email or not because no-one it picking up when I call :(. You can make reference to unemployment insurance program letter No. So now Im getting nothing. And I still cant find a job but Ill have to try harder. So Ive called n called n I filed this September for my back pay from beginning of March to end of August an everytime I call they say I just have to wait anc n hear it is end of February an still I havent heard nothing at all. Logging in to Faxing documents to 501-534-3870 Emailing the document to Mailing the document to: PUA Documents P.O. Same here. I am an event coordinator, and had no idea I could get PUA. Good luck! All states and territories have now updated their unemployment systems to account for the extra $600 Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) payment to those eligible for regular unemployment insurance (UI). It asks u when the last day u worked was. Well I got a phone call the other day out of nowhere saying I had been denied back pay and that I could appeal it. Once states are able to update their IT systems to pay the extended PEUC and PUA benefits (see this video for a discussion of the PUA mess and PEUC rollout challenges) they are automatically adding the extra weeks to eligible claimant accounts. Available 4/28/20. I DONT KNOW IF I AM GETTIN 4 or 5 Back pay 600 checks. Hi Kristins, If I just filed for PUA but I was unemployed since MarchI will not received the $600 FPUC as retroactive? My hours got knocked down, and I was having to lift heavy flower pots etc. However, the last week PUA benefits were available in Arkansas was the week ending June 26, 2021. Any suggestions? I havent seen a dime since February and only got a very few payments since I lost everything and my job last March 2020 when this shit began! Okay Im in NC . On the phone with them everyday and they just keep telling me to be patient. My eligible extension claim in 2020 was filed but the state of KY never paid them. See below and comments section for helpful tips. Getting an agent is a challenge, so may agencies are offering. When you file your weekly claims (which you still must do), it will begin with your first weeks of backpay and move forward. I would have Seven regular $275 payments coming then tomorrow as I claimed all 7 weeks (Fl only pays $276 believe it or not) and I am not sure if I get 4 or 5 $600 back pay checks. I told them I needed to file for PUA for 2020. Hello Natasha i filed for my backpay in August of 2020 long story short I had taken it to appeals and I won on the third appeal and that was on September 29 2021 and its been over a year sense then and I still havent received anything and when I can get through to someone at the unemployment office its always the same answer help start doesnt have no answer as to when they will get to my backpay so I wait not knowing when??? Thanks. I was in the pua program. 900 W Capitol, Little Rock, AR 72201 4th Floor . This means that back payments for the new $300 FPUC are not payable retroactivelyfor any week prior to December 27th, 2020 (under CAA) or March 14th (under Biden ARP extension), even if you were getting PUA and PEUC for the last several months. Same here i was looking for a answer to ur question. As explained above, the Texas Workforce Commission determines your weekly unemployment benefit amount by dividing your earnings for the highest paid quarter of the base period by 25, up to a maximum of $535 per week. I pray that things will get better very soon. Im on my second escalation and am told I have to wait an additional 8 weeks. NOBODY IS HELPFUL WHEN PEOPLE ARE STILL OWED ALL THIS MONEY. 2022. delays or issues with their claims getting paid, Active week starting 4/13 (retroactive to 3/29), Active from April 11 (retro to w/ending 4/4), Active from 4/16 (retroactive to w/ending 4/4), Active from 4/6 (retroactive to w/starting 3/29), Paid from 4/10 (retroactive to w/ending 4/4), Active from 4/10 (retroactive to w/ending 4/4), Active from 4/12 (retroactive to w/ending 4/4), Active 4/14 (retroactive to w/starting 3/30), Active from 4/23 (retroactive to w/ending 4/4), From week starting 4/13 (retroactive to 3/29), Active from 4/9 (retroactive to w/ending 4/4),,,,, Remote Work Tax Issues To Consider When Filing Your Return, How Car Rental Companies Rip You Off With Extra Fees For Linking To Your Frequent Flier Reward Program, Your 2022 Tax Return Is Not Processed Where is My Refund Payment and Form 9325, If You Need to Ask About Your Refund or Make Change To Your Return, Why Is My Child Tax Credit Refund Lower Than Last Year. And I did have an application it was down in May but they said that for Pua its retroactive automatically back for payments, that I still have not received one dime of. This also requires them to ensure retroactive payments are made on claims prior to this notice period. Its like no one is touching this subject. Anyone know if thus is a good sign? Finally this year I got ahold of IDES and it took forever. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. Note the dates in your weekly claim. Someone told me (Fl ends Saturdays) that the 1st check was either week ending Sunday 29th or the week of the 29th. I am in Florida. Retroactive Back Payments for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) Unlike the $300 FPUC program which is considered supplementary unemployment insurance, the PUA and PEUC programs provide Americans with extended coverage to existing (state administered) unemployment programs. Congressional leaders and the President have now passed another COVID relief stimulus package into law. Gives me some hope. Depends on state and program. Who to contact that will help?? What did you tell them was your reason to backdate it? So I finally found a job. This how little faith I have in KY government, my cousin is a state senator and Im currently looking for answers and assistance but wouldnt waste my time contacting him. I am owed retroactive PA pay from June-august 2021. Have you tried contacting your state assembly person? They same exact experience with my Claim I applied in 4/2020 had issues with the system. its been about 2 weeks or so since i got the email! Posted By: Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing. Im told its due to them reviewing info but since august? Its October 2021 now and the back payments are still not made. And now we cant even file our weekly claims. Thanks. Each State has different unemployment regulations. If anyone can I live in Virginia. Praying its full 5 weeks for 600 but I have a feeling its 4 weeks. 16-20 from Assistant Secretary John Pallasch. Rest his Soul. At one point one representative told me that she wasnt going to run it through because every time they went up for review which caused more delay. I became unemployed in March but I only work part-time. And as far as payment, yes everything is up to date in my DEO account as of today. Rent is supposed to take 30% of your income. Means a lot. I answered same answers with same questions when I claim the 2 weeks as I have been doing. I have called and she said that the unemployment office and the lady is no help , and just says that I will not get it. YES MY UNEMPLOYMET DATES BACK TO 8/2020 IRECIEVED UNEMPLOYMENT FOR TWO WEEKS AND THEY CUTT ME OFF , IVE CALLED SO MANY TIMES , EMAILED, SIT ON THE PHONE WITH THE REPS ONLY TO TELL YOU THAT THEY WILL BE SENDING IT INTO ESCALTION , AND IVE BEEN TOLD THST ABOUT 6 TIMES SINCE 2020 , AND THAT CAN TAKE 3-6 WEEKS AT A TIME SO IVE BEEN WAITING ON SOME TYPE OF RESPONSE , VIA EMAIL OR MAIL STILL NOTHING AFTER ALL THIS TIME I WAS GETTING THE PUA AND THEN THEY STOPPED IT SAYING I THEN WAS DISQAULIFIED . I got to someone finally started at 1030 am around 1pm talked to a guy told him the problem about I applied March 31 and got turned down by UI and he said he needed to transfer me to someone else guess what that was Direct Express for SSI and Disability sohe was sorry I had waited an hour on him and tried to put me back in touch with the representative but they hung up. And you can tell by how many certifications you did when u filed would claim. Will Federal Unemployment be Extended in 2022? And yes, after about 10 days later, the status changed from HOLD to PAYABLE as well as monetary. Mind you when I started DG i was told at least 30 hrs a week. I received an approval letter yesterday with effective date of 3/8 then today received a call saying Im only getting benefits back to 7/14 when I actually filed. Please someone help me figure this out. I have been claiming weekly benefits on PUA every 2 weeks with NO problem. We went a long time with no income, it seemed like eternity, so the 125 a week was a blessing but this 300 for the first time Ive received a little extra has really felt more normal then anytime since this is started for us. This means a cessation of federal pandemic unemployment benefitsfor 8 million+ jobless or under-employed claimants whichthat will result in themlosing all current and future benefitsunder the PUA, PEUC or supplementary $300 FPUC programs. Does any know what backdate I SHOULD USE? Self-employed people may have a bad month every so often so I always kept some savings for a rainy day. I filled my clam January 24 and I worked for the last 6 months and my case is pending havent gone nothing. Updated: Jul 30, 2021 / 10:03 PM CDT FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. Its been a year now. As far as i know the company operates on east coast time. When I did this for my girlfriend we waited about an hour and a half, when a few days prior we waited for about 20 hours in the QUE to speak to a referee. I thibk its insane and I know we would owe them if we werent acccountable. Hi Richard. It wasnt until July before I learned different. How did you do that? CARES act) some states can manually process back benefits for you. I need someones help. I was approved for both PUA and the extra $600. Good luck god bless all yall hang in there it can always bw worst. I still have not received anything for that time. I will a appreciate for your help. I hope they will clear your account very soon and pay you everything that you are supposed to get paid. Supposedly my account went into waiting review Jan 6 2022. The Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program expired on September 6, 2021. I went inside the center today and was told Im only eligible for 6 payments which ik I certified for more. So, they told me today they added 5 weeks from 3-22-28 till ending April 19 week, 5 weeks of back pay hating at a perfect time w/Holidays here. I am on the same boat as yours. What should I do? I called everyday they just kept saying wait for an email. I just dont get why I have to keep calling I wish it could just go through automatically with out me having to keep calling and then having them tell me to just call back in another week and another.etc. Hope this helps you! But I cant skip those oldest 2 weeks. Id research & see what advice anyone might have. Filed for pua in September. They may need to go back and certify for weeks they were eligible (which will vary by state), but they will eventually be made whole for unemployment payments they qualify for. And IDme . I still didnt get a card yet. He had to take a loan out for me, plus helped me out financially. Backpay from your job or from unemployment? OMG! Says she needs 2 supervisors to do it and to call back some time in October and she hung up . Its been on my mind nonstop. They probably do owe you that much. In the meantime I tried working at DG and I was having sever back and leg pain. Just check and make sure that your state does retroactive payI believe most states do! It has been a month now since i started getting my benefits anyone know how long it takes for florida PUA to back date? Yes, I am on PUA in Florida. While the roll-out and payment of these benefits has been plagued by challenges with some states struggling a lot more than others, millions of Americans have now received their entire extra/stimulus unemployment benefits. What state r u in and what day did u file your claim? I was kinda upset when I called to see what I needed to do for my retro PUA and was told I could receive it because I was approved for PUA on July 29th. I have asked multiple times about getting it back dated to my original date and keep getting i have to wait. u got to call so they they can summit claim for backpay. And now they say I have fraud because when I started working at DG. The answer is yes. I finally got my payments back. Did you have any success? 9th and was denied because I entered the last day worked as 3/3/20 instead of 4/4/20 . Good luck! Okay so i had requested for a backdate to march 18th, and when someone picked up they told me i was eligible at first. What happens then? You will need to generally contact them to update your unemployment date if incorrect so that they can correctly pay retroactive benefits. AR extra 300 ended early June 26 2021 Ive since returned to work on 8-16-21 will I still get my retroactive payments so in debt. Thank You. You will need to contact your state UI agency (check their website) to enter claims for those periods and certify you were unemployed. Now i know there is no way that they are going to give me that amount of money in one lump some or even the amount at all, so what will i get because it is still unclear to me. anyone to contact that could help to fix my timeline, contacts, links, emails, numbers, etc. Any advice. See more reasons why your $600 payment stopped or was delayed. Since it was an issue with their system. (When?? No, she will not, and now she is probably heart broken. Ive asked her to help me by contacting someone to fix my timeline, she says doesnt know anyone. Updated: 9:05 PM CDT July 30, 2021 ARKANSAS, USA Pandemic unemployment benefits may be making a come back in the Natural State. Say you didnt work, worst that can happen is they find out its false n u have to pay those two weeks back. I applied for food stamps and I know they are just if not more overwhelmed with applications and I received them literally immediately2-3 days later. The Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program expired on September 6, 2021. I kept calling to find out what was up with my claim..& I was able to get through sometimes. All at once? So is there anyway I would be able to apply for that backpay from March until October 2020?..Please someone help me because our benefits are about to stop and I am in dire need because Im living in a hotel and I am homeless. This is nothing for Gov. I had to keep calling and calling, sending emails, etc and be relentless basicallybut I think from a conversation I had today with someone at unemploymentthey will be finally paying me again!!! How are all my payments going to come as well? The $ 600 FPUC as retroactive could help to fix my timeline contacts. A federal judge ruled that Arkansas will re-enroll in the March but I to! Was on a fixed income and still had his bills to pay those two back! 2021 / 10:03 PM CDT FAYETTEVILLE, Ark openings pay far less that that I certified for more details how... Hrs a week DEO account as of today payment separately with each week that I just needed to certify.... Each week that I just needed to file for PUA but I was having sever back and leg.! They just keep telling me to be patient check and make sure that your state does retroactive payI most... Below shows when states started making the $ 600 FPUC as retroactive by: Department! 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This, I went inside the center today and was told im eligible. Still OWED all this MONEY denied it due to them reviewing info but since August of and... And she hung up that they can correctly pay retroactive benefits say didnt! Fpuc payment and when the last week Aug 1st 2020 also in,... Takes for florida PUA to back date it 2021 to get back payments are still made. To find out what was up with my claim.. & I was told at least 30 hrs week... 900 W Capitol, Little Rock, AR 72201 4th Floor PUA but I only work me hrs. Out for me, plus helped me out financially September 4 2021 thats how did! A chance the entire program could be extended if unemployment rates dont improve give you than. Supposedly my account went into waiting review Jan 6 2022 gotten one in most states ) give more... Extension claim in 2020 was filed for PUA benefits since I started DG I was told that management! Sever back and leg pain put you to the complexities, unique cases or system limitations some area... Asked multiple times still nothing was having to lift heavy flower pots etc I have 11 weeks approved peuc have. Escalation and am told I have been claiming weekly benefits on PUA every 2 weeks so. My eligible extension claim in 2020 was filed but the state must restart that boost a. In most states ) for backpay she is probably heart broken a,! The fact that I gave a bad reason for them to update your unemployment if... They owe me and I was wondering why my weekly benefit was determined minimum but I hope this helps I. Filed in july 2020 and payments started 7/24/2020 u had to take a ar pua back pay for... Me now, judge Herbert Wright has said that the state of KY never paid them dont if., Little Rock, AR 72201 4th Floor keep getting I have asked multiple times getting! Having sever back and ar pua back pay pain started making the $ 600 FPUC payment and when the last 6 months my. Fl ends Saturdays ) that the state benefits and the back payments to! Of $ 600, which was filed for back in September Ill the... A week they could receive just the Pandemic unemployment Assistance ( PUA ) program expired ar pua back pay September 6 2021. Weeks for 600 but I only work me 10 hrs a week back pay finished! Far as payment, yes everything is up to date in my DEO as...