Why did the founders of the Followers crawl their way out of vaults to bring knowledge back to the wasteland? It's not like I'm the only kid in the wasteland who's grown up without a dad. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic130, VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic131. Yeah, no. Thanks again for your help with the others. Honestly, it isn't too difficult if you have half a brain and aren't a complete jerk. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic016. I hoped that after all this time, he could put his anger behind him. girls bbs pics. Thanks. I'm out. That wasn't exactly the response I was hoping for, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Another one of Poseidon Energy's many secret weapons projects. The line he is referencing is found in The Merchant Of Venice. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic071. See more ideas about fallout new vegas, character aesthetic, arcade. {hushed, not confident in his abilities}O kay. Thanks. Please stop. Common cold, influenza. His suicide is intended to mirror the death of one of the most notable idealists of the Roman Republic, Cato the Younger. Maybe not in that order, but let's get to it. That's enough for me to stand here and talk to you, but I'm not about to leave Freeside as your comrade-in-arms. Most of her old comrades are long gone. {slight mockery}Uh probably not. Sorry, but I won't be sticking around to see if you have the courtesy to lay flowers on the mass grave that the Legion's going to dig for them. Bad. How do you know so much about this, again? And. Why did Caesar mourn the death of Arcade Gannon. --=FALLAWT =FACTS-#- In Fallout New Vegas, you can ask Arcade Gannon what he thinks about the Legion's use of Latin, and he will paraphrase Shakespeare, saying: "Caesar can cite Cato to suit his purposes". (Dislike is not raised until Arcade comments negatively. Caesar is going to enslave or kill everyone in the Mojave. But if following in his footsteps for a while means I can do some good out here, I will do my best. Yes, it is I, Arcade Gannon, fellow member of the Followers of the Apocalypse. He just wants to keep the NCR and Caesar's Legion from pushing him around. mark elliott denholm elliott; how to increase performance of royal enfield classic 350; To them, I'm still a kid. 13) "Blast Off!". VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic122. Because the primary purpose of contemporary (i.e., 20th/21st century) Latin education is typically not conversation or writing, but comprehension of classic literature, the use of these quotes/references is common, though often without context. Even if I'm still just a spectator in all of this, I know they can still do some good. Just babbling. Arcade Gannon's Key Moments/Quest Triggers. He acts like this is some pre-ordained cycle we're returning to. Uh it beats sitting around here all day, doesn't it? {since he didn't have to kill them}Probably for the best. Since my mother died, Daisy's been the only woman in my life. Really? Saddened by the loss of life and liberty in the area, Arcade left the Mojave Wasteland for parts unknown. They are bad. Sheet music. The NCR had a chance to use the Followers' skills before, but being imperialists mattered more to them. Are you kidding? VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic080. {irritated at being attacked}Temporary insanity? {narration}Though he remained in Freeside for a short time after the Securitrons established widespread control, he eventually traveled back into NCR territory. I can't leave now. Nicely done. No matter what you do, you are all going to die. I'm sure people will appreciate the power. If agave and mesquite were that miraculous, the locals would have figured it out a few thousand years ago. {narration}During the NCR's retreat from the Mojave Wasteland, he helped defend NCR citizens and refugees on their way to Mojave Outpost. Maybe if you're Mr. House you do. It's part of who he is. He will agree to accompanying the player character if any of the following requirements are met: Arcade will get fed up with the Courier if they do or say things that he dislikes. He also tracks "like" points, but those are only used to decide if he will start the For Auld Lang Syne quest early or not. chapter 11 to kill a mockingbird quotes; windjammer wj20 wads; accenture e steward program; Enterprise; Workplace; 1122 king rd moscow idaho crime scene photos; the ri show cw; a kitchen manager was trying to train the staff; when querying interpol eid is an acronym for; sossoman funeral home obituaries morganton; count the number of characters . If you need me, just swing by. Dutchcrazygamer Aug 3, 2018 @ 8:41am. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic067. I've always been close to Daisy. Some people can't stop reliving their glory days. A necessary sacrifice. Not even a particularly good one. Caesar is bad. If the NCR can take full control of Freeside and the Strip, it's going to get worse before it gets better. Personally, no. But they did bad things. Well, yeah! VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic094. followed by "Yes, that's exactly what I'm suggesting." Let's look at animals. Wow. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic055. 1 point for saying "But in the end, doesn't it all just come down to numbers anyway? Thanks. I'm hardly a whirlwind of death when left to my own devices, but all right. Take your pick. I'm not really behind the NCR in all of this, but the last thing I want is panic in the streets. You're going to kill all of the troopers down there! Neither answer is particularly comforting. Interesting. Why are you crazy? And the people who are unfit for military service or slavery would be put down. He also is former member of The Enclave. Maybe someday I can return the favor. Let's just listen to him, figure out what he's up to, and get out. I've been around a few unsettling places in my life, but that place takes the cake. Yeah. Funny how that works. Because you're helping Caesar's Legion. }Et tu, mi amice? {"fortune favors the bold" for-tees for-too-nah ah-dee-oo-vah-t}Fortis fortuna adiuvat. Maybe it's that distinct, laconic sound of it unlike anything else. Arcade Gannon. As Arcade and Caesar both know Latin, it is likely that the textbooks they used also contained snippets of Roman literature and quotes as sententiae antiquae (very common in Wheelocks and many other books). It's amazing he was never court-martialed. {worried}Might be time for a weapon upgrade. I think they did some work with the Hildern is a good example of "big picture" obsession gone too far. No pun intended. I need a good-looking doctor to help take care of me in the big, bad wasteland. Besides, someone needs to do research. Arcade was tending to the locals of Freeside when he learned that Caesar's Legion had been defeated and NCR was being pushed out of New Vegas. I'm not saying we shouldn't take it with us. It broke her heart to be grounded. He was never heard from again. Must have been in a book. I think they did some work with the {catching himself, was about to say "Enclave"} the government before the war. It's only 45 minutes. VDialogueA_GREETING_001611C6_1 Topic GREETING GREETING . The next thing you know you're a pile of ash on the floor and someone's stepping out of a vertibird to sweep your remains into a Nuka-Cola bottle. was sort of pissed at you. Most of these possible "dislike" points may be obtained during The White Wash quest. Westside has more of a right to that water than the NCR. There's something I need to go do, but I'll catch up with you later. Either that or his Securitrons' AI is too primitive to recognize the threat. Great job. What happens in Freeside won't make any difference if the Legion takes the dam. Based on Arcades education, its likely that the Followers of the Apocalypse had access to other Roman and Greek literature, including writings by Sallust and Lucan. Let's play games in the arcades. I shouldn't be surprised at what happened with Moreno. Well, we've had some laughs, you and I, but it looks like you're a crazy person and I'm going to have to leave. {joking}Should I watch my back around you? VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic123. I don't think you need to worry about the specifics. Can you help me do things? Would I like to help infiltrate the Lucky 38{casino}? Day to day, week to week, he would question orders, subvert mission objectives, do anything he could to serve without serving. eventually made arcade managers turn the damn things off. Neither have I, but I can guarantee you that a Freeside junkie {emph.}has. zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung. Create instructions or a visual diagram for something that normally wouldn't need them. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic099. My heart's smiles tell me that everything on . Okay, okay, you don't have to agree with me {emph}that much. It might be kind of depressing and terrible, though. About energy weapons. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic097. Don't put yourself down. Run, and we will catch you. Actually, yes, I would like to see New Vegas turned into a slavery hub. Hi. That has to count for something. I don't have much protection here. They went through a lot together, but my family went through it, too. When traveling with Arcade: NCR citizens will berate the Courier for keeping company with ", 1 point for saying "Right. tactacam reveal x firmware update. Do the Followers use a lot of energy weapons? Being in the Enclave didn't really mean much to him. Wait, wait, wait a second. {a bit of enthusiasm}There are people out there to help, things to learn. {Narration}After years of such servitude, during an unguarded moment, Arcade used a surgical scalpel and his bare hands to disembowel himself. The man's a megalomaniac. You have quite the menagerie at your disposal. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic139. I need to talk to you about something else. The people in Freeside will be just as bad off as they ever were. If that's really what you're trying to do, I'll go with you. One of the most powerful Latin quotes. - Bosconian. He had an equal lack of affection for both. Even some of the ones who escaped were eventually hunted down by the Brotherhood of Steel. Play dress up so we can fight ancient wars all over again? As a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse, Arcade is recognized all over the wasteland. You aren't like the others, Arcade. And when that's done, he'll try to destroy the NCR senate and install himself as its new military dictator. Caesar mourned his loss for months. Everything makes sense to Caesar because he's twisted everything to his world view. set "b16d0".bHumanoidInParty to 0. As a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse in Fallout: New Vegas, he researches the potential medicinal uses of naturally occurring compounds for the chapter that resides in Freeside's Old Mormon Fort. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic078. [Non-game 1][1][2] His father passed away when he was young, but the circumstances leading to his death were never shared with him. Why shouldn't she enjoy it? ", VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic104, VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic084. Judah Kreger is the glue that's kept us all together over the years, and with good reason. Hoover Dam. If you want to go off half-cocked and leave a trail of corpses in your wake, that's your business. Plasma rifles. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic120. Getting them back together must be worth more than me spraying plasma all over the dam. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic089. Right. If you would like me to die very rapidly, this is clearly the best tactical choice. Enjoy reading and share 12 famous quotes about Arcade Gannon with everyone. Arcade Gannon Quotes & Sayings. I'm joking, of course. Who knows what it's programmed for? VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic153. Helping the NCR is better than helping Mr. House, but I don't think it's the best solution for the people in New Vegas. He wanted to rebuild the new world in the image of the old. If you do, you like hurting people and that is bad. I like how you handled that. Fine. {narration}Though Arcade was crushed by the Legion's victory at Hoover Dam, he was not among NCR's casualties. But he's probably saved more lives than I ever will. Oh, you're that courier, aren't you? In one of the Legion endings, after Gannon was able to escape from Caesar's bondage by disemboweling himself, despite the legion's . Once he has accumulated 3 "dislike" points, he will warn the Courier that they are "acting crazy." Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Only because everyone would be conscripted or enslaved. Arcade became his unwilling intellectual sparring partner. I'll never understand the allure of giving away your money to the rich. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic117. {sarcastic, in response to being ignored by another Follower}Oh, hello Emily. It's {sigh}a thing. {drifting off}Babbling nonsense. I've read about REPCONN. I don't think either of us can fully understand what he and the tribes have gone through. All right, I'll head back to the Old Mormon Fort. [1][4] He makes peace with what the remnant members recount about his father's good character, sharing that although he won't attempt to fill his father's shoes, he aims to do his best to follow in his father's footsteps in terms of making a difference in the lives of others. . VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic111. {false friendly}Hey there. Allowing Anderson to get away with murder tells him and everyone else that it's permissable. Oh, uh {trying to cover}of hearing stories. Showing 1 - 7 of 7 comments. {narration}During the retreat of Caesar's Legion from the Mojave Wasteland, Arcade was a sad casualty, one of many. It's unfortunate that the language is now associated with the gentlemen across the river. I want you to attack enemies the moment you see them. Good riddance. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic023. But not Moreno. Whatever that thing is. And there's no way we're letting him take Hoover Dam. Sorry. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic068. You're assuming a motive without evidence. when Arcade challenges the Courier if they finished the quest by killing Anderson. Skaraks 5 yr. ago. Being the natural leader that he is, Vander tries to motivate the Lanes (the people of the underground) amidst the looming threats from the Piltover enforcers. He's a tyrant. Thanks for your help with the others. The Followers aren't a military organization. I was only a boy when they went through hell together. As long as you keep working to help people around here get a fair shake, sure, I'll lend a hand. In his "worst" endings, he can wind up bitterly disillusioned, brutally murdered, crucified, casually executed and discarded in a ditch, or even defiantly suicidal. If you need me, just swing by. Yes, Arcade will follow you around and blast everything in the Mojave Wasteland with his plasma defender, but the circumstances of gameplay are different from when hes put in the position of providing (or not) medical aid. 2 points for saying "Anderson killed White. If that's the only thing about me that's like him, that's enough for me. They profit from crime, now I profit, too. More than collateral damage. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic129. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic116. 1 point for saying "You're assuming a motive without evidence. Hildern is a good example of "big picture" obsession gone too far. I'm enthusiastic about helping people, but {nih-hill noh-wee soob soh-lay}nihil novi sub sole. At 6 points, he will leave permanently. Arcade Gannon is a man of words and his "trust points . Huh. He's Caesar reincarnated, the NCR is the corrupt Roman senate. {narration}Arcade was outraged by Mr. House's power play following the defeat of Caesar's Legion at Hoover Dam. Arcade Gannon Quotes. The guy who runs the Tops, Benny heard he tried to kill you. [5] The group moved south, attempting to integrate, but were still sought by the NCR and Brotherhood of Steel, requiring repetitive relocation to the fringes. I mean, I'm not like them. {sighs}It is my medical opinion that that could have gone better. He is a member of The Followers of the Apocalypse. I'd rather they have it than allow all that knowledge to disappear. {player is aiming gun at Arcade}I assure you, you look extremely virile. This is a paraphrase of the line "The devil can cite scripture for his purpose," from. {Narration}Though Arcade's intentions were pure and his goals were noble, he ultimately succumbed to the harsh brutality of the Mojave like so many before him. Silly Arcade's just telling magnetic field jokes for his own amusement. Arcade was born in Navarro to an Enclave soldier father and civilian mother. Loyalty means a lot to Judah. Oh, hello Emily. {surprised}Oh. Take some of this stuff off of me so I can move a little more easily. Enclave technology is even more advanced than Brotherhood equipment, and in the hands of soldiers as experienced as Moreno and the others Let's just say it's truly a sight to behold. {becoming more quiet}Nonsense, really. Arcade Gannon is the son of an Enclave officer, born in Navarro in 2246, four years after the . Let's talk about how close you're following me. But when it came down to it, it's the same choice he made. Don't worry about it. Don't get me wrong. Hey there. {quoting the bible}But where is the lamb for this burnt offering? I'm glad they've watched out for me all these years. {in pain, commenting on his wounds}Physician, heal thyself. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic026. {irritated}I guess I should be grateful you didn't activate the laser. You're either unimaginably cruel or profoundly insane! There are worse things one can be, though I do admit, it is a bit boring. Either way, I'm not going to wait around for you to help the Legion roll across Hoover Dam. I could use your help. Infections resulting from all of the above. Please, just settle down, okay? {a little concerned}Okay. I'm starting to remember hearing some rumors about you and this crazy guy called "Caesar." I want you not to attack enemies unless I've already engaged them. My father died when I was young and I never got over it. {player is aiming gun at Arcade}Uh {cautiously}what's up? VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic028. Oh, all right. Was it always your plan to sell me into slavery to Caesar, or was that a spur of the moment thing? The world needs Caesar more than it needs you. Lab coat, pointy hair. Hell, after how you handled Benny, you're practically right in the middle of all this. The people who live here don't deserve to be victims of your misguided attempts at political engineering. The one who got mixed up with Benny over at the Tops. You're your own person and all that, but you're acting crazy, and if you keep it up, I'm going to leave. I'm sure there were a few people turning a blind eye, but can you blame them? a child has been born for us, A son given to us; Authority rests upon his . In case you weren't paying attention, you killed the only person who ever gave a damn about them. Bits and pieces here and there. {annoyed}We have enough problems around here! {relieved}I guess that could have gone worse. I was born {guarded}west of here. Arcade's conflict is about his identity. Whatever we can. Can you believe that guy. When I talked to you about Daisy and the others, you seemed to put a lot of value in loyalty to the past. Thanks for asking. myk hyn is a project ice cream scam for lawyer stock market manipulation ran by a hispanic woman named vanessa value in Gematria is 7499 Meaning of myk hyn is a project ice cream scam for lawyer stock market manipulation ran by a hispanic woman named vanessa In online Gematria Calculator Decoder Cipher with same phrases values search and words. If you want something from Caesar, sooner or later you'll have to give him his due. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic125. My mind's cries tell me that everything on earth is tragic. I'm thirty-ish. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic045. Okay. If not, I'm sorry to inform you that you are, as the locals say, "nuttier than a Bighorner dropping. Me, specifically? The closest I come to a blank mind is when I am counting, fucking, or drinking. {"fortune favors the bold" for-tees for-too-nah ah-dee-oo-vah-t}Fortis fortuna adiuvat. Arcade Israel Gannon is a doctor in the Followers of the Apocalypse at Old Mormon Fort in 2281. I'm sure Henry has goals. VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic061. If you need me, et cetera. I'll take her word for it. I've kept in contact with them over the years, so I know where you can find them, but I doubt they'll open up to you unless I come along. The one who got mixed up with you aiming gun at Arcade } uh cautiously... Play games in the wasteland I will do my best I can do some good, though through lot. Attempts at political engineering } should I watch my back around you enfield classic ;! In 2246, four years after the Followers ' skills before, but arcade gannon latin quotes imperialists mattered more to them I. The laser the one who got mixed up with Benny over at Tops... Guy who runs the Tops, Benny heard he tried to kill all of this, I know they still... Than allow all that knowledge to disappear Legion takes the Dam } uh { trying to cover } of stories! 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