n. greatest mystery. Im bisexual.I am able to talk about many morbid things I have experienced and witnessed, I could be open about how many girls I have slept with, but if the truth got out that I once had a boyfriend years ago and I still find men attractive, I am afraid that it will be over.I have experienced enough rejection from women whenever I opened up about my sexuality. I kept making excuses to go back to the dessert table and scarf down my sis in laws cupcakes especially when little kids were near it to make it look like they were eating most of the cupcakes. You can change your preferences. She was very drunk and was absolutely horrified at what she had done when she sobered up. I wish I hadn't been so good at hiding it.I needed help. Hey Pandas, When Was The Last Time You Cried And Why? greatest secret. 3. I clean up when I'm going home so my wife can't tell but I'm still not quite 100% when I'm home with her.She's struggling with stuff and it breaks my heart I can't meet her needs but I need this job to pay for our future. Literally everyone. I realized that I still had the rolls of printed-up stickers in my pocket when I got home because I had been marking things down that day. WARNING: Discretion is advised, deeply disturbing content. My girlfriend has 0 self control and will eat the entire pint in one sitting. In hindsight, I've been r***d by my first boyfriend. She just locks herself away from me and our kids.We are in marriage counselling because I haven't been happy for a long time. I copied the stickers off onto sticky paper and stole probably a few thousand dollars of groceries that summer. Im only 31 years old. However, you can miss the mark of authenticity and crash land into oversharing if you do this before you've had a chance to build trust. ", "That Im probably a bit co-dependent at this point.". I work long contacts in isolation far away from home and I use a lot when I'm away. Less disturbing secrets wield power as well, and the sense of shame around secrets can be misleading and exaggerated. His mother asked me what happened. "I've had such a great time getting to know you, I don't want to spoil it by keeping something from you.". The girl left me cold turkey a few months later after 7 years together, and i still didn't even think about telling her that story. Alan Watts. When we're in our 20s, we've probably distanced ourselves enough from our somewhat bizarre and embarrassing high school days, making those secrets much easier to tell. I didnt want her to know what he got into. ", "I told my husband that if you yell throw me something mister! loud enough the people on the float will give you the good beads., "I told my dad and he told his float buddies, when their float came around my husband was screaming like a banshee THROW ME SOMETHING MISTER!", "My dad and his friend pelted my husband with their best beads. I really think that you need to talk to somebody about this. I didnt tell her anything because I wanted her to think it was an innocent accident. I dont want my husband to turn into a care giver. Men have long been silent and stoic about their inner lives, but theres every reason for them to open up emotionallyand their partners are helping. Instead I got pregnant." By Justine Harman Published: May 29, 2015. I lose my smile, I lose interest in all my hobbies, everything. I watching Netflix and play runescape the entire time while treating my job as a side thing.. My best friend from childhood came over to my college dorm to hang out one night. ", To explain her point, Quinn invited us to imagine revealing our deepest, darkest secret to the barista who serves us our morning coffee. Secrets that terrible appear to threaten our very being the. I heard her telling me how much she loved me and that I was such a fighter and to keep fighting. Im from south Louisiana and my dad is in a Mardi Gras Crew. I have experienced enough rejection from women whenever I opened up about my sexuality". Woman Takes DNA Test For Fun Only To Discover Her Long-Term Boyfriend Is Her Full Sibling, "I Just Said Thank You And Left": Mans Nice Gesture Is Praised After Pizza Hut Driver Got A $20 Tip On A $938 Order, 50 Times People Were So Surprised With How Perfectly Things Lined Up, They Just Had To Document It, "This Relationship Sounds Exhausting": 50 Screenshots That Show Relationships Are Not Always As Great As They Might Seem, Someone Asks Women What They Consider To Be A Bad Marriage, And They Don't Hold Back (30 Answers), "This Is What Happened": This Woman Perfectly Explains Why Girlfriends Break Up With Their Boyfriends For "No Reason", Woman Is Upset That Neighbors Shed Is Too Big, Calls Inspector, Regrets It When They Maliciously Comply, European Is Shocked To Learn How American Suburbs Work, Goes Online To Ask Some Accurate Questions, "Never Come Back To My Restaurant": Chef Bans Rude Restaurant Patrons And Gives $1,350 Bill To 22 Y.O. 2. Behind the closeness though, there are still a few situations that you . ", "I cheated on my wife.when she wasn't looking at a family pot luck. It has been a long and hard road to recovery and I am still not there yet. We have sent an email to the address you provided with an activation link. You spend all of your time together, and share pretty much everything from clothes and favorite movies to taste in food and music. 4. Throughout his years in Bored Panda, over 235 million people have read the posts he's written, which is probably more than he could count to. The most terrible secrets can be suppressed so totally that we dissociate, becoming a partial version of who we truly might be. The store had these barcodes they would stick on things to mark them down if they were expired. I do this simply because its one of the few hobbies in his life he gets to enjoy and I want him to have someone to play it with. I have osteoarthritis in my lower back and scoliosis to the point where I am most likely going to need spine surgery. This show began in the early 2000s, and hosted Easy-E, who would take listeners to call in and talk about their deepest, darkest secrets. Anyone can write on Bored Panda. A dark twist was added at the end of the show. The dark secret that no one knows (not even my wife) is if it wasnt for our 3 kids (6, 8, 11) I would end my own life after she passes. His uncle uses the Bible to justify his cheating and never takes care of his children. i had a former coworker who was a total c**t to me. Once she gets back though, I'm alright again. They found that people had shared on average 4.63 secrets with a good friend, and again that people tended to confide in those with greater compassion and assertiveness, and were less likely to share secrets with more polite, enthusiastic friends. The Bored Panda iOS app is live! No one knows this. I think she lost 50-100 grand. Some things are too cruel to do, even when you're trying to hurt each other. Some of the hilarious secrets Redditors harbored may even leave you wondering, "Did they really need to keep . Summer camp, I was 13/14 years old. I wish I hadn't been so good at hiding it. quite the opposite, i love him more for speaking up. I have anxiety attacks when my SO is away. Fight boredom with iPhones and iPads here. ", "I'm not sure I actually love him, or if I just don't want to be alone or start a new relationship from scratch. I've never told anyone.". Enjoy our darkest secrets quotes collection. When secrets are told in confidence, a space is created in which we can think about them differently, without completely releasing sensitive information into the world. But some people think they will have one love for all of their life and that is an unhealthy standard to put ourselves through. I consider this my deepest and darkest because you would think that witnessing a naked girl in person would strike me but it just doesn't. I don't even masturbate because I think it's weird. I keep dark thoughts and feelings from him all the time, I'd make him miserable if I didn't.He knows, btw, I am not keeping all of it from him, just a lot of the excessive stuff. she knew I grew up in the projects up until age 10, but I think because i never wore it like a badge of honor or carried myself in the stereotypical way of someone who would come from that environment, many people think i was unaffected. I don't know how to tell her. Secrecy means evasion, and evasion means a problem to the moral mind." Politeness may create a barrier to vulnerability, based on our fear of breaking social norms and causing discomfort for someone who tends to value being appropriate, and enthusiasm may breed hesitation to open up to someone who's fun-loving and energetic, but is not serious enough for deeper discussions. From things so embarrassing that one can only hope no one witnessed, to things so dark that they might change our perspective on humanity as a whole, a deep dark secret can really be quite a dramatic thing to learn. I stripped a screw and need to drill it out.She told me this weekend that when I am mad she gets scared, and that just broke something in me since I can't fully process it.I don't know why, I have never even raised my voice to her. Weird family. Please provide your email address and we will send your password shortly. Keeping secrets can make us unhappy, as can living in fear of exposure and censure. I'm not sure I actually love him, or if I just don't want to be alone or start a new relationship from scratch. You know, the real dreams. Keeping an addiction or substance use habitshidden; The exact number of people you've slept with; Finding your partner's best friend really hot; Hating someone in their family or close friend circle. Wrote a note saying mow the lawn then just ran lawnmowers in the garage with the doors closed till he died of gas poisoning. His sisters room was on the way to his and as I passed it, I saw them together. I technically did pay for the groceries because I was checking them out at the self-checkout and paying money for them, but I was getting salmon fillets and racks of ribs for $2, big veggie trays for $1, expensive cheese for $.99, etc. I wish I hadn't been so good at hiding it. He was actually in Time Magazine for the Woman's March and he has organizes phone banks and canvasing for local women running for office. When we were leaving the parade my husband was flexing all his nice new beads and thinks Mardi Gras is the best thing ever.Didnt have the heart to tell him that I told my dad to do that. In retrospect hed shown all of the signals, but I refused to see them, so I let him drive away. My mom couldnt afford to feed us in the summer without the school lunches, but she made slightly too much to qualify for food stamps. I only kept one secrete from my husband, that I was a virgin when we met. You also let her know how long it's been since you shaved your legs or washed your favorite pair of jeans. Either way, it's crazy to hear these 40 secrets that were kept. (Closed), Hey Pandas, Post Landscape Art You Made (Closed), The Independent Photographer Has Just Announced The Winners Of Its Street Photography Contest 2023 (10 Pics). However, as one viral Reddit post has recently shown, even the closest people keep secrets from one another. I am watching her slowly die. Plus it's your responsibility to be open and honest with your spouse if you're using needles, just reckless to their health to keep that a secret. Walked in on some other disturbing moments between them here and there but never caught them having sex again after the first time. When you get angry, it triggers the same response to someone in her past that pointed their anger towards her. He was an a$$hole. It gave me a will and want to live. We all have people who we tolerate. So it was duped and accident and my mom got the money my dad intended her to get. Check it out! I never got caught. The guy has Asperger's. The girl left me cold turkey a few months later after 7 years together, and i still didn't even think about telling her that story. Hope he's changed. To whom do we confide our secrets? I have that reaction when my wife gets frustrated. Seven days no poop, in the middle of the eighth night I wake up because Im exploding. twice i walked into a room while she was actually shit talking me by name. They extended the personality measures to include all of the standard Big Five traits, in order to look at individually oriented personality traits, in addition to the four interpersonal traits used in the prior studies. My SO is super sweet and supportive, but I am afraid of unloading too much of my crazy on him. Are There 3 Types of Borderline Personality Disorder? That I feel trapped and I hate myself and my life and I really just want to disappear and move away and leave my wife and three kids so they can finally be free of me, I feel like such a burden and so guilty that my kids love me, theyd be better off without me. This is always a fun secret you naturally have to tell your BFF. They reported information on how many and what kinds of secrets people had confided in them over the years, with 14 categories of secrets about infidelity, sexual orientation, abortion history, sexual assault experiences, engaging in physical abuse, having had a mental illness, having a sexually transmitted disease, having cheated in professional, academic, or money matters, having lost a lot of money, having issues with alcohol or drug abuse, having committed a crime, and about religious beliefs. The idea of playing dumb, one form of knowledge hiding, may seem to be a bad idea if you're trying to impress others. Whats your deep, dark secret? Trying to connect with another person but keeping a healthy distance can be tricky. You tell your BFF what your dreams are, however big or small, because you know she will always be your number one cheerleader. "You wouldn't do it, right? I was almost happy that a virus was going to do what I was too chicken shit to do myself. 8. For a lot of people it's important to have built a degree of trust before being candid: you may not want to tell someone about your past on date 1, but by 2 months in you may feel more comfortable to be open," she said. Woman Shows How "Harry Potter" Characters Were Supposed To Look According To Book Descriptions (35 Pics), 30 Y.O. I cheated on my wife.when she wasn't looking at a family pot luck. If you go days without showering, you can certainly tell your BFF and know she won't judge you for it. That the real root of my trust issues stem from how I was sexually assaulted by my extremely religious godparents son when I was 11-12. We had been together for 6 years when my dog died and he took me out to the woods to camp for a week so I wouldn't have to be home. I can't ruin that for him. Well, she's with the person you are, not the person you were. "The important question to ask yourself when it comes to when and if you should disclose information is whether it would make a material difference to the relationship today. Make sure you check out if they're happy with where the conversation is going by making statements like 'let me know if I'm going off on a tangent here' or 'you can tell me if this is too much information for date 2.' 6. Cave law number 2: your cave must not be used for anything weird. My wife asked me not to pee in the shower. My parents would send me to their house for whole summers and I particularly remember that one, my mom came to visit and I practically begged her to take me home. That said, most of our secrets arent the sort of thing that would interest the local police, you know? Blamed it on the raccoons.". Neighbor ran over and helped my mom when she got home from work thankfully as he was the local sheriff so when all the police arrived he took care of the talking and said the door was up. The two of you share deep parts of your life, building more and more trust as the relationship progresses. but that living situation has taken a toll on me in various ways thatd i love to expound upon for those who are interested. Some of these secrets are very dark, some are funny and some we wish we wouldn't have wanted to know about. I can never tell him the truth. But she doesn't want to talk about it, and when we disagree we don't even get to argue. I can't ruin that for him. go to some sort of therapy, it might help. She can be super helpful by playing your wing woman with no judgments attached. Some of the deepest, darkest secrets are actually pretty creepy, but others (intentionally or not) are silly and even a little endearing. There were no babies next door but it must have been picking up some other baby somewhere and as I am in I.T. I cant envision not being able to take care of myself. Wtf? I knew their back porch door was usually unlocked so I let myself in and quietly went upstairs. No excuse like asbergers. Knowing that thats how a lot of people remember it, or if nothing else think they should remember it, i didnt want the pressure or to be "remembered" as their 1st. I feel this unholy fear either to fix it to make the anger go away or run and hide. Preferably a therapist. I dont want my husband to turn into a care giver. Take a deep breath and tell us your deepest, darkest secret, so we can wipe our brow and know that we're not alone. You can confess to your BFF who it is you don't particularly care for. You sense a deep chasm between you and people you love. Cave law number 4: tell people you have a cave so people would know where to look if you got trapped down there. How Schizophrenia Impacts Cognitive Function, New Research: Moderate Drinking Provides No Health Benefits, An Important Reality for Navigating Grief, 7 Strategies People Use to End Friendships, The Ethical Use of Social Media in Mental Health. Figured Id make an edit to answer some FAQs: I caught them with their pants down and they know I caught them, but have never addressed it with me. Please check link and try again. 13 People Share Their Deepest Darkest Secrets 13 People Confess Their Unbelievable Secrets That No One Knows About Lea Rose Emery Updated March 19, 2021 4.1m views13 items When it comes to creepy stories, Reddit is basically the holy grail. I'm glad you and your mother dodged that heartbreak. according to other people still working there, she threw an ugly crying tantrum the day she opened the package and was coddled by upper management. For those holding on to secrets, be aware of whom seems most available and reliable for sharing, but make sure they are truly trustworthy. Mindaugas has worked as a freelance photographer mainly doing events, product photography and has a recurring passion for macro photography. Not my gf now, but she didnt know the extent or details of my childhood struggles. Beyond being merely agreeable and extroverted, people who are compassionate and assertive may be expected to respond with kindness and a desire to provide relief from suffering, with a clear sense of confidence and agency, which is likely to engender a sense of trust and safety. Family secrets, like abuse and mental-health problems, are high on the list too. His brother is 42 and only dates 18-20 yr olds, one of which he creeped on since she was 16. Approved and edited by BuzzFeed Community Team. Im a 36F and have a special savings account for a future sugar baby when Im old and wrinkled. She honestly knows all about your hygiene. Im only 31 years old. Got someone pregnant in highschool, gave up custody so I wouldn't have to pay child support. My dad killed himself and called all his kids the night before. I have rheumatoid arthritis in the one hand I have, and I know its spreading. No one is perfect but he is a hard core feminist. For our first eight or so months of marriage, my wife and I were never apart due to moving around and being in lockdown. John Gottmans behavioral approach challenges couples to watch each other's actions to determine the health of the relationship. I cant do this for another 50+ years. Secrets are powerful. We joke about me believing he's dead when I don't hear from him often enough, but it's real. She runs to me (usually I am alone) and wants to know how to fix it.Then she leaves the house when I say I am just mad that: I burned my hand. I reached the bathroom, washed and then went back to my tent to sleep. Just how much I depend on her. Some of us might keep stuff from our partners like if you spent too much money at target or if you ate their candy bar, but didn't want to tell them. I know the feeling realy wel i have been there , but know this your kids always need you .find someone to talk to get help. Yet he kept insisting day after day after day that I would be just like the others and would drop him. If I am working on something and I swear or vent my frustration. That I'm dying faster than she thinks I am. she knew I grew up in the projects up until age 10, but I think because i never wore it like a badge of honor or carried myself in the stereotypical way of someone who would come from that environment, many people think i was unaffected. Furthermore, they found that people tend to confide more in others who are neurotic, struggling with their own emotions and conflicts, and in those who are generally more open and intelligent. Im from south Louisiana and my dad and his friend pelted my husband to turn a. 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