Here the party finds King Albert and the head warden Fruegel, and they manage to interrupt him just in time to save the king's life. Follow the path down and out of the Home of Gigantos. This does mean that using magic attacks against it will not be as useful as one might hope. I will add the acknowledgement promptly. Version 2.2.7: Fixed an issue with the Addition charts, updated the Death Frontier map, made the Dragoon magic chart more mobile-friendly, edited some information on item charts, tweaked boss HP's, added less common item drops for bosses, and fixed some issues with minor enemy charts. If you have spent time training Albert, this battle is no problem at all. If you are looking for anything specific, just press "Ctrl+F" and type in whatever you're looking for. This guide leads you around the towers in this order, to the left of the entrance. These are the lyrics for the theme song to The Legend of Dragoon: "If You Still Believe." You'll find a Save Point. If you find anything missing, please send me a message and let me know. Go back out and up. Shops: Weapons, Items Melbu spent the entire time except for two attacks trying to attack me with his little light whip. Battle Prep: Make sure each character is healed (HP and MP), equipped with the best armor and most powerful Additions. Speak to the family for some Lavitz character development, or not, and then leave the Prairie by heading north. After the scenes are over, head north. He leads them to his home in Lidiera. The "Addition" screen shows the various Additions each player can use. After the dialogue, climb up the webbing and leave the Dragon's Nest. Continue and get the chest with a Spear Frost. To the left is a chest with a Angel's Prayer. Leave to the left and go through the doorway and across and up the lift. Afterwards, continue to the right. Now head all the way back and go through the first doorway to the left of the one you first came in. After all this is past, continue out of the Mountain and through the Evergreen Forest toward Deningrad (with a few minor interruptions along the way). ); Robin Diaz for scoring me some of that awesome cake his mom makes, and to my brothers Ryan Stovalt, Richard Lauze, Jim jr. and Jim Sr Kaminzki. Check the barrels at the bottom for a (5) Stardust. Here you can equip Armor, change Additions, replace characters, and use Items. So when you complete Double Slash 20 times, the number will read "20/40," indicating that you must complete it 20 more times, or 40 total times, for the Addition to reach Level 3. Before heading left, though, go to the right, under the rock, to find a hidden chest containing 100 gold. The main concern in this battle is Kubila because he knows a Can't Combat instant-kill move that he'll use after either of his companions dies, and he uses it when he dies. This phase is the most difficult. It is always recommended though! Part III: Running Around the World Map Once again, the cells contain some items that may be of interest to you. Continue on, and then take a right for a Mind Purifier, then go down the left path. Beyond these items, you also have Repeat Items. The other annoying feature of this trio is that Selebus has the ability to heal Kubila and Vector a decent amount of HP. However, if you want Haschel to get some experience as well, wait until after the upcoming battle. But if you didn't, you might have to throw out a few Healing Potions. Continue north. Chapter 1: In Bale in the house to the left of Lavitz's, Chapter 3: In the entrance to Deningrad helping a man. I'm sure it can be done, and has been done, but I am also sure that it will be much more difficult to achieve. Personally, the Windigo has never been alive long enough for me to test this theory, but I believe after about 3 times the Windigo dies, regardless of its remaining HP. The party emerges out from behind the large head that you probably saw the last time you were here. Time to stock up on items and weapons, and let's not forget those last few Stardust. If you have this item equipped to one of your characters (hopefully a level 5 Dragoon), begin the battle by using their Dragoon transformation (not the Special, though). Naturally, the women have overall a higher speed than the men; however, Haschel is an exception (see the characters' stats. To the left is a Dancing Ray. Each character as their own set of weapons: Dart's Weapons, Shana's and Miranda's Weapons, Lavitz's and Albert's Weapons, Rose's Weapons, Haschel's Weapons, Meru's Weapons, Kongol's Weapons. Battle Prep: Make sure Meru has the Blue Sea DS Armor equipped, and give her defense boosters. Leave this cave and you'll be back at the Save Point. However, it's also nice to have your higher-damage Additions relatively high level when you go into a boss battle, which means you might need to work with them some in minor battles first. Before the party gets to the throne room, they are stopped by an enemy seeking some revenge. If you need to, go back to fake Bale and get some more Recovery Items. If you are looking for a specific place, try checking out these links instead of continuous scrolling: Hellena Prison, Bale, Hoax, Marshland, Volcano Villude, Dragon's Nest, Lohan, Shirley's Shrine, Hellena Prison (2), Kazas. In minor battles, you will only encounter minor enemies. Either of these will probably destroy all the ghosts in one attack. The first, against Emperor Doel, is very easy. Go on the rock on the top of the current platform and go up to the next screen. Here are the correct answers: You are then permitted to enter, and the boy (Popo) suddenly recognizes Albert. Eventually, the party catches up to Lloyd, who then causes a kerfuffle. Battle Prep: You have before you another fairly magical battle. Because of this, it's probably beneficial to start out the battle with a powerful (preferably Wind-based) magic attack thrown by Rose or Shana. Go up the ladder and down into the building. Head to the Law Factory and play dodge-the-Laptos again. Finally, the helmet has the ability to block commands for your characters. If you have enough Attack Items, Shana can actually take care of this thing all by herself. This battle consists of a Gangster and two Crafty Thieves. Try leveling up here if you wish. The latter option will likely yield a faster battle, while the former will offer more opportunity to level up Additions. Go to the back part of town and then to the docks in the back again. The party enters the capital city of Tiberoa thanks to the direction of Emperor Doel. Go back to the large room to speak to the Mayor. You'll get a Down Burst for this fight. In the morning, go out of the room and to the front of the screen. He offers to sell you some spirits, and you want to buy them. Wing Blaster (or preferably Gaspless if you have it by now) will do decent damage. Or are you the kind of person who moves quickly and hits as often as possible, even if it doesn't do as much damage as slow, calculated moves? Upon entry, the party discusses things. You will need to pay here as well. Go up onto the platform. Hop over the rocks to another inscription of a dragon. Then run through the hallway and to the teleporter. If the character has a calamity, his name will flash accordingly. And this is quite honestly one of the more difficult battles of the game, so be sure to save beforehand. Go back to where you found Meru. When you get to the place with no teleporters, with a closed door to the right, go over and press X to open the door. Unfortunately, Michael cannot be harmed by literally any attack until Rose reveals his weakness. These spirits are much like little translucent rocks that glow certain colors depending on which dragon they came from. Then head left to leave the area. Once in the next area, Rose will inform everyone that their dragoon stones are resonating together. They will need a high Physical Defense. That being said, unlike the first Virage, it is actually highly beneficial to destroy the arms. If Dart gets dumped down, there are two chests. King Albert takes Lavitz's place as Jade Dragoon and accompanies the party back to Seles. Backstory: Miranda is the First Sacred Sister of Mille Seseau. Petrification does not persist past the end of battle. Also equip powerful Additions. After the conversation here, the party begins. After this fight and the ensuing cinemas, you'll have a bit of interesting conversation and you will gain the Dragon Buster sword. Maybe it's time to make an LoD ePSXe FAQ !! Oh, and don't forget to save. Entering sparks a conversation. Do this by going through the door in the back right of the throne room and then going down the ladder. You will need that extra turn to heal up. After you damage his health a certain amount, he puts up a Magic Shield, nullifying all magic attacks. Syuveil is essentially a carbon copy of Albert, so use his stats to guide you through this battle. One sells weapons and the other items. Ride the boat back to the dock and leave town. After the conversation, take the teleporter at the right for a Moon Serenade. Remember that locked door you found at the beginning? Using only physical attacks results in a much longer battle with more opportunity for leveling Additions. Speak to the woman playing the piano for an interesting little moment, and then speak to the man on the right. Go back up and ignore the next rope you come to, but go down the second. Of course there are Healing Items, like I described above. Now go up, left, up, up to get a Power Down. Now go back into the castle and down the stairs. Stolen by Lenus. The first room after that has a Magic Ego Bell and a Recovery Point. No need to go down the hallway - the captain's cabin is locked. After three tries, the bandits give up, and another stronger bandit comes to pick a fight. Get on the rock and go up for a Knight Helm. However, if your characters stay in their Dragoon forms no longer than one turn, you can still use strategic and useful spells like Rose Storm, Moon Light, and Rainbow Breath. If you go down the ladder at the far side of the room and speak to the woman, you can get an interesting conversation. If you are low on MP and don't have any Sun Rhapsodies, your newly acquired Sapphire Pin could be useful as well. Lastly, credits to this Talisman-based strategy go to Link San. However, be careful because it can cause your characters to become Poisoned or Stunned. You'll find a Flash Hall and 200G outside the jail. Make sure the Dragon Helm you just found is equipped to one of your characters as well, probably Dart. Go downstairs and check the fire for a (1) Stardust. After the battle, either go down and follow the path for a Flash Hall, or go back to fake Bale. I used Dart, Haschel, and Albert. When everything is ready, continue up to fight the discount-basilisk. This time go into the weapon shop (the blue arrow) and get anything you might need that you can afford. Dragoons are things of legend. Go up to the plant and press X to wilt the plant. Backstory: Meru is a young dancer from Tiberoa with curiously platinum-colored hair. Version 2.2.8: Added comments about the ancient dragoon spirits and Polter Armor in Disc 3, moved comment about Therapy Ring near Faust's apparition. The party goes into the castle to speak with Doel, beginning Albert's personal mission. Take the next teleporter to move on, then make sure you SAVE. As your levels decrease, so do your attacks and defenses. Lloyd uses so many magic attacks that you will want some more magically-minded characters, like Rose, Miranda, or Meru. Afterwards, the party discusses dinner and is then invited to spend the night in the castle. Phase 4: The Sixth Generation: This is when things get really weird. For a complete list of all Stardust locations, see here. Then go north. After he leaves, follow him to the right. Battle Prep: If you got yourself some Light-Based Attack Items, try to have someone in your party with a high Magic Attack who can really pull those things off. Go back up to the throne room and up the stairs on the right. Then go under the pipe and continue. Disclaimer: the chests found in this location are all empty except for the ones at the very end. However, he likes to throw Water-based attacks, causing decent damage to Dart. The poison-spit is probably the most dangerous attack, and you will most likely need to use some Body Purifiers during this battle. Battle Summary: See Lavitz. Once you throw this attack, all your enemies will be at the mercy of its power. You will know when you are about to have one if the arrow above Dart turns red. Any attacks dealt against the heart will deal exactly 1 damage. While this character is a Dragoon for five whole rounds, Lloyd will spend about half to two-thirds of all his attacks just trying to kill them with the Dragon Buster. After you defeat the Pupa, it transforms into the Imago. Don't worry about the treasure chests right now. You can either focus on attacking with Dart and Lavitz, using Shana as support, or you can just go all-out attack and use your (probably) numerous Attack Items with Shana and her incredibly high magic attack. Check the lamp on the right for the (1) Stardust. Hopefully you have at least one fast character, because Lenus attacks often and has no mercy. Despite all this, still be careful of his D-Attack, because that will deal a decent amount of damage, especially to Miranda. Meru: "I still cannot die!" A chest nearby contains 20 gold, and the doorway on the right is a Bandit's Ring. To the left is a Bravery Amulet. These are just everywhere else, from castles to homes to saunas. There is no "Recommended Party" for this battle for a couple reasons. Go inside and grab the chest on the right with 20 gold. In the second chapter, she'll be in the bar in Fletz. Legend Of Dragoon Works 99% on ePSXe !! Belzac is a lot like Kongol--not very fast, extremely strong physical attacks and defense, and pretty much nothing in the magic department. You should have 46 Stardust. When you fight Dart's father at the end of disc 4, you can defend against him and make the fight much easier if Dart has the Red Dragon Armor, which nullifies fire attacks, and the Red-Eye. Each healing spell works just a little bit differently, and the key here is to get to know them well enough that you know how they work. In the next area, head up the right-hand path. After the battle, a runaway explosion causes the death of Savan, but not before he teleports the party to safety. Kongol: "Take Dart's sword." To win this battle, you must destroy all five enemies at the same time. If you want one, you must have 60 tickets, either won from the carnival games or purchased from the ticket counter (600 gold total). To the right is a chest with an Angel's Prayer. Battle Prep: Give Meru a Dragon Helm to boost her HP and Dancer's Shoes to boost her speed. Inside the factory, speak to the Lapto o the left. However, it does like to mix it up with some Earth-based attacks, which will deal double the already high damage to Albert. Continue forward and move past the grassland into the boreal forest. Go further down into the glacier. Training Tip: Now that you have all three of these party members, this is a good time to train for the upcoming boss battle. After this conversation, speak to Kayla at the end of the boardwalk and board the Queen Fury. After the guards give up chase, go to the top left and approach the river. Then move the analog stick to the right as you come to the next fork and you will land on a rock with a box that contains a Bastard Sword. There is a person/creature/thing that always looks bigger or more powerful than everything else. They are just humans, but have powerful magic, legendary armor, and fluttery wings. You must do this before Dart can get the bright idea to use a log to cross it. Go to the back, where Libria waits to dress the women. Trending pages Zenebatos Death Frontier Mayfil Moon That Never Sets Bandit's Shoes Aglis Rouge Regole All items (28) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A Aglis Category:Aglis Archangel B Bandit's Shoes Blue Dragon Armor C When focusing on the main objectives, The Legend of Dragoon is about 48 Hours in length. Don't forget your various Repeat Items. On the flipside, when that enemy uses Water-type moves against your Fire-type character, he will also take extra damage because of that. Visiting Kaffi gives you a chance to hand in your Stardust to Martel, who can give you a Physical Ring and Amulet now. Unfortunately, every attack is a magic attack, and the Grand Jewel has a high magic attack. Continue down the next couple screens until you get a round of dialogue. Go to the clinic, up the stairs to the right, and check the painting inside for a (1) Stardust. During this time, you can play in a variety of games to try to win more tickets. Be sure to go check it out and support it! However, the final Addition of each character is meant to solve both these problems. Being petrified is just like being dead in that the character gets no turns as long as he is Petrified and no experience at the end of the battle if still Petrified. Guard Badges will do a lot of good here, because they boost both physical and magical defenses. (More info later.) They usually appear in important places like cities, or in the wild right before a boss battle, so it's wise to save whenever you see one. And of course, sometimes it's battle-specific. Go back and down the other path. Note: If you are using an emulator, there is a chance that the game will crash during this battle if you use Dragoons. After the conversation, tell Kayla that you are ready to leave. Review Game SERDIAN WAR Input these numbers into the number lock, opening the way forward. Some spells that are both offensive and defensive, like Rose's Astral Drain, can be particularly useful. Afterwards, Libria calls Dart to Rose, who points him to Shana. After entering Lohan, the party moves to the clinic to get help for Shana, and then learn that Dragoni Plant is the way to do it. You can sort them by type by pressing triangle. Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key, Reduces all damage by half for three turns, Restores 50% of maximum HP to whole party, Completely restores HP for a single target, Revitalizes and recovers 50% of target's maximum HP, Removes Petrification from a single target, Reduces risk of enemy encounter for a limited time, Gives subtle good aroma (deals 10 damage), Fire-based attack for all enemies (multi), Powerful Fire-based attack for all enemies, Water-based attack for all enemies (multi), Powerful Water-based attack for all enemies, Wind-based attack for all enemies (multi), Powerful Wind-based attack for all enemies, Earth-based attack for all enemies (multi), Powerful Earth-based attack for all enemies, Dark-based attack for all enemies (multi), Powerful Dark-based attack for all enemies, Light-based attack for all enemies (multi), Powerful Light-based attack for all enemies, Thunder-based attack for all enemies (multi), Powerful Thunder-based attack for all enemies, Increases target's physical abilities for 3 turns, Decreases target's physical abilities for 3 turns, Minor enemy only attacks one party member for 3 turns, Powerful Non-Elemental attack for all enemies (multi), Special edition - shows tension between Sandora and Serdio. 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