An email address is required to associate with your Fishidy premium subscription. There are several access points off the hwy including some gold . The section of river on the Ashley is accessible from Forest Service Road 118. This is the general location of Nexton, an area of aggressive growth. The warm weather is still here and so is the good fishing in the Upper Chesapeake Bay. This place is one of my favorite and most underappreciated places in Charleston: the upper Ashley River. Ashley River Park Currently under development, this park is located on the north bank of the Ashley River adjacent to Bacons Bridge Road and the Ashborough subdivision. Blue cats and channel cats are still being caught throughout the bay, and . Once it warms to that point in the spring, he wet wades shorts, heavy socks, and wading boots until fall. The lower Waiau is a smaller river than the upper, but near the sea at Tuatapere it is a large river with good fishing all year round. Naturally, that means you can catch largemouth bass, catfish, redfish, speckled trout and everything in between in the river depending on where you fish it. David Fladd Partner, Eye Strike Fishing As of this article being published, we should have a decent idea whether the fish are biting. The Ashley is one of 10 State Scenic Rivers established by South Carolina State Scenic Rivers Act of 1989. So, trash tends to remain and accumulate in the river. You can find fish through that whole [free-flowing] section, trophy fish, too.. Ralphs friends would say Youve been awfully quiet, youre on a bite, arent you? (shrug). Im convinced the trash comes from roadside ditches that then get flushed into the river by heavy rains. No potable water is available at the campsites. Partners for the Ashley Scenic River Project serve on a local advisory council, which represents local landowners, river users, community interests, and SCDNR. $5.20 + $1.65 shipping. A gorgeous copper colored red drum comes to the net after a few drag-peeling runs. Naturally, that means you can catch largemouth bass, catfish, redfish, speckled trout and everything in between in the river depending on where you fish it. The unique 85 acre riverfront property offers something for all ages and abilities . If possible, try to communicate with landowners before you float over property closed to trespass. But even then, a warm sunny day will pull them into waist-deep water thats nearby. The Ashley is freshwater in Summerville, and changes from brackish to saltwater at the Charleston harbor, over roughly 20 miles. Find incredible places and experiences that help you bring home a story through To launch from Little Hole continue on Highway 191 to the town of Dutch John and turn right on Little Hole Road. People have blamed fishermen, but I disagree. To fish the Ashley productively, you must fish the history. Like all SC weather, it changes often. And there is shopping, lodging, and restaurants in Oil City and Franklin. This is one of many caught in a small window of time using a weightless wacky worm rig in the green pumpkin color. Cartwright said when they chase baitfish, topwaters, such as a Whopper Plopper, or shallow-diving crankbaits, such as a Big O, catch plenty. While some anglers target the Alleghenys walleyes and muskies, most fish for its smallmouth bass. In Franklin, if its under 4 feet, you can wade, he said. What's more, the Sacramento River fishing scene is known around the country for its beauty and great catches. The river is tidal all the way to the end and can have a fast flow on the moons. [Music] All right fish holics well Welcome back to another episode Welcome to the channel my name is rich And uh We just launched on the upper ashley River here In south carolina first time ever Fishing here And uh were gonna be after some Riverine Or river river riverine or i dont know Im not probably not saying it right or Just river stripers Uh this morning or today not just this Morning were gonna fish As long as it takes until we can Hopefully Find uh some striped bass In the ashley today and at one point Back in our history there was a native Population Of uh stripers running up this river to Spawn but Over time that uh population depleted To a point where there was like very few To like None left in the river but uh thanks to South carolina stocking stripers Over the last like 15 years or so maybe A little bit longer Uh theres supposedly some stripers Still to be caught In the ashley river so that is uh our, Main target species for the day but uh We also have a shot at probably Some largemouth bass bowfin i mean who Knows there could There is a title section that were Going to go down to and there might even Be some redfish or trout So im going to be game to catch Whatevers willing to bite So lets just uh start this adventure Off right and uh See we can find so stay tuned all right Well to start we just Came down river about a quarter mile and It is chilly Chilly probably only about 45 degrees Thats why we got the pants the Sweatshirt And the beanie on and uh of course Because its early weve gotta Start with a little rapid top water Spook type plug so you can get on some Top water Action got a nice uh Tree laying down right there And uh yeah well just uh try and stay On the move as much as possible work This top water For like the next like 30 minutes or so See if we get any kind of Surface activity and uh we dont really Have a whole lot of current For a river right now and im not really Sure how much the tide, Down river or up here like is going to Influence the Current that we have so well just have To see what happens as the day Unfolds and uh i believe that its Around High slack right now so that could be Why we dont have a whole lot of current And it would be really cool to see if Like this current picks up on the Outgoing And uh then it might uh like dictate Where Stripers gonna be holding on some Structure like id imagine like on this Tree here on the outgoing like The you know stripers would probably sit Right behind it Check out this sign its like almost Under water So i think that is going to tell me that This tide is Probably pretty pretty high right now And thats why the hits the sign is Almost covered Starting to notice some current along These pilings here Thats a good sign the tides probably Starting to go out And uh you know well probably throw This top order for like another 30 minutes or so its nice that weve Got like a good shadow line so Most of this river is still being, Covered from the sun Which uh i believe will lengthen the any Kind of Top water activity Come on fish come on come on come on Come on oh no im just kidding Oh this point here looks pretty good Nice little rip going around it come on Fish come on Im surprised i havent had like at Least even a large mouth bass Come up and nail this or a bowfin Because supposedly theyre In this stretch of the river but they Might be like really tight to the grass Too We got something big that just hit on Top down river there you see those wakes Oh they almost looked like dolphins Hey weve got dolphins right here thats Crazy Were coming way up river into like this Brackish section Oh there he is Hmm all right well i think its time to Put the top water down for a little While so were gonna clip that off And i think switch to Check this out this is the prototype Four-inch fish-a-holic fin back shad so Basically like The new baby little brother So the fish-a-holic shad lineup that uh Is coming soon and i think this might be, The perfect little bite-sized morsel For any stripers that are in this river Or [Music] Maybe some trout or redfish now that Were getting further down And you know we just saw some dolphins So i wouldnt be surprised if Theres redfish or trout up in this area Oh my gosh this little Bait looks so juicy the action is Oh so good lots of flash lots of Body wobble tail kicking action Oh this is going to kick some butt Oh got an alligator right here Oh something just hit the surface right There i dont know if you can see the Alligator He was just there he just went down Looked like a you know six seven footer Got some wood structure on this side of The river that looks Pretty good if its got some good depth I can see stripers sitting on this Structure Well i dont know if its because we saw The gator just a moment ago or That its getting hot out here but Im starting to sweat some bullets in These pants Holy theres an alligator Another gator right there damn oh that Was cool All right well pretty futile, And i would say were down river here Now about Two miles actually and im really Surprised there was nothing On the wood structure a single bite and We actually went further down river and Theres some more like similar structure Like that Like a lot of it and uh same thing no Bites at all But maybe were just hitting it at the Wrong time of the day wrong time of the Tide Uh who knows but were gonna start Heading back up river and i think Uh head towards that area where we had Some docks along the river And well fish that structure see if we Can do any better and uh then i guess Just Start working our way back to the launch Its uh gonna be a shame if we come out Here On such a gorgeous day fishing like such A pristine River like i havent had one single boat Out here past me just like a couple Other kayakers its just been so nice Out here And uh like im liking like the Structure and im liking like the depth Of water we have Um but uh just it seems like theres not A whole lot of fish but, Well just keep at it and you know see What happens So lets do it oh my gosh check this out Guys Its a snake right here im trying to Swallow A giant mullet look at that guy Oh my gosh hes a greedy little fella Comment down below if you can guess what Kind of snake that is Its kind of hard to tell but like that Looks like a Giant mullet that this little snake Is trying to engulf see if i can scoop Him up Oh my gosh he cant even he cant even Flee because Oh there he goes because that mullet is So big oh my gosh There he goes I saw an eagle flying over her head Before Which was kind of cool like hes Probably Gonna be looking to pick up that snake Itll be a two for one and uh yeah Finally An hour later its like 1 30 now Were back up river by some of the docks And I actually ran into a subscriber Out here on the water down river a Little bit hes sitting in his kayak uh About to start fishing a huge shout out, To skip And he was just giving me some tips on The river here and you know he Said primarily actually like catfish is The main catch in here theres also Some bass and um you know on a sign i Saw there was you know a chance with Some bowfin Um but hes also mentioned uh thats the Striped bass Most of them are way up river like into The lake Which is it could explain why we havent Had any striper at all today or like no Signs of any striper Which uh is unfortunate but You know theres always a reason so at Least we still Fished it hard and now i would like to Just you know throw this Rapala scatter wrap i guess around some Of these docks on our way back to the Launch and see if we can at least Maybe nail some nice bass we are in South carolina after all so Who knows maybe well get lucky with uh A big old largemouth Which would be pretty sweet All right we are back at the launch this Little uh Like kayak uh ramp here is pretty sweet It was so easy just to like pull these Bars and then Just slide the kayak right up out of the, Water and I got some good news even though we Didnt catch any fish I just got a call from the mechanic noah Over at east coast outboards that The fisherholic rig is ready to be Picked up so Uh yeah were gonna load up the kayak And hope to get to the shop before they Close it like five and uh Im gonna then i guess talk with noah And see if he can like talk with you Guys talk with the camera And uh kind of explain exactly like what Was wrong With uh the engine and uh why it was not Uh getting fuel And uh yeah i guess that should be Pretty cool i hope for better that we Catch some fish today but Uh its not always the way it works so Lets get the cake loaded up and hit the Road [Music] All right well we made it to east coast Outboards and uh heres the girl right Here Im gonna go i guess find noah and uh See if he has some time to kind of Explain to me and uh you guys uh Exactly what was wrong and what he did That uh Got the whole suzuki four-stroke back up And running so, Im gonna go find him okay you seem like Youre working like a Im just going madman pick 12 volts to The pump and Run 12.4 volts and no pumpers Yeah the pumps not working at all Bypass the wires go directly to the pump Still nothing nothing at all wow So definitely a manufacturer defect On the new pump that i had put in from Butler marine But uh really appreciate it no thank you Of course so much And uh yeah and check out east coast Outboards guys And uh im gonna go noah has a lot of Work this is noah by the way say whats Up And and hes got a ton of work so ill Kind of go over everything that noah did And how basically we might take the boat Out Right now actually just to get on the Water so yeah huge thank you Later noah such a great guy He uh really has been a huge help And uh and actually id like to mention That I actually picked the boat up yesterday And uh he he ran the engine and the Engine Ran and seemed fine but then I was gonna take it to the water, Yesterday but what ended up happening is One of the hubs on the tires tote like Was ready to fall off on our way back so I had to pull this tire off And basically drive back here with three Tires And uh then you know after Noah replaced this this hub here and Then he also did this one because Unfortunately somehow when we were on The highway this tire came loose and it It basically stripped some of the Threads on the old hub And uh oh that looks so nice its brand New too um Yeah so on another tire like this was All stripped and then On the threads it was stripped as well So i figured id get a new hub on here Luckily this one Was still good enough so this tire could Stay on yesterday so i could drive the Boat back here But um you know after he replaced the Hubs then Um he decided just to run the engine Again to give it a second go Like why not and uh he did He had it idling for like a minute he Said and then it just cut out Uh so some you know i guess somehow in The yard here he found A fairly new used pump and he installed That and the engine runs great now, And the next step for us is to probably Bring This brand new pump here that he just Tested back to butler marine Which was the original mechanics that Installed this but uh You know it its just you know a defect Pump for whatever reason so Hopefully theres like a warranty under It uh manufacturer warranty so we can Bring it back and Theyll either give us a brand new one Or they can refill me my money id Actually hope that they could just You know give me a brand new one and Then ill have it for like safe keeping So We could you know have a backup and Eventually You know learn how to change out the Fuel pump Myself but yeah thats pretty much What uh kind of went down with the Engine being fuel starved Um you know while we were out on the Water and uh its been Like a really frustrating situation Since uh Getting the boat so im glad That maybe now we can uh Get out and uh have some more some Smoother riding out there on the water So Im gonna quit talking hook up the boat, And uh its a little after four oclock Right now Im exhausted because like kayaking Today was It was was exhausting and we didnt Catch anything But uh were so close to uh the wando Im thinking why dont we just throw it In and And go out there and see if we can catch Something so im gonna stop talking See if i can recharge the batteries a Little bit hook the boat up and were Gonna go uh Plop it in the water so ill see you Guys there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] All right boat is in were in the boat Now lets put some fish in the boat [Music] Where are flying boys lets get it All right and five minutes later were On the spot that run right there just Made me so happy so Lets try banker and were gonna try Fishing some of the docks here i want to Use the Ulterra but uh unfortunately i havent Finished the uh Under deck wiring yet and dont even Have the batteries yet so, Uh we cant use that and like use spot Lock or anything All right well lets start fishing lets Start with the Four inch fishaholic fin back shad Prototype Looks like we still got a little trickle Of incoming water but its slow like Its slowing down So it looks good like i feel like this Is A peak time when we might have a chance Of finding some fish or getting bit at Least Oh money cash right there somehow I snuck it right into the shadow line Under that dock way over there im going To let it sink to the bottom And hop it along Thats where i think some reds will be But also You know its maybe a flounder or trout Whatever will and whatevers willing to Bite like i just want to catch at least One fish today like oh like its been Like a really great day in terms of just Like You know being on the water all day Enjoying The beauty of south carolina and then Getting the boat back And finally being able to make a Successful run Oh just got bit i think, Right well i think that is about a wrap Unfortunately we could Not catch a fish this evening uh you Know i Dont know why but i can say maybe Because of the tide being high maybe a Lot of the fish are pushed up into the Grass But uh we threw a bunch of different Soft plastics not just official Fish-a-holic fin back And we had just some little nibbles on The tails and When i was looking at the tails i had Like little teeth marks so maybe some Snapper blues were biting at it or A little trout maybe but im starting to Shiver because the clouds are rolling in And Were supposed to get some kind of storm Tomorrow so i kind of want to get off The water now You know we fished all day pretty much Uh i got up at like 4 45 5 a.m havent eaten anything since Six when i had some sausage and Scrambled eggs so Yeah i am starving and uh you know i Think Still fish and mission accomplished for The day beca Even though we didnt catch anything Really Uh but uh the spot that we kayak fished, Ive Wanted to try for quite some time Finally we hit it and Now we can scratch it off the list Because i probably wont go back even Though it was an enjoyable You know pedal down you know the river And we saw some alligators saw some Eagles and Saw the snake choking on a mullet um you Know We didnt catch any fish but i did learn That uh you know maybe if we do Fish the ashley river again maybe try Launching further downriver And or maybe going up into the lake Where supposedly theres stripers So well have to just uh you know hit Somewhere else Um another day but uh im glad we got The rig Back finally and we were able to race to This spot even though We didnt catch anything and hopefully She stays good for a while now im gonna Cross everything i got so Now all we have to do is get the Electric motor up and running And uh hopefully the next time you see Me on the rig out on the water were out On all today Catching some fish and having a blast so Definitely Hit the like button the subscribe button, To stay tuned and I am going to sign out here and thank You for watching and like always Live to fish fish to live. 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